Accounting Information and Controls

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sales event data store

contains invoice (sales) records. This is a sales journal in a manual process.


Outgoing shipment of parts, components, and products. Includes packaging, marking, weighing, and loading for shipment.

Independent shipping authorization

Packing slip establishes, for the shipping personnel, that someone other than the warehouse personnel authorized the shipment.

remittance advice (RA)

A business document used by the payer to notify the payee of the items being paid. Remittance is validated by comparing the payment to the RA. Mismatches are rejected for later processing.


A processing system for the interbank clearing of electronic payments. Transfers funds from an account in bank A to an account in bank B.

Balance-forward system

AR records consist of a customer's balance (previous balance plus current account activity), like a credit card bill Each month unpaid current balances are rolled into the account balance. Customers pay from periodic statements, rather than individual invoices, and payments are posted to the account balance.

Step 5 in billing the customer

Accounting records are updated: The invoice is added to the accounts receivable master data and the sales transaction data. Notifies G/L process that a sale occurred (Journal voucher).

Step 2 in Managing Customer Accounts

Adjustments are needed for returns, allowances, partial shipments, errors, uncollectibles, and bad debt write-offs. In the B2B world, returns require a request for a return material authorization (RMA) number. The RMA number allows the seller to receive the goods back into inventory (identify the shipment). Generally need to consult AR master data to validate return (ensure the goods were sold in the first place) A credit memo is prepared and sent to the customer as evidence that the process has completed. The AR master data is updated to reflect the return. A journal voucher updates sales returns/allowances, and AR.

Order Goof/Sevices

After vendor selection, the buyer prepares a purchase order (PO)—a request for the purchase of goods or services.Contains data regarding needed quantities, expected unit prices, and required terms.

Warehouse vs shipping

As a practical matter, shipping employees are trained to package goods for shipping and prepare documents for carriers, so more efficient and effective to separate warehouse from shipping

Independent customer master data maintenance:

Assumes a segregation of duties between personnel who create the customer record (authorize sales) and the personnel who create the sales order (execute sales).

picking ticket

Authorizes the warehouse to "pick" the goods from the shelf and send them to shipping. Identifies goods to be picked and (usually) warehouse location.

Sub Processes of the B/AR/CR

Billing Managing customer accounts Receiving payment

Step 2 in billing the customer

Billing can validate items in the sale by comparing the original sales order to the shipping notice, or this may be automated

Step 6 of shipping

Billing is notified so they can release the customer billing

Three Components of the B/AR/C

Billing the customer for goods and/or services Managing receivables and inquiries Cash collection (and recording)

Step 4 of shipping

Goods are packed with the packing slip attached/inside the box

Step 5 of Picking and Packing

Computer prints packing slip and bill of lading which are delivered to the carrier with the goods.

Sales Order Master Data

Contains sales order data for all orders.

Accounts Receivable adjustments event data store

Created as sales returns, bad debit write-offs, estimated doubtful accounts, and other adjustments are processed.

Cash receipts event data store

Created when customer payments are recorded. In a manual system this is the cash receipts journal.

Methods designed to reduce or eliminate float:( effectiveness goal)

Credit Card Debit Card

Step 1 in Managing the Customer Accounts

Customer accounts can run into a number of trouble spots: Overdue accounts may become uncollectible Customers may request returns or merchandise allowance Billing/payment errors may need to be corrected

Effectiveness, Efficiency and safeguarding resources

Customer credit check Compare picking ticket to picked goods Independent shipping authorization Compare shipment to sales order and picking ticket

Review file of open sales orders (tickler file):

Detects any shipments that should have taken place. Ensures that all shipments are made in a timely manner.

Effectiveness goals:

Determine credit worthiness, provide timely order acknowledgement, timely shipment

Purchasing Process

Determine requirements Order goods/services Receive goods/services

sales order notification

Document or computer message sent to the billing department to notify them of a pending shipment.

Step 7 of shipping

Sales order master data is marked "shipped"

Accelerating Cash Receipts ( effectiveness goal)


Operation Process Control Goals

Effectiveness Goals Efficiency Goals Security Goals

Control Goal Effectiveness

Effectiveness is to reduce float and hasten good funds

Compare picking ticket to picked goods

Example of one-for-one checking that ensures the correct goods are picked from the shelf and any errors are detected and corrected in a timely manner.

