abdomen final

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in a transverse image of the right lobe of the thyroid gland, what is the most lateral structure typically demonstrated

internal jugular vein

placing the transducer on the left and right side at the midaxillary line b/w 8th and 12th rib space allows for visualization of which structure

space b/w the liver and rt kidney and space b/w the spleen and left kidney

what procedure is used to remove fluid from around the lung in order to determine if it has a malignant origin?

diagnostic thoracentesis

which of the following is considered a fundamental concentration of point-of-care sonography?

diagnostic, monitoring, and resuscitation (all of the above)

What are the sonographic findings associated with retroperitoneal fibrosis?

large, hypo echoic mass surrounding the abdominal aorta

if a great mass is annotated as LT 4:00 1 c, what does this tell you about its location

left breast, lower outer quadrant, midway from nipple to pectoral muscle

All of the following organs are in the retroperitoneum except:


When locating a foreign body, it is imperative that the monographer document as much information as possible. Which of the following should be documented?

location, depth, and size (all of the above)

A patient is seen for a neck ultrasound 2 years after surgery for papillary thyroid cancer. The sonogram reveals bilateral multiple, masses, and presumable lymph nodes, along the carotid-jugular areas. Of note is one mass that is hypoechoic and rounded in shape. The shape and location of this mass make it most suggestive of

malignant lymph node

which of the following is a true statement about renal transplantation?

renal cortex is hypo echoic w/ prominent anechoic medullary pyramids

liver allograft should have what sonographic appearance?

similar to normal liver

What is the measurement used to determine if pyloric stenosis is present?

single-walled muscle thickness of 3 mm or greater and 17 mm or greater length

the best patient position to scan the thyroid gland is

supine; neck mildly hyperextended

why are radial and antiradar planes preferred for breast imaging

the lactiferous ducts are arranged in radial pattern, so will be better demonstrated if scanned along the same planes

the bright covering of the testes is the

tunica albuginea

what is a possible role of sonography in the evaluation of lung masses?

ultrasound guided biopsy

In the GI system, when the folds of astra converge but do not close it produces a "keyboard sign" is known as:

valvulva conniventes

Inflamed appendix should measure more than ___ in diameter and be ____

6mm; noncompressible

what is a pyramidal lobe

a superior extension of the thyroid isthmus

what is the most common reason for a patient to need a liver transplant


This pathology is known as telescoping of the bowel or the infolding of one part of the intestine into the lumen of the next distal segment


which hormone is produced in the greatest abundance by the thyroid gland?


why is it important to demonstrate blood flow in the thyroid lobes

inflammatory disorders of the thyroid demonstrate increased vascularity

what procedure involves removing small samples of tissue using an automated hollow core needle?

core biopsy

A 10 year old boy is seen for a scrotal ultrasound. On the clinical examination, no testicles were palpated within the scrotal sac. A homogenous ovoid mass is identified within the left inguinal canal. This mass probably represents


typical symptoms a patient may have with an abscess formation include all of the following except:

decreased white blood count

A 52 year old man is seen with pain and enlargement of the scrotum. An ultrasound evaluation is ordered by the attending physician and reveals a small hydrocele on the left with a swollen heterogeneous appearing left testicle and left epididymis. Increased blood flow is also identified on color Doppler examination. This is suggestive of


what is the sonographic appearance of a renal allograft with chronic rejection

kidney that begins to atrophy

A 50 year old patient who has undergone previous neck irradiation in his adolescence is seen with physical examination results. The referring physician has sent the patient for neck ultrasound because of high-risk history. The sonogram reveals a hypoechoic solid nodule with micro calcifications. The most likely diagnosis for the mass is?

malignant thyroid nodule

the bright line seen running along the long axis of the testis is the

mediastinum testis

what is the pace where fluid can be found between the liver and rt kidney?

morisons pouch

A 2-year-old male presents with a palpable abdominal mass with abdominal and back pain. A 10-cm heterogeneous ill-defined mass with calcifications is identified in the RT abdomen. Mets were identified in the liver. What is the most likely diagnosis?


A 25 year old patient with an otherwise normal neck ultrasound had multiple bilateral masses adjacent to the carotid arteries and jugular veins. The masses are flattened, oblong, and oval shaped, with their greatest dimension in the longitudinal axis. The most likely diagnosis for these masses is

Benign lymph nodes

what is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism

Graves disease

A 30-year-old female presented with puffy eyes, slight weight gain, increased cold sensitivity, elevated cholesterol, and decreased thyroxine levels. Her sonogram demonstrated a coarse textured thyroid gland with increased vascularity. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Hashimoto thyroiditis

