Acellus AP World History

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The Delian League was led by... A. Athens B. Sparta C. Lonia D. Troy

A. Athens

In Hinduism, practiced in classical..., there was no central founder or holy figure. A. India B. China C. Egypt D. Spain

A. India

One problem with the spread of Islam was.... A. The loss of other religious traditions B. There was no plan for succession after Mohammed's death C. It lost a lot of its core in the transmission to other cultures

A. There was no plan for succession after Mohammed's death

During the Zhou and Han Dynasties in Classical China,... became increasingly important. A. Trade B. Free speech C. Religion D. Art

A. Trade

When did Russia leader, Peter the Great die? A. 1525 B. 1724 C. 1624 D. 1824

B. 1724

Buddhists believe that ...lies beyond the realm of earthly existence. A. The Rig Veda B. Heaven C. The kama Sutra D. Nirvana

B. heaven

The government of the Mongol empire can best be described as: A. A collection of independent city states B. A republic with a strong central government C. A military dictatorship D. A divine monarchy

C. A military dictatorship

Which of the following was NOT a technological advancement of the civilizations of the Fertile Crescent from 8,000 to 600 B.C.E.? A. The wheel B. Formal number system C. A patriarchal form of society D. A calendar

C. A patriarchal form of society

Who was the first Indian ruler to accept Buddhism? A. Bindusara B. Chandragupta C. Ashoka D. Dasharatha

C. Ashoka

All of the following were introduced to India by Chandragupta EXCEPT.... A. Autocracy B. Postal service C. Caste System D. Persian chariots

C. Caste System

The... were the first to coin money A. Persians B. Minoans C. Lydians D. Mycenaeans

C. Lydians

Eventually,... topple the Roman Empire. A. Disease B. Small Skirmishes C. Nomadic Invasions D. Rising Costs

C. Nomadic Invasions

As the Roman Empire split and fractured, the capital of Western portion of the empire remained.... A. Mecca B. Damascus C. Rome D. Constantinople

C. Rome

Which statement most accurately describes the Crusades? A. They were a great success B. They accomplished all set goals C. They accomplished almost nothing

C. They accomplished almost nothing

One of the things that contributed to the Incas' conquest by the Spanish was.... A. Their religious beliefs B. Their lack of engineering C. They had no written language D. Their practice of human sacrifice

C. They had no written language

Under the Abbasid, Baghdad became.... A. A forgotten city B. Overrun with criminals C. A cultural epicenter D. Indebted to other nations

C. a cultural epicenter

One result of the prosperity of trade in Constantinople was.... A. Inflation B. Deflation C. Construction of great buildings D. Social Stratification

C. construction of great buildings

Excommunication is the hardest form of punishment in the Christian tradition because.... A. It is physically painful B. It makes one social a outcast C. It strips people of their rights to the sacraments. D. It is a drawn out process

C. it strips people of their rights to the sacraments.

In return for land grants from the king, Lords in a feudal society were expected to provide.... A. Food for the community B. Jobs C. Knights for protection D. Raw materials

C. knights for protection

In the hierarchical structure of feudalism, the king provides... to the Lords directly beneath him. A. Slaves B. Money C. Land grants D. Ships

C. land grants

In Mesopotamian civilization, people often believed that the gods were angry with them because... A. Corrupt priests manipulated them in order to make them easier to control B. It was part of their storytelling tradition C. Life was unpredictable and difficult, and they assumed their difficulties were a punishment

C. life was unpredictable and difficult, and they assumed their difficulties were a punishment

The fall of cities after the end of the Roman Empire brought about a decline in.... A. Interest in God B. Desperation C. Literacy D. Rural population

C. literacy

What belief reinforced the caste system? A. Monotheism B. Polytheism C. Reincarnation D. Mysticism

C. reincarnation

In the legalistic justice system under the Han Dynasty, the accused were... A. Guaranteed a lawyer B. Presumed innocent until proven guilty C. Tortured and presumed guilty before trial D. Entitled to defend themselves