Compare shipment to sales order and picking ticket

Example of one-for-one checking that ensures the shipment will be authorized/valid and accurate.

Debit Card

Form of payment authorizing the collector to transfer funds electronically from the payer's bank account to the collector's bank account, eliminating float


Fraud by which funds being paid by one customer are stolen, and the theft is covered up by applying funds from another customer to the first customer's account

Warehouse vs. Shipping employees

If combined one employee could pick goods (remove goods from warehouse) and ship in error or to a fraudulent customer without detection

turnaround document

If the RA is the stub from a statement or invoice, it can processed more efficiently and accurately.

Recommended Control plans

Immediately endorse incoming checks Immediately separate checks and remittance advices Lockbox Turnaround documents Reconcile bank account regularly Monitor open accounts receivable

Recommended Control Plans

Independent customer master data maintenance: Review file of open sales orders (tickler file):

Information process control plans

Input Validity Goal Input Completeness Goal Input completeness and input accuracy goals Update completeness and update accuracy

Pre-billing system

Invoice prepared upon acceptance of customer order. Little or no delay between receiving order and shipping. No separate documents: copies of invoices serve as sales order, picking ticket, and packing slip. Inventory control system must be very reliable.

post-billing system

Invoices are prepared after goods are shipped and the shipping notice has been compared to sales order notice.

Credit Card

Method of payment where a third party (i.e., bank) assumes, for a fee, the risk of customer nonpayment

Where does completing the picking ticket happen?

Normally takes place in the warehouse

Step 2 of shipping

Notice of the shipment is sent to billing and updates are made to the sales order and inventory master data

Customer Credit Check

Performed to ensure that an organization does not overextend credit to a customer

Step 2 of picking items

Personnel complete the picking ticket and forward it, along with the goods, to the shipping department.

Step 1 of picking items

Personnel receive a picking ticket, locate and "pick" the goods, and match them with the picking ticket.

Sales Order Processing- Dissemination

Picking Ticket Customer Acknowledgement Sales order notification

Input completeness and input accuracy goals

Populate input forms with existing master data and use preformatted screens for data entry. Enter data close to source. Confirm acceptance.

Input Validity Goal

Populate order and shipping notice with master data and compare order with authorized credit limits

Types of Billing Systems

Post billing system Pre billing system

Lockbox (Effectiveness Goal)

Postal address maintained by a third party bank—used solely for the purpose of collecting checks. Located near customers so that checks may be captured and deposited quickly.

(Order entry sales process) First four of order-to-cash

Presales activities Sales order processing Pick and pack shipping

Security goals

Prevent theft of merchandise inventory and protect sensitive customer master da

Step 1 in billing the customer

Process begins when the billing function receives the shipping notice

inventory master data

Record of each item that is stocked or regularly ordered from a vendor as well as quantities on hand and cost information.

Customer Master Data

Record of every authorized, regular customer including contact information, credit terms, tax status, tolerances for invoice discrepancies, etc.

Accounts Receivable Master Data

Repository of all unpaid invoices issued and awaiting final disposition.

Marketing Data

Repository of sales-oriented data from presales or sales activities often managed by CRM software

Risk in electronic payments

Risk of misdirected payment Risk of fraudulent payee Risk of account takeover fraud and invalid payments Risk of stolen credit card information Risk of identity theft

Detective control

Rotation of duties and forced vacations

Preventive control

Segregation of duties (custody of cash and recording cash)

Unknown situations during pickings

Situations occur when pulled goods are not indicated on the picking ticket or insufficient goods exist. Discrepancies can be discovered/corrected in shipping.

customer acknowledgement

Sent to notify customer of order's acceptance and expected shipment date.

Step 1 of shipping

Ship clerk ensures that the goods and sales data agree

Where does shipping happen?

Shipping department

Shipping employees- shipping

Shipping employees execute the shipping

B/AR/C Process

completes the order-to-cash process by billing, maintaining receivables and collecting cash

Step 4 in billing the customer

Specific items, sales prices, quantities (line items) are recorded in the sales event data

Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)

Technique of analyzing all incremental costs associated with acquiring and carrying particular items of inventory.

