Access Exam 2

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Create a new blank form in Design view. Save the form with the name OperatingExpenseForm.

In the Create Ribbon Tab in the Forms Ribbon Group, you clicked the Form Design button. Youright-clicked the Form1 Tab Header. In the Right Click menu, you clicked the Save menu item. Inside the Save As dialog, you typed OperatingExpenseForm in the Form Name: input, clicked the OK button.

Create a new navigation form with horizontal tabs. Add the NewStudent form to the first placeholder in the navigation form.

In the Create Ribbon Tab in the Forms Ribbon Group, you clicked the Navigation button. In the Navigation menu, you clicked the Horizontal Tabs menu item. You clicked the NewStudentform, clicked the NewStudent form, and clicked the form.

Change the tab order in this form, so the FirstName control comes before the LastName control in the tab order.

In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Tools Ribbon Group, you clicked the Tab Order button. Inside the Tab Order dialog from the Custom Order: list, you clicked the LastName list item, dragged the StudentID tab order item, dragged the LastName tab order item, clicked the FirstName list item, dragged the StudentID tab order item, clicked the FirstName list item, clicked the FirstName list item, and dragged the FirstName tab order item. Inside the Tab Order dialog, youclicked the OK button.

Display the form header and form footer sections.

You right-clicked in the design view area. In the Right Click menu, you clicked the Form Header/Footer menu item.

Open the tool to see recommendations for optimizing database performance.

In the Database Tools Ribbon Tab in the Analyze Ribbon Group, you clicked the Analyze Performance button.

From Design view, add a subform control to the bottom of this form.

In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Controls Ribbon Group, you expanded the Controls Gallery. In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Controls Ribbon Group in the Controls menu, you clicked the Subform/Subreport gallery option. You clicked a .

In the Navigation Pane, select the query that will delete records in the underlying table.

You clicked the DeleteClasses query.

From Design view, modify the selected controls so they are aligned at the left side.

In the Arrange Ribbon Tab in the Sizing & Ordering Ribbon Group, you clicked the Align button. In the Align menu, you clicked the Left menu item.

Open the wizard that will analyze a table and move redundant data into new tables that are linked to a copy of the original table through lookups.

In the Database Tools Ribbon Tab in the Analyze Ribbon Group, you clicked the Analyze Tablebutton.

From Design view, disable both the vertical and horizontal scroll bars for this form.

In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Tools Ribbon Group, you clicked the Property Sheet button. Inside the Property Sheet dialog from the Property Sheet Tab list, you selected Format. Youclicked the Scroll Bars option. Inside the Property Sheet dialog in the Scroll Bars drop-down, youselected Neither.

Which command allows you to move a file from your computer to your OneDrive account. Select your answer from the list on the right, then click Done.

You chose Option D, clicked the Done button.

From Design view, add the UniversityLogoimage file to the right side of the form header, adding the image to the Image gallery at the same time.

In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Controls Ribbon Group, you clicked the Insert Image button. In the Background Image menu, you clicked the Browse... menu item. You clicked UniversityLogo. Inside the Insert Picture dialog, you clicked the OK button. You clicked a .

From Design view, group the records in the report by values in the DeptCode field.

In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Grouping & Totals Ribbon Group, you clicked the Group & Sortbutton. You clicked the Add a Group button. In the Field Name menu, you clicked the DeptCodemenu item.

Which of the following can be used to create a new folder from the OneDrive Web site? Select all that apply from the list on the right, then click Done.

You chose Right-click > New > Folder, chose New button > Folder, and clicked the Donebutton.

Change the query to an append query to copy records to the ClassArchive2016 table. Run the query to copy the records to the table.

In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Query Type Ribbon Group, you clicked the Append button. Inside the Append dialog in the Table Name drop-down, you selected ClassArchive2016. Inside the Append dialog, you clicked the OK button. In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Results Ribbon Group, you clicked the Run button. Inside the Microsoft Access dialog, you clicked the Yesbutton.

From Design view, add a subreport to the Detail section of this report. Display all the fields from the Class table. Accept the relationship suggested by Access, and accept the suggested name for the subreport.

In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Controls Ribbon Group, you expanded the Controls Gallery. In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Controls Ribbon Group in the Controls Gallery menu, you clicked the Subform/Subreport gallery option. In the Access Report, you clicked the report. Inside the SubReport Wizard dialog, you clicked the Next > button. Inside the SubReport Wizard dialog in the Table: Class drop-down, you selected Table: Class. Inside the SubReport Wizard dialog, youclicked the > > button, clicked the Next > button, clicked the Next > button, and clicked the Finish button.

