Abnormal Psychology Exam 2

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Which would be the MOST surprising example of suicide because it does not fit into the pattern that current research results have identified?

a woman who stabbed herself to death

cognitive theorists have found that people who develop obsessive-compulsive disorder also

believe their thoughts are capable of causing harm to themselves or others

What type of drug is alprazolam (Xanax)?


what type of drug is alprazolam (xanax)


which medications work primarily by enhancing the effectiveness of GABA?


according to current research, using relaxation training to treat generalized anxiety disorder is

better than nothing and about as effective as meditation

If people with unipolar depression were found to have higher levels of cortisol, such a finding would support the influence of the:

biochemical orientation

Many victims of spousal abuse stay with their abusers, even though it is obvious to others that they should, and actually could, leave. A good explanation for their behavior is:

learned helplessness

The collective reactions generated by the sympathetic nervous system pathway and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) pathway are termed the:

fight-or-flight response.

The current rating system for CD and music download lyrics was instituted:

in part to address people's concerns about links between listening to music and suicide attempts

Where do muscle contraction headaches typically produce pain?

in the front or back of the head or in the back of the neck

Unipolar depression and bipolar disorder share all the following characteristics EXCEPT:

inappropriate rises in mood.

one of the drawbacks of exposure and response prevention as a therapy is that it

is less effective with clients with obsessions but no compulsions

When Marigold sees her healthcare provider for treatment of an allergy, her healthcare provider tells her that her symptoms are factitious. Marigold will most likely:

leave the facility and immediately seek treatment from a different physician.

sally is never sure of the right thing to do. she married Tod and has been wondering for years if that was the right decision. she is exhibiting

obsessive doubts

a psychodynamic theorist finds that a client is experiencing a battle between anxiety-provoking id impulses and anxiety-reducing ego defense mechanisms. he thinks that this usually unconscious conflict is being played out in an open and obvious manner. he is sure this underlying conflict explains his client's

obsessive-compulsive disorder

After a person completes a successful ECT treatment of depression, current research suggests:

some type of continuation or maintenance therapy is needed.

Susan deliberately overdoses on pills in an attempt at suicide but her attempt at suicide does not succeed. This suicide attempt is called a:


Memory problems that do not interfere with daily living are referred to as:

peculiarities of memory.

As a political protest, two activists leap from a bridge in a highly publicized double suicide. Those MOST at risk for modeling these suicides are:

people with a history of emotional problems

A woman experiences recurrent thoughts of suicide, great sadness, and sleep disturbances. These symptoms began a week after she gave birth and have lasted more than 6 months. This woman is experiencing:

peripartum depression.

Judith is currently experiencing a period of sadness that interferes with her ability to go to work and to take care of her children. It has lasted now for three weeks, and she has experienced similar episodes in the past. What type of major depression would she MOST likely be diagnosed with?


based on current research, what is the relationship between personality and stress disorders?

personality characteristics are related to both the development of stress disorders and recovery from them

Kelsey feels stressed because of her responsibilities as a mother. Even so, she tends to be optimistic, engages in constructive coping, and is resilient. The likelihood of her developing a psychophysiological disorder is slim due to:

personality style.

The way a person generally responds to life reflects that person's:

personality style.

The statement, "This is awful, but I guess I can deal with it like I do everything else," represents one person's:

stress response.

Having to walk the dog several times a day when it is raining is an example of a:


suicide education programs typically focus on

students and teachers

Suicide education programs typically focus on:

students and teachers.

the strongest direct support for a biological explanation for suicide comes from

studies of neurotransmitter levels

Which structure is a distinct part of the depression-related brain circuit?

subgenual cingulate

Lydia smokes two packs of cigarettes a day, drinks heavily, and eats poorly. Her lifestyle ultimately contributes to shortening her life. Shneidman would classify her death as a(n):

subintentional death.

Which statement is TRUE regarding suicide as a mental disorder?

suicidal behavior is not classified as a mental disorder in DSM-5, but it represents psychological dysfunction.

According to the DSM-5, all of the following are considered symptoms of a manic episode, EXCEPT: - distractibility - inflated self-esteem - decreased need for sleep - suicidal ideation

suicidal ideation

based on the fact that 1 suicidal act can serve as a model for another, what would NOT be a common trigger for a suicide attempt?

suicides by the elderly

Researchers have found that when an identical twin has unipolar depression, there is a 38 percent chance that the other twin has already had or will eventually have the same disorder. A fraternal twin is only 20 percent likely to have the same disorder. This finding:

supports the idea that people may inherit a predisposition for developing unipolar depression.

If I suffer from depersonalization disorder, but the symptoms disappear after a while, they most likely will reappear if I:

survive a bad car accident

Someone interested in the effects of social change, poverty, and race on the risk for generalized anxiety disorders probably represents the ______ perspective.


which theoretical orientation would support the finding that Westerners experience more psychological symptoms of depression than do others around the world?


The type of clinician who would be MOST likely to say, "Tell me about the quality of mutual support you receive from your marriage," is a:

sociocultural clinician.

If a person taking lithium began experiencing nausea, vomiting, sluggishness, tremors, and seizures, one would suspect that:

the person is experiencing lithium intoxication.

Which theoretical perspective suggests that the loss of loved ones and self-directed aggression causes suicide?

the psychodynamic perspective

in the united states, the prevalence of unipolar depression in boys is

the same as it is for girls, but the prevalence for men is lower than it is for women

an important difference between mood disorders and normal mood fluctuation is:

the severity and duration of the problem

When Kelly was in a passenger plane, he watched as all four engines quit at once and then saw the plane explode. From 5,000 feet in the air, he landed, severely injured, in deep snow in a heavily wooded area. When he regained consciousness several weeks later, he had a stress reaction that lasted for years, and he could never fly again. The factor that probably MOST contributed to his extreme posttraumatic stress reaction was:

the severity of the trauma.

Which theoretical orientation would support the finding that Westerners experience more psychological symptoms of depression than do others around the world?

the sociocultural theoretical orientation

What are the two most influential cognitive explanations for unipolar depression?

the theory of negative thinking and the theory of learned helplessness

A friend asks you, "What's the name of that Tom Hanks movie where a pirate takes over his ship and says, 'I'm the captain now'?" You remember the movie and know you know the title, but you can't think of it in the moment. This is an example of:

the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon.

the mOST well-developed understanding of the causes of suicide come from the

sociocultural model

The MOST well-developed understanding of the causes of suicide come from the:

sociocultural model.

A clinician who looks at the influence of race, living conditions, marital status, and roles on the development of depression would MOST likely subscribe to which theoretical orientation?

sociocultural theoretical orientation

What is malingering?

Intentionally feigning illness to achieve some external gain, such as financial compensation or deferment from military service

What type of attributions are associated with an increased risk of depression?

Internal, Global, Stable attributions

Bipolar I

Manic episodes- full intensity and duration

Which statement is TRUE regarding children who attempt suicide?

Many have a clear understanding of what death is.

I am generally a calm, relaxed person. If you are generally a tense, excitable person, we differ in:

trait anxiety

t/f: phobias are ordinarily a result of classical conditioning


t/f: the hypothalamus stimulates the pituitary to produce a stress hormone that causes the adrenal gland to release corticosteroids


"what works best to keep suicidal people from following through?" what would be the correct answer to this question

try cognitive-behavioral therapy

what would a cognitive therapist be LEAST likely to say to you?

try to evaluate what happens to you in "black and white" terms

People with low incomes are _____ as likely as people with higher incomes to experience one of the stress disorders.


women are ___ as likely as men to develop stress disorders


to receive a diagnosis of dysthymic syndrome, an individual must have experienced symptoms for at least

two years

To receive a diagnosis of persistent depressive disorder with dysthymic syndrome, an individual must have experienced symptoms for at least:

two years.

Suicides that are carried out in bizarre ways for political reasons are MOST likely to trigger:

those with emotional problems to commit suicide in the same manner

people who experience obsessions show

thoughts that are intrusive and foreign to them

Studies indicate that LGBTQ teenagers are _____ times more likely to have suicidal thoughts and to attempt suicide.


How much more likely is dissociative identity disorder to be diagnosed in a woman compared with a man?

three times more likely

a strong "feeling of knowing" is associated with

tip of the tongue phenomenon

a professor who puts on rubber gloves before grading papers and religiously avoids any contact with the hands of students is exhibiting a(n)

touching compulsion

Transient depersonalization and derealization:

Can be induced by a life-threatening experience

Which of the following is the LEAST common predictor of suicide?

physical illness

A friends asks, "What works best to keep suicidal people from following through?" The BEST answer to this question is:

"Try cognitive-behavioral therapy."

A friend says, "If we could just eliminate combat traumas, we could eliminate a great deal of posttraumatic stress disorder." The BEST response is:

"Yes. However, civilian trauma causes many more cases of PTSD than combat trauma does."

Around the world, _____ deaths occur by suicide each year.

1 million

what is the current incidence of severe unipolar depression in the US?


The percentage of successful suicide attempts among the elderly is about:

50 times as high as the percentage of successful suicide attempts among adolescents

About how many unsuccessful suicide attempts occur annually in the United States?


the "typical" child who commits suicide is a

A boy who knows what death is

Steve is afraid of eating in public, expecting to be judge negatively and to feel humiliated. As a result, he makes up excuses when asked out to eat. His diagnosis would probably be:

A social phobia

Researchers have examined the relationship between the sleep people need and the sleep people get. Based on their findings, which statement is generally TRUE?

Across all age groups, people generally get less sleep than they need.

In which racial group is a woman's risk of being raped the greatest, relative to the group's percentage of the population?

African Americans

Which behavior pattern is not listed in the DSM-5 as an obsessive compulsive related disorder?


What produces antibodies?


the individual associated with developing a cognitive theory of depression based on negative and maladaptive thinking was


Which theoretical position explains the origin of phobias as due to classical conditioning?


_____ is a field that combines psychological and physical interventions to treat or prevent medical problems.

Behavioral medicine

Conative theorist have found that people who develop obsessive compulsive disorder also:

Believe their thoughts are capable of causing harm to themselves or others

Which medications work primarily by enhancing effectiveness of GABA


A neurologist who was working with a person with obsessive compulsive disorder would be suspicious of abnormality in what region of the brain?

Caudate nuclei

Which statement BEST describes the long-term effects of exposure to stress during childhood?

Children who are repeatedly exposed to manageable stress tend to be more resilient as adults.

Teaching people to accept their worries and live in the present moment—mindfulness therapy—is MOST consistent with which theoretical approach?


Therapy is an effective long-term, Nonpharmacological treatment for panic attack that involves teaching patients to interpret their physicals sensations accurately?


Which group emphasizes the beliefs and expectations that lead someone with a social anxiety disorder to overestimate how a social interaction went?

Cognitive theorists

How do death seekers differ from death darers?

Death seekers intend to end their lives with their action.

_____ is a treatment in which tiny holes are drilled into the skull through which electrodes are implanted into the brain.

Deep brain stimulation

_____ is(are) viewing problems and solutions in rigid either/or terms.

Dichotomous thinking

Which statement is true about specific phobias?

Each year about 12% of people in the United States suffer from a phobia

Provide an example of emotional symptoms of stress disorders.

Excessive guilt Anxiety Depression

The relatively positive health picture for Hispanic Americans in the face of clear economic disadvantage is called the:

Hispanic Health Paradox.

A person who believes that it is awful and catastrophic when things are not the way he or she would like them to be is displaying:

Irrational assumptions

One of the drawbacks of exposure and response prevention as a therapy is that it:

Is less affective with clients with obsessions but no compulsions

Behaviorist believe that compulsive behavior:

Is reinforced because engaging in it reduces anxiety

Isaac had finally had enough of his inability to walk. He went to therapy and eventually addressed a traumatic car crash from his past. Over time, he began to walk again. According to his psychodynamic therapist, why did these positive changes occur?

Isaac became conscious of and resolved his underlying fears, thereby eliminating the need to convert anxiety into physical symptoms.

Which statement is TRUE regarding the prevalence of bipolar disorder?

It affects millions of people in the United States, between 1 and 2.6 percent of all adults.

Cognitive therapies believe that generalized anxiety disorder is induced by:

Maladaptive assumptions

A clinician who is not up to date uses the term "excessive behavior" to describe a category of disorder. According to the DSM-5, that category is now called:

Obsessive compulsive related disorders

Apparently, people develop phobias more readily to such objects as spiders and the dark than they do to such objects as computers and radios. This observation supports the idea of:


The healthcare provider is examining a woman in the emergency department who is complaining of having bloody diarrhea. The healthcare provider discovers that the woman is inducing her own condition by taking laxatives and anticoagulant medication. When asked why, the woman notes "I like being a patient here." What is the best explanation for the woman's behavior?

She has a factitious disorder.

Which BEST describes someone experiencing derealization?

The person feels as if the world has changed and become strange or surreal.

Which of the following is a personality change that often accompanies dissociative fugues?

They become more outgoing.

What is the main criticism of the cognitive-behavioral and psychodynamic explanations for the maintenance of hysterical disorders?

They cannot explain how the gains can outweigh the pain of the disorder.

What happens when someone experiences doubling?

They feel as if their mind is floating above them.

How do sodium amobarbital and sodium pentobarbital work in the treatment of dissociative amnesia?

They free people from their inhibitions, thus allowing them to recall unpleasant events.

MAO inhibitors are biochemical agents that alleviate depressive symptoms in approximately half of the clinically depressed patients who take them. What is the mechanism of action of these drugs?

They interfere with the destruction of serotonin and norepinephrine.

Which statement is TRUE regarding dissociative disorders?

They involve major changes in memory.

Which of these describes conversion disorders in men?

They occur approximately half as often as they do in women.

Which statement is TRUE regarding people experiencing mania?

They want excitement and companionship.

Which statement BEST reflects the gender differences seen in unipolar depression?

Women are at least twice as likely as men to have unipolar depression, but prevalence among boys and girls is similar.