C. tortured and presumed guilty before trial

Which church began under Henry the Eighth? A. Protestantism B. Lutheranism C. Evangelism D. Anglican

D. Anglican

Who was the grandson of Chandragupta? A. Bindusara B. Samprati C. Dasharatha D. Ashoka

D. Ashoka

In Islam, the political and religious leader. A. King B. Mohammed C. Chief D. Kalif

D. Kalif

Eventually, the... took over Baghdad, marking the end of the Abbasid Dynasty. A. Romans B. Sunnis C. Shia D. Mongols

D. Mongols

... was the blending of Confucianism and Buddhism. A. Confucianism B. Animism C. Taoism D. Neo-Confucianism

D. Neo-Confucianism

The Persians introduced.... A. Hinduism B. Agriculture C. Mathematics D. Zoroastrianism

D. Zoroastrianism

Which of the following is NOT a commonly domesticated animal during Neolithic Age? A. Horse B. Cow C. Sheep D. Chicken

D. chicken

Knights were glorified in the high Middle Ages in Western Europe due to.... A. Their extreme code of honor B. Their elegant armor C. A lack of religious interest D. The constant fighting among kingdoms

D. the constant fighting among kingdoms

Moderation was a value extolled by... A. Aristotle B. Socrates C. Pythagoras D. Pericles

A. Aristotle

What Carthaginian general was known for his war elephants? A. Hannibal B. Scipio C. Caesar D. Octavius

A. Hannibal

Aryan social structure was.... A. Patriarchal B. Egalitarian C. Matriarchal D. Cooperative

A. Patriarchal

Octavius formed the... A. Roman Empire B. Roman Republic C. Senate D. Assembly

A. Roman Empire

What event did the church have difficulty justifying following the middle ages? A. The Black Death B. The economic collapse of Europe C. Evolution D. Creationism

A. The Black Death

A source of despair for Muhammed was.... A. The focus on material wealth and gain in his culture B. He did not have a wife C. His inability to earn a living

A. The focus on material wealth and gain in his culture

During the fourth era of the world history, one invention that helped connect the civilizations of the world was.... A. The printing press B. The cotton gin C. The wheel D. The horse-drawn carriage

A. The printing press

How long were peasants depended on the upper class in Russia? A. Until 1861 B. Until 1761 C. Until 1961 D. Until 1661

A. Until 1861

Prior to the Neolithic Revolution, the people of the world were mostly... A. Hunters and gatherers B. Slaves C. Warriors D. Artisans and merchants

A. hunters and gatherers

The ruler of the Persian empire was typically known as the king of... A. Kings B. Persia C. Gods D. Priests

A. kings

Which Russian leader drove out the Mongols during the rise of Russia? A. Ivan the IV B. Ivan the III C. Ivan the Terrible D. Peter the Great

B. Ivan the III

... came from the Roman end of the Silk Road A. Spices B. Precious metals C. Silk D. Pepper

B. Precious metals

What did the Buddha not accept? A. Prayer B. Taxtation C. The caste system D. Meditation

B. The caste system

Around 2,000 B.C.E., the ... started their migration. A. Hindus B. Indo Europeans C. Bantu D. Oimec

C. Bantu

Under the... Dynasty, there were really no powerful governments. A. Zhou B. Ming C. Chin D. Tao

C. Chin

During China's second Golden Age, the Tang Dynasty fell, giving way to the... Dynasty. A. Ming B. Zhou C. Song D. Chin

C. Song

Under what Athenian ruler was the golden age? A. Alexander B. Xerxes C. Darius D. Pericles

D. Pericles

In what part of the world were the Bantu located? A. Mesopotamia B. Southeast Asia C. North Africa D. Sub-Saharan Africa

D. Sub-Saharan Africa

The Gupta Empire used... to keep peace and stability. A. Taxation B. Bureaucracy C. Farming D. Intermarriage

D. intermarriage

Like Christianity,... offered a monastic lifestyle. A. Buddhism B. Judaism C. Hinduism D. Islam