Run the OpenTuitionQuery macro.

In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Tools Ribbon Group, you clicked the Run button.

In the Navigation Pane, select the query that will copy records that meet the query criteria and add them to another table.

You clicked the ClassesByDept query.

Hide the status bar in this database.

You opened the backstage view, clicked the Options navigation button, and clicked the Current Database tab. Inside the Access Options dialog, you unchecked the Display Status Bar check box, clicked the OK button.

Which command will move the selected file to a location on your computer. Select your answer from the list on the right, then click Done..

You chose Option C, clicked the Done button.

Which category would you use to change the image that displays on the desktop? Select your answer from the list on the right, then click Done.

You chose Personalization, chose System, chose Personalization, and clicked the Donebutton.

Add a new custom category named Grades to the Navigation Pane. Add a group named GPA Forms within the new custom category.

You right-clicked the Navigation Pane Header. In the Right-Click menu, you clicked the Navigation Options... menu item. Inside the Navigation Options dialog, you clicked the Add Item button. Inside the Navigation Options dialog from the Categories list, you typed Grades in the list item, pressed Enter. Inside the Navigation Options dialog, you clicked the Add Groupbutton. Inside the Navigation Options dialog from the Groups for "Tables and Related Views" list, you typed GPA Forms, pressed Enter. Inside the Navigation Options dialog, you clicked the OK

From Design view, align the selected controls at the top.

CorrectIn the Arrange Ribbon Tab in the Sizing & Ordering Ribbon Group, you clicked the Align button. In the Align menu, you clicked the Top menu item.

Add the OpenQuery action to this macro. It is located in the Filter/Query/Search folder. Set Tuition as the query to open when the macro is run.

Inside the Action Catalog dialog from the All Actions list from the Actions list, you selected Database Objects, selected Filter/Query/Search. Inside the Action Catalog dialog from the All Actions list from the Actions list from the Filter/Query/Search list, you double-clicked the OpenQuery list item. You focused the undefined t, clicked the undefined t. In the acMnuMacroQuery Name menu, you clicked the Tuition menu item.

From Design view, change the data type for the ResidenceAssignment field to use a lookup list. The values in the list should include ResidenceName from the ResidenceHallstable. Items in the list should sort alphabetically by the ResidenceName field. Allow Access to hide the key column. Enforce data integrity, and do not allow deletions that would violate the integrity of records. Save the table.

In the Access Table, you clicked in the Lookup Wizard Cell, clicked the Drop-Down Button, and clicked the Lookup Wizard Item. Inside the Lookup Wizard dialog, you clicked the Next button. Inside the Lookup Wizard dialog from the Table Select list, you selected Table: ResidenceHalls. Inside the Lookup Wizard dialog, you clicked the Next button. Inside the Lookup Wizard dialog from the Available Fields list, you double-clicked the ResidenceName list item. Inside the Lookup Wizard dialog, you clicked the Next button. Inside the Lookup Wizard dialog in the 1 drop-down, you selected ResidenceName. Inside the Lookup Wizard dialog, you clicked the Next button, clicked the Next button, checked the Enable Data Integrity check box, and clicked the Finishbutton. Inside the Microsoft Access dialog, you clicked the Yes button.

From Design view, modify the selected controls so they are the same size as the tallest control selected.

In the Arrange Ribbon Tab in the Sizing & Ordering Ribbon Group, you clicked the Size/Spacebutton. In the Size/Space menu, you clicked the To Tallest menu item.

Create a new navigation form with horizontal tabs.

In the Create Ribbon Tab in the Forms Ribbon Group, you clicked the Navigation button. In the Navigation menu, you clicked the Horizontal Tabs menu item.

Open the Macro Builder to create a new stand-alone macro.

In the Create Ribbon Tab in the Macros & Code Ribbon Group, you clicked the Macro button.

Create a new crosstab query using the Crosstab Query Wizard. Select the ScheduleByDepartment query. Select the DeptName field as the row headings. Select the Days field as the column headings. Calculate the sum of the values in the Credits field. Accept the suggested name for the query.

