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Self-myofascial release is MOST appropriate during the _________ component of a group fitness class.


What is the primary disadvantage of using target heart rate to monitor intensity in a group setting? A.The prediction equations have standaed deviation of 7 to 12 beats per min B.Finding the target heart rate requires test in a laboratory setting C.The 6 to 20 scale can be confusing for new exercisers D.Mant participants do not know their resting heart rate which is needed for the equation

Answer A The prediction equations have standaed deviation of 7 to 12 beats per min

Which classroom arrangement is the BEST option for a youth fitness class? A. Circle B. Staggered C. Parallel lines D. Horizontal lines

Answer A. Circle

Organizing the class participants into a horizontal line with the GFI facing the participants is the BEST option for a(n) _______________ class. A. Kettlebell B. Older adults Balance training C. Dance based D. Pilates reformer

Answer A. Kettlebell Able to see everyone movement and coordination synchronized fashion from all angles

What is the primary goal for an exerciser in the action stage of behavioral change? A. Maintain regular physical activity as a habit through motivation and adherence B. Regularly participate in structured physical activity C. Get involved in some type of activity with basic structured direction D. Maintain continued interest in activity avoiding boredom or burnout

Answer A. Maintain regular physical activity as a habit through motivation and adherence

Which of the following statements about rapport is true? A. Rapport can be define as a relationship of trust and mutual understanding B. Rapport is static and established during the first interaction with an individual C. Active listening and establishing professional expertise are key elements in the development of rapport D. Good rapport will eliminate feelings of insecurity and apprehension among class participants

Answer A. Rapport can be define as a relationship of trust and mutual understanding

To help participants develop more effective movement patterns, GFIs should develop a dynamic warmup that focuses on adequate mobility in four key areas, including the _______________. A.Hips B.Knees C.Scapulothorcic region D.Lumbar spine

Answer A.Hips

Which of the following BEST promotes muscular balance throughout the body during a group fitness class? A.Incorporating bilateral movements as well as moving both forward and backwards B.Using lighter weights and more repetitions to improve muscular endurance C.Progressing for a single to multi joint movements D.Always providing the easiest version of an exercise and then offering progressions

Answer A.Incorporating bilateral movements as well as moving both forward and backwards

A person who participates in your dance-based group fitness class once or twice each week and reports no other leisure-time activity is in which stage of behavioral change? A. Contemplation B. Preparation C. Action D. Maintenance

Answer B. Preparation

The development of rapport is rooted in _________.


Outdoor boot-camp class on a sunny summer afternoon. Which symptoms indicate heat stroke and needs transport to emergency room asap? Headache Hot, dry skin Paleness Labored breathing Weak, rapid pulse Nausea, dizziness, and general weakness Rapid,

Hot, dry skin, Bright red skin color, Rapid, strong pulse, Labored breathing, Core temperature of 104.5⁰ F (40.3⁰ C)

Understanding what another person is experiencing from his or her perspective - motivation, adherance, empathy, social support, feedback, rapport, health perception


A warm-up is not essential when working with participants who are experienced in a particular modality. - True/False


Exercising in cold, standing water causes more rapid heat loss than performing the same exercise in cold water with a mild current. - True/False


It is important to wear a bottom layer that absorbs sweat when exercising in the cold. - True/False


The harder the conditioning phase of a class, the shorter the warm-up should be. - True/False


Verbal or nonverbal information about current behavior that can be used to improve future performance - motivation, adherance, empathy, social support, feedback, rapport, health perception


To enhance hip mobility - cat/camel, glute bridge, standing diagonals, birddog

glute bridge

Typically offers good shock absorption, but varies in terms of predictability and traction Hardwood flooring, grass, carpeting, concrete


Allows for lateral movement and pivoting Hardwood flooring, grass, carpeting, concrete

hardwood flooring

Offers good traction for dynamic movements Hardwood flooring, grass, carpeting, concrete

hardwood flooring

An individual's perception of his or her relative level of wellness and illness - motivation, adherance, empathy, social support, feedback, rapport, health perception

health perception

Lowering the hands to the hips, as opposed to reaching them overhead, during a movement is an example of regressing an exercise by adjusting _______________

lever length

Identifying early signs of staleness to prevent burnout is an appropriate strategy when working with someone in this stage. - maintenance, action, contemplation, pre-contemplation, preparation


people in this stage have been regularly participating in physical activity for longer than six months. - maintenance, action, contemplation, pre-contemplation, preparation