A. Buddhism

Under the Tang Dynasty, the... was strengthened. A. Central government B. Feudal system C. Military D. Transportation system

A. Central government

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Mesopotamian civilization? A. Centralized government B. Social stratification C. Code of law D. Competition and conflict

A. Centralized government

...Is credited with blocking the spread of Islam into Europe during the Umayyad Dynasty. A. Charles "the hammer" Martel B. King George C. Martin Luther D. King Phillip

A. Charles "the hammer" Martel

which of these civilizations from 8,000--600 BCE did NOT develop along side a river valley? A. China B. Egypt C. Mesopotamia D. Olmec

A. China

Under which religion did Ferdinand and Isabella unite Spain in pursuit of exploring endeavors to the Americas? A. Christianity B. Hinduism C. Islam D. Judaism

A. Christianity

During the decline of the Abbasid Dynasty, the treasury was drained by.... A. Constant civil war B. Trade deficits C. Corrupt tax collectors D. Embezzlement

A. Constant civil war

After the Heian era in Japanese history, the Emperor was reduced to mere figurehead due to.... A.Courtly excesses at the expense of governance B. Military defeats C. The influence of Western democratic ideals D. Sabotage

A. Courtly excesses at the expense of governance

... was the Persian emperor during the first Persian war. A. Darius B. Xerxes C. Agamemnon D. Pericies

A. Darius

A woman would perform Sati to achieve liberation from.... A. Death and rebirth B. Taxation C. Marriage and family D. Dharma

A. Death and rebirth

What did the Mongols bring to Russia? A. Democracy B. Trade C. Arts D. Manufacturing

A. Democracy

How did Michael Romanov repair the damage of the power vacuum that followed Ivan IV during the rise of Russia? A. Drove out the Swedish and Polish & continued expansion B. Restored power to the Czar C. Ended Slavery D. Nothing

A. Drove out the Swedish and Polish & continued expansion

Which of the following is NOT one of the five pillars of Islam? A. Embrace all Gods and religions B. Submission to Allah, the one God C. Fast from sunrise to sunset the month of Ramadan D. Make a prilgrimage to Mecca if you are able.

A. Embrace all Gods and religions

Which Russian trade market opened under Ivan the IV? A. Fur B. Artwork C. Sugar D. Vodka

A. Fur

Which empire expanded its influence through intermarriage with local princes? A. Gupta B. Mughal C. Mauryan D. Pandyan

A. Gupta

Which advancement reinforced social stratification in Mesopotamian culture? A. Hammurabi's Code of Law B. Architectural design C. The calendar D. Irrigation systems

A. Hammurabi's Code of law

Which was NOT a typical role for the Atlantic slave trade market? A. Harem B. Agricultural labor C. Industrial labor D. House servant

A. Harem

What was the primary role of slaves in the Islamic world? A. Harem and household servants B. Agricultural labor C. Industrial labor D. Personal assistants

A. Harem and household servants

Emperor Justinian of the Byzantine Empire is often maligned by history because.... A. He was gullible and had terrible ideas B. He was a cruel dictator C. He had poor trade policies D. He was a philanderer

A. He was gullible and had terrible ideas

Monotheism, the development of Christianity, and Islam can be accredited to the.... A. Hebrews B. Bantu C. Olmecs D. Phoenicians

A. Hebrews

In addition to advancements in mathematics, the... theory of the Earth became widely accepted. A. Heliocentric B. Flat C. Round D. Geocentric

A. Heliocentric

The Umayyad plotted to have Mohammed killed because.... A. His teachings posed a financial threat to them B. They felt he had overstepped his place in society C. He opposed their religious practices

A. His teachings posed a financial threat to them

In the first era (8,000--600 B.C.E.), Aryans, Huns, and White Huns were all... A. Indo Europeans B. Chinese Dynasties C. Warring tribes in the Indus River Valley D. Eviscerated by nomadic tribes