In the Create Ribbon Tab in the Queries Ribbon Group, you clicked the Query Wizard button. Inside the New Query dialog from the Query Type list, you selected Crosstab Query Wizard. Inside the New Query dialog, you clicked the OK button. Inside the Crosstab Query Wizarddialog, you selected the Queries Radio Button. Inside the Crosstab Query Wizard dialog from the Table/Query list, you selected Query: ScheduleByDepartment. Inside the Crosstab Query Wizard dialog, you clicked the Next > button. Inside the Crosstab Query Wizard dialog from the Fields list, you double-clicked the DeptName list item. Inside the Crosstab Query Wizard dialog, you clicked the Next > button, clicked the Next > button. Inside the Crosstab Query Wizard dialog from the Functions list, you selected Sum. Inside the Crosstab Query Wizard dialog, you clicked the Next > button, clicked the Finish button.

Use the wizard to create a query to display records from the Students table without matching records in the Faculty table. Select the Advisor field as the field that might contain matches. Include the StudentID and LastName fields (in that order) in the query results. Accept the suggested query name, and view the query results when finished.

In the Create Ribbon Tab in the Queries Ribbon Group, you clicked the Query Wizard button. Inside the New Query dialog from the Query Type list, you selected Find Unmatched Query Wizard. Inside the New Query dialog, you clicked the OK button. Inside the Find Unmatched Query Wizard dialog from the Table/Query Select list, you selected Table: Students. Inside the Find Unmatched Query Wizard dialog, you clicked the Next > button. Inside the Find Unmatched Query Wizard dialog from the Table/Query Select list, you selected Table: Faculty. Inside the Find Unmatched Query Wizard dialog, you clicked the Next > button, clicked the Next > button. Inside the Find Unmatched Query Wizard dialog from the Available Fields list, you double-clicked the StudentID list item, double-clicked the LastName list item. Inside the Find Unmatched Query Wizard dialog, you clicked the Next > button, clicked the Finish button.

Create a new blank report in Design view. Save the report as Students.

In the Create Ribbon Tab in the Reports Ribbon Group, you clicked the Report Design button. You right-clicked the Report1 Tab Header. In the Right Click menu, you clicked the Save menu item. Inside the Save As dialog, you typed Students in the Report Name: input, clicked the OKbutton.

Create a new form based on the Details form application part

In the Create Ribbon Tab in the Templates Ribbon Group, you clicked the Application Partsbutton. In the Application Parts menu, you selected the Details option.

Run the Performance Analyzer on all database objects at once. Accept the recommendation and allow Access to make the change for you. When you are finished, close the Performance Analyzer.

In the Database Tools Ribbon Tab in the Analyze Ribbon Group, you clicked the Analyze Performance button. You clicked the All Object Types tab. Inside the Performance Analyzerdialog, you clicked the Select All button, clicked the OK button. Inside the Performance Analyzerdialog, you clicked the accPerformanceAnalyzerAnalysisResultsLegendImage item. Inside the Performance Analyzer dialog from the Queries list, you selected Table 'TuitionRates': Add an index to field(s) 'Department'. Inside the Performance Analyzer dialog, you clicked the Optimize button, clicked the Close button.

Open the wizard to have Access analyze the Student table. Accept the recommendations. Rename Table2 to StudentYear. Accept the primary key recommendation. Do not allow Access to create a query.

In the Database Tools Ribbon Tab in the Analyze Ribbon Group, you clicked the Analyze Tablebutton. Inside the Table Analyzer Wizard dialog, you clicked the Next > button, clicked the Next >button. Inside the Table Analyzer Wizard dialog from the Tables list, you selected Student. Inside the Table Analyzer Wizard dialog, you clicked the Next > button, clicked the Next > button, clicked the StudentYear button, and clicked the Rename Table button. Inside the Table Analyzerdialog, you typed StudentYear in the Table Name: input, clicked the OK button. Inside the Table Analyzer Wizard dialog, you clicked the Next > button, clicked the Next > button, and clicked the Finish button.

Generate documentation for the Student table. Review the options and verify that the documentation will include information about the table properties and relationships only and all the details for fields and indexes.

In the Database Tools Ribbon Tab in the Analyze Ribbon Group, you clicked the Database Documenter button. Inside the Documenter dialog from the Tables list, you checked the Studentcheck box. Inside the Documenter dialog, you clicked the Options... button. Inside the Print Table Definition dialog, you clicked the OK button. Inside the Documenter dialog, you clicked the OKbutton.

Split this database into separate front end and back end files. Name the back end file: Registration_be

In the Database Tools Ribbon Tab in the Move Data Ribbon Group, you clicked the Access Database button. Inside the Database Splitter dialog, you clicked the Split Database button. Inside the Create Back-end Database dialog, you clicked the Split button. Inside the Microsoft Access dialog, you clicked the OK button.