Someone who has Munchausen syndrome also, by definition, has:

a factitious disorder.

how likely are women to use a gun to commit suicide?

about 30% of women who commit, use guns

in 1997, oregon passed the "death with dignity act", which allows doctor-assisted suicide for persons with terminal illnesses. since1997, on average, how many oregonians with terminal illness have ended their lives each year?

about 500

Which has NOT been linked to increased suicide risk among teenagers?

access to pro-suicide sites on the Internet

according to DSM-5, the mot common diagnosis for those receiving outpatient therapy for experiencing stress is

adjustment disorder

Depersonalization disorder is most common among:

adolescents and young adults

generalized anxiety disorder is MORE common in

african-americans than in white americans

When was it recognized that acute stress during combat could result in psychological symptoms after combat?

after the Vietnam War

when was acute stress disorder as a result of combat (called shell sock) first recognized?

after world war I

A person commits suicide in response to a social environment that fails to provide stable structures to support and give meaning to life. According to Durkheim, this represents an:

anomic suicide.

If the psychodynamic explanation for suicide is correct, then suicide rates should:

be lower in those who experienced symbolic loss as children

Adrian recently graduated from college and has started a new job in his field of study. He has very long work hours and gets little sleep. He quit exercising and is not eating a balanced diet. If he develops a psychophysiological disorder, it will be because of:

behavioral changes.

a person displaying sadness, lack of energy, headaches, and feelings of low self-worth is showing all of the following symptoms EXCEPT

behavioral symptoms

A person displaying sadness, lack of energy, headaches, and feelings of low self-worth is showing all of the following types of symptoms EXCEPT:

behavioral symptoms.

A therapist turns on a buzzer when a client speaks slowly and laboriously. She turns it off when the client speaks more rapidly. In other cases the therapist instructs the client's spouse to ignore his mate when she complains or acts in a self-deprecating manner. This is an example of:

behavioral therapy

If your therapist tried to reintroduce you to pleasurable activities, reinforced nondepressive actions, and improved your social skills, your therapist would be using:

behavioral therapy

Commonly observed triggers for suicide include all of the following EXCEPT:

being in therapy.

devion is being treated for anxiety. he is connected to an instrument that records muscle tension. his job is to try muscle tension. this is an example of

biofeedback training

The use of electrical signals from the body to train people to control physiological processes is called:

biofeedback training.

A young man whose father and uncle committed suicide at about his age also commits suicide. Which explanation of suicide MOST easily explains the young man's suicide?


individuals experiencing dissociative amnesia sometimes are given sodium amobarbital or sodium pentobarbital because those drugs

calm people and reduce their inhibitions

Individuals experiencing dissociative amnesia sometimes are given sodium amobarbital or sodium pentobarbital because those drugs:

calm people and reduce their inhibitions.

What are the chief sources of data used to support the psychodynamic theories of dissociative identity disorder?

case studies

Kanaye has an erratic sleep cycle each month, regardless of what actions he takes. A typical cycle follows: Week 1: falls asleep around 6:00 P.M. and wakes around 2:00 A.M. Week 2: goes to sleep around 10:00 P.M. and wakes around 6:00 A.M. Week 3: cannot fall asleep until around 2:00 A.M., and then wakes around 10:00 A.M. Week 4: unable to fall asleep until 6:00 A.M. and wakes around 3:00 A.M. The appropriate diagnosis in this case is:

circadian rhythm disorder.

Schneidman described four different patterns of suicidal behavior. What is a death initiator?

clearly intend to end their lives, but they act out of a belief that the process of death is already under way and that they are simply hastening the process. Some expect that they will die in a matter of days or weeks.

Colton has dissociative identity disorder. Fat Freddy and Carmen are two personalities who are aware of all of the others but do not interact with them. Fat Freddy and Carmen would be described as:


Françoise is depressed. Her therapist asks her about her daily experiences, focusing on how often people say nice things to her. Her therapist MOST likely has a:

cognitive-behavioral orientation.

when someone who is about to leave for work checks the stove 10 times to make sure it is turned off, that person is exhibiting a(n)


You are a therapist using self-instruction training. Your client says, "When the pain comes, I just pause and keep focusing on what I need to do." This is an example of a:

coping self-statement.

an individual has been diagnosed with a dissociative disorder. however, the individual has very good recall of previous life events and has a strong sense of self. the MOST likely diagnosis for this individual is


an individual who formerly knew how to speak a foreign language and play a musical instrument can no longer remember how to as a result of a dissociative disorder. the dissociative disorder MOST likely is

dissociative identity

People with _____ typically do not eventually recover without receiving treatment.

dissociative identity disorder

Which diagnosis would a person experiencing multiple personalities MOST accurately be diagnosed with?

dissociative identity disorder

The experience of constant weeping would be considered a ________ symptom of depression


An abnormal psychology instructor asks in class, "What kinds of treatments are commonly used to treat obsessive compulsive related disorders?" Confidently (and accurately), a student replies:

exposure therapies and antidepressant drugs

Both psychodynamic theorists and cognitive-behavioral theorists believe that in conversion disorder, the symptoms that appear:

help the person avoid unpleasant situations.

antidepressants that are effective in treating obsessive-compulsive disorder serve to

increase serotonin activity in the brain

GABA is related to

inhibiting neuronal firing in the brain

Difficulty falling asleep or maintaining sleep is called:


The statement "My girlfriend broke up with me because I am worthless" BEST reflects a(n):

internal attribution.

A young woman believes that everything negative that happens to her is her own fault, that she ruins everything, and that she always will. The therapist diagnoses her as suffering from a learned helplessness-induced depression because she attributes negative events in her life to:

internal, global, stable factors.

Which sociocultural theory does NOT attempt to explain the link between gender and depression?

interpersonal conflict theory

a person who displays extreme shyness and insensitivity to others is showing signs of

interpersonal deficits

if your therapist encouraged you to explore your roles in life and how they might be changing or how your expectations might be difference from someone else's, your therapist would be using

interpersonal therapy

retrospective analysis of suicide typically would include

interviews with people who knew the person who committed suicide

a person who believes that it is awful and catastrophic when things are not the way he/she would like them to be is displaying

irrational assumptions

What is mania?

is a state of breathless euphoria, or at least frenzied energy, in which people may have an inflated sense of self.

A woman in a middle-level manager's job is repeatedly not promoted, no matter how hard she tries, even though she seems as qualified as the men who are promoted. If she develops depression because of her work experiences, the theory that BEST explains the onset of her depression is:

lack of control theory.

Using past experiences to believe that one has no control over the reinforcements in one's life is called:

learned helplessness.

which statement about psychodynamic therapy in treating unipolar depression is accurate?

long-term therapy is only occasionally helpful to those with unipolar depression

An older person retires and begins experiencing health problems. The person consequently loses contact with old friends and becomes unpleasant to be around. A cognitive-behaviorist would explain the resulting depression in terms of:

loss of positive social rewards.

Which of these is the usual goal of therapy for dissociative identity disorders?

merge the subpersonalities into a single identity

What kind of unipolar depression is behavioral treatment MOST effective in treating?

mild depression

A person experiencing mania goes out with friends, looking for adventure. In addition, the individual talks loudly, runs rather than walks, and gives away a lot of money to random people on the street. These symptoms are primarily:

motivational and behavioral.

to receive a diagnosis of major depressive episode, catatonic, an individual must display

motor immobility or excessive activity

antidepressant drugs are frequently effective in treating panic attacks. the disorder is related to levels of the neurotransmitter


imagine that you just had a "close call" while driving, but now you feel your body returning to normal. which part of your nervous system is controlling this return to normalcy?

parasympathetic nervous system

After a student suicide, the school staff are educated about suicide, and increased student counseling sessions are made available. This is an example of:


What is one of society's most negative social conditions that may set the stage for psychophysiological disorders?


the people MOST likely to develop stress disorders lived their childhood in

poverty and had parents who divorced when the people were younger than 10 years old

apparently, people develop phobias more readily to such objects as spiders and the dark than they do to such objects as computers and radios. this observation supports the idea of


A woman who is particularly threatened by any display of her own anger becomes unable to speak when she is most angry with her husband, thereby keeping the anger out of her awareness. According to psychodynamic theorists, she is achieving _____ from her illness.

primary gain

In general, object relations theorists follow the _____ perspective.


Which theoretical model is supported by the finding that losses that happen early in life, such as the death of a father, are associated with depression later in life?


Lamar is having flashbacks. Which symptom of posttraumatic stress disorder does this represent?

reexperiencing the traumatic event

depersonalization _, while derealization _

refers to oneself; refers to the external world

according to freudian theory, depression results in part from

regression to the oral stage

You are asked to speak before a local elementary school's Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) about suicide attempts by the very young. You should mention that suicide attempts by the very young often occur when they have:

run away from home.

The mood and thoughts of suicidal people are most often characterized as:

sad and hopeless

emile durkheim's theory of suicide fits into the

sociocultural model

Sal is suffering from arachnophobia. His therapist first has him go through relaxation training and then has him construct a fear hierarchy. Finally, the therapist has him go through a phase of graded pairings of spiders and relaxation responses. This approach is called:

systematic desensitization

t/f: each year about 12% of people in the united states suffer from a phobia


You would expect to see the biggest impact of lithium on which part of the neuron?

the firing of the receiving neuron

what statement accurately describes the sympathetic nervous system pathway of the stress response?

the hypothalamus excites the sympathetic nervous system, which then excites body organs to release hormones that serve as neurotransmitters, causing even more arousal

Suicide rates in the weeks after Kurt Cobain's suicide held steady, contrary to the modeling effect seen with other celebrity suicides. The text notes that a possible reason for this was:

the media coverage of the event, which included a "Don't do it!" message.

the difference between bipolar I and biolar II is

the severity of the manic episodes

why do many people think that estimates of the rates of suicide are inaccurate?

the stigma associated with suicide make people hesitant to report it

A stimulating current is sent through a patient's prefrontal cortex in:

transcranial magnetic stimulation

Researchers were searching for drugs to treat schizophrenia when they came across imipramine, which alleviated the symptoms of depression, although it was not effective against schizophrenia. It became the first of a class of drugs, all sharing a similar molecular structure, called:


t/f: beck and cognitive therapy is a correct match of person and approach


t/f: more teenagers attempt suicide than actually kill themselves


t/f: most rape victims are young


The accidental discovery of drugs that increased serotonin and norepinephrine activity also led to effective treatments for what disorder?

unipolar depression

if you studied for this exam while you were unusually happy, you will probably do best taking it while you are

unusually happy

Compared with women, men who attempt suicide tend to:

use more violent methods.

Among the biological treatments for depression, which one uses an implanted pulse generator?

vagus nerve stimulation

What is dichotomous thinking?

viewing problems and solutions in rigid either/or terms

Which is NOT a type of major depressive disorder?


what is a physical symptom of depression?

sleeping poorly

Which theoretical orientation uses evidence from family and twin studies?

Biological framework

Death ignorers primarily differ from other categories of people who attempt suicide in that they:

believe death will not end their existence.

How can exercise can help alleviate depression?

by producing social interactions

What is a visual image called that is retained so vividly that one can continue to scan it for more information?

eidetic recall

the age group most likely to commit suicide in the US is


The individual MOST at risk for suicide is the person who:

is depressed and dependent on alcohol.

An individual with Munchausen syndrome by proxy usually:

is emotionally needy.

An individual who has been diagnosed with a somatic symptom disorder would MOST likely first seek:

medical help.

A person who has body dysmorphic disorder is considering plastic surgery. Based on available research, what is the best advice for this person?

"Be careful. Often, people who have plastic surgery for body dysmorphic disorder actually feel worse afterwards."

And abnormal psychology instructor asked in class, "What kinds of treatments are commonly used to treat obsessive compulsive related disorders?" Confidently (and accurately), a student replies:

"Exposure therapies and anti-depressant drugs"

Compared with a therapist with a psychodynamic view, what would a therapist with a cognitive-behavioral view be most likely to ask someone whom he or she suspected might have a somatic symptom disorder?

"Has any friend of yours had similar symptoms recently?"

If a person criticized everything he did, looking for flaws, and never could measure up to his personal standards, he would be exhibiting what Rogers called:

Conditions of worth

How long do symptoms have to last to be considered a major depressive episode?

2 weeks

How long must depression last to be classified as a major depressive episode?

2 weeks

what is the average length of time for the treatment of major depressive disorder using ECT (Electroconvulsive therapy)?

2-4 weeks

Which statement BEST describes someone with illness anxiety disorder?

A person misinterprets normal bodily functions and changes as signs of a serious health condition.

A phobic person is taught to imagine the feared items as part of desensitization training. This is an example of the _____ technique


What is a sociocultural explanation that partly explains higher rates of health problems among African-Americans?

Education, racial discrimination, social economic, poverty

What differentiates persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia) from major depressive disorder?

Intensity and duration MDD- very intense PDD- longer duration

Which statement about rape is MOST accurate? 1. Most rape victims do not know their attackers. 2. Most rape victims are younger than age 35. 3. About equal numbers of men and women are raped. 4. About 1 in 10 women are raped in their lifetime.

2. Most rape victims are younger than age 35.

What percentage of all adults experience an episode of severe depression at some point in their lives?

20 percent

of people who use alcohol just before committing suicide, what percentage are actually intoxicated?


Research has found that if a person's life change units (LCUs) total more than _____ over the course of a year, that individual is particularly likely to develop serious health problems.

300 LCUs

A person says, "I've been diagnosed with social anxiety disorder, and my therapist wants me to use drug therapy, not psychological therapy. I don't know which to choose." Based on current research, the BEST answer would be:

"Some therapists thing psychological therapy always be used, even with drug therapy; there's less chance of relapse."

A combat veteran says, "The therapist wants me to imagine scenes where I was in combat and imagine them like I was there. I don't want to do that! How can this possibly help me?" The BEST response is:

"Your therapist is suggesting an effective form of exposure called flooding."

A friend asks, "Why is there such strong connection between alcohol abuse and suicide risk?" Based on the best available research, you reply?

"no one knows for sure"

Which risk percentage pattern BEST supports the influence of genetic factors in explaining bipolar disorder ---(1) in the general population , (2) among close relatives of people with bipolar disorder, and (3) among identical twins of people with bipolar disorder?

1 percent, 10 percent, 40 percent

about how many deaths occur by suicide each year around the world?


modern studies suggest that the average number of sub-personalities in cases of dissociative identity disorder in women is about...

15, and it's lower for men

Modern studies suggest that the average number of subpersonalities in cases of dissociative identity disorder is about _____ for women and about _____ for men.

15; 8

What is the average age of onset of unipolar depression?


What is dissociative identity disorder?

