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What two strategies improve empathic listening?

- Be cautious about offering unsolicited advice. - Listen without interrupting.

What are two of the most common responses to a person who is competitively interrupting during a conversation?

- Become competitive and engage the person in a battle of wits. - Withdraw from the conversation.

How might the vividness effect become a problem during informational listening?

- By distorting the listener's perceptions - By causing the listener to pay less attention to less vivid presentations

From the perspective of a critical listener, which qualities would increase a speaker's credibility?

- Experience -Expertise

How should a listener respond when a speaker pauses before answering questions?

- Give the speaker plenty of time to answer in depth. - Allow speakers time to collect their thoughts.

When someone is experiencing a serious emotional crisis, why is it sometimes unwise to respond by giving advice or telling stories about upsetting things that have happened to you in the past?

It can seem insensitive.

What are two reasons why the rebuttal tendency makes it difficult to listen effectively?

It causes the listener to miss some of what is being said. It deflects mental energy away from paying attention to the speaker.

What problems can happen because of glazing over?

Listening less critically to what is being said Giving the false impression of being inattentive or dismissive Failing to hear important information

How is glazing over different from pseudolistening?

People who are glazing over are actually listening, whereas people who are pseudolistening are not.

Which of the following individuals has the greatest difficulty in the first stage of listening effectively?

Someone with a hearing impairment

When Tiana tells her boyfriend about her financial worries, he tends to say very little and his face shows no expression. What listening response is the boyfriend using?


Trying to identify with a speaker by understanding and experiencing what he or she thinks or feels is called ______ listening.

Trying to identify with a speaker by understanding and experiencing what he or she thinks or feels is called ______ listening.

When the goal is to evaluate or analyze what is being said, a person will use ________ listening.


Using the HURIER model of listening, match the element of listening on the left with the corresponding action on the right. Instructions

Hearing matches Choice, Jim turns toward Betty when he perceives that she is saying something to him. Jim turns toward Betty when he perceives that she is saying something to him. Understanding matches Choice, Jim realizes that Betty is saying, "We're through. You've gone too far this time." Jim realizes that Betty is saying, "We're through. You've gone too far this time." Interpreting matches Choice, Jim believes Betty means to say that she is leaving him. Jim believes Betty means to say that she is leaving him. Evaluating matches Choice, Jim decides Betty is trying to make him feel guilty and she will not actually leave. Jim decides Betty is trying to make him feel guilty and she will not actually leave. Responding matches Choice, Jim says, "Uh-huh," and his facial expressions change as Betty is speaking. Jim says, "Uh-huh," and his facial expressions change as Betty is speaking.

Using the HURIER model of listening, match the element of listening on the left with its description on the right.

Hearing matches Choice, Physically perceiving sound Physically perceiving sound Understanding matches Choice, Comprehending the words being spoken Comprehending the words being spoken Remembering matches Choice, Storing ideas in memory Storing ideas in memory Interpreting matches Choice, Assigning meaning to words being spoken Assigning meaning to words being spoken Evaluating matches Choice, Judging the speaker's believability and intent Judging the speaker's believability and intent Responding matches Choice, Indicating that one is listening Indicating that one is listening

The confirmation bias interferes with effective listening because it tends to cause people to do which of the following?

- Listen mostly to those with whom they already agree. - Ignore evidence that their beliefs might be inaccurate. - Form opinions without considering all sides of the issue.

What two qualities describe an empathic listener?

- Open-minded - Nonjudgmental

In terms of effective listening, what does skepticism mean?

- Questioning whether a claim is supported by evidence - Investigating to see if statements are valid

Which of the following should people accused of being closed-minded do?

- Realize that they might be wrong. - Consider evidence and logic that contradict their beliefs. - Remain open to persuasion.

Julio and a couple of friends like to get together to sing and play musical instruments. They are surprised when Julio's cousin proposes that they should organize themselves into a band, include her as their lead singer and manager, and go on tour. How should they use critical listening skills as she explains her plan?

