Abnormal Final

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in avoidant personality, a person withdrawals socially because of: a) their hatred for others b) bizarre eccentricities c) a fear of rejection of humiliation d) a fear of being dependent on others

) a fear of rejection of humiliation

MTA Study

,multimodal treatment of ADHD, largest study of ADHD, took place in US and Canada, compared 4 groups Ritalin, behavioral treatment, Ritalin and behavioral treatment, community care) Ritalin alone was as effective as Ritalin and behavioral therapy to reduce symptoms

Causes and treatment of ID

-Causes --Environmental (deprivation, child abuse) --Prenatal (exposure to diseases or drugs) --Perinatal (difficulties during labor and delivery) --Postnatal (head injury, toxins)

Assessment and treatment of Specific Learning Disorders

-IQ test plus achievement test in specific areas to look for deficits

Causes and treatment of Autism

-causes --Genetic link --Older parents have higher risk --Amygdala and social situations -Treatment --Psychosocial behavioral treatments --Skill building --Increase socialization

we discussed several theories/models/theoretical orientation in the field regarding the causes of mental illness. Name and Describe at least two theories that you think are especially important. Also explain why you think these theories are especially important.

1) Biological Theory- which attributes disorders to biological factors/ imperfections which is important because some disorders are linked to genes and are caused by genetic predispositions and without the biological theory these explanations would not be possible 2) Cognitive Theory- which attempts to explain human behavior by understanding though process. This is important because for disorders such as depression which can be understood by looking at ones cognition this clearly can help a practitioner understand the individuals thought process etc.

Average number of personalities observed in DID for men and women- 15 identities for women and 8 personalities for men

15 identities for women and 8 personalities for men

Downs Syndrome

A chromosomal abnormality involving an extra 21st chromosome that leads to intellectual disability

what is the difference between a person with a transvestic fetish and a person with gender dysphoria?

A person with a transvestic fetish cross dresses as the other gender for sexual arousal and their partner may know about this behavior. A person who experiences gender dysphoria believes they have been assigned the wrong sex.

the average number of personalities observed in a woman with dissociative personality disorder us: a) fifteen b) three c) eight d) fifty

A) fifteen

Alburt Bandura

Vicarious Conditioning


When a person becomes sexually aroused by exposing their genitals to unsuspecting strangers

Effexor (Venlafaxine)

a mixed reputake inhibitor used to treat depression

Binge drinking

a pattern of drinking that brings blood alcohol levels to .08. Typically occurs after 4 drinks for women and 5 drinks for men


a substance that raises the level of nervous activity in the body (Cocaine, amphetamines)


a substance that reduces functional or nervous activity (Xanax, calponin, "benzo/ barbiturates")

if an individual experiences tolerance and withdrawal and has given up important social, occupational, or recreational activities, they would be diagnosed with which of the following DSM-5 disorders a) Substance Use disorder b) substance abuse disorder c) substance misuse disorder d) substance dependence disorder

a) Substance Use disorder

Beatrice lost control of her eating. She gorges on huge amounts of high fat fast foods eating as much as 2000 calories in 30 minutes. She is gaining weight rapidly and weighs over 170 lbs. Which DSM disorder best fits Biatrice's symptoms? a) bing eating disorder b) anorexia nervous c) obesity d) bulimia nervous

a) binge eating disorder

dave experiences alternating episodes of mania, normal functioning, and major depressive episodes that have made it hard for him to hold down a job and remain in a relationship. He has been hospitalized twice while manic Dave probably has a) bipolar I disorder b) Cyclothymia c) bipolar II disorder d) major depressive disorder

a) bipolar I disorder

Maureen, a 30 year old woman with schizophrenia, believes that everyone can read her thoughts. She hides in her room from fear that the men she encounters will hear her thoughts about being intimate with them. Her beliefs are an example of a) delusion b) alogia c) hallucination d) derailment

a) delusion

which is true about a relationship between dieting and eating disorders a) dieting often occurs before anorexia and bulimia develop b) dieting often occurs before binge eating disorders develop c) dieting does not typically occur before any eating disorders d) dieting typically occurs before anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorder developed

a) dieting often occurs before anorexia and bulimia develop

George is a 9 year old and has ADHD. ADHD is thought to be primarily caused by a) dysfunction in the frontal- striatal lobe of the brain and genetics b) poor parenting and poor teaching strategies c) eating too much sugar d) rejection by peers