2 or more personalities exist in one person

What is the average length of time for the treatment of major depressive disorder using electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)?

2 to 4 weeks

assume that a community is made up of almost exactly equal numbers of these four groups: african americans, asian americans, hispanic americans, and white americans, and that everyone is of the same socioeconomic status. approximately what percent of suicides would you expect to be committed by white americans?

40% - about double the rates for the other groups

About how many suicides are committed annually in the United States?


About what percentage of people who commit suicide use alcohol just before the act?

70 percent

What percentage of people use alcohol prior to a suicide attempt?


The proportion of panic attack stuffers who are help at least somewhat by antidepressant drugs is about:


the proportion of panic-attack sufferers who are helped at least somewhat by antidepressant drugs is about


what percentage of rape victims qualified for the diagnosis of acute stress disorder in Rothbaum et al.'s (1992) study?


If a person lives in a city, owns a home, and pays taxes, that person is LEAST likely to experience which event next year?

A cancer diagnosis

Sam can't leave for work without going back into his house and making sure that he has taken all of his writing materials. He does this serval times of or he allows himself to start the car and drive to work. He is frequently late for work because he is so unsure about remembering everything. Sam is displaying:

A checking compulsion

What is subintentional death?

A death in which the victim plays an indirect, hidden, partial, or unconscious role.

Leila always feels threatened and anxious—imagining something awful is about to happen. She is able to work and care for her family, although not as well as she would like. Leila is probably experiencing:

A generalized anxiety disorder

_____ is when information is best recalled under the same conditions that it was learned.

State-dependent learning

What is a retrospective analysis in the study of suicide?

A psychological autopsy in which clinicians piece together information about a person's suicide from the person's past. Retrospective analysis is an interview with the someone who knew the person who died from suicide.

What is a contributing factor that partly explains why African Americans have more health problems than non-Hispanic white Americans?

African Americans are more likely to live in poverty and face discrimination, which contributes to stress.

You are analyzing the suicide rates of African Americans, Asian Americans, and Hispanic Americans. The MOST accurate conclusion from the data is:

African Americans, Asian Americans, and Hispanic Americans have roughly equal suicide rates.

What group is MOST at risk for suicide?

American Indian males

Which group is MOST likely to experience cluster suicides?

American Indians

Which statement regarding suicide is TRUE?

American Indians have the highest suicide rate of any racial group in the United States.

According to Freud, obsessive compulsion disorders have their origin in the _________ development


During a manic episode, Angie tells her partner that she is getting a tattoo. Her partner tells her that they don't have any extra money for a tattoo, explaining that they need the money for food. Which response would be typical in a manic episode in this situation?

Angie ignores her partner's response to her idea and gets a tattoo anyway.

_____ are protein molecules that recognize and bind to antigens, mark them for destruction, and prevent them from causing infection.


Which statement is the MOST important reason for the decline in the use of electroconvulsive therapy since the 1950s?

Antidepressant drugs were developed.

The MOST common mental disorders in the United States are:

Anxiety disorders

People who experience a positive event, get excited, breath harder, and have an increase in their heart rate, then interpret the symptoms as a heart attack, are experiencing what cognitive theorists call:

Anxiety sensitivity

If one assumes that the frequency of text messaging is positively correlated with psychological problems, then what would be the predicted relationship between the number of text messages people send and their self-reported levels of stress, unhappiness, and anxiety?

As one increases, the others also increase.

What are considered traditional psychophysiological disorders?

Asthma, ulcers, Insomnia, chronic headaches, migraine headaches, hypertension. ARTHRITIS IS NOT ON LIST

According to current research, using relaxation training to treat generalized anxiety disorder is:

Better than nothing and about as effective as meditation

Devon is being treated for anxiety. He is connected to an instrument that records muscle tension. His job is to try to reduce muscle tension. This is an example of:

Biofeedback training

_____ has been of some help in the treatment of heartbeat irregularities, asthma, high blood pressure, stuttering, and pain.

Biofeedback training

In terms of cognitive theories explaining generalized anxiety disorder, a good deal of research supports

Both metacognitive theory and intolerance of uncertainty theory

Which of the following is an ACCURATE conclusion from extensive studies of the effectiveness of various forms of treatment?

Cognitive-behavioral, interpersonal, and biological treatments are all effective treatments.

When someone who was about to leave for work checks the stove 10 times to make sure it is turned off, that person is exhibiting a(n):


The drug treatment that is MOST effective in treating panic disorders is like that used to treat:


Which evidence is the MOST problematic for the psychodynamic explanations of depression?

Depression affects people whose childhood needs were met and who did not suffer a loss early in life.

Which statement is the BEST example of a claim that would be made by a developmental psychopathology theorist?

Depression is triggered by many factors that operate together in a developmental sequence.

What is Seligman's learned helplessness theory of depression?

Depression resulting from thinking there's nothing you can do to make your life better

People who have a biological vulnerability for anxiety that is brought to the surface by social/psychological factors develop generalized anxiety disorder's, according to the:

Diathesis stress model

What has research on evoked potential with people with dissociative identity disorder revealed?

Different subpersonalities show different brain response patterns.

What is cyclothymic disorder?

Disorder marked by numerous periods of hypomanic symptoms and mild depressive symptoms

Which conclusion does research on hypnosis and hypnotic amnesia support?

Dissociative disorders are similar to behaviors seen in hypnotic amnesia.

What is a death ignorer?

Do not believe that their self-inflicted death will mean the end of their existence. They believe they are trading their present lives for a better or happier existence

Which statement is NOT true about alcohol use and suicide?

Drinking alcohol increases suicidal thoughts in nondepressed individuals.

What was the most important factor in the decline in the use of electroconvulsive therapy since the 1950's?


Which statement is FALSE regarding the use of ECT and drug therapies for treating depression?

ECT is likely to be prescribed first, and if it doesn't work, then drugs are prescribed.

An obsessive compulsive person who was told that everyone was required to wear shoes at all times in the house and did not vacuum for a week would be experiencing what therapy procedures?

Exposure and response prevention

What is Munchausen by proxy?

Factitious disorder created onto a child by a parent

A person experiencing a panic disorder is MOST likely to also have a:

Fear of leaving home.

What is depersonalization?

Feeling like you're not a person. Feeling unreal, and disconnected from yourself.

_____ is common with dissociative fugue.

Fleeing to a new location

A person who is restless, keyed up, and on edge for no apparent reason is experiencing:

Free-floating anxiety

Benzodiazepines are believed to be effective in treating generalized anxiety disorder because they mimic the effect of _________ a certain receptor sites in the brain.


benzodiazepines are believed to be effective in treating generalized anxiety disorder because they mimic the effect of _ at certain receptor sites in the brain


Although Gio has always taken good care of his health and well-being, over the past month he has been feeling a lot of pressure at work. He finds himself scrambling trying to meet a deadline that is fast approaching. Which change in his behavior may indirectly affect his immune system?

Gio is not getting enough sleep because he is so busy working.

Destiny was taking a tricyclic to treat her unipolar depression. Upon resolution of her depressive symptoms, Destiny immediately stopped taking her tricyclic. How likely is it that she will experience a relapse?

High; the relapse rate in this situation is approximately 50 percent.

Bipolar II

Hypomanic-Less intense and may not last as long

What is an iatrogenic case of dissociative identity disorder?

Iatrogenic- Produced or caused inadvertently by a clinician.

Generalized anxiety disorder is MORE common:

In African Americans than in white Americans.

Antidepressants that are effective in treating obsessive compulsive disorder serve to:

Increase serotonin activity in the brain

Which statement is TRUE about factitious disorders?

Individuals with factitious disorder are not trying to achieve some external gain by faking illness.

GABA is related to:

Inhibiting neuronal firing the brain

Why do some researchers believe dissociative identity disorder is culture-bound?

It is rare or nonexistent in certain countries.

What is one of the main problems in determining whether one's depression is endogenous or reactive?

It is unclear whether exposure to a stressor was a contributing factor or if it was a coincidence.

If a person were taking an antidepressant that increases levels of serotonin and improves brain function for symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder, that person could expect that:

It would lead to short-term relief, but relapse would a car at the person stop the medication

Most often, conversion disorders begin during which life phases?

Late childhood and young adulthood

Which statement BEST supports the idea that teenagers who attempt suicide are more uncertain about killing themselves than elderly people are?

Less than 1 percent of teenagers succeed at suicide.

Among teenagers who attempt suicide:

Less than 1% succeed the first time, and about half will try again

What is the Social Readjustment Rating Scale?

List of life events that are considered the most stressful

Which statement BEST reflects the relationship between serotonin and the depression-related brain circuit and suicide?

Low levels of serotonin and poorer functioning of the depression-related brain circuit are related to high levels of aggression and impulsivity.

What differentiates between malingering and factitious disorder?

Malingering for material gain, Factitious is for non-material rewards (ex. emotional reward)

Which statement is TRUE for women experiencing peripartum depression in relation to psychotherapy for depression?

Many women with peripartum depression find self-help support groups particularly helpful.

What are psychophysiological disorders?

Medical conditions that have psychological component, psychological factors negatively affect medical condition.

_____ is a technique of turning one's concentration inward, achieving a slightly changed state of consciousness, and temporarily ignoring all stressors.


"Your worries? They're only thoughts. Don't try to stop them, but recognize that they're thoughts, and don't let them upset you so much." This statement MOST likely would come from someone using which form of therapy for generalized anxiety disorder?

Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy

The cognitive explanation for panic disorders is that people who have them:

Misinterpret bodily sensations

"Experiences of observation teach us early in life that certain objects are legitimate sources of fear." The person who believes this espouses the _______ explanation of the development of phobias


A person is being treated for a social anxiety disorder. A therapist watches the person act out a social scene, points out what she did correctly and incorrectly, and praises her for what she did well. Which behavioral technique did the therapist NOT use?


If a person where afraid of dogs and his therapist treated him by interacting with dogs while he watched, he would be receiving:


One of the subpersonalities of a person receiving treatment for dissociative identity disorder has just become a "protector." How far along in therapy has the person probably progressed?

Moderately far; a protector usually emerges before subpersonality integration.

According to Freud, children who are punished or threatened for expressing their ID impulses may develop:

Moral Anxiety

People with panic attack disorder experience body sensations:

More intensely than those without panic disorder

What is the general relationship between gender and somatic symptom disorder?

More women than men are diagnosed with both the somatization pattern and predominant pain pattern forms of somatic symptom disorder.

Which statement provides the MOST persuasive argument against a psychodynamic explanation for dissociative identity disorder?

Most abused children do not develop the disorder.

Charley brings her young daughter into the emergency room with internal bleeding. The attending physician later concludes that Charley caused the symptoms in her daughter intentionally, wanting to gain attention and praise for her devoted care of her sick child. If this assessment is correct, the appropriate diagnosis is:

Munchausen syndrome by proxy.

Which US ethnicity has the highest rates of suicide?

Native Americans

Provide an example of a cognitive symptom of depression. Holding extremely negative views of oneself.

Negative views of the world Blame oneself

According to Freud, children who are prevented from expressing ID impulses—making mud pies, playing war, and exploring their genitals—are at risk for developing:

Neurotic anxiety

According to call you should theorist, compulsive ask serve two:


Antidepressant drugs are frequently effective in treating panic attacks. The disorder is related to levels of the neurotransmitter:


How strong is the evidence supporting the usefulness of client-centered therapy for those with generalized anxiety disorder?

Not very strong: case reports of client-centered therapy's usefulness are not strongly supported by controlled studies

A psychodynamic theorist find that a client is experiencing a battle between anxiety provoking ID impulses and anxiety reducing ego defense mechanisms. He thinks that this usually unconscious conflict is being played out into an open an obvious manner. He sure this underlying conflict explained his clients:

Obsessive compulsive disorder

A professor's office is a mess; graded tests are in piles on the desk, overflowing bookshelves line the walls, and research materials from years ago occupy boxes on the floor where there is only a narrow pathway to walk. If the professor is experiencing a diagnosable disorder, it would most likely be in which category?

Obsessive compulsive related disorders

Sally is never sure of the right thing to do. She married Tod and has been wondering for years if that was the right decision. She is exhibiting:

Obsessive doubts

Which statement about the successes of suicide prevention programs is MOST accurate?

Of those individuals who call suicide prevention centers, fewer commit suicide than those who don't call who are in a similar risk group.

suicide prevention programs

Offer crisis interventions

Which of the following accurately describes a problem with animal studies of depression?

One cannot be sure that depression-like symptoms in laboratory animals reflect human depression.

Which is the BEST example of the subpersonalities in dissociative identity disorder differing in identifying features?

One personality is a woman and another is a man.

Which is the BEST example of the subpersonalities in dissociative identity disorder differing in preferences?

One subpersonality loves alternative rock music; another hates it but does love country music.

What differentiates acute stress disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder?

Onset and duration Acute- onset is almost immediate PTSD- Lasts longer

A pattern of anxiety, insomnia, depression, and flashbacks that persists for years after a traumatic event BEST describes:


A person is sweating, experiencing shortness of breath, choking, feeling dizzy, and is afraid of dying. If it is not a heart attack, but an indicator of anxiety disorder, it is probably a:

Panic attack

Every once in a while, Ona feels nervous to the point of terror. It seems to come on suddenly and randomly. Her experience is an example of a(n):

Panic disorder

Imagine that you just had a "close call" while driving, but now you feel your body returning to normal. Which part of your nervous system is controlling this return to normalcy?

Parasympathetic nervous system

Which statement is MOST accurate about depersonalization disorder?

People experiencing depersonalization disorder remain connected to reality.

What is the relationship between patterns of negative thinking and the development of stress disorders?

People with patterns of negative thinking are more vulnerable to develop acute stress disorder or PTSD

Provide an example of avoidance symptoms of stress disorders.

People, activities or places that associate with the traumatic event

What is insomnia?

Persistent difficulty falling or staying asleep

Which statement accurately reflects what we know from recent studies?

Phobias ordinarily are a result of classical conditioning

An intense, persistent, and irrational fear that is accompanied by a compelling desire to avoid the object of the fear to the point of interfering with the life of the person is called:

Phobic disorder

A friend says to you, "I know someone who is a combat veteran who was just diagnosed with PTSD. Do you think therapy will help this person?" Which is the BEST answer you can give based on current research?