One group of beats in a musical composition marked by the regular occurrence of the heavy accent Tempo, beat, accent, musical phrase, upbeat, measure, downbeat, meter


An active cool-down helps remove ______________ from the muscles so that it can be metabolized by other tissues.

metabolic waste

The organization of beats into musical patterns or measures Tempo, beat, accent, musical phrase, upbeat, measure, downbeat, meter


The psychological drive that gives purpose and direction to behavior - motivation, adherance, empathy, social support, feedback, rapport, health perception


A short musical passage; used as a means of choreographing movement to a piece of music Tempo, beat, accent, musical phrase, upbeat, measure, downbeat, meter

musical phrase

before designing the class plan, the GFI should establish the class ________________.


__________ commonly begin with the words "what," "why," and "how."

open-ended question

The first warning sign that a GFI is likely to observe when a participant is working too vigorously is ______.

poor form

GFIs are LEAST likely to encounter individuals in this stage in their group fitness classes. - maintenance, action, contemplation, pre-contemplation, preparation


People in this stage do not see activity as relevant in their lives. - maintenance, action, contemplation, pre-contemplation, preparation


Providing information about the risks of being inactive and the benefits of being active is an appropriate strategy when working with someone in this stage. - maintenance, action, contemplation, pre-contemplation, preparation


Assisting in identifying social support and establishing personal goals is an appropriate strategy when working with someone in this stage. - maintenance, action, contemplation, pre-contemplation, preparation


Many participants in a group fitness class will be in this stage of change. - maintenance, action, contemplation, pre-contemplation, preparation


People in this stage are getting ready to adopt and live an active lifestyle. - maintenance, action, contemplation, pre-contemplation, preparation


A relationship marked by mutual understanding and trust - motivation, adherance, empathy, social support, feedback, rapport, health perception


Asking clients to gauge their feelings with words like "light," "hard," or "maximal" is another way to implement this method Dyspnea scale, ratings of perceived exertion, talk test, target heart rate

ratings of perceived exertion

Assigns a numerical value to subjective feelings of exercise exertion Dyspnea scale, ratings of perceived exertion, talk test, target heart rate

ratings of perceived exertion

Takes into account psychological, musculoskeletal, and environmental factors Dyspnea scale, ratings of perceived exertion, talk test, target heart rate

ratings of perceived exertion

___________ prepare participants mentally and physically for the challenges of the workout ahead.

rehearsal moves

__________ is both a determinant of behavior as well as an outcome of behavior change.


The perceived comfort, caring, esteem, or help an individual receives from other people - motivation, adherance, empathy, social support, feedback, rapport, health perception

social support

To improve shoulder mobilit - cat/camel, glute bridge, standing diagonals, birddog

standing diagonals

The first response to seeing warning signs that a participant is exercising too vigorously is to ___________.

stop exercising and seek medical help

_________ can help keep the topic of the conversation focused and on track.


Especially useful for beginners who are learning to pace themselves Dyspnea scale, ratings of perceived exertion, talk test, target heart rate

talk test

Takes into account the individual's metabolic responses to exercise Dyspnea scale, ratings of perceived exertion, talk test, target heart rate

talk test

Subject to substantial error due to reliance on prediction equation Dyspnea scale, ratings of perceived exertion, talk test, target heart rate

target heart rate

The rate of speed of music, usually expressed as beats per minute Tempo, beat, accent, musical phrase, upbeat, measure, downbeat, meter


An engaging class experience starts with a dynamic warm-up. - True/False


Cold environments can cause an increase in blood pressure. - True/False


Convective heat loss and the rate of body cooling are accelerated by wind. - True/False


Ideally, the warm-up should last at least five to 10 minutes. - True/False


To help participants develop more effective movement patterns, GFIs should focus on establishing adequate mobility in the ankles, hips, thoracic spine, and shoulders. - True/False


The deemphasized beat in a piece of music Tempo, beat, accent, musical phrase, upbeat, measure, downbeat, meter