a) dysfunction in the frontal- striatal lobe of the brain and genetics

sensate focus and non-demand pleasuring were designed to treat sexual dysfunctions primarily through: a) elimination of psychological based performance anxiety b) improving a couples sexual skills c) identifying medical conditions that contribute to sexual function d) involving an objective third party

a) elimination of psychological based performance anxiety

Vaginismus refers to a) involuntary contractions of the muscles around the outer third of the vagina b) low interest in having sexual intercourse c) having an orgasm "early" or before one wants to d) emotional detachment from ones sexual partner

a) involuntary contractions of the muscles around the outer third of the vagina

Ken is described by others as a strange man. He sometimes wears tank tops in the winter and wool sweaters in the summer. Ken claims that he cal "feel" what others are thinking. He appears to be very anxious when he interacts with others, even co-workers that he has known for 10 years. If ken has a personality disorder it is most likely? a) schizotypal b) schizoid c) boarderline d) antisocial

a) schizotypal

one sex therapy technique designed specifically to treat premature ejaculation is: a) stop and squeeze technique b) sensate focus c) non-demand pleasuring d) Viagra

a) stop and squeeze technique

Sam took the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) once per week while he was on the waiting list for therapy at an outpatient clinic. His scores were quite similar each time he took the inventory. This suggests that the BDI has good: a) test-retest reliability b) concurrent validity c) magnetic resonance d) inter-rater reliability

a) test-retest reliability

To be diagnosed as having major depressive episode, depression must last for a period of at least a) two weeks b) two months c) two years d) two days

a) two weeks

which of the following is an example of the role of negative reinforcement in substance disorders: a) using a substance to escape from withdrawal systems b) using a substance to obtain a present feeling c) using a substance to experiment with a new drug d) substances that cause problems in ones relationships or ability to work

a) using a substance to escape from withdrawal systems


abnormality of movement and behavior arising froma disturbed mental state

Prevalence of Schizophrenia

about 1% of the population has schizophrenia

Specific Learning Disorders

academic performance that is substantially below what would be expected given a persons age, Iq and education


alcoholics anonymous, outpatient rehabilitation program in which individuals attend meetings and are given a sponsor in order to get past their drinking addiction

Controlled Drinking

allowing the individual to drink in moderation/ a certain amount

Most common form of hallucinations


What was called Asperger's

autism spectrum disorder is now a blanker term for autistic disorder and Asperger's

which of the following correlations is the strongest: a) .00 b) -.75 c) +.50 d) +.74

b) -.75

According to epidemiology studies, the prevalence of schizophrenia in the general population is approximately? a) .01% b) 1% c) 6% d) 10%

b) 1%

among the so called recreational or illicit "designer drugs" is a dissociative anesthetic that produces a sense of detachment along with reduced awareness of pain it is called: a) ecstasy (MDMA) b) K, Ketamine, Special K c) alcohol d) crack

b) K, Ketamine, Special K

ted loves to brag about his accomplishments. While he is not overly dramatic her enjoys being the center of attention. He is self absorbed and lacks empathy for others. Ted expects special treatment from everyone because he feels her deserves it. He is often preoccupied with fantasies of future success, power, and recognition. If ted had a personality disorder, it is most likely? a) histrionic b) Narcissistic C. Obsessive compulsive d) boarderline

b) Narcissistic

In the type of specific phobia called "blood-injury-injection," there is a particular vasovagal response and a tendency to faint due to a) an increase in blood pressure b) a decrease in blood pressure c) an increase in body temperature d) a decrease in body temperature

b) a decrease in blood pressure

James has schizophrenia. One of his symptoms involves difficulty experiencing pleasure from activities that he used to enjoy. This is called a) alogia b) anhedonia c) affective flattening d) asociality

b) anhedonia

Monica spends hours each day washing her hands and cleaning her apartment. She reported that she does this because she has a fear of contamination. Her hand washing is an example of a) obsession b) compulsion c) hallucination d) illusion

b) compulsion

a family system in which members are overly involved in each-others affairs are called a) interrelated b) enmeshed c) homeostatic d) vicarious conditioning

b) enmeshed

During binge episodes people with eating disorders a) feel a great sense of control b) experience a feeling of being out of Control c) feel satisfied d) none of the above