Probably. About two-thirds of those receiving therapy for PTSD eventually show improvement."

Which statement concerning psychological treatments for physical disorders is MOST accurate?

Psychological interventions are often most helpful when they are combined.

Agoraphobia is the fear of:

Public places

Which statement about the long-term effects of rape on women is MOST accurate?

Rape victims are significantly more likely to abuse alcohol or drugs.

If a therapist gave a client homework that required the client to challenge his faulty assumptions and replace them with healthier ones, the therapist would be using:

Rational-emotive therapy

The biological understanding of generalized anxiety is supported by the finding that:

Relatives of people with generalized anxiety are more likely to have it than nonrelatives are.

The first step in systematic desensitization treatment is:

Relaxation training

_____ has been of some help in treating headaches, insomnia, asthma, diabetes, pain, certain vascular diseases, and the undesirable effects of certain cancer treatments.

Relaxation training

_____, often in combination with medication, has been widely used in the treatment of high blood pressure.

Relaxation training

_____ are equally helpful in the treatment of high blood pressure, headaches, and asthma.

Relaxation training and biofeedback training

Provide an example of reexperiencing a traumatic event.

Repeated, uncontrolled, and distressing memories Flashbacks Repeated and upsetting trauma-linked dreams

What do ECT, vagus nerve stimulation, and transcranial magnetic stimulation have in common?

Research on their use suggests that brain stimulation is effective in treating severe forms of depression.

What is a cognitive-behavioral explanation for depression?

Sad thoughts lead to sad actions Thoughts and behaviors

What is posttraumatic stress disorder?

Same thing as Acute Stress Disorder but lasts longer

Darla thinks she has bad luck. She repeatedly says, "Bad things just happen to me. It doesn't matter what I do. If it can go wrong, it will. And it always does." How does this thinking relate to the development of stress disorders?

She is more susceptible to a stress disorder.

Jan is very fearful of speaking in public and will do everything she can do avoid being evaluated by others, which causes her significant impairment. The MOST accurate diagnosis would be:

Social anxiety disorder

Which theoretical orientation would focus on differences in rates and symptoms of depression across different cultures?


Someone interested in the effects of social change, poverty, and race on the risk for generalized anxiety disorders probably represents the _________ perspective.


Based on current data, how likely is it that a person who attempts suicide has left behind a suicide note?

Somewhat common; some people leave behind a note, but many do not.

How likely is someone with undiagnosed conversion disorder to seek psychotherapy initially?

Somewhat likely, but a small majority of people with conversion disorder still seek medical therapy first.

Sonia has a Type A personality style, while Liz has a Type B personality style. They are both running for class president. How would you expect their campaigns to differ?

Sonia will be more competitive, and Liz will be more relaxed.

One of the nutraceuticals shown to be frequently helpful in treating unipolar depression is:

St. John's wort.

Little Karen was bitten by a tan pony she was riding at a carnival. The experience left her hurt and frightened. The next months she was visiting her uncle, who had a tan Great Dane (dog). It frightened her even though she had never had a bad experience with a dog. Karen's fear of this dog is an example of:

Stimulus generalization

Which statement MOST accurately reflects the connections among stress, immune function, and unipolar depression?

Stress disrupts immune functioning, which may then produce unipolar depression.

What is psychoneuroimmunology?

Study between stress, immune system, and susceptibility to illness

According to DSM-5, all of the following are considered symptoms of a manic episode EXCEPT:

Suicidal idealization

How does suicide relate to diagnosis?

Suicide is not a diagnosisable behavior but seen as indicator of something else

Sal is suffering from arachnophobia. His therapist first has him go through relaxation training and then has him construct a feat of hierarchy. Finally, the therapist has him go through a phase of graded pairings of spiders and relaxation responses. This approach is called:

Systematic desensitization

Which statement BEST reflects our understanding of hysterical disorders?

The causes of hysterical disorders are poorly understood, with no theory predominant in aiding understanding.

Which child is MOST likely to develop a stress disorder later in life after experiencing a trauma?

a child who lives alone with a single mother who is working multiple jobs

Which statement about the relationship between religion and suicide is MOST accurate?

The degree of a person's devoutness is a more important predictor of suicide than his or her specific religion.

DSM-5 added premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) as a diagnosis for certain women who repeatedly experience clinically significant depressive and related symptoms during the week before menstruation. Why has this been an ongoing controversy?

The diagnosis pathologizes severe cases of premenstrual syndrome.

Which age group is the most likely to commit suicide?

The elderly

What is derealization?

The feeling that events and things around you are not real

Which statement MOST accurately describes the sympathetic nervous system pathway of the stress response?

The hypothalamus excites the sympathetic nervous system, which then excites body organs to release hormones, causing even more arousal.

Which statement MOST accurately describes the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal pathway of the stress response?

The hypothalamus stimulates the pituitary to produce a stress hormone that causes the adrenal gland to release corticosteroids.

Which statement BEST describes what is known about the relationship between neurotransmitters and unipolar depression?

The interaction between serotonin and norepinephrine is more influential than the activity of each of these neurotransmitters by itself.

How are the interpersonal theory of suicide and the sociocultural view of suicide different?

The interpersonal theory describes perceived burdensomeness as a factor in suicide.

Which BEST describes someone with depersonalization?

The person feels detached from his or her own body.

A person with bipolar disorder is taking a commonly used drug to stabilize mood in the manic episodes. What else might also happen as a result of taking this drug?

The person might experience at least partial relief from depressive episodes.

Why do some researchers believe mass psychogenic illnesses will increase and become more severe in the future?

The power of social media will increase.

If bipolar disorder is genetically linked, then which of the following research findings, if obtained, would be the least likely?

The rate of bipolar disorder has increased steadily over the past decade.

Which description BEST indicates how tricyclics work upon ingestion?

The reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin are blocked, norepinephrine or serotonin remains in the synapse longer; and there is increased stimulation of receiving neurons.

Why do many people think that the estimates of the rates of suicide are inaccurate?

The stigma associated with suicide makes people hesitant to report it.

Despite having clear economic disadvantages, the health of Hispanic Americans is, on average, at least as good as, and often better than, that of both non-Hispanic white Americans and African Americans. What is one theory that explains this paradox?

The strong family support common in Hispanic American culture increases health resilience among members of this culture.

How are the features of the "baby blues" different from the symptoms of peripartum depression?

The symptoms of the "baby blues" are like those of peripartum depression but are less severe and persistent.

While walking through a forest during a rainstorm, 5-year-old Samir was almost struck by lightning. Today, as an adults, he is extremely afraid of trees. What is the conditional stimulus in the example?

The trees

Which statement about unipolar depression is TRUE?

The vast majority of individuals with unipolar depression recover within 6 months, sometimes without treatment.

Which statement BEST describes the effectiveness of suicide prevention programs?

Their effectiveness is difficult to measure.

Which conclusion could be drawn about the current theories of gender differences in relation to depression?

They all have some supporting evidence, but they all also have some research findings they cannot explain.

How do death darers primarily differ from those in Shneidman's other categories of people who attempt suicide?

They are ambivalent about their deaths.

What do acute and posttraumatic stress disorder have in common with dissociative disorders?

They are triggered by traumatic events.

People who experience obsessions show:

Thoughts that are intrusive and foreign to them

Professor who put on rubber gloves before grading papers and religiously avoid any contact with the hands of students is exhibiting a(n):

Touching compulsion

People with _____ are said to be consistently angry, cynical, driven, impatient, competitive, and ambitious.

Type A personality style

People with _____ interact with the world in a way that produces continual stress and often leads to coronary heart disease.

Type A personality style

People with _____ are thought to be more relaxed, less aggressive, and less concerned about time.

Type B personality style

When Marianela was a young child and watched TV with her mother, a mouse ran by. Her mother screamed, scaring her. Subsequently, she has been afraid of mice. In this example, her mother's scream is the:

Unconditional stimulus

Which is NOT a component of social anxiety disorder, according to research by cognitive theorists?

Underestimating how badly a social event went.

At a suicide prevention center, you hear a counselor say, "Can you tell me what you think are the most important factors that are making you feel hopeless right now? If you could change three things about your life, what would they be?" Which of the goals and techniques of suicide prevention do these questions BEST represent?

Understanding and clarifying the problem

A phobic person is exposed to computer graphics that simulate real-world situations. This is an example of the ______ technique.

Virtual reality

Which statement is TRUE regarding war veterans' risk of suicide once they return home?

War veterans are about twice as likely as nonveterans to commit suicide.

Which statement accurately describes the demographic differences in developing a stress disorder?

Women are more likely than men to develop a stress disorder.

How does gender influence suicide?

Women attempt more, men succeed more

Which statement is NOT true regarding gender and suicide?

Women succeed at committing suicide more often than men do.

What do we know about the inheritance of PTSD?

Women who have high cortisol levels tend to have children with high cortisol levels.

Which is an example of a meta-worry?

Worrying about worrying

How concerned should we be about victims of sexual assault and terror? Is there a very great risk that they will experience PTSD?

Yes, the risk is great; more than one-third of sexual assault victims and about half of terror victims experience PTSD.

Which individual is the one MOST likely to commit suicide?

a 40-year-old with low serotonin activity

Which description BEST defines self-injury?

a behavioral pattern of mutilating oneself or causing oneself pain

Martin Seligman developed a theory based on the idea that depression results from:

a belief that one has no control over the events in one's life.

A young man commits suicide. His father and uncle committed suicide at about his age as well. Which explanation of suicide MOST easily explains the young man's suicide?

a biological explanation

Which of the following is a symptom commonly associated with an ulcer?

a burning sensation in the stomach

if a person lives in a city, owns a home, and pays taxes, that person is LEAST likely to experience which event next year?

a cancer diagnosis

Sam can't leave for work without going back into his house and making sure that he has taken all of his writing materials. He does this several times before he allows himself to start the car and drive to work. He is frequently late for work because he is so unsure about remembering everything. Sam is displaying:

a checking compulsion

Growing up, Bernardo would sometimes get headaches. Whenever he got a headache, his mother let him stay home from school. Now, as an adult, his headaches have become more frequent. His head pounds any time he is required to do something he would rather not do. What kind of theoretical explanation for conversion symptoms is this?

a cognitive-behavioral explanation

Which does NOT characterize stress disorders?

a compulsive need to engage in activities that remind one of the event

Which of the following suicides would NOT be expected to contribute to the social contagion effect?

a disliked celebrity

Having a background in medicine, but also a grudge against the profession, puts a person at risk for:

a factitious disorder.

Mason was a chronically ill child who was seen repeatedly in the emergency department for a number of ailments. After several visits, Mason was removed from his home and placed in foster care. While staying in foster care, Mason became quite healthy. In this case, one might suspect that the parent was experiencing:

a factitious disorder.

Leila always feels threatened and anxious—imagining something awful is about to happen. But she is able to work and care for her family, although not as well as she would like. Leila is probably experiencing:

a generalized anxiety disorder

To what can we attribute much of the dramatic rise in the number of reported cases of dissociative identity disorder in recent years?

a growing belief by clinicians that this is an authentic disorder

family pedigree and twin studies have been used to look for a genetic predisposition for unipolar depression. these studies have found

a higher than chance rate of depression among the families of depressed pateints

Family pedigree, twin, and gene studies have been used to look for a predisposition for unipolar depression. These studies have found:

a higher than chance rate of depression among the families of depressed patients.

On an impulse, David decides to throw a huge party. It takes four days of round-the-clock work to get everything ready, and then David welcomes more than 200 guests. When the police stop by because David has blocked a public road to have room for the party, he flies into a rage. MOST likely, David is experiencing:

a manic phase of bipolar I disorder

Rosita swings between periods of bottomless depression and high-flying enthusiasm. She never hits the middle. Her physician is MOST likely to recommend treatment with:

a mood-stabilizing drug.

If neurotransmitters are linked to depression, which of these would be LEAST likely to be observed in a study?

a near-zero correlation between certain neurotransmitter levels and the number or severity of depressive symptoms a person reports

The fact that very angry people are not significantly more suicidal than other people argues MOST strongly against which explanation for suicide?

a psychodynamic explanation

Steve is afraid of eating in public, expecting to be judged negatively and to feel humiliated. As a result, he always makes up excuses when asked out to eat. He would most likely be diagnosed with:

a social phobia

Which person is MOST likely to develop severe unipolar depression based on their demographic characteristics?

a teenage boy who lives in poverty

John was feeling suicidal and received crisis intervention from a counselor. Because the center provided only short-term crisis intervention services, to best help John, the counselor referred him to:

a treatment center that offers long-term therapy.

Somatic complaints are very common in non-Western medical settings. This pattern MOST likely reflects:

a view that somatization is an appropriate way to handle emotions.

The developmental psychopathology perspective of depression can be characterized as:

a view that ties together many of the factors that are included in other theories.

an example of someone who is MOST likely to be diagnosed with depression

a woman from the US who has lived all her life on an American Indian reservation

Which person is MOST likely to be diagnosed with depression?

a woman from the United States who has lived in poverty all her life

What is the BEST example of a motivational symptom of unipolar depression?

a woman who no longer goes out with friends and stays home alone for weeks

what is the MOST surprising example of suicide because it does not fit into the pattern that current research results have identified?

a woman who stabbed and then hanged herself

Compared with African Americans, non-Hispanic white Americans are:

about as likely to be diagnosed with depression but less likely to have recurrent episodes.

the most consistent statement with the use of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) for depression

accepting negative thoughts and working with them is preferable to rejecting them entirely

The top two leading causes of death among teenagers are:

accidents and suicide.

a pattern of anxiety, insomnia, depression, and flashbacks that begins shortly after a horrible event and persists for less than a month is called

acute stress disorder

a person who witnessed a horrible accident and then became unusually anxious and depressed for 3 weeks is probably experiencing

acute stress disorder

A pattern of anxiety, insomnia, depression, and flashbacks that begins shortly after a traumatic event and persists for less than a month is called:

acute stress disorder.

A person who witnessed a horrible car accident and then became unusually anxious and depressed for three weeks is probably experiencing:

acute stress disorder.