- Set aside their personal feelings about her. - Consider the quality of the evidence. - Evaluate the plan to see if it makes sense.

Why do people engage in competitive interrupting during a conversation?

- To ensure that they get to speak more than the other person does - To take control of the conversation - To make sure their ideas and perspectives will be given priority

According to one study, which doctors were most likely to use continuer statements when their cancer patients expressed sadness, fear, and anxiety?

- Younger - Female

Speaking out of turn during a conversation is normal and usually acceptable if it happens because the person wants to ______.

- ask the speaker to clarify something - warn that something bad is about to occur - express support or enthusiasm

Which behaviors are barriers to effective listening?

-Competitive interrupting - Pseudolistening - Selective attention

A speaker who has credibility can be considered to have what characteristics?

-Trustworthiness - Reliability

What are the two essential elements of being a good listener?

1) Actively making yourself listen 2) Paying attention to what the speaker is trying to communicate

How much of what people hear do they recall?


To be considered probable, a statement must have greater than a ______ chance of being true.


Which situations require critical listening?

A politician promising to give you a million dollars and achieve world peace A used-car salesperson describing the vehicle you are taking for a test drive A job applicant explaining why she should be hired

Which of the following situations illustrate ineffective listening?

A project manager maintains the same deadline even though her work group has told her it will be impossible to meet. A manager refuses to close her restaurant after employees report a health code violation because it doesn't sound like a big deal to her. A production line employee violates new safety guidelines because she thinks they should be interpreted as suggestions, not rules.

What two skills are required for empathic listening?

Ability to understand someone else's point of view Ability to understand how someone feels and to feel that way yourself

What three devices are useful when turning a sentence into a mnemonic memory aid?

Acronyms Phrases Rhymes

In what type of listening response does the listener reveal personal experiences and opinions to the person who was speaking?


Listening to a music concert or comedian on stage involves what type of listening?


If you're uncertain whether or not you understand a speaker, what is the best way to check your understanding?

Ask questions that will prompt the speaker to verify the accuracy of your interpretation.

What type of phrases identify the emotions a person is experiencing and encourage further discussion of them?

Continuer statements

Which of the following is the best definition of listening?

Creating meaning from words another person is saying

Although she never attended business school, Megan has been operating a small, highly successful business, a pet grooming service, for many years. She knows a great deal about dogs and customer service but not much about standard business practices. In a broad sense, what qualities does Megan have as a business manager?


What is another term for glazing over?


Why is the HURIER model of listening named HURIER?

Each letter in the name stands for the first letter of a listening stage.

Your friend just lost his job and is calling to tell you about it. Which of the following is the most appropriate type of listening response?


Listeners judge a speaker's believability and intentions during what stage in the HURIER model of listening?


Sydney has just earned her mechanical engineering degree and is looking to get her first internship. Which of the following is she primarily trying to gain?


During the evaluation step in the HURIER model of listening, the listener is judging what elements of the speaker's statements?

Facts versus opinions Truth and accuracy Believability and intentions

What is the best way to avoid being swayed by the vividness effect?

Focus on the substance of what is being said.

What is the best way to listen effectively despite physical or psychological distractions?

Focus your attention on the speaker and listen intently.

If co-workers have conflicting views on an issue and are definitely not going to change their minds, what is the best way to maintain a positive working relationship?

Help them agree to disagree.

After hearing his friend talk enthusiastically about an expensive nutritional supplement that he says improved his health, Jerry is about to purchase the product. Then he discovers that the product is made by a company that was founded only two years ago by his friend's brother, and his friend receives a commission from every product he sells. Why does Jerry suddenly feel skeptical?

His friend's testimony is biased.

Blake has been struggling to finish an online research project, but he keeps getting distracted and reading articles, dealing with pop-up ads, watching music videos, and checking his favorite pages on social media. What is Blake's problem?