b) experience a feeling of being out of Control

you have been asked to go to a classroom to determine why a child with autism is head banging often. You look at the behavior as well as its antecedents and consequences to determine the purpose of the child's behavior. You are preforming: a) psychoanalysis b) functional analysis c) self-actualization d) neurophysiological assessment

b) functional analysis

April is a 25 year old woman who has been having a great deal of difficulty taking care of herself for the last 3 years. She suffered a head injury during a car accident at het age of 22 and her current IQ score is 68. This score surprises her parents because they know that her IQ was tested several times when she was in middle and high school and it was always in the 100-110 range. The diagnosis of intellectual disability for April is: a) appropriate because she meets the criteria for IQ and has difficulty with self care b) inappropriate because she did not appear to meet the criteria before age 18 c) inappropriate because she does not meet the IQ criteria d) inappropriate because we do not have evidence of impairment

b) inappropriate because she did not appear to meet the criteria before age 18

the inability to achieve an erection is called a) exhibitionism b) male erectile disorder c) male hypoactive sexual desire disorder d) Genito pelvic pain/ penetration disorder

b) male erectile disorder

Men with _____ persistently lack or have reduced interest in sex and, in turn, display little sexual activity. a) sexual aversion disorder b) male hypoactive sexual desire disorder c) performance anxiety d) mastrubatory focus

b) male hypoactive sexual desire disorder

which of the followoing regarding suicide are true? a) woman use more lethal mens to commit suicide than men b) native Americans have the highest suicide rate of any racial group in the US c) th suicide rate for caucasians in the US is the same rate as African Americans d) men are more likely to attempt suicide then woman

b) native Americans have the highest suicide rate of any racial group in the US

in a double blind study a) the participants are not aware of who is in the treatment and control groups, but the researcher does know b) neither the researchers nor the participants are aware of who is in the treatment group or the control group c) neither the researcher nor the participants can ever be made aware of the research findings d) the research participants are not aware they are participating in the research study

b) neither the researchers nor the participants are aware of who is in the treatment group or the control group

The DSM-5 Diagnosis of intellectual disability requires both low IQ functioning and a) onset after age 18 b) poor adaptive skills c) poor academic achievement d) inability to hold a job

b) poor adaptive skills

statistical data are often relevant when discussing psychological disorders. For example a researcher might want to know the percent of people in a population overall who have depression is called___________ and/ or how many new cases of depression are diagnosed each year, a figure called the ________ of the disorder. a) incidence, Prevalence b) prevalence, incidence c) recurrence, prevalence d) reliability, validity

b) prevalence, incidence

the projective type of psychological test is based on _______ theory. a) humanistic b) psychoanalytic c) behavioral d) cognitive

b) psychoanalytic

_________ refers to individuals who receive a sexual thrill from inflicting pain on others and _________ refers to individual who receives a sexual thrill from receiving sexual pain. a) masochists; sadists b) sadists; masochists c) transvestities; paraphillics d) exhibitionists; voyeurs

b) sadists; masochists

Elizabeth has frequent panic attacks whenever she encounters insects and she is very anxious about encountering insects. She will try to avoid places where she might encounter spiders, ants, or flies. If she has a disorder. It is most likely a) panic disorder b) specific phobia c) generalized anxiety disorder d) acute stress disorder

b) specific phobia

In the impulse control disorders the individual feels _____ prior to carrying out the act? a) relaxed and calm b) tense c) spaced out d) angry

b) tense

Martin Seligman's theory that people become depressed because they believe that they have no control over the stress in their lives, is called a) the cognitive triad b) the learned helplessness model c) humanistic/ existential theory d) the control theory of depression

b) the learned helplessness model

Alchoholics anonymous meetings are usually run by a) psychiatrists b) the participants themselves c) psychologists d) social workers or counselors trained in substance abuse treatment

b) the participants themselves

the difference between bipolar I and bipolar II disorder is: a) the number of depressive and manic episodes b) the severity of manic episodes c) the number of depressive episodes d) the seasonal variation in the episodes

b) the severity of manic episodes

A scientist rings a bell just prior to presenting meat to the dogs in the laboratory. After several pairings, the dogs begin salivating when the bell is rung, even if no meat is presented. IN the study, the original salivating when presented with meat represents the ___________. a) unconditioned stimulus b) unconditioned response c) conditioned stimulus d) conditioned response

b) unconditioned response

Hippocrates believed that treatment for mental disorders should involve: a) releasing evil spirits trapped in the brain b)bringing the four body humors back into balance c) punishing the body for its sins d) hypnosis