Make this query an update query to increase values in the CreditHourFee field by 25%. Use the expression [CreditHourFee]*1.25. Run the query to update the values.

In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Query Type Ribbon Group, you clicked the Update button, clicked the Update button, double-clicked the Update button, clicked the Update button, and clicked the Update button. You clicked the CreditHourFee field's Update to row, updated the CreditHourFee field's Update to row to [CreditHourFee]*1.25. In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Results Ribbon Group, you clicked the Run button. Inside the Microsoft Access dialog, youclicked the Yes button.

Switch to the view where you can modify the SQL code for the query.

In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Results Ribbon Group, you clicked the View button arrow. In the View menu, you clicked the SQL View menu item.

From Design view, set the ClassSchedule query as this report's record source. Do not use a keyboard shortcut.

In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Tools Ribbon Group, you clicked the Property Sheet button. Inside the Property Sheet dialog from the Property Sheet Tab list, you selected Data. You clicked the Record Source option, clicked the Record Source option. Inside the Property Sheet dialog in the Record Source drop-down, you selected ClassSchedule.

From Design view, change the Border Style property for the Classes subform control to Transparent.

In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Tools Ribbon Group, you clicked the Property Sheet button. Inside the Property Sheet dialog in the Selection type drop-down, you selected Classes subform. Inside the Property Sheet dialog from the Property Sheet Tab list, you selected Format. You clicked the Border Style option. Inside the Property Sheet dialog in the Border Style drop-down, you selected Transparent.

From Design view, disable the CreditHourFee bound text control so users cannot edit data in the field.

In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Tools Ribbon Group, you clicked the Property Sheet button. Inside the Property Sheet dialog in the Selection type drop-down, you selected CreditHourFee. You clicked the Enabled option. Inside the Property Sheet dialog in the Enabled drop-down, youselected No.

From Design view, hide the navigation buttons for the subform.

In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Tools Ribbon Group, you clicked the Property Sheet button. Youclicked a , clicked the Classes subform. Inside the Property Sheet dialog from the Property Sheet Tab list, you selected Format. You clicked the Navigation Buttons option. Inside the Property Sheet dialog in the Navigation Buttons drop-down, you selected No.

Hide duplicate values for the selected field.

In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Tools Ribbon Group, you clicked the Property Sheet button. Youclicked the Hide Duplicates option. Inside the Property Sheet dialog in the Hide Duplicates drop-down, you selected Yes.

Create a linked table to link to the TuitionRates table in the Finance database.

In the External Data Ribbon Tab in the Import & Link Ribbon Group, you clicked the New Data Source button. In the New Data Source menu in the From Database menu, you clicked the Access menu item. Inside the Get External Data - Access Database dialog, you clicked the Browse... button. You clicked Cell 0x1. Inside the File Open dialog, you clicked the Open button. Inside the Get External Data - Access Database dialog, you selected the Link to the data source by creating a linked table. Radio Button, clicked the OK button. Inside the Link Tablesdialog from the Tables list, you selected TuitionRates. Inside the Link Tables dialog, you clicked the OK button.

Import all of the fields from the Assets worksheet in the Accounting Excel file to a new table. Use the first row as column headings. Do not change any field information. Use the AccountID field as the primary key. Accept the new table Assets. Do not save the import steps.

In the External Data Ribbon Tab in the Import & Link Ribbon Group, you clicked the New Data Source button. In the New Data Source menu in the From File menu, you clicked the Excelmenu item. Inside the Get External Data - Excel Spreadsheet dialog, you clicked the Browse...button. You clicked Cell 2x2. Inside the File Open dialog, you clicked the Open button. Inside the Get External Data - Excel Spreadsheet dialog, you clicked the OK button. Inside the Import Spreadsheet Wizard dialog, you clicked the Next > button, checked the First Row Contains Column Headings check box, clicked the Next > button, clicked the Next > button, selected the Choose my own primary key. Radio Button, clicked the Next > button, and clicked the Finishbutton. Inside the Get External Data - Excel Spreadsheet dialog, you clicked the Close button.

Import data from the OperatingExpenses CSV file to a new table. Use the first row as field names. Do not change any field information. Use the AccountID field as the primary key. Accept the new table OperatingExpenses. Do not save the import.