What is orthostatic hypotension/Postural hypotension? Lightheadedness by overtraining in hot and humid environment Increase in blood pressure by transitioning to high-intensity exercise too quickly, without warm-up Sharp drop in blood pressure by transitioning from supine

A sharp drop in blood pressure often caused by transitioning from a supine or seated position to standing

What would be a safe and effective way to modify an existing 60-minute class blueprint to create an express lunchtime class that lasts 40 minutes? A.Eliminate the cool down degment of class encouraging participants to stretch on their own B.Maximize class time by including higher intensity intervals lasting 15 to 60 seconds with a 1:1 exercise to recovery interval ratio C.maximize class time by shortening the recovery intervals following each high inttensity interval to a 2:1 exercise to recover ratio D.Shorten the warm up and cool down segments of class to allow the conditioning segment to remain the same

Answer B.Maximize class time by including higher intensity intervals lasting 15 to 60 seconds with a 1:1 exercise to recovery interval ratio

Which of the following is considered a physical-activity factor that may influence a person's decision to engage in exercise? A. Health status B. Activity history C. Injury D. Access to facility

Answer C. Injury

Which verbal communication technique helps the GFI empathize with the participant and clarify the main points and feelings the participant is communicating? A. Open ended question B. Close ended question C. Reflective listening D. Encouragement

Answer C. Reflective listening

What is the BEST course of action for a GFI to take if he or she finds a strip of peeling rubber along the edge of a step platform while setting up the room prior to class? A. Repair the step by cutting off the torn piece of rubber B. Use the step while teaching the class so that no participant has to use it C. Remove the step from the class and report the issue to management D. Place a sing on step alerting participants to the damage.

Answer C. Remove the step from the class and report the issue to management Damaged equipment are the company/facility responsibility

Myofascial release is MOST appropriate during which portion of a group fitness class? A.Between the resistance and cardiorespiratory segments of class B.As a recovery segment during the conditioning phase C.During the cool down D.At the very beginning of class

Answer C.During the cool down

Following a step training class, several participants voice their frustration at being unable to perform certain movements correctly during the conditioning phase of class. What is the MOST appropriate action for the GFI to take during the warm-up of the subsequent class session? A.Incorporate more stability focused movements into the warm up B.Extend the warm up in order to elevate the participants heart rate C.Incorporate more rehersal moves into the warm up D.Increase the intensity of the warm up to better prepare them for the conditioning segment

Answer C.Incorporate more rehersal moves into the warm up

Which of the following is an example of intrinsic motivation? A. A spouse taking a participant out to dinner once a month as a reward for making it to the gym three times each weeks B. A participant treating herself to a manicure and pedicure after every 10 classes she attend C. A participant receiving a free T shirt from the facility after attending 15 classes in one month D. A participant continuing to attend weekly yoga classes because he enjoys the sense of relaxation he experience

Answer D. A participant continuing to attend weekly yoga classes because he enjoys the sense of relaxation he experience

What is the most common reason that individuals provide for not exercising or for dropping out of an exercise program? A. Lack of access to a facility B. Injury C. Chronic illness D. Lack time

Answer D. Lack time

the PRIMARY goal of the birddog exercise is to _______________. A.Promote thoracic spine mobility B.Enhance hip mobility C.Improve shoulder mobility D.Enhance stability of the lumbar spine

Answer D.Enhance stability of the lumbar spine

What music volume would meet the recommendations for a high-intensity interval training class? A.80 decibels B.90 decibels C.95 decibels D.100 decibels

Answer. A 80 decibels

Which of the following group fitness class formats would be a good match for using music in the foreground? A.Dance based fitness class B.Boot camp C.Aquatic exercise D.Yoga

Answer. A Dance based fitness class

Cold environments can cause a generalized vasoconstriction that can be dangerous for individuals with _______________. A.Hypertension B.Low back pain C.Hypotension D.Osteoporosis

Answer. A Hypertension

Heart rate and the talk test are the two PRIMARY methods recommended for monitoring exercise intensity in which of the following group exercise class formats? A.Aquatic exercise designed for older adults B.High intensity group indoor cycling class C.Biginner kickboxing class D.Pilates reformer class