b)bringing the four body humors back into balance

your cousins son has been diagnosed with ADHD by a child psychologist and your cousin is wondering about effective treatments. What would you tell your cousin about what treatments reduce the symptoms of ADHD based on the multimodal treatment of ADHD (MTA study) results? what is your cousins son also exhibited severe oppositional behaviors in addition to ADHD- what treatment would recommend then? Explain

based on the MTA study I would recommend a medication only which would be Ritalin due to the fact that this study showed that there was no increase in effectiveness of the treatment with added behavioral therapy. If oppositional behaviors are also expressed i would suggest behavioral therapy in order to work on the undesired behaviors as well as interactions with others

Schizotypal PD

behavior and dress is odd and unusual, socially isolates and highly suspicious, magical thinking, ideas of reference and illusion, many meet criteria for major depression

Causes of ADHD

biological contributions (runs in families, smaller brain volume, prenatal maternal smoking)

Causes of Schizophrenia

biological influence, neurotransmitters (drugs that in crease dopamine result in schizophrenic like behavior) , abnormalities in the brain

Treatments for ADHD

biological treatments (to reduce impulsivity and hyperactivity) stimulant medications (to reduce core symptoms in 70% of cases [Ritalin, Adderall])

what is lithium used to treat

bipolar disorder

Dorthea Dix

Advocate for humane treatment of the mentally ill

Design/ Describe a true experiment. Describe why it is a true experiment as compared to a quasi experiment. Identify the Independent variable and dependent variables.

An example of a true experiment could be out of a hat of all individuals with ADHD on earth 100 names are randomly chosen. These individuals are randomly placed in to an experimental and control group. The experimental group was given a drug that is known to help with the symptoms of ADHD, the other group is given a placebo. All individuals were then given a test to determine their level of focus. IV: medication or placebo DV: test score/ level of concentration

why is the rate of alcoholism so low among Asian Americans

Asian Americans can experience something known as Asian flush or Asian glow which is when a flush spreads across a persons face/ neck and causes undesirable effects.

5 A's

Avolition, Alogia, Anhedonia, Affective flattening, Asociality

According to the DSM-5, the cut off point for diagnosing early ejaculation is within _______ of initiating sexual activity. a) 10 minutes b) 3 minutes c) 1 minute d) there is no cutof in the DSM-5

c) 1 minute

Methadone is used to treat which of the following addictions A) alcohol b) nicotine c) Heroin d) cocaine

c) Heroin

In terms of the level of support that will be necessary for an autistic child, which factor is used as a predictor to determine the prognosis? a) rate of symptom progression b) severity of their repetitive and stereotyped behavior c) IQ d) age of onset

c) IQ

Tina has been feeling mildly depressed for the past three years and she describes having a constant loss of energy. She has had no periods with normal mood in the last few years. She is most likely suffering from______? a) Bipolar I disorder b) Cyclothymic disorder c) Persistent depressive disorder d) Gender dysphoria

c) Persistent depressive disorder

Samantha is 8 years old and she has an unrealistic concern about being away from her parents. She worries that something will happen to them while she is away from them. She has started refusing to go to school because she wants to stay at home with her mother during the day. She is also refusing to sleep in her own room at night and wants to sleep in the same room with her parents. Which seems to be the most appropriate diagnosis for Samantha? a) panic disorder b) Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder c) Separation Anxiety Disorder d) Social Anxiety Disorder

c) Separation Anxiety Disorder

Mike has an average IQ and does well in school in all subjects except for math. He preformed poorly on a math achievement test. Mike may have a) autism b) an intellectual disability c) a specific learning disorder d) ADHD

c) a specific learning disorder

Amanda was in a very bad car accident two weeks ago. She is having nightmares of the accident and has been having trouble with anger outbursts. She feels on edge, startles easily, and has been avoiding talking about the accident. Which diagnosis seems like it would be best for her: a) panic disorder b) post-traumatic stress disorder c) acute stress disorder d) excoriation

c) acute stress disorder

most hallucinations experienced by people with schizophrenia are a) visual b) tactile c) auditory d) olfactory

c) auditory

What is the DSM-5 diagnosis label for Misha? At 6 years of age, she does not play with others and turns away when they approach her. She spends much of her time rocking back and forth and spinning a pencil endlessly in her fingers. She does not talk to others although she does sing basic jingles from T.V. commercials. She often bangs her head when frustrated a) Aspergers b) conduct disorder c) autism d) ADHD

c) autism

Dialectical behavioral therapy was originally developed to treat which disorder a) dependent personality disorder b) narcissistic personality disorder c) boarderline personality disorder d) Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder

c) boarderline personality disorder

How is binge eating disorder different from bulimia?