Step 3 in billing the customer

The bill/invoice is prepared including shipping, taxes (if any), current prices, credit terms, etc. and is forwarded to the customer

Summary of OE/S Process

The OE/S process is a major player in a successful business May be used for competitive advantage—Uber, Amazon; hotels, air travel, food The retail OE/S process is being automated, often with apps; if you don't have an app or web presence, customers won't know you exist As the business process evolves, so also must the specific internal control procedures necessary to maintain the security and integrity of the process

Step 2 in Receiving Payments

The RA is used to update the accounts receivable master data to reflect the customer's payment This is a controller function, typically performed by the payment applications section of the accounts receivable department. Cashier (or bank in the case of a lockbox or other external collection) records the collection in the cash receipts events data, and notifies the general ledger process of the amount of cash deposited.

Step 5 of shipping

The bill of lading is given to carrier

Update completeness and update accuracy

The input controls take care of sales order and inventory Masterfile update completeness and accuracy

Receiving Payments step 1

The payment and remittance advice trigger the receive payment process.


Time between customer payment and the availability of good funds (funds on deposit and available for use

Sales order Processing-credit approval

Upon a successful credit approval, next process performs the following activities simultaneously Updates the inventory master data to allocate the quantity ordered to the sales order (or reduce inventory balance). Updates the sales order master data to indicate that a completed sales order has been created. Disseminates the sales order. No accounting events, yet.

Efficiency goals:

Use people and computers efficiently by prepopulating screens with master data and entering information close to the source

Remote deposit capture

Uses scanners to capture check images and to use those images, instead of a paper check, to make a deposit to an account.

Warehouse vs. Shipping employees- Warehouse

Warehouse employees who pick goods have custody of assets Shipping employees execute the shipping

Step 3 of Picking and Packing

When all goods are picked, they are moved to the shipping function for final packaging and delivery to the carrier.

Managing Customer Accounts AR Write Offs

Write offs are triggered by periodic review of AR aging which results in two possible adjustments: The recurring (usually annual unless reporting is done quarterly) adjusting entry for estimated bad debts. The write-off of "definitely worthless" customer accounts. Most companies go through a structured collection process before writing off an account Sending bills/account statements is generally a monthly activity and may be done in cycles to spread the work over the month.

Immediately separate checks and remittance advices

accelerate deposits, reduce opportunities to divert cash and prevent lapping.

sales order processing

approval, recording, disseminating Customer enters purchase online Computer automatic PO Manual PO Vendor managed process- being min/max Customer contacts a call center customer sales rep System may update customer relationship management Still no accounting Approved customers are entered in the customer master file Preformatted screens provide prompts and masks so that data is accurate and complete

monitor open accounts receivable

by regularly reviewing and following-up on accounts receivable aging reports to ensure that payments are received in a timely manner.

Input completeness goal:

confirm acceptance of sales order and shipping notice


ePayments: Generic term used that describes a variety of electronic transfers between entities. Includes wire transfers, credit and debit card processing, mobile payments, and payments made via the ACH Network.

Reconcile bank account regularly

ensure all valid deposits were recorded correctly. Should be performed by someone other than those that handle cash.

Fraud Risk

involve creating and recording fraudulent invoices inflating revenues (not presented to the customer for payment)

open-item system

is used when invoices are prepared and sent for each sale. Customer makes payments for specific invoices when due. AR master data consists of individual open invoices against which payments and adjustments are applied. On a periodic customer statement of account, invoices are listed along with payment details. Each open invoice is aged individually. This is what we used for the SUA

Discrepancies with operating and information

might indicate an unauthorized/invalid or duplicate shipment (no open sales order) or an inaccurate shipment (ship quantities do not agree with picking ticket or sales order).

Immediately endorse incoming checks

protect payments from being fraudulently misappropriated. Endorsement should indicate check is for deposit only.

presale activity

quotes,proposals, bids Answers info request make proposals price negotiations product specifications NO accounting is done here


systems that use a website to post customers' bills and to receive their electronic payments. Currently used in healthcare, insurance and utilities and coming soon to every bill you pay, including rent (landlords don't want to handle cash anymore, so pay on the website)

Mobile person-to-person money transfers (effectiveness goals)

use mobile phones and other devices to make payments between individuals

Step 6 of Picking and Packing

¡Shipping personnel record the shipment which triggers updates to the sales order master data (sale completed), inventory master data (inventory reduced), and general ledger master data (recognize revenue).

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