ACC Accounts receivable quiz

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The usual balance in a Contra-Asset account is a:


The usual balance in a Contra-Dividend account is a:


The usual balance in a Contra-Expense account is a:


To the nearest %, paying on the 30th day for a 1/30, net/60, gives an annual return of


To the nearest %, paying on the 15th day for a 1/15, net/30, gives an annual return of (just write the number)


To the nearest %, paying on the 10th day for a 2/10, net/30, gives an annual return of


We always sell pens at $8. We sold a pen for $7 because it was damaged. Record the sale at:


The usual balance in a Contra-Owners' Equity account is a:


The usual balance in a Contra-Revenue account is a:


Which of the following are classified as Accounts Receivable?

Monies that customers owe us from sale of merchandise. Monies that customers owe us from providing a service.

In a sale on account, who is undertaking a financial risk of non-payment?

The seller

The usual balance in a Contra-Liability account is a:


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