Binge eating disorder is a disorder in which an individual consumes copious amounts of food in one sitting and does not engage in compensatory behavior and must do so at least once per week for 3 months whereas an individual with bulimia also consumes copious amounts of food in one sitting but does engage in compensatory behaviors.

Which of the following degrees is earned by someone who goes to medical school? a) Ph.D b)M.S.W c) M.D d) Psy D

C. M.D.

Ivan Pavlov

Classical Conditioning

Personality Disorder Clusters

Cluster A Odd or eccentric disorder, Cluster B Dramatic Emotional Erratic Disorder, Cluster C Fearful and Anxious Cluster

Joseph Wolpe

Developed systematic desensitization

Describe the diagnosis of Generalized Anxiety Disorder. How does it differ from Panic Disorder?

Generalized anxiety is a disorder in which an individual has constant worry that is not tied to any circumstance or item/object. This differs from panic disorder as panic disorder means you have multiple panic attacks and with either fear of more attacks or avoidance of situations due to fear of more attacks.


Having more than one disorder at a time

Internet gaming disorder

In the appendix (pending further study) preoccupied with internet games, causing significant impairment or distress

Are vaccines linked to Autism?


Tolerance definition

Needing more and more of a substance to achieve the same affect

Positive and negative symptoms

Negative: 5 A's Avoilation (lack of initiation, persistence and motivation) Alogia (relatice absence or poverty of speech) Anhedonia (lack of pleasure) Affectice flattening (little exposure to emotion) Asociality (severe impairment in social relationships) Positive: Delusions, hallicinations

Name and Describe all of the personalities in Cluster C

OCPD: characterized by a general pattern of excessive concern with orderliness, perfectionism, attention to details, mental and interpersonal control, and a need for control over one's environment Dependent Personality disorder: characterized by an inability to be alone. People with DPD develop symptoms of anxiety when they're not around others. They rely on other people for comfort, reassurance, advice, and support. avoidant personality disorder: People with avoidant personality disorder have poor self-esteem. They also have an intense fear of rejection and being negatively judged by others.

B.F. Skinner

Operant conditioning

Nicole has difficulty maintaining relationships because she goes back and forth from being a best friend to hating people in her life quite often. Her romantic relationships are always characterized by incredible loving passion alternating with episodes of horrible fighting and sometimes she becomes violent. At times Nicole becomes so upset that she cuts herself and reports that this makes her feel better emotionally. Nicole likely suffers from __________ personality disorder? a) dependent personality disorder b) histrionic personality disorder c) boarderline personality disorder d) narcissistic personality disorder

c) boarderline personality disorder

what diagnosis is appropriate for carol? she is of average weight but she reports that several times a week she "stuffs her face" eating lots of cookies and ice-cream, then throws up by sticking her hands down he throat a) anorexia - binging purging type b) binge eating disorder c) bulimia d) anorexia restricting type

c) bulimia

Individuals with depression show high levels of a) serotonin b) lithium c) cortisol d) all of the above

c) cortisol

The specific treatment found effective in the treatment of female orgasmic disorder is: a) anti-anxiety medication b) sensate focus c) explicit training in masturbation procedures d) increased frequency of sexual relations

c) explicit training in masturbation procedures

rob derives a great deal of sexual satisfaction by rubbing against unsuspecting women on the subway. Joe is engaging in a) exhibitionism b) voyeurism c) frotteurism d) sadism

c) frotteurism

the following are examples of positive symptoms of schizophrenia a) social support, physical activity b) low activity level, lack of intense emotional response c) hallucinations and delusions d) coping skills, which are different for different individuals and help them manage their illness

c) hallucinations and delusions

the first step in treating anorexia is often A) medication to reduce anxiety about eating b) education about nutrition c) helping the person regain weight d) individualized insight- oriented treatment

c) helping the person regain weight

one of the side effects of electroconvulsive therapy is: a) mania b) psychosis c) memory loss d) intensification of depression