A. Indo Europeans

The capital of the eastern portion of the Roman Empire, is now known as... in present day Turkey. A. Istanbul B. Constantinople C. Damascus D. Baghd

A. Istanbul

The King of Mali's pilgrimage to Mecca was important because.... A. It brought cultural diffusion to Mali B. It converted all of Africa to Islam C. It started a war that lasted for decades D. It ended the suffering of his people

A. It brought cultural diffusion to Mali

...was the first great monotheistic faith. A. Judaism B. Islam C. Christianity D. Hinduism

A. Judaism

The culture in the pre-Islamic Arabian peninsula (present day Saudi Arabia) was.... A. Nomadic B. Tribal C. Undefined D. Stationary

A. Nomadic

Who is the Ottoman Empire namesake? A. Osman B. Ottoman the Great C. Oktar D. Otto the Great

A. Osman

Which social group was most powerful as Spaniards moved to America? A. Peninsulares B. Creoles C. Mestizos D. Indigenous and Slaves

A. Peninsulares

What was the capital of the Persian Empire? A. Persepolis B. Athens C. Troy D. Sparta

A. Persepolis

Which of the following were not one of the Gunpowder Empires? A. Persian B. Ottoman C. Mughal D. Safadid

A. Persian

Which European country led the trade route to Africa as the Atlantic Slave trade began? A. Portugal B. Brazil C. England D. The United States

A. Portugal

During The Sui Dynasty, after the death of Yangdi, there was a.... A. Power struggle B. Great celebration C. Decline in poverty D. Hunger strike

A. Power struggle

Rome's decline was partially caused because the Empire used soldiers who were not.... A. Roman B. Greek C. Skilled D. Scary

A. Roman

The lack of grand temples and elaborate burial sites indicated that the Indus River civilization was.... A. Ruled by a small group of elites B. Monotheistic C. Polytheistic D. Ruled by the people

A. Ruled by a small group of elites

... was the leader who developed the China that most people recognize today. A. Shi Huangdi B. Confucius C. Mao D. Liu Bang

A. Shi Huangdi

Years after the death of Mohammed, when his relative, Ali, was appointed Kalif, there was a divide in Islam between the... and the Sunnis. A. Shia B. Christians C. Jews D. Umayyed

A. Shia

The meaning of "Islam" is.... A. Submission B. Faith C. Love D. Hope

A. Submission

Which raw resource were the slaves responsible for harvesting in Central and South America? A. Sugar B. Cotton C. Produce D. Potatoes

A. Sugar

Which countries took territory after Russia, Ivan IV left a power vacuum? A. Sweden & Poland B. Germany & Poland C. Switzerland & Norway D. Sweden & Norway

A. Sweden & Poland

How did the Africans' unique culture, color and language affect the slave trade? A. The traders could dehumanize them B. They could quickly identify slave labor C. They could criminalize runaway slaves D. They could identify interracial children

A. The traders could dehumanize them

In addition to evidence that the Indus River people were peaceful, archaeological digs also provided proof that.... A. They were highly isolated B. They participated in trade with Mesopotamia and each other C. Women played a prominent role in their ruling class D. They cultivated different crops than the Mesopotamians and Egypt

A. They were highly isolated

During the Neolithic age, animals such as cows, sheep, horses, pigs, and goats are called "beasts of burden" because.... A. They were used as working animals B. It was quite burdensome to care for them C. Their care was seen as a punishment D. They were thought to be a curse

A. They were used as working animals

After the Neolithic Revolution, who was most harmed by the shift from hunting and gathering to farming? A. Women B. Priests C. Merchants D. Men

A. Women

One phenomena that was common across all civilizations during the first era was... A. A decrease in the status of women B. Settlement along river valleys C. The proliferation of polytheistic religions D. Human sacrifices

A. a decrease in the status of women

In the Roman Empire, many regions were given local... A. Autonomy B. Senators C. Mathematics D. Science

A. autonomy

During the Sui Dynasty, the importance of the Grand Canal was that it.... A. Connected North and South and facilitated the exchange of goods B. Showed the might of the Sui Dynasty C. Cut off warring states from one another