Salina was terrified during the magnitude 7.2 earthquake that hit where she lived. For a couple of weeks after the event, she did not sleep well or feel comfortable inside a building. However, her fears gradually diminished and were completely gone within a month. Her reaction to the earthquake would MOST likely be diagnosed as a(n):

acute stress disorder.

what is the BEST example of the therapy technique known as behavioral activation?

adding positive activities to the patient's life

In research on the relationship between serotonin and suicide, serotonin seems MOST related to:


In research on suicide, abnormal serotonin levels and a dysfunctional depression-related brain circuit seem MOST related to:


what behavior pattern is NOT listed in the DSM-5 as an obsessive compulsive related disorder?


what is the MOST likely reason for the relationship between alcohol use and suicide?

alcohol lowers inhibitions and impairs judgment

in the MOST common type of dissociative amnesia, a person loses memory for

all events beginning with the trauma but within a limited period of time

In the MOST common type of dissociative amnesia, a person loses memory for:

all events beginning with the trauma but within a limited period of time.

to receive a diagnosis of major depressive episode, melancholic, an individual must display

almost no emotional response to pleasurable events

studies show that less than 10% of individuals who experience major losses become depressed. this finding provides what level of support for a psychodynamic explanation of depression?

almost none- about 10% of adults in the united states experience some level of clinical depression each year

Carlos died by intentionally stepping in front of a bullet that was intended for another young man, for whom Carlos, as head of a platoon of soldiers in the Persian Gulf War, was responsible. Emile Durkheim would call this an example of:

altruistic suicide

During combat, Carlos died when he intentionally stepped in front of a bullet that was intended for one of the soldiers for whom he was responsible. Durkheim would call this an example of:

altruistic suicide.

According to Durkheim, suicides by people who give up their lives so a person they love may live would be classified as:

altruistic suicides.

according to current estimates, the suicide rate is highest in the united states among

american indians

Who is MOST likely to experience a psychophysiological disorder?

an African American male

What would a person have if a biochemical imbalance were the cause of that person's depression?

an abnormality in the activity of certain neurotransmitters, especially serotonin and norepinephrine

What is dissociative amnesia?

an inability to recall important personal events and information, triggered by personal trauma

If we ultimately find that people with unipolar depression have certain biochemical characteristics that predispose them to certain cognitive characteristics that are exacerbated by certain life stressors, then we will have evidence that:

an interaction between factors causes depression.

according to Freud, obsessive-compulsive disorders have their origin in the ___ development


Brody no longer enjoys his usual hobbies, talking to his friends, or even playing with his dog. In fact, Brody didn't even care when he learned that he was up for a promotion at work. This BEST describes someone with:


A society that loses its basic family and religious core values, experiences large-scale immigration of people with very different values, and fails to provide meaning for the life of its people is in danger of an increase in what Durkheim calls:

anomic suicide

Which of these is a foreign invader of the body?


A bacterium and a virus are examples of:


which would a combat veteran receiving the best treatment for a stress disorder NOT be likely to experience? - antipsychotic medication - family therapy - rap groups - exposure therapy

antipsychotic medication

the MOST common mental disorders in the united states are

anxiety disorders

People who talk rapidly, dress flamboyantly, and get involved in dangerous activities are showing ______ symptoms of mania.


people who experience a positive event, get excited, breathe harder, and have an increase in their heart rate, then interpret the symptoms as a heart attack, are experiencing what cognitive theorists calls

anxiety sensitivity

The dean of academic affairs visits a professor's class as part of a tenure review. At the conclusion of the lecture, the dean exits hurriedly, without saying a word to the professor. The professor, who is prone to depression, concludes, "The dean hated my class so much he was too embarrassed to speak to me." This is an example of a(n):

arbitrary inference

The leading theories designed to explain suicide:

are not supported by a significant body of research

The statement that men and women are equally prone to depression, but clinicians often fail to detect depressive symptoms in men, reflects the _____ theory.


Pierre, a 32-year-old male, feels terrible. He is sad, tired, and depressed, but he refuses to show it. This is consistent with the:

artifact theory.

Talking rapidly, dressing flamboyantly, and getting involved in dangerous activities are _____ symptoms of mania.


At a suicide prevention center, you hear a counselor say, "Who can you think of who might be able to come over and stay with you for a few hours?" Which of the goals and techniques of suicide prevention does the quote BEST represent?

assessing and mobilizing the caller's resources

At a suicide prevention center, you hear a counselor say, "Do you have a gun? Is it loaded, and do you know how to use it?" Which one of the goals and techniques of suicide prevention do these questions BEST represent?

assessing suicide potential

at a suicide prevention center, you hear a counselor say, "do you have a gun? is it loaded and do you know how to use it?" what does this technique represent?

assessing suicide potential

A weakened respiratory system may be a contributing factor in some cases of:


Shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, and a choking sensation are symptoms commonly associated with:


Defects in the _____ system are thought to contribute to the development of psychophysiological disorders.

autonomic nervous

The _____ is the extensive network of nerve fibers that connect the central nervous system to all the other organs of the body.

autonomic nervous system

a person who has body dysmorphic disorder is considering plastic surgery. based on available research, what is the BEST advice for this person?

be careful. often, people who have plastic surgery for body dysmorphic disorder actually feel worse afterward

If the psychodynamic explanation for suicide is correct, then suicide rates should:

be lower among those persons who experienced symbolic loss as children.

Jose is depressed. His therapist told him that reading a book each month would help. He should also visit friends, go bowling, do the laundry, mow the lawn, and eat meals with his wife. In short, he should increase his positive activity. His therapist MOST likely reflects the _____ orientation


a depressed person who is confused, unable to remember thing, and unable to solve problems is suffering from _ symptoms


what theoretical position explains the origin of phobias as due to classical conditioning?


which theoretical orientation would support the finding that there is a significant relationship between positive life events and feelings of life satisfaction and happiness?


Focusing on the addition of positive activities to a depressed patient's life is a behavioral technique known as:

behavioral activation

Focusing on the addition of positive activities to the life of a patient with depression is a behavioral technique known as:

behavioral activation.

a decrease in social rewards, especially a decrease in social support such as that found in a happy marriage, may precede the onset of depression, providing evidence for which theoretical perspectives?

behavioral and sociocultural

Commonly observed triggers for suicide include all of the following EXCEPT: - being in therapy - heavy alcohol use - modeling of someone who committed suicide - stressful life events

being in therapy

The strongest evidence for the cause of bipolar disorders BEST supports which theoretical perspective?


Someone who experiences four or more alternations between mild mania and major depression within a one-year time span would be classified as having:

bipolar II rapid cycling.

What is the first step in treating people with dissociative identity disorder?

bond with the primary personality

the first step in treating people with dissociative identity disorder is to

bond with the primary personality

When it comes to understanding mental disorders and medical problems, most researchers believe that:

both are often best understood when sociocultural, psychological, and biological factors are all taken into consideration.

in terms of cognitive theories explaining generalized anxiety disorder, a good deal of research supports

both metacognitive theory and intolerance of uncertainty theory

research supporting a freudian view of suicide has shown that later suicidal behavior is related to

both real and symbolic losses in childhood

in the bilateral ECT, the electrical current passes through

both sides of the brain

Studies reporting abnormalities in the basal ganglia of individuals with bipolar disorder provide the strongest support for which cause of bipolar disorder?

brain structure

Mood-stabilizing drugs have been found to increase the production of:

brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF).

the chief sources of data used to support the theories of psychodynamic and behavioral clinicians are

case studies

Juan is currently experiencing a period of sadness that has resulted in almost total immobility. He sits in a chair all day and almost never moves. His wife has to assist him in getting into bed at night. Which type of major depression would he MOST likely be diagnosed with?


what would be the most appropriate diagnosis for a person who experienced a major depressive episode, without having a history of mania, and is either immobile or excessively active?

catatonic depression

a neurologist who was working with a person with obsessive-compulsive disorder would be suspicious of abnormality in what region of the brain?

caudate nuclei

The second phase of Beck's cognitive therapy is to get the client to:

challenge automatic thoughts.

an individual with depression who is receiving therapy is told that many, even most of the negative thoughts that an individual experiences and records have no basis in fact. MOST likely, the therapist is

challenging automatic thoughts

Which is NOT a common focus of psychotherapy, as part of adjunctive therapy, for bipolar disorder?

challenging clients' automatic thoughts

Clients who test their assumptions about what is causing their depression are working in which phase of Beck's treatment program?

changing primary attitudes

What is conversion disorder?

characterized by medically unexplained physical symptoms that affect voluntary motor or sensory functioning (one larger symptom)

What is acute stress disorder?

characterized by the development of severe anxiety, dissociation, and other symptoms that occurs within one month after exposure to an extreme traumatic stressor

The age group LEAST likely to commit suicide in the United States is:


in the face of fear, a person is unable to concentrate and develops a distorted view of the world. this person is showing which fear response?


teaching people to accept their worries and live in the present moment - mindfulness therapy - is MOST consistent with which theoretical approach?


which therapy is an effective long-term, non-pharmacological treatment for panic attack that involves teaching patients to interpret their physical sensations accurately?


the clinician who be MOST likely to ask "do you believe you will always feels like this in all situations?" is a

cognitive clinician

which group emphasizes the beliefs and expectations that lead someone with a social anxiety disorder to overestimate how bad a social interaction went?

cognitive theorists

a person experiencing unipolar depression writes in an activity schedule, "go to store; doctor's appt.; visit museum; read novel; clean room." what treatment approach is this person MOST likely receiving?

cognitive therapy

according to research studies, the success rate for interpersonal therapy is about the same as that for

cognitive therapy

A therapist describes a patient who believes her personal worth is tied to each task she performs. She draws negative conclusions from very little evidence, amplifies minor mistakes into major character flaws, and suffers from repetitive thoughts that remind her of her flaws. You conclude that the therapist holds which theoretical orientation?


A friend of yours says, "Yes, I support the right of people to commit suicide, especially if they are in a lot of pain or don't have long to live." In the United States, your friend's opinion is:

common; more than two-thirds of all Americans support the right to commit suicide under those circumstances.

if a person criticized everything he did, looking for flaws, and never could measure up to his personal standards, he would be exhibiting what Rogers called

conditions of worth

Max experienced a dissociative fugue for two weeks. What is a common immediate reaction upon "waking" from this state?


Carlotta is attacked in the street and her young daughter is kidnapped. Eventually, the police find her daughter and she is returned to her mother. However, Carlotta is unable to recall events that have occurred since the attack. She is even unable to retain new information; she remembers what happened before the attack but cannot remember new and ongoing experiences. This is a classic example of:

continuous amnesia

Carlotta is attacked in the street and her young daughter is kidnapped. Eventually, the police find her daughter and return her to her mother. However, Carlotta is unable to recall events that have occurred since the attack. She is even unable to retain new information; she remembers what happened before the attack but cannot remember new and ongoing experiences. This is a classic example of:

continuous amnesia.

A person who has a disorder in which she is translating conflicts and anxiety into physical symptoms is said to have a _____ disorder.


If a person's bodily symptoms affect his or her voluntary motor and sensory functions, but the symptoms are inconsistent with any known medical disease, this condition is referred to as:

conversion disorder.

An individual has been diagnosed with a dissociative disorder. However, the individual has very good recall of previous life events and has a strong sense of self. The MOST likely diagnosis for this individual is:

depersonalization disorder.

Josiah is a cellist preparing for his audition at Julliard, a world-renowned music school. The night before his audition, Josiah suffers an abrupt paralysis in his right arm. He has no known medical conditions that are associated with this symptom. This description MOST closely aligns with:

conversion disorder.

What is the leading global cause of death, resulting in 17 million deaths worldwide each year?

coronary heart disease

Which brain structure or region is NOT part of the brain circuits involved in unipolar depression?

corpus callosum

The belief that the prefrontal cortex has a very important part to play in the development of depression is probably:

correct; lower activity in the prefrontal cortex is associated with depression

The belief that the prefrontal cortex has a very important part to play in the development of depression is probably:

correct; unusually high activity in some parts and unusually low activity in other parts of the prefrontal cortex are associated with depression.

The group of hormones that are referred to as "stress hormones" are:


When a person is under stress, the HPA pathway releases:


If the focus of your therapist is primarily on how communication and problem-solving difficulties with your partner are contributing to your depression, your therapist is using:

couple therapy

A phobic person is taught to imagine the feared items as part of desensitization training. This is an example of the ____ technique.


several studies have demonstrated that hispanic american combat veterans and police officers have higher rates of PTSD than other veterans or officers. research into the cause of this difference have MOST often focused on possible

cultural belief system and social support factors

a milder pattern of mood swings that does not reach the severity of bipolar disorder but does include brief depressive and manic episodes is called _ disorder


Of the following disorders, psychotherapy plays a more central role in:

cyclothymic disorder.

The disorder marked by numerous periods of hypomanic symptoms and mild depressive symptoms is called:

cyclothymic disorder.

Overabundance of _____ can lead to chronic inflammation throughout the body, contributing to heart disease, stroke, and other illnesses.


Nora is ambivalent about her intent to die and deliberately swims in shark-infested waters. Shneidman would call Nora a:

death darer.

according to edwin shneidman, people who are ambivalent about their intent to die and whose actions leading to death do not guarantee death (ex: swimming in shark infested waters) are called

death darers

Cecil and Jeanne, teenagers, made a love pact, jumping from a cliff in order to be with each other for eternity. Cecil and Jeanne are examples of what Edwin Shneidman refers to as:

death ignorers

Cecil and Andrea are teenagers who made a love pact, jumping off a cliff to be with each other for eternity. Cecil and Andrea are examples of what Shneidman refers to as:

death ignorers.

Knowing she was terminally ill, Bonnie swallowed a handful of barbiturates in order to save herself and her family from the final painful months of life. Bonnie is an example of what Edwin Shneidman refers to as a:

death initiator

ernest hemingway was a physically strong, proud man who developed great concerns about his failing body. depressed about his progressive illness, he intentionally ended his life. edwin shneidman would term hemingway a

death initiator

According to Shneidman, people who commit suicide with clarity and commitment, yet who believe that they are simply facilitating a process that is already under way, are called:

death initiators.