A patient presents with a palpable enlarged thyroid gland, dysphagia, and intermittent coughing. Sonogram demonstrated an enlarged heterogeneous gland with multiple focal nodules. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Hashimoto thyroiditis

what layer of the breast tissue contains the ducts and glandular issue

mammary layer

what releases thyroid-stimulating hormone into the bloodstream

anterior pituitary

A patient with no significant medial history is seen with a palpable nodule in the left lobe of the thyroid. On ultrasound examination, the nodule is found to be mostly cystic but to contain debris. The features of this mass make it most likely to be

benign thyroid nodule

evaluation of the entire biliary tree allows for all of the following except

bile duct contraction

a breast sonogram on a lactating female demonstrated a focal fluid collection with internal echoes and enlarged lymph nodes. what is the most likely diagnosis

breast abscess

breast sonogram on a lactating female demonstrated a focal fluid collection with internal echoes

breast abscess

T or F: a right sided varicocele is considered normal while a left sided varicocele should warrant a sonographic investigation into the abdominal cavity


What technique uses aspiration to sample cells or fluid from a mass and is optimal for lesions lying superficially or at a moderate depth?

fine needle aspiration

which of the following exams would require the monographer to practice surgical asepsis?

fine needle aspiration of liver nodule

A 43 year old male is seen with a grossly enlarged scrotum. Sonographic examination reveals bilateral large hydroceles. In addition, a hypoechoic area in the head of the epididymis is identified. This hypoechoic area probably represents

focal epididymis

what thyroid disorder presents with bulging eyes, nervousness, weight loss, and hair loss?

graves disease

which of the following presents as a tende, palpable retro areolar mass in male patients


which of the following presents as a tender, palpable retroareolar mass in a male patient


what is the best method for distinguishing the esophagus from a mass

have patient swallow, saliva can be visualized passing through the esophagus

which of the following describes the sonographic appearance of a normal parotid gland?

hyperechoic homogenous tissue that is elliptical in long and round in transverse, anechoic duct may be visualized

a 3 week old infant presented with projectile vomiting, dehydration, wight loss, and insatiable appetite. Sonography demonstrated a cervix sign in the long axis. What is the most likely diagnosis

hypertrophic pyloric stenosis

which of the following disorders presents clinically with the olive sign?

hypertrophic pyloric stenosis

Sonographic examination demonstrated multiple enlarged cervical lymph nodes. The patient indicated having had fever for over a week. What is the most likely cause for the lymphadenopathy?


the primary purpose of the FAST exam is to identify anechoic or hypo echoic free fluid in the dependent regions of the abdomen including all of the following EXCEPT


A 2 year old male patient presents with intermittent RLQ pain, vomiting, palpable abdominal mass, and red currant jelly stool. What gastrointestinal disorder is most likely?


Malignant GI tumors often seen in AIDS patients is known as:

kaposi's sarcoma

a wood splinter is identified with sonography within the plantar surface of the foot of a pediatric patient. What category would this foreign body be considered


An oval solid homogenous mass located adjacent to the posterior aspect of the mid portion of the thyroid is discovered in a postmenopausal woman. The sonographic features of the mass, along with the patient gender and age, make it suspicious for

parathyroid adenoma

a patient presents wit hypercalcemia. Sonography demonstrated a hypo echoic mass adjacent to the thyroid gland. What is the most likely diagnosis?

parathyroid adenoma

All of the following are indicative of abnormal bowel except:


what is the term used to describe a fluid collection around the lung?

pleural effusion

where is the most common location for a retroperitoneal hematoma to occur?

psoas muscle

What term is used to describe enlargement of the abdominal lymph nodes located within the abdomen?

retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy

A 26 year old male construction worker is seen in the emergency department after falling onto a metal pipe from a ladder. He currently has pain and swelling of the scrotum. An ultrasound is ordered. During the sonogram, increased echogenicity of the right testicle is noted. In addition, hypervascularity of the right testicle is noted on color Doppler examination. An area of echogenic material is seen in the upper margin of the right testicle. These findings are suggestive of

testicular rupture

A 22 year old man is awakened with a sudden onset of scrotal pain. On examination in the emergency room, a scrotal ultrasound is ordered. The sonogram reveals slight enlargement of the right testicle and a small hydrocele. On color Doppler examination, no blood flow can be shown. What do these findings suggest?

testicular torsion

How is testicular echotexture described?

the testicles are isoechoic to each other and similar to that of the thyroid gland

Which of the following is false in respect to how sonography can be used to demonstrate a foreign body

the vibration of the sound waves will help to dislodge the foreign body

patient positioning prior to procedures is incredibly important. For what procedure would you have the patient seated upright leaning over a table


which of the following terms describes a anechoic, smooth walled cyst located inferior to the hyoid bone but superior to the thyroid isthmus

thyroglossal duct cyst

the best approach when scanning the thyroid is

to use a light touch with the transducer

which of the following is associated with recent renal transplant?


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