A. connected North and South and facilitated the exchange of goods

The problem with feudalism in the Zhou dynasty can best be characterized as... A. Creating vulnerability in the central power structure, increasing the risk of regional disloyalty B. Creating too large of a chasm between the nobles and the peasants C. Stifling innovation and economic growth

A. creating vulnerability in the central power structure, increasing the risk of regional disloyalty

The Roman Catholic Church was able to fill the void of central authority after the fall of the Roman Empire because.... A. It borrowed its hierarchy from the Roman Empire B. It has taken all the money during the collapse C. People didn't know any better D. It had stockpiled weapons

A. it borrowed its hierarchy from the Roman Empire

The invading Indo-Europeans brought with them a belief in.... A. One god B. Many gods C. Angels D. Demons

A. one god

Which is NOT a way in which the environment was fundamentally altered as a result of the shift from hunting and gathering to farming that took place during the Neolithic age? A. People began to use pottery. B. Large areas of forest were cut and burned. C. Permanent architectural structures were erected.

A. people began to use pottery

The government became unstable because troops were primarily loyal to their.... A. Priests B. Emperor C. Generals D. Senate

A. priests

The Eastern Christians under the Byzantine Empire... the Pope's attempt to intervene. A. Resented B. Appreciated C. Ignored D. Misunderstood

A. resented

In China during the Qin and Han Dynasties, society shifted down toward... A. Secularism B. Theocracy C. Disorder D. Democracy

A. secularism

Trade cities were also known as.... A. Selling ports B. Barter Towns C. Emporiums D. Stadiums

A. selling ports

Which of the following was NOT a level of training to become a knight in the Middle Ages in Europe? A. Serf B. Page C. Squire D. None of the above

A. serf

From 600 C.E. to 1450 C.E,... increased the level of affluence in many societies, which had an adverse effect on women. A. Trade Network B. Religion C. Education D. Government

A. trade network

In early Mesopotamian and Egyptian river valley civilization, Queen Hatshepsut was evidence that... A. Women were considered equal to men in Egyptian society B. Women in Egyptian society held a higher position than women in Mesopotamian society C. There was indeed an afterlife

A. women were considered equal to men in Egyptian society

Which of these laws best represent the principle that the burden of proof rests on the accuser? A. 2 B. 3 C. 5

B. 3

Three years was the average life expectancy of... in the Americas. A. An indentured servant B. A sugar slave C. Children D. Africans

B. A sugar slave

After the death of the hotly debated fourth caliph of the Abbasid Dynasty,... ensued. A. Unprecedented peace and prosperity B. All out civil war C. A truce between the Shia and the Sunnis D. Scientific advancements

B. All out civil war

During the Sui Dynasty, the quick growing Champa rice caused.... A. Famine B. An increase in population C. Violent Wars D. Disease

B. An increase in population

Compared to civilizations in the East after the fall of the Roman Empire, Western Europe could be described as.... A. A model Society B. Backwards C. Advanced D. A threat

B. Backwards

Due to the lack of central authority, Shihuangdi was able to rise up from the Era of Warring States in China as a.... A. Benevolent B. Brutal dictator C. Voice of calm in the storm D. Gentle advisor

B. Brutal dictator

What fell out of favor because it was seen as being foreign? A. Sati B. Buddhism C. Moksha D. HInduism

B. Buddhism

Wu Zetian, emperor of China during the Tang Dynasty, was a strong supporter of.... A. Women's rights B. Buddhism C. Judaism D. Education

B. Buddhism

At the end of the Third Punic War, the Romans completely destroyed.... A. Athens B. Carthage C. Syracuse D. Troy

B. Carthage

Who was the first person to unify India? A. Ashoka B. Chandragupta C. Dasharatha D. Bindusara

B. Chandragupta

During the Qing Dynasty, the Chinese.... A. Opened all ports of trade B. Closed all but one port for trade in Canton C. Began an era o expansion D. Dominated world trade