According to Shneidman, the critical way in which the death seeker differs from the death darer is:

death seekers intend to end their lives with their action

In the twenty-first century in the United States, the number of diagnosed cases per year of dissociative identity disorder has:


Research prompted by the "black box" controversy about using second-generation antidepressants with younger patients shows that taking second-generation antidepressants:

decreases younger patient suicide rates overall, although some individuals are more likely to commit suicide

Behaviorists explain the downward spiral of depression by theorizing that:

depressed behavior leads to even fewer opportunities for social rewards

an example of a research finding that provides the most direct support for Beck's cognitive theory of depression?

depressed women make even more errors in logic when interpreting a paragraph than do non-depressed women

the drug treatment that is MOST effective in treating panic disorders is like that used to treat


What kind of depression is unipolar?

depression that occurs without periods of mania

When a person feels that the external world is removed, mechanical, distorted, or even dead, he or she is experiencing:


people who have a biological vulnerability for anxiety that is brought to the surface by social/psychological factors develop generalized anxiety disorders, according to the

diathesis-stress model

a person who sees life in "right or wrong", "all or none" terms is engaging in

dichotomous thinking

The risk of negative side effects for people who take MAO inhibitors can be mitigated by making changes in which aspect of life?


one very interesting study investigated the physiological responses of sub-personalities of those with dissociative identity disorder, and the physiological responses of the "sub-personalities" of those instructed to fake dissociative identity disorder. the study showed that the physiological responses of sub-personalities of those with dissociative identity disorder:

differed from one another, but the sub-personalities of those faking dissociative identity disorder did not

The most commonly occurring sleeplessness-produced problem is:

difficulty concentrating.

a person diagnosed with a dissociative disorder has recovered almost completely, even though a person had not received any therapy. that person was at LEAST likely to have been diagnosed with

dissociative amnesia

According to the text, psychodynamic therapy seems especially well suited to treat:

dissociative amnesia.

People who are unable to recall important information about themselves, especially of an upsetting nature, are MOST likely experiencing:

dissociative amnesia.

which diagnosis includes a breakdown in sense of self, a significant alteration in memory or identity, and even a separation of one part of the identity from another part?

dissociative disorder

what conclusion does research on hypnosis and hypnotic amnesia support?

dissociative disorders are similar to behaviors seen in hypnotic amnesia

an individual with which disorder would least likely need therapy to avoid a recurrence and to recover lost memories?

dissociative fugue

An individual who formerly knew how to speak a foreign language and play a musical instrument can no longer remember how to do so as a result of a dissociative disorder. The dissociative disorder MOST likely present is:

dissociative identity.

what is NOT a longtime stressor particularly common among those who attempt suicide?


in the united states, the highest depression rate is found in

divorced people

According to Seligman's research, dogs that were initially exposed to inescapable electric shocks learned to _____ when given the opportunity to avoid subsequent escapable shocks.

do nothing

assume you have a friend who is a talented artist and has occasional short-term hypomania. what is the best thing, in terms of being a creative, productive artist, that your friend could do?

do nothing; sometimes, hypomania increases artistic creativity and productivity

feeling that your hands and feet are smaller or bigger than usual or that you are in a dreamlike state is called


Jake is lying in bed and suddenly feels as though he is floating above his body. This is called:


Abnormal "ion activity" has been found in many people suffering from bipolar disorder. This ion activity is responsible for transmitting messages:

down the length of a neuron

If the state-dependent learning explanation of dissociative disorders is correct, when would a subpersonality be MOST likely to present?

during a time of stress

Mason is receiving therapy for dissociative identity disorder. At which stage would family therapy MOST likely be included as part of therapy?

early on, when the therapist is trying to help the client recognize the nature of the disorder

Juan is an atheist, does what he wants, and is alienated from others. He feels life isn't worth living and kills himself. According to Emile Durkheim, he would be classified as an:

egoistic suicide

Juan is an atheist, does what he wants, and is alienated from others. He feels life isn't worth living and kills himself. According to Emile Durkheim, Juan would be classified as an:

egoistic suicide.

Which research finding supports the idea that individuals may inherit a predisposition to posttraumatic stress disorder?

elevated cortisol levels in babies born to women who were pregnant during the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks

In one study, patients with asthma and arthritis who wrote down their thoughts and feelings about stressful events for a handful of days showed lasting improvements in their conditions. This is an example of the effectiveness of:

emotion expression.

Suicides that are carried out in bizarre ways for political reasons are MOST likely to trigger suicide thoughts in those with:

emotional problems.

Adjunctive therapy to treat bipolar disorder commonly focuses on:

emphasizing the importance of taking the medication, even though the patients miss the creative and productive bursts they used to have.

The network of glands that releases hormones into the bloodstream is the _____ system.


the part of the body that releases hormones into the bloodstream is the ___ system?


Jamal is experiencing a major depressive episode that appears to have begun three weeks ago. He is miserable and suffers from at least five symptoms of depression. No unusually stressful events have occurred in the past year. Based on these data, the diagnosis would be:

endogenous depression

Sohila has been deteriorating for more than a year. She is always tired (she does not sleep), she is losing weight (she eats poorly), she is sad, feels terrible, and feels like it will never get any better. When she responds to questions, it is clear that nothing in particular has happened. Based on these data, the diagnosis MOST likely would be:

endogenous depression

What is the most common type of activity people perform when they want to relieve stress?

entertainment, such as watching television, listening to music, or reading

when answering the telephone of a suicide hotline, the first step for the counselor is to

establish a positive relationship

When answering the telephone of a suicide hotline, the first step for the counselor is to:

establish a positive relationship.

at a suicide prevention center, you hear a counselor say, "Hello. I am interested in you as a person and am going to stay on the phone with you as long as you want, all night maybe." which goals and techniques of suicide prevention does this statement represent?

establishing a positive relationship

Which finding would MOST STRONGLY support the assumption that learned helplessness is a potential cause of depression?

evidence from an experiment showing that when people are exposed to uncontrollable negative events, depressive symptoms follow

what's the BEST example of "reduced responsiveness" as it relates to post-traumatic stress disorder?

excessive talking about the event in inappropriate settings

A person with hypertension would MOST likely:

exhibit no outward signs of disease.

Four adults have experienced a stressful event. The individual at greatest risk for developing a physical illness is the person who recently:

experienced the death of a spouse.

a person with post-traumatic stress disorder who refuses to talk about it is

experiencing avoidance

Carly has posttraumatic stress disorder but refuses to talk about it. She is:

experiencing avoidance.

a person with post-traumatic stress disorder who is upset by what she or he had to do to survive and perhaps even feels unworthy of surviving is

experiencing increased anger, anxiety, and guilt

Jacquie developed PTSD after being held in captivity for years. She is upset by what she had to do to survive and perhaps even feels unworthy of surviving. This is an example of:

experiencing increased anger, anxiety, and guilt.

Trevor has posttraumatic stress disorder and reports symptoms of derealization. He is:

experiencing reduced responsiveness.

an obsessive-compulsive person who was told that everyone was required to wear shoes at all times in the house and not to vacuum for a week would be experiencing what therapy procedures

exposure and response prevention

What kind of therapy entails a combat veteran undergoing eye movement desensitization and reprocessing?

exposure therapy

Darius thinks that his poor performance in math was due to a bad teacher. He also believes that he is good in language-based subjects. Darius is sure that he will do better in math next year. This is an example of:

external, specific, and unstable attribution

a person experiencing a panic disorder is MOST LIKELY to also have a

fear of leaving home

Those who suffer from chronic insomnia may:

feel as if they are constantly awake.

someone who is experiencing "doubling" is

feeling like his or her mind is floating above him or her

Which of the following is NOT a physical symptom of depression?

feeling sad and dejected

Research indicates that suicides by people with schizophrenia occur in response to:

feelings of demoralization.

The BEST example of malingering is a person who:

feigns an illness to achieve some external gain, such as financial compensation.

When talking with a potentially suicidal individual on a suicide hotline, the final step for the counselor is to:

formulate a plan.

At a suicide prevention center, you hear a counselor say, "Will you promise me that you will call again if you ever feel like killing yourself?" Which one of the goals and techniques of suicide prevention does this question BEST represent?

formulating a plan

at a suicide prevention center, you hear a counselor say, "will you promise me that you will call again if you ever feel like killing yourself again?" what does this question best represent?

formulating a plan

a person who is restless, keyed up, and on edge for no apparent reason is experiencing

free-floating anxiety

A therapist who is caring for someone with an illness anxiety disorder should expect to find which of the following?

frequent checking of the body for signs of illness

Retrospective analysis involves:

gathering information about a suicide victim's past.

Gwen is held up at knifepoint, and her young son is kidnapped. Her son is eventually found and returned to her. However, Gwen is unable to recall events that occurred since the attack, although she remembers some new experiences; worse still, she finds that she is forgetting events that occurred even before the attack. This is a classic example of:

generalized amnesia.

Which factor does NOT contribute to the high suicide rate among the elderly?

geographical location

what factor doesn't contribute to the high suicide rate among the elderly?

geographical location

What is a factitious disorder?

go to extremes to create the appearance of illness for attention, sympathy, non-material rewards

what's the BEST example of interpersonal role transition?

going away to college for the first time

What is the sympathetic nervous system?

group of ANS fibers that work to quicken our heartbeat and produce the other changes that we experience as fear or anxiety.

The individual MOST at risk of suicide is someone who:

has become increasingly introverted and has adopted an overall more pessimistic outlook.

As a political protest, two activists leap from a bridge in a highly publicized double suicide. Those MOST at risk for modeling these suicides are people who:

have a history of emotional problems.

A 12-year-old middle-school European American girl from a middle-class socioeconomic background has been diagnosed with bipolar I disorder. Which characteristic is MOST unusual for those with bipolar I disorder diagnosis?

her age

Tomas killed himself in a way that is being described as an altruistic suicide. He is MOST likely to have lived in a country that:

honors those who kill themselves for a higher good.

Anna is pessimistic and believes that her life will never get better and her problems will only get worse. She is experiencing:


Biochemical explanations for bipolar disorder focus on all of the following EXCEPT: - neurotransmitter activity - ion activity - hormonal functioning - genetic factors

hormonal functioning

Biochemical explanations for bipolar disorder focus on all of the following EXCEPT:

hormonal functioning.

A benefit of adjunctive psychotherapy for bipolar disorder is that:

hospitalizations are reduced.

Scarlett finds that she needs more than the 8 hours of sleep recommended for adults. If she gets less than 10 hours of sleep per night, she has difficulty concentrating, is forgetful, has problems driving, and cannot work effectively. Scarlett would most likely be diagnosed with:

hypersomnolence disorder.

Beyond its use in the control of pain, _____ has been used successfully to help treat such problems as skin diseases, asthma, insomnia, high blood pressure, warts, and other forms of infection.


When a dangerous situation is recognized, what brain structure releases neurotransmitters to trigger the firing of neurons and the release of chemicals throughout the body?


Clients who tend to see everything that occurs as either all right or all wrong, with nothing in between, need to focus on which phase of Beck's treatment for depression?

identifying negative thinking and biases

our expectations, values, and goals combine to form our


what is the BEST example of the social contagion effect?

if you had a close relative or friend who committed suicide, your risk of committing suicide is greater

ideally, critical incident stress debriefing occurs

immediately and is short-term

The body's network of activities and cells that identify and destroy antigens and cancer cells is called the:

immune system.

Tony just does not feel close to anyone. He feels alone because although he can get to know someone (a woman) quite well on a friendship level, he doesn't know how to get beyond that to a more intimate level. This is depressing him. This is an example of what interpersonal psychotherapists refer to as an:

interpersonal deficit

Someone who intentionally feigns an illness to receive external gain is described as someone who:

is malingering.

a couple has been married for almost 50 years, and then one of them dies. the probability that the surviving spouse will commit suicide

is much higher than normal

A couple has been married for almost 50 years, and then one of them dies. The probability that the surviving spouse will commit suicide:

is much higher than normal.

behaviorists believe that compulsive behavior

is reinforced because engaging in it reduces anxiety

what's true abut the research on the effectiveness of cognitive therapy in treating unipolar depression?

it nearly eliminates depressive symptoms in 50 to 60% of the cases

A friend of yours wants certain heavy metal songs banned because, your friend says, listening to them will encourage suicidal tendencies. Your best reply, based on research, would be:

it probably won't work; experts don't agree with you, and the courts have not found musicians liable

if a person were taking an antidepressant that increases levels of serotonin and improves brain function for symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder, that person could expect that

it would lead to short-term relief, but relapse would occur if the person stopped the medication

Bentley was driving over the same bridge he crossed every day on his way to work, but today nothing about the bridge or scenery felt familiar. What is this an example of?

jamais vu

I was running down a familiar country lane when all of a sudden nothing looked familiar. it took me several seconds to realize where i was, and i continued my run without incident. what i experienced was

jamais vu

Compared with a migraine headache, the pain associated with a muscle contraction headache is typically:

less severe.

compared to heart disease and cancer, suicide accounts for _ in the united states

less than 1/10 of the deaths

Depression is more common in women because they experience more taxing life situations, such as poverty and menial jobs, than men. This is the:

life stress theory.

depression is more common in women because they experience more taxing life situations, such as poverty and menial jobs, than men. this is the

life-stress theory

Cluster suicides may involve high suicide rates among teenagers who:

live on certain American Indian reservations.

Those MOST likely to experience substantial stress symptoms after the terrorist attacks in the United States on September 11, 2001:

lived near NYC

All of these are considered immediate stressors EXCEPT:

living in an abusive environment.

After a major earthquake, television coverage showed survivors shuffling confusedly through the ruined buildings. If such victims later could not remember the days immediately after the earthquake, the victims would be suffering from which type of amnesia?

localized amnesia

What is the most common type of dissociative amnesia?

localized amnesia

combat veterans are likely to report symptoms of

localized amnesia

shawn experiences a mugging and robbery in which his dog is kidnapped. eventually the dog is found and returned. however, he is unable to recall events immediately following the attack, up until the safe return of the dog. this is a classic example of

localized amnesia

A person's levels of cortisol and norepinephrine are in the normal range. What is that person MOST likely experiencing?

no stress disorder

what are the chances that researchers will develop a specific, gene-based explanation for unipolar depression in the near future?

low - so far, specific genes on half or more of chromosomes have been linked to unipolar depression

Biological researchers have found a link between suicide and:

low activity levels of serotonin.

what statement BEST reflects the relationship between serotonin and suicide?

low levels of serotonin are related to high levels of aggression and impulsivity

Neurochemically, both unipolar depression and bipolar disorder are associated with:

low serotonin activity.