Information overload

During what type of listening is it especially important to be sure that you are aware of what is actually being said, instead of inferring something else?


What type of listening is done primarily for the purpose of learning something?


An audience hearing a sermon or motivational speech is engaged in what type of listening?


In the HURIER model of listening, what is the process of assigning meaning to what someone said?


What problems arise from being closed-minded?

It alienates people. It prevents a person from teaching others. It prevents a person from learning from others.

Why is pseudolistening a problematic behavior?

It can be unethical in some situations. It may offend the speaker. It interferes with effective listening.

Which of the following are types of language that interfere with listener comprehension?

JargonTechnical terminologyForeign terms

Which of the following are common reasons people hear words but fail to listen effectively to them?

Lack of interest in what the person is saying Feeling physically or mentally tired Hearing multiple voices simultaneously

According to a recent survey of employers, which of the following skills did employers rank as most important?


Research supports the idea that college students spend more than half of the time they spend communicating engaged in what activity?


Which of the following is most often ranked as the top communication skill in families and personal relationships?


Match the barriers to listening on the left with the definitions on the right.

Noise- Anything that distracts you from listening to what you wish to listen to Pseudolistening- Giving the false impression that you are listening Selective attention- Listening to what you want to hear and ignoring everything else Glazing over- Daydreaming when you are not speaking or listening during a conversation Rebuttal tendency- Thinking of arguments, conclusions, and responses while someone is talking Closed-mindedness- Refusing to consider ideas or positions with which you disagree Competitive interrupting- Speaking out of turn to gain control of the conversation

Responding to an advertisement that claims a skin cream will "visibly reduce the appearance of wrinkles," Emily buys the product. She expects it to eliminate wrinkles but finds that it only makes them appear a little less obvious. As soon as she stops using it, her skin looks just as wrinkled as it did before. What listening skill should Emily have used?

Noticing what is and is not actually being said

What is the most active feedback strategy a listener can use when responding to a speaker?

Offering advice

What is the difference between open-minded and closed-minded?

Open-minded people recognize that they could be wrong.

What is probably the most effective way to tell whether you have understood what someone has said?

Paraphrasing during the conversation

Match each listening style with its description.

People-oriented matches Choice, Strives to understand the feelings and viewpoints of others Strives to understand the feelings and viewpoints of others Action-oriented matches Choice, Values clarity and precision Values clarity and precision Content-oriented matches Choice, Enjoys ambiguity and intellectual discussions Enjoys ambiguity and intellectual discussions Time-oriented matches Choice, Values efficiency and is prone to impatience Values efficiency and is prone to impatience

Because Kyle feels that his manager talks far too much, he has fallen into the habit of pretending to listen to her while actually ignoring half of what she says. What is Kyle's behavior called?


Sam is trying to discuss the latest sales figures with Maya, but his telephone keeps ringing, a co-worker in the next cubicle is talking loudly with someone, and annoying music is playing throughout the office. Which of the following are effective strategies Sam can use to cope with the noise? (Select all that apply.)

Reschedule the conversation. Identify each specific distraction. Turn off the phone and ask the co-worker to speak softly.

What is the last step in the HURIER model of effective listening?


What elements are part of the HURIER model of effective listening?

Responding Evaluating Interpreting Remembering

What two steps are involved in assigning meaning to what someone has said?

Signal your interpretation to the speaker. Pay attention to verbal and nonverbal cues.

Match the listening responses on the left with their descriptions on the right.

Stonewalling matches Choice, Saying nothing and showing little or no facial expression Saying nothing and showing little or no facial expression Paraphrasing matches Choice, Restating in your own words what the speaker has said Restating in your own words what the speaker has said Empathizing matches Choice, Demonstrating that you understand and share the speaker's feelings Demonstrating that you understand and share the speaker's feelings Supporting matches Choice, Agreeing with the speaker Agreeing with the speaker Analyzing matches Choice, Offering your perspective by explaining your opinions and experiences Offering your perspective by explaining your opinions and experiences Advising matches Choice, Suggesting what the speaker should think, feel, or do Suggesting what the speaker should think, feel, or do

What two techniques are most helpful for remembering what someone is saying?