B. Closed all but one port for trade in Canton

The Lydians were the first people to.... A. Cultivate grain B. Coin money C. Dye cotton D. Worship god

B. Coin money

Which best describes the Cossacks in the rise of Russia? A. Soldier/Leader B. Cowboy/Warrior C. Farmer/Producer D. Servant/Serf

B. Cowboy/Warrior

A cornerstone of Buddhism is the belief in.... A. Angels B. Dharma C. The Vedas D. Monotheism

B. Dharma

This is the law of moral consequence. A. Sangha B. Dharma C. Hinduism D. Confucianism

B. Dharma

What emphasized inner study and meditation? A. Rig Veda B. Dharma C. Karma D. Mahabharata

B. Dharma

A small Arab trading ship was known as a... A. Clipper B. Dhow C. Trawler D. Frigate

B. Dhow

The repeated chain of events with China's leadership beginning in 2100 BCE and ending around 1912 is called the... A. Circle of kings B. Dynastic cycle C. Sun cycle D. Indo Aryan cycle

B. Dynasty Cycle

Which of the following is NOT a defining characteristic of the Aztecs? A. Human sacrifice B. Education C. Bloodiness D. Expansion

B. Education

The rise of Western Europe was due to large part to.... A. Unification of the European nations B. Exploration and subsequent conquest C. Innovations in farming technology D. Slavery

B. Exploration and subsequent conquest

Which couple brought about the unification of Castile and Aragon in Spain? A. Ferdinand and Elizabeth B. Ferdinand and Isabella C. Peter and Isabella D. Peter and Catherine

B. Ferdinand and Isabella

The agricultural power structure in Classical China can best be described as... A. Anarchy B. Feudalism C. Socialism' D. Communism

B. Feudalism

During the 16th century... from the New World caused inflation. A. Spices B. Gold and Silver C. Silk D. Chocolate

B. Gold and Silver

Pericles' reign was known as the... A. Dark Age B. Golden Age C. Persian War D. Peloponnesian War

B. Golden Age

During his reign over the Byzantine Empire, Justinian was able to keep invading Arab Muslims at bay with the use of.... A. Great military strategy B. Greek fire C. Heavy lines of archers D. Expert assassin squads

B. Greek fire

In 320 C.E., the... Empire began. A. Mauryan B. Gupta C. Pandyan D. Kusha

B. Gupta

The first golden age of the Silk Road occurred under what Chinese dynasty? A. Qing B. Han C. Tang D. Ming

B. Han

In a very short amount of time from 620 B.C.E to 711 B.C.E, Islam had spread from... to Spain and all across Africa. A. China B. India C. The Americas D. England

B. India

The conflicts of the Persian Wars were rooted in the colonies of... A. Troy B. Ionia C. Athens D. Sparta

B. Ionia

The era in world history from 600 C.E. to 1450 C.E marks the rise and spread of.... A. Hinduism B. Islam C. Christianity D. Judaism

B. Islam

Which statement best describes the effect that Champa rice had on China during the Sui Dynasty? A. It made farming more difficult B. Its easy cultivation helped to feed more people and increase the population C. It was overtaken by mold, which led to famine.

B. Its easy cultivation helped to feed more people and increase the population

Which text emphasized loving relations? A. Rig Veda B. Kama Sutra C. Maahabharata D. Upanishads

B. Kama Sutra

The Americas were... the world trade networks from 600 C.E. to 1450 C.E A. Influenced by B. Largely excluded from C. In charge of D. Dependent upon

B. Largely excluded from

After the death of Yangdi and the subsequent power struggle, a new leader..., emerged in the Tang Dynasty. A. Hun Lee B. Li Yuan C. Ling Min D. Lin Manuel

B. Li Yuan

By sponsoring exploration trips to the Americas, Spain began to build what type of trading empire? A. Mercantillism B. Maritime C. Piraterism D. Global

B. Maritime

In the earlier days of their conquest, one of the advantages that made the Mongols almost unstoppable was their.... A. Massive army B. Mastery of the horse C. Weapons technology D. Strategy & Tactics