Bartrop and colleagues compared the immune systems of 26 people whose spouses had died 8 weeks earlier with those of 26 matched control-group participants whose spouses had not died. The blood samples revealed that _____ was much lower in the bereaved people than in the controls.

lymphocyte functioning

What helps the body identify and destroy antigens and cancer cells?


The white blood cells that circulate through the lymph system and bloodstream are referred to as:


A person who is recovering from unipolar depression continues to take a tricyclic for several months after most symptoms are gone. What kind of therapy is this?


Your aunt says, "I know I'm depressed, and I think and worry about my depression constantly; however, I never actually do anything about it." She is:

making ruminative responses.

cognitive therapists believe that generalized anxiety disorder is induced by

maladaptive assumptions

A state of breathless euphoria, or frenzied energy, in which individuals have an exaggerated belief in their own power, is characteristic of:


in what way do adolescent suicides NOT differ from suicides at other age levels?

many experience significant loss before the suicide

The number of diagnosed cases of dissociative identity disorder increased in the 1980s and 1990s. Some researchers are concerned about this trend, stating that:

many of the cases are unintentionally produced by clinicians.

Suicide prevention centers:

may deliver services over the phone using paraprofessionals.

A clinically depressed individual who has been threatening suicide finally shows diminishing of depressive symptoms. This person's risk of committing suicide:

may have increased, because the person may have the energy to act on the suicidal impulse

A clinically depressed individual who has been threatening suicide finally shows a diminishing of depressive symptoms. This person's risk of committing suicide:

may have increased, because the person may have the energy to act on the suicidal impulse.

Western health care professionals have only recently become aware of the effectiveness of _____ in relieving physical distress.


What is key to our sense of identity?


Which of these is a side effect of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)?

memory loss

which is NOT generally accurate regarding gender and depression?

men respond less successfully to therapy for depression

Based on the evidence about suicide rates, intervention strategies, to be most effective, should focus on:

middle-aged adults, as they have a fairly high suicide rate that is rising relatively rapidly.

A friend of yours wishes to be a highly creative artist. What is the best advice you could give your friend regarding mood disorders?

mild mood disorders are related to greater creativity than severe disorders

With _____, a person pays attention to the feelings, thoughts, and sensations that are flowing through his or her mind but does so with detachment and objectivity and, most important, without judgment.

mindfulness meditation

"your worries? they are only thoughts. don't try to stop them, but recognize that they are thoughts, and don't let them upset you so much." this statement MOST LIKELY would come from someone using which form of therapy for generalized anxiety disorder?

mindfulness-based cognitive therapy

the cognitive explanation for panic disorders is that people who have them

misinterpret bodily sensations

"experiences of observation teach us early in life that certain objects are legitimate sources of fear." the person who believes this espouses the ___ explanation of the development of phobias


The finding that many adolescents who attempt suicide know someone who has attempted suicide provides a case for which process in suicidal actions?


What term describes the behaviors of people who attempt suicide after observing or reading about someone else who has done so?


if a person were afraid of dogs and his therapist treated him by interacting with dogs while he watched, he would be receiving


a person is being treated for a social anxiety disorder. a therapist watches the person act out a social scene, points out what she did correctly and incorrectly, and praises her for what she did well. which behavioral technique did the therapist NOT use?

modeling [role play, feedback, reinforcement all play a role]

When a rash of suicides occurs in the aftermath of a celebrity's suicide or a case that has been highly publicized by the media, behavioral theorists believe it is attributable to:


one of the sub-personalities of a person receiving treatment for dissociative identity disorder has just become a "protector". how far along in therapy has the person probably progressed?

moderately far because a protector usually emerges before sub-personality integration

It is common that the majority of people who commit suicidal acts also have another psychological disorder. Which would be the MOST common disorder associated with suicidal attempts?

mood disorders

What mental disorders have been found to contribute to the greatest number of suicides?

mood disorders

according to freud, children who are punished or threatened for expressing their id impulses may develop

moral anxiety

Compared with covert exposure therapy for combat veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder, virtual reality exposure therapy has been shown to be:

more effective.

Compared with adults who commit suicide, teenagers who commit suicide are:

more impulsive and have poorer problem-solving skills.

Teenagers are different from people who are older than they are who commit suicide, because teenagers are?

more impulsive and poorer problem-solving skills

People with panic disorder experience body sensations:

more intensely than those without panic disorder

a personality change that often accompanies dissociative fugues is that people become

more outgoing

A diagnostic criterion for posttraumatic stress disorder is the presence of significant distress or impairment for:

more than one month.

what is the statement that provides the most persuasive argument against a psychodynamic explanation for dissociative identity disorder?

most abused children don't develop the disorder

ECT has changed has changed over the years so that patients now receive:

muscle relaxants before the procedure.

Alexis has dissociative identity disorder. When one of her personalities, Jodi, is asked about another one, Tom, she claims ignorance. Tom has never heard of Jodi either. This would be called a:

mutually amnesic relationship

Alexis has dissociative identity disorder. When one of her personalities, Jodi, is asked about another one, Tom, she claims ignorance. Tom has never heard of Jodi, either. This is called a:

mutually amnesic relationship.

What is the term for when all of the subpersonalities in a person with dissociative identity disorder are aware of one another?

mutually cognizant pattern

raymond had a dissociative identity disorder. all of his sub-personalities talk about and tattle on each other. this is called a

mutually cognizant pattern

Cal tends to fall asleep at the drop of a hat—while watching television, eating, and even driving. He would most likely be diagnosed with:


cognitive theorists explain depression in terms of a person's

negative interpretation of events

Cognitive-behavioral theorists explain depression in terms of a person's:

negative interpretation of events.

Lithium appears to affect:

neurons' second messengers.

according to freud, children who are prevented from expressing id impulses - making mud pies, playing war, and exploring their genitals - are at risk for developing

neurotic anxiety

according to cognitive theorists, compulsive acts serve to


A person's levels of cortisol and norepinephrine are in the normal range. MOST likely, that person is experiencing:

no stress disorder

For teenagers, the highest suicide rates are found among:

non-Hispanic white Americans and American Indians.

The abnormal activity of which neurotransmitter has been linked to traumatic events?


Unlike unipolar depression, bipolar depression is associated with high _____ activity.


If stress continues for an extended period of time, _____ give an inhibitory message to lymphocytes.

norepinephrine and corticosteroids

An example of torture through deprivation is:

not allowing the person to bathe.

Someone you know has just been diagnosed with an adjustment disorder. You can be reasonably sure that this person's disorder is:

not normal, but less severe than acute distress disorder or post-traumatic stress disorder

A U.S. teenager attempting suicide for the first time will MOST likely:

not succeed but may try again.

how strong is the evidence supporting the usefulness of client-centered therapy for those with generalized anxiety disorder?

not very strong: case reports of client-centered therapy's usefulness are not strongly supported by controlled studies

in modeling, the client

observes the therapist confronting the feared object

In modeling, the client:

observes the therapist confronting the feared object.

Because of similarities in presentation, people with illness anxiety disorder often receive the same kinds of treatments used to address symptoms of:

obsessive-compulsive disorder.

a clinician who is not up-to-date uses the term "excessive behaviors" to describe a category of disorder. according to the DSM-5, that category is now called:

obsessive-compulsive-related disorders

a professor's office is a mess; graded tests are in piles on the desk, overflowing bookshelves line the walls, and research materials from years ago occupy boxes on the floor where there is only a narrow pathway to walk. if the professor is experiencing a diagnosable disorder, it would mOST likely be in which category?

obsessive-compulsive-related disorders

what's an accurate statement about the successes of suicide prevention programs?

of those who call, fewer commit than those who don't call who are in a similar risk group

"It seems to me that people with illness anxiety disorder simply model what they see others doing." A person with which theoretical view would be MOST likely to make this statement?

one with the cognitive-behavioral view

Juanita has dissociative identity disorder. Big Tony and Smart Alice are two personalities who are aware of all of the others. None of her other personalities are aware of each other. This would be called what?

one-way amnesic relationship

Juanita has dissociative identity disorder. Big Tony and Smart Alice are two personalities who are aware of all of the others. None of her other personalities is aware of the others. This would be called a:

one-way amnesic relationship.

In a case of dissociative identity disorder, Lorna is aware of the existence of Jerry and Chris, but Jerry and Chris are not aware of the existence of the other personalities. This form of subpersonality relationship is called:

one-way amnesic.

A person is sweating, experiencing shortness of breath, choking, feeling dizzy, and is afraid of dying. If it is not a heart attack, but an indicator of anxiety disorder, it is probably a:

panic attack

every once in a while, Ona feels nervous to the point of terror. it seems to come on suddenly and randomly. her experience is an example of a(n)

panic disorder

an intense, persistent, and irrational fear that is accompanied by a compelling desire to avoid the object of the fear to the point of interfering with the life of the person is called

phobic disorder

A student who turns pale and feels nauseated when called on to speak in class is experiencing a(n) ______ response to stress.


People in an occupation with a particularly high rate of suicide are:

police officers.

a pattern of anxiety, insomnia, depression, and flashbacks that persists for years after a horrible event is called:

post-traumatic stress disorder

dorian was only 10 miles away from mount st. helens when it erupted with one of the largest blasts in history. there was ash and lava everywhere, and he was terrified and sure he was going to die. when rescue teams found him a week later, he was cold, hungry, and scared. more than a year later, he still had nightmares and woke up in a cold sweat. this description BEST fits a(n)

post-traumatic stress disorder

years after the u.s. civil war was over, many veterans diagnosed with "melancholia" or "soldier's heart" still experienced vivid flashbacks of their combat experiences, as well as nightmares and guilt about what they had done. today, their MOST likely diagnosis would be

post-traumatic stress disorder

almost every night, cara wakes up terrified and screaming for the boys to get off her. two years later she still can't get the gang rape out of her mind. the fear, anxiety, and depression are ruining her life. this is an example of

post-traumatic stress reaction

a woman experiences recurrent thoughts of suicide, great sadness, and sleep disturbance. these symptoms began a week after she gave birth and have lasted more than 6 months. the woman is experiecning

postpartum depression

Historically, peripartum depression has been labeled:

postpartum depression.

Although all of the following mental disorders are of concern for increased suicide risk, the LEAST likely to be linked to suicide is:

posttraumatic stress disorder.

After Caroline's plane crashed but she survived, her mother came to stay with her. Her friends visited often and went to lunch and dinner with Caroline occasionally. This situation probably contributed to Caroline's coping ability after the accident. Which of these factors was present for Caroline?

presence of social support

According to the psychodynamic view, conversion disorder symptoms function to keep unacceptable thoughts and conflicts out of consciousness. This is called:

primary gain.

A school's star athlete commits suicide. To prevent further student suicides, the school should:

provide postvention.

A flash flood hits a small Appalachian community. Those providing a critical incident stress debriefing intervention would:

provide short-term counseling services.

A therapist using free association and dream interpretation discovers that as a small child her patient had been left alone by her mother on several occasions and concludes that the patient is experiencing unipolar depression. The therapist is MOST likely from which orientation?


which theoretical model is supported by the finding that monkeys separated from their mothers at birth show signs of depression?


The clinician who would be MOST likely to say, "Tell me about any early losses you experienced" is a:

psychodynamic clinician

What kind of clinician would be MOST likely to say, "Tell me about any early losses you experienced," to a client?

psychodynamic clinician

free association, interpretation of associations, and dream interpretation are all techniques used primarily by

psychodynamic therapists

a torture victim who is subjected to threats of death, mock executions, and degradation is experiencing what type of torture?


A torture victim who is subjected to threats of death, mock executions, and degradation is experiencing which type of torture?


How does the DSM-5 label the group of physical illnesses that seem to be caused or worsened by an interaction of biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors?

psychological factors affecting other medical conditions

which occupation has a particularly high rate of suicide?


A researcher conducts studies to better understand how exposure to stress affects the immune system. This researcher is practicing in the field of:


agoraphobia is the fear of

public places

If a biological explanation for suicide is valid, then which activity ought to lower the possibility of a person attempting suicide?

raising the person's serotonin level

what's an accurate statement about the long-term effects of rape on women

rape impacts a woman's psychological and physical health

Which is NOT a biological treatment for generalized anxiety?

rational emotive therapy

which is NOT a biological treatment for generalized anxiety?

rational emotive therapy

if a therapist gave a client homework that required the client to challenge his faulty assumptions and replace them with healthier ones, the therapist would be using:

rational-emotive therapy

Relaxation training differs from mediation in that:

relaxation focuses on the body, whereas meditation focuses on turning one's concentration inward.

Therapists who take a reinforcement approach while treating a conversion disorder would be MOST likely to focus on:

reducing the rewards available for displaying the disorder.

Cora has just been prescribed lithium. In the initial period of its use, Cora should expect:

regular blood and laboratory test monitoring.

A therapist is treating a client with a conversion disorder. The therapist is working to reduce the pleasurable outcomes associated with being sick and increase the rewards associated with being well. What is this technique called?


the contingency management approach is an example of the application of _ to the treatment of depression


behavioral therapy for the treatment of unipolar depression may include

reinforcing non-depressed behavior

the biological understanding of generalized anxiety is supported by the finding that

relatives of people with generalized anxiety are more likely to have it than non-relatives are

the first step in systematic desensitization treatment is

relaxation training

Teaching people to relax their muscles at will is a form of:

relaxation training.

What factor is thought to account for variations in suicide rates among different countries?

religious affiliation and beliefs

one of the factors that is believed to account for differences in the suicide rates of different countries is

religious affiliation and beliefs

Ruminative responses are defined as:

repeatedly mentally dwelling on one's mood without acting to change it.

People with a reluctance to express discomfort or hostility have a:

repressive coping style.

According to the developmental psychopathology perspective, moderate and manageable adversities that occur during childhood may make a person more _____ when faced with stressful events during adulthood.


reports indicate that if someone is a member of an "online community" and threatens to commit suicide online, the other members of the online community will

respond in many different ways, including urging the person to commit and contacting 911 services

what effect has the use of sodium amobarbital had in treating dissociative amnesia and fugue?

results are mixed, successful with some patients and not with others

in his definition of suicide, edwin schneidman includes all factors EXCEPT that it

results from depression or emotional distress

interpersonal psychotherapists believe that therapy must address

role transitions in relationships

If I'm in a depressed mood and all I do is think about my mood without trying to change it, I'm making what kind of response?