c) memory loss

Serotonin, Dopamine, and norepinephrine are all examples of: a) electrical brain waves b) medications c) neurotransmitters d) neuropsychological tests

c) neurotransmitters

Which is more common in women than men? a) major depressive disorder b) Anorexia c) pedophilia d) All of the above are more common in men

c) pedophilia

during a mental status exam, a clinician determines if the individual is "oriented times three" this refers to a) thoughts, feelings, behaviors b) day, month, and year of birth c) person, place and time d) their profile on the MMPI

c) person, place and time

"controlled drinking" refers to a) using aversion therapy to control the drinking of alcoholics b) the approach to alcohol use promoted by alcoholics anonymous c) programs designed to teach alcoholics to drink in moderation rather than abstain completely d) preventing alcoholism through changes in society such as prohibition

c) programs designed to teach alcoholics to drink in moderation rather than abstain completely

Renee wants to study the social skills of college students who grew up with biological parents who were married compared to those who grew up with parents who were never married or divorced. She will likely conduct the following kind of research a) true experiment b) double blind study c) quasi-experiment d) case study

c) quasi-experiment

Compared to the Psy D degrees a PHD in clinical psychology has more of an emphasis on a) medication based training b) psychologic training c) research training d) clinical research

c) research training

Treatment Approaches for PD's

cognitive therapy, focus on interpersonal relationships, antidepressants sometimes,

Relapse prevention definition

Teaching a client how to plan head and cope with potential future high risk situations

Bradford reports the following unusual experiences: he finds used tea bags in the waste basket, although he does not like tea and lives alone; he discovered several suits in his closet that he had no memory of buying and did not like; he has had people greet him warmly whom he has never met before. What DSM-5 diagnosis would best fit Bradfords symptoms. a) kleptomania b) histrionic personality disorder c) obsessive compulsive personality disorder d) dissociative identity disorder

d) dissociative identity disorder

Neurophysiological tests are used to assess whether or not an individual might: a) have had a psychotic episode b) have panic disorder c) be in a depressed state d) have brain impairment

d) have brain impairment

which of the following is an example of a hallucination a) little interest in preforming day to day functions like bathing or brushing your teeth b) believing that your parents are putting poison in your food c) demonstrating flat effect d) hearing a voice in your head calling you names over and over

d) hearing a voice in your head calling you names over and over

A young woman believes that everything negative that happens to her is her own fault, that she ruins everything, and always will. The therapist diagnoses her as suffering from a learned helplessness-induced depression because she attributes negative events in her life to: a) internal, specific, stable factors b) internal, global, unstable factors c) internal, specific, unstable factors d) internal, global, stable factors

d) internal, global, stable factors

Judy told her son that he did not have any chores today because he came home from school with an A on his book report. She wants to increase the likelihood that he will get an A again next time. What strategy is she using to increase the likelihood of his behavior a) positive punishment b) negative punishment c) positive reinforcement d) negative reinforcement

d) negative reinforcement

billy is a child who is non-compliant when his parents ask him to do something. A psychologist teaches billy's parents to reward him when he obeys them. The psychologist is using ________ conditioning to help billy comply. a) vicarious b) classical c) cognitive d) operant

d) operant

The Rorschach Ink blot test is an example of a a) intelligence test b) objective test c) rating scale d) projective test

d) projective test

in which of the following defense mechanisms does an individual forget about something traumatic that happened to them a) self-actualization b) regression c) displacement d) repression

d) repression

Veronica has episodes of depression and full blown mania. She also experiences hallucinations and delusions. Sometimes the hallucinations and delusions occur while he is manis or depressed but he also experienced hallucinations and delusions when she is experiencing normal mood. What DSM-5 diagnosis would fit veronicas symptoms? a) Bipolar I with psychotic features b) schizophrenia c) Schizophreniform d) schizoaffective

d) schizoaffective

in dissociative identity disorder, the transition between one personality to another is called a) substitution b) transformation c) alteration d) switch

d) switch

the behavioral treatment in which patients with specific phobias are gradually exposed to situations that are anxiety-provoking for them while they learn to use relaxation techniques is called: a) flooding b) psychoanalysis c) panic control treatment d) systematic desensitization

d) systematic desensitization

What does the work Etiology refer to as discussed in our class and your textbook: a) the predicted development of a disorder over time b) a treatment plan c) culturally expected responses d) the cause or source of a disorder

d) the cause or source of a disorder

Determining whether a variable causes a change n another variable is best done by what research design? a) case study b) epidemiological research c) correlation study d) true experiment

d) true experiment

Intellectual Disability

deficit in intellectual functioning with an IQ of less than 70, must be diagnosed before age of 18