B. Mastery of the horse

The Kushans overran the...Empire. A. Gupta B. Mauryan C. Mughal D. Persian

B. Mauryan

The start of farming is also known as the... A. Neoclassic period B. Neolithic Revolution C. Monolithic Evolution D. Radiation theory

B. Neolithic Revolution

From 1600 B.C.E. to 1912, which factor in the dynastic cycle is the justification for rebellion? A. Natural disasters B. Old dynasty loses the mandate of heaven C. Corruption D. Decrease in quality of life

B. Old dynasty loses the mandate of heaven

Which leader would bring about the greatest westernization in Russia? A. Catherine the Great B. Peter the Great C. Mary Romanov D. Mochael Romanov

B. Peter the Great

Which is the correct hierarchy of leader of leadership in the Roman catholic church? A. Bishops, Pope, Cardinals B. Pope, Cardinals, Archbishops C. Archbishops, Cardinals, Pope

B. Pope, Cardinals, Archbishops

Even though they are often depicted as savages, the Mongols promoted... in their conquered territories. A. Egalitarianism B. Religious tolerance C. Monotheism D. Barbarism

B. Religious tolerance

How did Russia influence Europe during the Mongol occupation? A. Russia goods were imported by Italy and Germany B. Russia was cut off during the occupation C. Russia kept China as its most favored nation D. Russia practiced active isolation

B. Russia was cut off during the occupation

Montesquieu, a French Enlightenment thinker, argued for.... A. Consolidation of power in the monarchy B. Separation of powers in government C. Free Markets D. The Social Contract

B. Separation of powers in government

The "capstones" of the Scientific Revolution was ...'s framework of natural laws. A. Sir Francis Bacon B. Sir Issac Newton C. Rene Descartes D. Imma

B. Sir Issac Newton

Rene Descartes is the Enlightenment thinker promoted the idea of... regarding beliefs. A. Cynicism B. Skepticism C. Absolutism D. Nihilism

B. Skepticism

According to legend, Muhammed's response to his clandestine meetings and recitations with the Angel Gabriel was.... A. Pride in his new position of authority B. Suicidal despair C. Outrage D. Intensified study of other religious traditions

B. Suicidal despair

One change in religious ideologies in world history from 600 C.E. to 1450 C.E was.... A. The denouncement of slavery B. Support for gender equality C. Proselytizing D. Missionary activity

B. Support for gender equality

... promoted scientific discovery in Classical China. A. Confucianism B. Taoism C. Buddhism D. Christianity

B. Taoism

In classical India, people gave one-sixth of their crops as a.... A. Religious offering B. Tax C. Dowry D. Charitable donation

B. Tax

One difference between the Mayans and the Incas was.... A. The Mayans did not use beasts of burden as the Incas did B. The Mayans used hieroglyphics, but the Incas did not D. The Incas had a formal written language, but the Mayans did not

B. The Mayans used hieroglyphics, but the Incas did not

Once the Mongols were driven out, the Chinese were able to keep their culture intact because.... A. They reclaimed all of their stolen artifacts B. The Mongols did not allow them to intermix with them during the Yuan Dynasty C. They had developed a vast network of underground culture

B. The Mongols did not allow them to intermix with them during the Yuan Dynasty

How had the Mongols affected Russian culture? A. Russia adopted the Mongols culture B. The Russians maintained their culture during the occupation C. They are blended to this day D. Anti-mongol sentiment drove the culture out

B. The Russians maintained their culture during the occupation

A prime example of the Catholic church's inability to let go of traditional beliefs during the 17th century was.... A. The Crusades B. The condemnation of Galileo C. The Spanish inquisition D. The support of the monarchy

B. The condemnation of Galileo

During the first era of humanity societies formed along river valleys because... A. All of their gods were water gods B. The floodplain of the river provided fertile soil for farming C. The river provided a quick means of escape from nomadic warriors