The mood and thoughts of suicidal people are MOST often characterized as:

sad and hopeless.

an increase in which emotion is MOST often linked to suicide


in the past, dissociative identity disorder was most likely misdiagnosed as


The substances that relay the original message from the receptor site to the firing mechanism of the neuron are:

second messengers.

A man received kindness and sympathy from his wife when he was mute. What kind of gains is he receiving from his behavior?


Rowena was terrified to testify in court and face the person who was accused of robbing her. One morning shortly before she was scheduled to appear, she awoke blind. This is an example of:

secondary gain.

Most second-generation antidepressants are:

selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).

Which has been proposed as a possible cause of dissociative disorders?


what is proposed as a possible cause of dissociative disorders?


A child in an extremely abusive family situation often seems to become deaf to the verbal abuse and insensitive to the physical abuse, as if the child simply wasn't there experiencing the abuse. One explanation for this behavior is:


A teenager's hands and arms are covered with self-inflicted burns, and the teenager seems almost addicted to this destructive behavior. The self-inflicted burns would MOST likely be classified as:

self-injury, a variety of Edwin Shneidman's "sub-intentional death" classification

The process of teaching people to identify and eventually rid themselves of unpleasant thoughts that emerge during pain episodes is called:

self-instruction training.

The person associated with the learned helplessness theory of depression is:


Which of these are neurotransmitters associated with unipolar depression?

serotonin and norepinephrine

The difference between bipolar I disorder and bipolar II disorder is the:

severity of the manic episodes.

A common trigger seen in both adolescent suicides and suicides at other age levels is:

significant loss.

What kind of disorders include insomnia and narcolepsy?

sleep-wake disorders

jan is very fearful of speaking in public and will do everything she can to avoid being evaluated by others, which causes her significant impairment. the MOST accurate diagnosis would be

social anxiety disorder

People with little sense of "belongingness," who live alone and experience frequent conflicts with others, and who believe they have limited social support are experiencing:

social isolation.

Dani has been diagnosed with breast cancer. She has a very supportive husband, caring children, and several friends who will provide support for her during her recovery. Lori also has been diagnosed with breast cancer, but she does not have a family or any close friends. Because of the differences in _____, Dani is more likely to have a successful recovery.

social support

after marie's plane crashed, her mother came to stay. her friends visited often and went to lunch and dinner with her occasionally. this situation probably contributed to marie's coping ability after the accident. how does this relate as a factor in her response to stress?

social support

Juanita often feels lonely and does not have many close friends. She also has poor immune functioning and tends to get sick often. This may be due to the factor of:

social support.

One who looks at the influence of race, living conditions, marital status, and roles on the development of depression would MOST likely represent which theoretical orientation?


A patient with a heart condition complains of adhesions from his postoperative scar, leg cramps, and joint stiffness. He seems to be hurting all over, but no medical reason can be found to explain the symptoms. The BEST diagnosis for this disorder is:

somatic symptom disorder (predominant pain pattern).

What is the disorder with a wide range of vague, long-lasting, and disturbing physical symptoms without a medical cause?

somatic symptom disorder (somatization pattern)

Topher often goes to urgent care for a wide variety of physical symptoms. However, no matter what his symptoms are, the healthcare providers never observe physical evidence that explains why the symptoms occur. Topher likely has a:

somatic symptom disorder.

there are several factors related to unipolar depression - reduced positive reinforcers, gene abnormalities, and life stress, to name a few. how do these factors relate to depression? the MOST recent research shows that

some factors may cause depression, while other factors may maintain depression

A person says, "I've been diagnosed with social anxiety disorder, and my therapist wants me to use drug therapy, not psychological therapy. I don't know which to choose." Based on current research, the BEST answer would be.

some therapists think psychological therapy should always be used, even with drug therapy; there's less chance of relapse

According to Martin Seligman's theory, which person would be MOST likely to develop learned helplessness?

someone who experienced uncontrollable negative events and then a controllable negative event

according to martin seligman's theory, who would be MOST likely to develop learned helplessness?

someone who had experienced uncontrollable negative events and than a controllable negative event

Which individual would be MOST likely to receive a diagnosis of factitious disorder?

someone who purposefully drinks gasoline and then seeks treatment for an unknown stomach ailment

Which individual is MOST at risk for suicide?

someone who was diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer

Laurent has 3 subpersonalities. Jackie emerges when Laurent is in an awkward social situation, Grace surfaces during sporting events, and Carlos appears when Laurent is angry. The therapist believes that the mood and conditions under which each subpersonality appears are critical to understanding this disorder, demonstrating a belief in what?

state-dependent learning

Laurent has three subpersonalities. Fiona emerges when Laurent is in an awkward social situation, Grace surfaces during sporting events, and Carlos appears when Laurent is angry. The therapist believes that the mood and conditions under which each subpersonality appears are critical to understanding this disorder, demonstrating a belief in:

state-dependent learning.

little Karen was bitten by a tan pony she was riding at a carnival. the experience left her hurt and frightened. the next month she was visiting her uncle, who had a tan Great Dane (dog). it frightened her even though she had never had a bad experience with a dog. karen's fear of this dog is an example of

stimulus generalization

Looking for rainbows while walking the dog in the rain is an example of a:

stress response

a person who copes well with a happy event in life is showing a positive

stress response

A person who copes well with a happy event in life is showing a positive:

stress response.

A client who has been talking calmly and rationally suddenly begins whining and complaining like a spoiled child. If that client suffers from true dissociative identity disorder, the client just experienced:


a client who is talking calmly and rationally all of a sudden begins whining and complaining like a spoiled child. if that client suffers from true dissociative identity disorder, the client just experienced


Unconsciously interpreting the loss of a valued object as the loss of a loved one is referred to as _____ loss.


All the following are part of Beck's theory of depression EXCEPT:

symbolic loss.

If a deer jumps in front of your car while you are driving, which part of the stress response is active?

sympathetic nervous system

Stress leads to increased activity by the:

sympathetic nervous system

In response to a threat, we perspire, breathe more quickly, get goosebumps, and feel nauseated. These responses are controlled by the:

sympathetic nervous system.

Assume that a recent local suicide attempt was clearly a case of modeling. The person who would MOST likely model another's suicide would be a(n):


Assume that a recent local suicide attempt was clearly a case of modeling. The person who would MOST likely model another's suicide would be a(n):


what BEST supports the idea that teenagers who attempt suicide are more uncertain about killing themselves than elderly people are?

teenagers succeed at suicide only in about 1 in 200 attempts

in addition to failing to explain why some people who experience severe trauma do not develop dissociative disorders, behavioral theorists also have the MOST difficulty explaining how

temporary escape from painful memories grows into a complex disorder

Suicide is the _____ most common cause of death in the United States.


A woman who has just given birth is anxious, has trouble sleeping, and feels sad. These symptoms diminish over the next couple of weeks. What she has experienced is MOST likely:

the "baby blues," something experienced by more than half of new mothers.

Family pedigree, twin, and gene studies have been used to look for a predisposition for unipolar depression. These studies are indicative of which theoretical framework?

the biological framework

If people with unipolar depression were found to have lower levels of norepinephrine, such a finding would support which perspective?

the biological perspective

The strongest evidence for the cause of bipolar disorders BEST supports which theoretical perspective?

the biological perspective

Munchausen syndrome by proxy is MOST likely to adversely affect the physical well-being of:

the child of the person experiencing it.

The first time the patient reported vague chest pains to a 911 operator, local EMTs responded with obvious attention and concern. Over the next several months, the patient called 911 more and more often, receiving the same concerned care for the same symptoms. This pattern of patient response is MOST easily explained by which theoretical perspective?

the cognitive-behavioral perspective

Increasingly concerned about my minor heartbeat irregularities, I think that my health is being threatened; more and more often I misinterpret my body's normal signals. Which viewpoint BEST explains my experiences?

the cognitive-behavioral viewpoint

recent research indicates that all of the following brain structures or regions are part of the brain circuits involved in unipolar depression EXCEPT

the corpus callosum

what is an accurate statement about the relationship between religion and suicide?

the degree of one's devoutness is a more important predictor of suicide than one's specific religion

Which perspective assumes that the likelihood of depression is increased by the presence of several factors and the sequence in which they unfold?

the developmental psychopathology perspective

the DSM-5 has added pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) as a diagnosis given to certain women who repeatedly experience clinically significant depressive and related symptoms during the week before menstruation. what has this been an ongoing controversy?

the diagnosis pathologizes severe cases of pre-menstrual syndrome

The age group MOST likely to commit suicide in the United States is:

the elderly.

Which is likely to be useful in distinguishing conversion or somatic symptom disorders from true medical problems?

the failure of a condition to develop as expected

In the course of treatment for identity disorder, fusion is:

the merging of the final two or more subpersonalities.

A professional health-care provider has evidence that a patient has intentionally faked her illness. To determine whether the patient is malingering or experiencing a factitious disorder, what must be examined?

the motivation the patient has for assuming the sick role

What is the endocrine system?

the network of glands located throughout the body that secrete hormones that impact our emotions and behavior

while walking through a forest during a rainstor, 5 year old Samir was almost struck by lightning. today, as an adult, he is extremely afraid of trees. what is the conditioned stimulus in the example?

the trees

Many researchers believe that one reason for higher rates of posttraumatic stress disorder in women is:

the types of trauma they experience.

Despite American Indians having the overall highest suicide rate, why might the suicide rate among elderly American Indians be low?

the value the culture places on the elderly

Psychodynamic and humanistic therapies have in common:

their lack of strong support from controlled studies

psychodynamic and humanistic therapies have in common

their lack of strong support from controlled studies

what are the 2 most influential cognitive explanations for unipolar depression?

theory of negative thinking and the theory of learned helplessness

what is an example of retrospective analysis?

therapists who had patients who committed suicide are interviewed to gain information on suicide

A retrospective analysis is exemplified when:

therapists who had patients who committed suicide are interviewed to gain information on suicide.

what is NOT a goal of the cultural-sensitive therapy movement?

therapy for minority clients delivered exclusively by minority therapists

if someone asked you about the effectiveness of psychological debriefing following a disaster, you would be correct (based on research) in saying that

there is little evidence that debriefing works

If someone asked you about the effectiveness of psychological debriefing following a disaster, you would be correct (based on the research) in saying that:

there is little evidence that debriefing works.

According to Edwin Shneidman, how do death ignorers primarily differ from other categories?

they believe death will not end their existence

what is an accurate description of the symptoms of mania?

they don't include a sense of the impact of one's actions on others

what is the difference between dissociative amnesia and dissociative fugue?

those with dissociative fugue change where they live

What is peripartum depression?

typically begins within four weeks after the birth of a child; many cases actually begin during pregnancy. they may have crying spells, fatigue, anxiety, insomnia, and sadness

Treatment for suicide attempters:

typically involves medical and psychological care.

A man diagnosed with unipolar depression exhibited his first diagnosable symptoms when he was about 40 years old. Among those experiencing unipolar depression, his case is:

uncommon; the average age of diagnosis is early adulthood and depression is more common in women.

when marianela was a young child and watching tv with her mother, a mouse ran by. her mother screamed, scaring her. subsequently, she has been afraid of mice. in this example, her mother's scream is the

unconditioned stimulus

What do psychodynamic therapists believe is the cause of unipolar depression?

unconscious grieving over real or imagined loss

what is NOT a component of social anxiety disorder, according to research by cognitive theorists?

underestimating how badly a social event went

The spouse of an elderly individual in the United States has recently died; the individual was experiencing clinical depression before the spouse's death. The suicide risk for this individual is:

very high; both death of a spouse and depression are related to an elevated suicide risk.

A man diagnosed with major depressive disorder exhibited his first diagnosable symptoms when he was about 40 years old. Among those experiencing major depressive disorder, his case is:

very uncommon: most people with this diagnosis are women in their mid to late 20's

at a workshop about dissociative identity disorder, a therapist says "in my experience, once integration begins, the need for therapy is practically over, and later dissociations just don't happen." this therapist's experience is

very unusual; most successful therapies last well beyond the beginning of integration

At a workshop about dissociative identity disorder, a therapist says, "In my experience, once integration begins, the need for therapy is practically over; later dissociations just don't happen." This therapist's experience is:

very unusual; most successful therapies last well beyond the beginning of integration.

Assume that a new study suggests the corpus callosum may cause unipolar depression by moving messages too slowly from one cerebral hemisphere to the other. This study would be:

very unusual; previous studies have most strongly connected other brain areas to depression

a phobic person is exposed to computer graphics that simulate real-world situations. this is an example of the ___ technique

virtual reality

what is a true statement regarding war veterans' risk of suicide once they return home?

war vets are about twice as likely to commit suicide as are similar nonveterans

When is couple therapy preferable to individual therapy?

when relationship conflicts and role transitions are paramount

What is somatic symptom disorder?

which people become disproportionately concerned, distressed, and disrupted by bodily symptoms without a medical cause (multiple smaller non-medical symptoms)

What is illness anxiety disorder?

which people who are anxious about their health become preoccupied with the notion that they are seriously ill despite the absence of bodily symptoms

A feeling of detachment from oneself could be diagnosed as PTSD or depersonalization disorder. To determine which diagnosis BEST fits, one would consider:

which symptoms predominated.

For teenagers, the highest suicide rates are found among:

white americans and american indians

A person who experiences which incident is at the GREATEST risk of developing posttraumatic stress disorder?

witnessing a friend die from being shot point-blank

Artifact theory differs importantly from other sociocultural theories of depression because it suggests:

women and men are equally likely to develop depression

what statement is nOT TRUE regarding gender and suicide?

women succeed at committing suicide more often than men

an example of a meta-worry

worrying about worrying

A friend says, "If we could just eliminate combat traumas, we could eliminate a great deal of posttraumatic stress disorder." Of the following choices, your MOST accurate answer would be:

yes- although civilian trauma causes many more cases of PTSD than combat trauma does

if you had lost your sense of identity, what would MOST likely be disrupted?

your memory

"the therapist wants me to imagine scenes where I was in combat and imagine them like I was there. I don't want to do that! How can this possibly help me?" what is the BEST answer you can give to a combat veteran who says this?

your therapist is suggesting an effective form of exposure called "flooding"

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