Motivational interviewing definition

designed to increase a patients awareness of their problem and to increase their desire for change


diagnosed after symptoms have persisted fro 6 months or more


diagnosed wern symptoms last between 1 month and 6 months

Brief Psychotic Disorder

diagnosed when symptoms last between one day and one month


different identities or personalities

Sexual Dysfunction

difficulty functioning adequately during sexual relations

Selective mutism

disorder characterized by a lack of speech


drugs that cause hallucination (LSD, Ecstasy)

Conduct Disorder (CD) and link between CD and ASP

early behavioral problems including conduct order before age 15

Narcissistic PD

exaggerated and unreasonable sense of self importance, preoccupation with receiving attention, lack of sensitivity and compassion for others

Obsessive-compulsive PD

excessive and rigid fixation on doing things the right way, highly perfectionistic, orderly and emotionally shallow, don't tend to have full blown obsessions and compulsions


experience of sensory events without environmental input


experiencing symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, as a result of not having a substance in ones system

Avoidant PD

extremely sensitive to the opinions of others, highly avoidant of most interpersonal relationships, are interpersonally anxious and fearful of rejection, low self esteem

Antisocial PD

failure to comply with social norms, violations of rights of others, irresponsible impulsive and deceitful, lack of conscience, empathy, and remorse

Dissociative Identity Disorder

formerly known as multiple personality disorder, 2 or more distinct personalities, memory gaps


hair pulling disorder

Expressed Emotion (EE)

high expressed emotions, caused by an outside force - associated with relapse

Treatment of Schizophrenia

historical precursors, antipsychotic medications Psychological treatment

Causes of DID

history of horrible unspeakable trauma during childhood, mechanism to escape from the impact of trauma

Types of ADHD

hyperactive/ impulse type, inattentive type, combined type


impulse control disorder in which individuals repeatedly fail to resist impulses to deliberately start fires in order to relieve tension or for instant gratification

other drugs of abuse

inhalants, anabolic steroids, ketamine

The role of positive and negative reinforcement in substance use disorders

initial use may result in pleasant feeling and continued use be an effort to escape from withdrawal/crash

Intermittent explosive disorder

is a behavioral disorder characterized by explosive outbursts of anger and violence, often to the point of rage, that are disproportionate to the situation at hand


lack of initiation and persistence and motivation


lack of pleasure

Affective Flattening

little expressed emotion


mixture of hallucinogenic, depressant and stimulant effects (marijuana, hash)

Gambling disorder

must have clinically significant impairment, gambling larger and larger amounts of money and have symptoms of withdrawal

Disorganized Symptoms

nature of disorganized speech, cognative slippage, tangentiality, loose associations

Histrionic PD

overly dramatic, sensational and sexually provocative, often impulsive and need to be the center of attention, thinking and emotions are perceived as shallow

Paranoid PD

persuasive and unjustified mistrust and suspicion

Schizoid PD

persuasive pattern of detachment from social relationships, very limited range of emotions in interpersonal situations

Relapse Prevention

planning ahead for handling high risk situations

Substance Use Disorders

presence of two or more of the provided examples within a 12 month period (excessive time spent consuming, purchasing or recovering from the effects of substances, use in hazardous situations, taking substances in larger amounts or over longer periods of time than intended)


prevalence = 1-2% school age children , more in males but in females they are more likely to also have ID, symptoms develop before 36 months of age, reliable indicators of good prognosis are language ability before age 5 and high IQ

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

provides clients with new skills to manage painful emotions and decrease conflict in relationships


quick transition from one personality to another

Gender and DID (what percent of cases are female?)

ratio of females to males is 9:1


recurrent inability to resist urges to steal items you generally don't need that have little value


relative absence or poverty of speech

Dependent PD

reliance on others to make major and minor life decision, unreasonable fear of abandonment, clingy and submissive in interpersonal relationships


severe impairment in social relationships

Tardive Dyskinesia

side effect from antipsychotic medications, stiff jerky movement of the face and body that you cant control


skin picking disorder


substance given to individuals with an addiction to heroine in order to reduce the effects/ not cause withdraw (agonist substitution)

