Abuse Quiz 2

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ages of kid sexual abuse

25 between 12 and 14, 35 percent between 6-11 and 15 percent 3-5


84 percent occurred in privacy of their own home


about 250,000 child victims of emotional abuse in the US on an annual basis


abusers verbally assault the kid on a continuous basis to create a climate of fear, one of the few aspects where police get involved in emotional abuse


adult refuses the kid the opportunity for social interactions, common category of emotional abuse for kids and adult victims of domestic abuse


age of abused begins 7-9

sibling abuser

age of abuser as early as 10, average is 15

sibling sexual abuse

biological sibling, step sibling, half sibling, adopted sibling, can be more devastating to the victim than any other abuse

shaken baby syndrome

bleeding of the brain, men more likely to cause shaken baby syndrome


broken bone, treated by aligning the broken bone to allow it to heal, presence of fractures to infants can be a sign of physical abuse

cigarette burns

burns that leave centimeter long circular mark

non organic failure to thrive syndrome

caretaker doesnt know how to properly feed a baby or fail to provide an adequate amount of milk/formula for the baby results in delayed development of the child or in some cases the death of the child


caretaker's choice to seek medical treatment for injured kid, caretaker who dont take kid to doctor, may not due to religious beliefs, unless life or death

child sexual abuse

child is engaged in sexual activities that he or she cannot comprehend for which he or she is developmentally unprepared and cannot give consent and/or violates the law or social taboos of society

what happens when a kid tells

child receives more emotional support if it is done by a non family member, less support if it is high member of the community, bring unwanted media attention, identity should be confidential


common skin injury that results in a discoloration of the skin. blood from damaged blood vessels deep beneath the skin collects near the surface of the skin resulting in what we think of as a black or blue

3 forms of sibling treatment

common, unusual, injuries

educational neglect

distinguish between status offender and educational neglect, all kids required to go to school until age 16

actual educational neglect

doesnt care if kid goes to school

property destruction

emotional abuse may be manifested in the destruction of a childs property or pets by an abuser, originally more commonly done by a sibling, more commonly done by a sibling


emotions all have certain characteristics in common, each is triggered by external events that send signals to the brain and central nervous system, as a result, body with physiological changes

warning signs

excessive withdrawal, fearful, anxious about doing something wrong, extremes in behavior, not attached to parent

supervision neglect

failure to supervise a child by leaving them alone, includes abandonment, parents not knowing whereabouts of the kid

stranger danger

fair in online setting, 57 percent of online cases were strangers

domestic violence

fear of retaliation or exposure make identifying and helping maltreated juveniles extremely different

most likely to abuse child



form of manipulation that convinces kid to engage in sexual act and stay quiet about it

Munchhausen Syndrome by Proxy

form of physical and emotional abuse that can include the exaggeration fabrication, and/or induction of symptoms resulting in excessive and unnecessary harmful or potentially harmful medical care, deliberately making kid sick so the parent receives sympathy from those involved with the kid

warning signs of physical abuse

frequent injuries or unexplained bruises, welts, or cuts, injuries appear to have a pattern such as a hand or belt, shies away from touch, flinches at sudden movements or seems to be afraid to go home, wears inappropriate clothing

victims before caught

girls, 50 boys,150


has a type, gender, characteristics, prefer children

physical neglect

health care/medical neglect, adequate nutrition, clean clothes, appropriate clothes, refers to caretakes inability to reduce or prevent the kids likelihood of physical harm, most likely investigated by law enforcement, occurs all social classes

parental substance abuse during pregnancy

human immune deficiency virus, fetal alcohol syndrome, tobacco

head injuries

infants especially vulnerable, injuries to the top of the head that can't be from regular fall are very concering


involves engaging the child in destructive and sometime criminal behavior, includes providing alcohol/drugs, 2 reasons to do it, economic gains, individual pleasure

sick role of Munchhausen syndrome

kid begins to believe their sick and cant distinguish health from sickness, associate attention and praise with illness, pain scale becomes altered, child becomes used to being sick

status offender

kid won't listen to parents

emotional neglect

lack of nurturance and affection the abuse of another person in the presence of the child or domestic violence, refused to provide the child psychological care by the parent

determining physical abuse

location of injury, history of the injury, treatment of the injury

physical/behavioral indicator

low weight, limited growth, stress related illments, react to loud and sudden movements with surprise and fear, anxious to new experiences, sensitive to loud noises, guilt at thought of disappointing, sleep disorders, speech disorders

female sex offender

male coerced, predisposed, teacher lover


maltreatment related to the failure to provide age appropriate care can occur by accident or through ignorance

motives for abuse

mental illness, personality, family upbringing, family environment


more likely to commit sodomy compared to adults, victims are usually minors or peer

emotional abuse

most common form of child abuse, documenting is often difficult to document many case of emotional abuse go unnoticed, undetected and unaddressed, in both physical and sexual abuse emotional abuse is always present


most commonly father and daughter or uncle nd niece


motivation to sexually abuse, perp must overcome internal inhibitors, perp overcomes external inhibitors, final step prior to sexual abuse arranges alone time

fractures as abuse

multiple fractures at one time or single fractures over several time and fractures to infants

most common type of abuse reported



north american man boy love association, international organization. advocates for abolishing age of consent laws

extra familial

not a family member but known by the family

types of sexual abuse

nudity disrobing genital exposure observation of child kissing the child fondling masturbation oral digital penetration penile penetration dry masturbation


parents reject their kids for many reasons such as they were bad, shunning , silent treatment

who are the abusers

physical abuse is most likely from natural parent, 10% suffer from mental illness/disorder, drug user more likely abuse

categories of neglect

physical, emotional, educational, supervision

long term effects

physical/mental consequences, depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, obesity, disabilities, health problems, substance abuse, sleep disturbances, suicide

effects of physical neglect

poor language development, pedicurists, impaired socialization, poor motor skills, extreme passivity

types of emotional abuse

rejection, isolation, terrorizing/verbal abuse, ignoring, corrupting, destroying personal property

fetal alcohol syndrome

results from significant alcohol consumption during pregnancy can permanently affect the health of a child

maslow hierarchy of needs

self actualization, esteem, love belonging, safety, physiological


sexual attraction to early pubescent children


sexual attraction to mid late adolescents

burn as abuse

shape of burn, location of burn, lack of concern for initial burn and infections


show you dont care by not doing something

different cultures

some cultures consider the practice of burning in certain areas


someone who is sexually attracted to a pre pubescent child

why it occurs

stress, unemployment, marital problems, mental illnesses


taking advantage of a prime target, children not preference

when Munchhausen Syndrome by Proxy

usually begins when child is under 5 years old

who are the emotional abusers

usually parent or caretaker, mother usually between the ages of 20 and 35

how to distinguish between bruises from abuse

varying degrees of bruising, shape of bruise, location of bruise

non physical abuse

voyeurism, pics of the kids, showing porn, talking in sexual manner, exposing oneself, touching oneself in front of kid

essentials for positive adult-child relationship

warmth, genuineness, respect, acceptance, empathy

self esteem

what adults say to kids can deeply affect kids ideas of who they are and who they become, adult words have special power


when applied to the kids basic needs of food or shelter may be referred to as neglect, kid is deprived of social stimulation and responsiveness , causes child to feel worthless


within the family

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