Abnormal Psychology-PSY3304XTIA- FINAL EXAM

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What is the rate of concordance for schizophrenia in identical twins?

40-50 percent

Which statement is MOST accurate regarding cannabis in the United States?

Cannabis was introduced into the United States about 100 years ago and was first used for medical purposes.

If a person receives the chemical L-dopa, a precursor of dopamine, it reduces the symptoms of Parkinson's disease. However, L-dopa may increase symptoms of schizophrenia. What might one reasonably conclude from this?

Excessive dopamine produces schizophrenic symptoms.

Based on the MOST current research, we can conclude that:

MMR vaccinations are not related to the development of autism spectrum disorder.

Before the 1950s, why did some therapists believe psychotherapy is unsuccessful in treating schizophrenia?

People with schizophrenia who are not on medication are too far removed from reality to form the relationship needed.

Why were lobotomies so enthusiastically accepted by the medical community in the 1940s and 1950s?

The inventors of this procedure were gifted and dedicated physicians.

In a person who has an unusually long resolution phase of the sexual response cycle, which of the following is MOST likely?

The person did not have an orgasm.

Why do people object to the use of Viagra and similar drugs being voluntarily covered by health insurance companies, but fail to object to birth control pills not being covered unless mandated by law?

The reason may be the sexual double standard; sex is OK for men but not for women.

Which statement is true of state mental hospitals in the United States in the mid-twentieth century?

They were overcrowded and understaffed.

In behavioral terms, what is a token?

a reinforcer

According to one psychological view of autism, the awareness that other people base their behaviors on their own belief, and not on information they have no way of knowing, is not present in children with autism spectrum disorder. This ability is called:

a theory of mind.

If an individual had experienced normal sexual functioning for years and gradually developed a problem with becoming aroused under any condition, the type of dysfunction would be:

acquired and generalized.

According to the chart in your textbook, teenagers say that the drug easiest for them to obtain is:


Which problem is common in anorexia nervosa?


MOST children with intellectual disability live:

at home.

If a pregnant woman wishes to avoid having a child with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), what should she do?

avoid drinking alcohol, since no safe level of drinking while pregnant has been established

According to a recent study by Henry Wechsler and his colleagues at the Harvard School of Public Health, the BEST predictor of college binge drinking is:

being in a social fraternity.

Assume a researcher finds that overuse of a drug reduces the body's production of neurotransmitters. Thus, if an abuser of this drug stops taking the drug, withdrawal symptoms occur until the brain begins producing normal levels of neurotransmitters again. Such a finding would most directly support which view of the cause of substance use disorders?


People are MOST likely to eat junk food when they are experiencing:


Noreen has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. She is totally unresponsive to her environment. She does not move for hours on end and never responds to contact from others. This is an example of:

catatonic stupor.

DSM-5, like its predecessor, DSM-IV-TR, identifies 10 personality disorders utilizing a:

categorical approach

Hilde Bruch's ego deficiency view of children with eating disorders involves:

children lacking control over their lives and misperceiving internal cues.

An acquaintance of yours uses Ecstasy and says, "Wow! I was totally energized and tripping. It was like LSD and meth combined." Your acquaintance's experience with Ecstasy was:

common; the drug has both stimulant and hallucinogenic properties.

Critics believe that bipolar disorder has become a catch-all diagnosis for children who display uncontrolled rage. DSM-5 addressed this concern by:

creating a new disorder called disruptive mood dysregulation disorder.

A person who has an excessive need to be taken care of and is clingy is MOST likely to qualify for a diagnosis of:

dependent personality disorder.

A male diagnosed with a sexual dysfunction is MOST likely to be diagnosed with:

early ejaculation.

A person is socially withdrawn, speaks in odd ways, has strange ideas, and expresses little emotion, but she is not displaying full-blown schizophrenic symptoms. What phase of schizophrenia is this person in?

either prodromal or residual

A 7-year-old child is wetting the bed at night. The bed-wetting apparently is beyond the child's control. The BEST diagnosis is:


Which hormone can cause decreased sexual desire when present in either low or high levels?


The main difference between hallucinations and delusions is that:

hallucinations involve perception and delusions involve belief.

f grandma is 90 and healthy, what is the chance, expressed as a percentage, that she still masturbates at least occasionally?

higher than 20 percent.

When the seat belt light in DiDi's car stays on for a few extra seconds, she bursts into tears. She always craves attention and reacts to even the smallest event with an elaborate show of emotion. She probably could receive a diagnosis of:

histrionic personality disorder.

A belief that the news anchor on CNN is giving one important messages about one's behavior reflects:

ideas of reference.

Behavioral and somatic symptoms, such as clinginess, sleep difficulties, and stomach pain, rather than cognitive symptoms are MORE characteristic of anxiety disorders:

in children rather than in adults.

Compared to a person who is happy and self-confident, a person who is bored and depressed:

is more likely to eat junk food.

According to the DSM-5, a pattern diagnosed as a personality disorder must deviate substantially from the norms and expectations of the individual's culture. As a result:

little multicultural research has been conducted.

Women with female sexual interest/arousal disorder have difficulty with:

maintaining proper lubrication.

A patient who is called a resident who lives in a therapeutic community and actively works with staff members to create a life that is as much like that outside the hospital as possible, is probably receiving _____ therapy.


Which has mild intellectual disability NOT been linked to?

parental divorce.

The use of methadone in drug maintenance programs is controversial because methadone:

produces withdrawal that is sometimes more difficult than heroin withdrawal.

"It is clear that very demanding parents caused this person to develop paranoid personality disorder." This statement MOST likely would be made by someone from which theoretical perspective?


People with alexithymia are NOT able to

put descriptive labels on what they are feeling.

During a postmortem analysis on a sample of brain tissue, you found enlarged ventricles. This is MOST likely to be evidence of:

schizophrenia involving mainly negative symptoms.

Researchers found that phenothiazines reduced psychotic symptoms but also caused Parkinsonian symptoms, like tremors. This discovery suggests that:

schizophrenia is tied to excessive dopamine.

Avoidant personality disorder seems MOST closely related to:

social anxiety.

A patient who receives help in finding work, in finding a place to live, and in taking medication correctly is probably receiving:

social therapy.

If one found that the average weight and size of cheerleaders had declined significantly over the years, and that those who aspired to be cheerleaders had a high level of eating disorders, that would be evidence for a _____ cause of eating disorders.


One of the unwanted and later side effects of antipsychotic medications is:

tardive dyskinesia.

Gambling disorder is MOST common among:

teenagers and college students who are feeling distressed.

The "weight set point" is:

the weight a person is predisposed to maintain.

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