Take notes. Use mnemonics.

Which situations involve informational listening?

Taking notes during a lecture at college Following a tour guide who is explaining the exhibits in a museum Listening to a news report on the radio

What happens during the responding stage of effective listening?

The listener gives feedback to the speaker. The speaker is reassured that the listener was paying attention. The listener responds with words or body language.

Why is it often difficult to listen effectively in a modern society where everyone has access to television, the Internet, newspapers, and other media?

The mind becomes overwhelmed by too much information.

Byron is trying to persuade a customer to buy a used car. The customer is resisting the sales pitch. Byron is so busy thinking of responses to the customer's objections that he fails to hear the customer say that she doesn't actually have the money to pay for the car. Byron wastes an hour arguing with her before she finally leaves. What was Byron's basic problem in this situation?

The rebuttal tendency

Why should a critical listener be skeptical of claims made by a speaker who has a special interest in the issue that is being considered?

The speaker's credibility is questionable.

What do empathic listeners convey with continuer statements?

They understand the other person's feelings.

Match each listening style with the situation in which it would be most useful.

Time-oriented matches Choice, A receptionist in a dental office scheduling a busy day of appointments A receptionist in a dental office scheduling a busy day of appointments People-oriented matches Choice, A teenager listening to grandparents tell stories about their younger years A teenager listening to grandparents tell stories about their younger years Content-oriented matches Choice, A college student taking notes during a lecture about physics A college student taking notes during a lecture about physics Action-oriented matches Choice, A citizen listening to a news report about proposed legislation A citizen listening to a news report about proposed legislation

Match each listening style with the situation in which it would be most useful. Instructions

Time-oriented - A receptionist in a dental office scheduling a busy day of appointmentsPeople-oriented - A teenager listening to grandparents tell stories about their younger yearsContent-oriented - A college student taking notes during a lecture about physicsAction-oriented - A citizen listening to a news report about proposed legislation

When does glazing over happen?

When the listener is thinking faster than the speaker is talking

People who value organization and precision and are frustrated if the speaker's presentation is not concise and free of errors have a(n) ______-oriented style of listening.


The tendency not to listen to something with which we disagree is called ______.


The tendency to pay attention only to information that supports our values and beliefs, while discounting or ignoring information that doesn't, is called the bias.


People who value intellectual challenges, pay attention to detail, and think things through have a(n) ______-oriented style of listening.


Mary Ann starts her day with an early news program on television, listens to the radio on the way to work, reads email and numerous other items at work, watches television again in the evening, and sees hundreds of advertisements throughout the day. When her husband talks to her during dinner, her mind is so busy that she sometimes hears only a fraction of what he is saying. Mary Ann is experiencing ______.

information overload

The state of being overwhelmed by the huge amount of information we take in every day is called information _______.


Clarifying a speaker's message by restating it in your own words is called _____


People who focus on understanding what a speaker is thinking and feeling have a(n) ______-oriented style of listening.


If there is even a slight chance that a fact or event is true, it is considered to be ______.


Pretending to pay attention when someone is talking, even though you are not really listening, is called ______.


During an office Christmas party, Alice was introduced to her new supervisor. Five minutes later she realized she had forgotten the supervisor's name. She has failed the ________ stage of the HURIER model of effective listening.


Listening only to what you want to hear and ignoring the rest is called _______ attention.


In terms of empathic listening, phrases that fail to acknowledge a speaker's emotions, shutting down his or her opportunity to express them, are called _________ statements.


People who focus on efficiency and want short conversations that do not ramble have a(n) ______-oriented style of listening.


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