Answer. B High intensity group indoor cycling class

Which intensity-monitoring method takes into account each individual participant's metabolic responses to exercise? A.Target heart rate B.Talk test C.Rating of perceived exertion D.Dyspnea scale

Answer. B.Talk test

What is the FIRST step in the planning process that GFIs can use to design a well-organized class? A.Identify the moderate intensity version of each movement featured B.Choose music that will motivate participants while keeping them moving at an appropriate pace C.Identify the broader focus of what the class intends to accomplish D.Choose a class title that will appeal to potential participants

Answer. C.Identify the broader focus of what the class intends to accomplish

Which of the following types of flooring is the BEST option when trying to control undesirable medial-lateral motions of the foot? A.Grass B.Concrete C.Wood D.Carpet

Answer. D Wood

Which combination of symptoms requires immediate medical attention? A.Cold, calmmy skin and low blood pressure B.Headache and general weakness C.Profuse sweating and a weak,rapid pulse D.Bright red skin and laboured breathing

Answer.D.Bright red skin and laboured breathing

When is the BEST time during class to incorporate plyometric and heavy strength-training exercises? Beginning of the cool down segment, immediately after warm-up Last portion of the cool down. segment Very beginning of cool-down, after which intensity is reduced

At the beginning of the conditioning segment, immediately after the warm-up

what are the three ways to find a pulse Clue CRT

Carotid Heart rate Radial Heart rate Temporal Heart rate

What are the transtheoretical model of behavioral change Clue PRE CON PRE ACT MAI

Precontemplation Contemplating Preparation Action Maintenance

Emphasis on a given beat Tempo, beat, accent, musical phrase, upbeat, measure, downbeat, meter


People in this stage engage in regular physical activity, but have been doing so for less than six months. - maintenance, action, contemplation, pre-contemplation, preparation


Reiterating the long-term benefits of adherence is an appropriate strategy when working with someone in this stage. - maintenance, action, contemplation, pre-contemplation, preparation


the extent to which people follow their program, plans or treatment recommendations - motivation, adherence, empathy, social support, feedback, rapport, health perception


Regular pulsations that have an even rhythm and occur in a continuous pattern of strong and weak pulsations Tempo, beat, accent, musical phrase, upbeat, measure, downbeat, meter


To enhance stability of the lumbar spine - cat/camel, glute bridge, standing diagonals, birddog


When communicating a message, 7% of the message is comprised of spoken words, 38% is related to tone of voice, and an astonishing 55% consists of ___________.

body language

Can cause ankle sprains and knee injuries during lateral movements and pivoting Hardwood flooring, grass, carpeting, concrete


Difficult to maintain hygienically Hardwood flooring, grass, carpeting, concrete


To promote thoracic spine mobility - cat/camel, glute bridge, standing diagonals, birddog


More severe signs, such as _______________ or _______________, _______________, or _______________ indicate the need for immediate cessation of exercise and possibly the activation of the emergency medical system.

chest pain discomfort heart palpitations musculoskeletal pain

Offers very little shock absorption Hardwood flooring, grass, carpeting, concrete


An individual who visits the fitness facility in order to gather information about the class schedule, without participating in the class, is likely in this stage of change. - maintenance, action, contemplation, pre-contemplation, preparation


People in this stage are sedentary, but are starting to consider activity as being important. - maintenance, action, contemplation, pre-contemplation, preparation


Providing opportunities to ask questions and to express apprehensions is an appropriate strategy when working with someone in this stage. - maintenance, action, contemplation, pre-contemplation, preparation


Other warning signs that a participant is working too hard include labored breathing, excessive sweating, or ________.


The regular strong pulsation in music occurring in a continuous pattern at an even rhythm Tempo, beat, accent, musical phrase, upbeat, measure, downbeat, meter


In addition to noting any progressions and regressions for each move in the class plan, GFIs should write down the ( ______ and ______ ) ___________________ of each move.

duration and purpose

Should be used when a participant is showing signs of difficulty breathing Dyspnea scale, ratings of perceived exertion, talk test, target heart rate

dyspnea scale

The best option when working with participants with asthma or emphysema Dyspnea scale, ratings of perceived exertion, talk test, target heart rate

dyspnea scale

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