Big Book

the book which determines the rules/ outlines of AA

External Validity

the degree to which findings can be generalized


the diagnosis for a patient experiencing hallucinations and delusions for 7 months


the diagnosis for a patient who has been experiencing hallucinations and delusions for 3 months

Schizoid personality disorder

the diagnosis for a person who avoids others due to feeling detached from other people and a preference for solitary activities

Antabuse (disulfiram)

the drug that is given to individuals with substance use disorder involving alcohol which causes an averse reaction


the identity that keeps the other identities together

Reading disorder

the most common type of specific learning disorder


the positive symptoms that include delusions (thoughts that do not have a reality) and hallucinations (experiences of sensory events without environmental input), lack of persistence and motivation, lack of pleasure, severe impairment in social relationships


the process of removing toxic substances from an individuals body

Fragile X disorder

the syndrome resulting in intellectual disability that is caused by a defect on the X chromosome


thoughts that do not have a basis in reality 3

Interpersonal therapy

treatment for bulimia that focuses on improving ones relationships

Cognitive behavioral therapy

treatment for bulimia that involves changing ones eating habits and cognitions

use for electroconvulsive therapy

treatment for severe depression that can result in short term memory loss

Borderline PD

unstable moods and relationships, impulsivity, fear of abundant, very poor self image, self mutilation


used to treat erectile disorder

you are a psychiatrist treating a suicidal patient diagnosed with major depressive disorder. You plan to prescribe medication for the patient. You are considering a TCA, MAOI or SSRI. Which type of medication would you prescribe and why?

you could use any of these medications however first I would prescribe an SSRI as it is not stated that there has been any type of pharmaceutical intervention in the past. the SSRI would be the first choice as there are no food restrictions as with the MAOI's which interact with certain types of foods and there is much smaller risk of overdose than if a TCA was used, and since there is no other pharmaceutical intervention mentioned there is no reason not to start with an SSRI

to be diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder which of the following does one need to have before the age of 15? a) ADHD b) intellectual disability c) avoidant personality disorder d) conduct disorder

d) conduct disorder

An individual diagnose with social anxiety disorder a) exhibits paranoid symptoms, believing others are plotting to hurt him or her b) is unable to speak at all in the presence of others c) is terrified of being out of his/ her house even when he/ she is alone d) becomes extremely anxious when in certain situations which involve activities done in the presence of other people

d) becomes extremely anxious when in certain situations which involve activities done in the presence of other people

Approximately how many psychological disorders does the DSM-5 list? a) 100 b)200 c) 300 d) 400

d) 400

The concept of self actualizing and hierarchy of needs are most closely associated with the theories of: a) Bandura b) Beck c) Freud d) Maslow

d) Maslow

Which of the following drugs is a selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor (SSRI)? a) viagra b) Effexor c) Imipramine d) Prozac

d) Prozac

most individuals with bulimia nervosa are a) significantly overweight b) significantly underweight during the development of the disorder but they become overweight as the disorder progresses c) significantly underweight d) a fairly normal weight

d) a fairly normal weight

Cindy is extremely underweight. She should weight about 125 pounds due to her height and build but she only weights 80 lbs. She sometimes avoids eating anything or nibbles slowly on her food if people are watching her. However she also often reports eating large amounts of food in one sitting and vomits afterwards. He often wears layers of clothing because her parents are worried about her weight she likely has a) bulimia b) binge eating disorder c) Anorexia - restricting type d) anorexia- binging/ purging type

d) anorexia- binging/ purging type

Administering the Thematic Appreciation Test (TAT) involves ___________. a) asking the person to answer true/ false questions b) showing the person ambiguous ink blots c) having the person respond to multiple choice questions d) asking a person to tell a story in response to ambiguous scenes

d) asking a person to tell a story in response to ambiguous scenes

A primary characteristic of histrionic personality disorder is a) avoidance of others b) multiple, vague physical complaints c) inability to make realistic life plans d) being overly dramatic and attention seeking

d) being overly dramatic and attention seeking

Contingency management

using incentives for clean urine specimen

example of purging behavior

vomiting after eating


when a person becomes sexually aroused by watching others undressing or watching others engage in sexual activity


when an individual consumes so much of a substance that they require more of said substance in order to feel its effects.


when an individual who uses substances to excess abruptly stops using said substances they withdraw when it leaves their system as thy become dependent on it

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