In the External Data Ribbon Tab in the Import & Link Ribbon Group, you clicked the New Data Source button. In the New Data Source menu in the From File menu, you clicked the Text Filemenu item. Inside the Get External Data - Text File dialog, you clicked the Browse... button. Youclicked Cell 1x1. Inside the File Open dialog, you clicked the Open button. Inside the Get External Data - Text File dialog, you clicked the OK button. Inside the Import Text Wizard dialog, you clicked the Next > button, checked the First Row Contains Field Names check box, clicked the Next > button, clicked the Next > button, selected the Choose my own primary key. Radio Button, clicked the Next > button, and clicked the Finish button. Inside the Get External Data - Excel Spreadsheet dialog, you clicked the Close button.

Move the comment so it appears before the OpenQuery action in the macro.

Inside the Action Catalog dialog from the All Actions list from the Program Flow list, you selected Comment. You clicked the undefined t.

Which command allows you to send a link to a file for others to view or edit? Select your answer from the list on the right, then click Done.

You chose Option D, clicked the Done button.

Rename the table IncomingFreshmenStudents to: NewStudents

You clicked the IncomingFreshmanStudents table, right-clicked the IncomingFreshmanStudents table. In the Right-Click menu, you clicked the Rename menu item. You clicked the Tables navigation item, renamed the IncomingFreshmanStudents table to NewStudents.

Hide the group header.

You clicked the More button, clicked the with a header section arrow. In the Header menu, youclicked the without a header section menu item.

Display the group footer.

You clicked the More button, clicked the without a footer section arrow. In the Footer menu, you clicked the with a footer section menu item.

Export the Tuition query to Excel, maintaining all data formatting and layouts. You do not need to change the location of the saved file or save the export steps.

You clicked the Tuition query. In the External Data Ribbon Tab in the Export Ribbon Group, youclicked the Excel button. Inside the Export - Excel Spreadsheet dialog, you checked the Export with formatting and layout check box, clicked the OK button. Inside the Export - Excel Spreadsheet dialog, you clicked the Close button.

In the Navigation Pane, select the query that will update records in its underlying table.

You clicked the UpdateTuitionRates query.

Delete the second OpenQuery action from this macro.

You clicked the undefined t, clicked the undefined t, clicked the undefined t, clicked the undefined t, clicked the undefined t, and right-clicked the report area. Inside the Action Catalogdialog, you clicked the dialog Close button. You clicked the undefined t.

This database has been opened with exclusive access. Remove the password from the database. The password is warner.

You opened the backstage view, clicked the Decrypt Database button. Inside the Unset Database Password dialog, you typed warner in the Password: input, pressed the Enter key.

Open the University Registration database from the My Documents folder with exclusive access and add the password warner.

You opened the backstage view, clicked the Open navigation button, clicked the This PC button, clicked the This PC button, and clicked University Registration. Inside the Open dialog, youclicked the Open button. In the Open menu, you clicked the Open Exclusive menu item. Youopened the backstage view, clicked the Encrypt with Password button. Inside the Set Database Password dialog, you typed warner in the Password: input, typed warner in the Verify: input, and clicked the OK button. Inside the Microsoft Access dialog, you clicked the OK button.

Disable the design functions for tables in Datasheet view.

You opened the backstage view, clicked the Options navigation button, and clicked the Current Database tab. Inside the Access Options dialog, you unchecked the Enable design changes for tables in Datasheet view check box, clicked the OK button.

Save a copy of this front-end database as "locked" databased using the ACCDE format. Name the file: Registration_Locked

You opened the backstage view, clicked the Save As navigation button, clicked the Make ACCDE button, and clicked the Save As button. Inside the Save As dialog, you typed Registration_Locked in the File name input, clicked the Save button.

Open the Run Tuition Query macro so you can edit it in the Macro Builder.

You right-clicked the Run Tuition Query macro. In the Right-Click menu, you clicked the Design View menu item.

From SQL view, add the DeptName field from the Department table to the end of the SELECT clause, and then run the query to see the results.

You typed SELECT Professor.LastName, Professor.FirstName ,Department.DeptName FROM Department INNER JOIN Professor ON Department.DeptCode = Professor.DeptCode WHERE (((Department.DeptName)="Economics")); in the Query SQL View. In the DesignRibbon Tab in the Results Ribbon Group, you clicked the Run button.

From SQL view, modify the criteria to return only records where the value of the DeptName field in the Department table is Marketing. Run the query to see the results.

You typed SELECT Professor.LastName, Professor.FirstName, Department.DeptName FROM Department INNER JOIN Professor ON Department.DeptCode = Professor.DeptCode WHERE (((Department.DeptName)="Marketing")); in the Query SQL View. In the DesignRibbon Tab in the Results Ribbon Group, you clicked the Run button.

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