B. The floodplain of the river provided fertile soil for farming

Why did serfdom continue under the Mongol occupation in Russia? A. Popular opinion supported it B. The peasants were dependent on the upper class C. Divine rule D. Manifest destiny

B. The peasants were dependent on the upper class

As people migrated to urban centers during the 16th Century, inflation remained a problem for.... A. The upper classes B. The rural working class C. Trading companies D. The Church

B. The rural working class

One thing that gave the Chinese a dominant presence in the Indian Ocean trade network was.... A. The lack of competition B. Their massive trade ships C. Precise accounting D. Military dominance

B. Their massive trade ships

Following the death of Khabul Khan, the alliance of Mongol tribes fell apart mainly because.... A. There were too many outside enemies attacking them B. There was no strong successor C. Famine overlook the land D. There was a rapid spread of disease

B. There was no strong successor

One source of envy toward Christians and Jews for the Bedouin tribes of the pre-Islamic Arabian peninsula was.... A. They had fine clothing and permanent dwellings that the Bedouins did not B. They had a God that they could call upon in times of trouble C. They had a higher standard of living than the Bedouins

B. They had a God that they could call upon in times of trouble

One of the reasons that the Mongols were unable to conquer Japan was.... A. Their military was no match for Japan's B. They had a week naval presence C. They could not cross the mountains of Japan D. The Japanese engaged in guerrilla warfare

B. They had a week naval presence

How did the Russian leaders that followed Peter the Great respond to his westernization? A. They embraced it B. They pushed back and resisted it C. They were skeptical D. None of the above

B. They pushed back and resisted it

How did the Europeans view the expanding Muslim empire during the rise of the gunpowder empires? A. They saw them as enemies to their expansion B. They viewed them as being "in their way" to Asia C. They saw them as potential trade partners D. Their focus was elsewhere

B. They viewed them as being "in their way" to Asia

In what present-day country was the city of Troy located? A. Greece B. Turkey C. Syria D. Albania

B. Turkey

It was always very difficult for rulers to... India. A. Organize B. Unite C. Diversify D. Fragment

B. Unite

Some of the changes in farming that took place under the Zhou Dynasty in China included... grown in the North A. Rice B. Wheat C. Soy beans D. Corn

B. Wheat

After the fall of the..., China moved into a period called the "Era of Warring States." A. Chin B. Zhou C. Ming D. Tang

B. Zhou

One of the goals of the... dynasty was to unify the people of China through a common language, Mandarin. A. Chin B. Zhou C. Ming D. Tang

B. Zhou

The... dynasty in classical China stressed the mandate of heaven. A. Chin B. Zhou C. Ming D. Tang

B. Zhou

Zoroastrianism can best be described as... A. A polytheistic patriarchy of gods B. A monotheistic religion that introduced the good vs. evil idea C. The practice of animal worship D. Assigning spiritual qualities to natural phenomena

B. a monotheistic that introduced the good vs. evil idea

Justinian, an emperor of the Byzantine Empire, is best known as.... A. The Great Uniter B. A moron C. A maleficent nightmare D. The Savior of the Empire

B. a moron

Why did government develop in newly settled farming communities? A. Animals needed to be continued B. A new need to protect property and distribute goods arose C. Society lacked structure D. Men had too much free time and needed to work

B. a new need to protect property and distribute goods arose

Historians describe the Minoan people as being very... A. Vindictive B. Sociable C. Aggressive D. Beautiful

B. beautiful

The Egyptian practice of mummification is evidence of... A. Advanced scientific knowledge B. Belief in an afterlife C. Influence of other cultures D. Cultural fear of death

B. belief in afterlife

Eurasia had major trade networks because of its...axis A. North-South B. East-West C. Diagonal D. Equatorial

B. east-west

Classical India was born because of its... A. Language B. Geography C. Philosophy

B. geography

During the time period from 600 C.E. to 1450 C.E., the masses turned to religion for.... A. Fun B. Guidance C. Punishment D. Power

B. guidance

In the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic church, a bishop would control.... A. The archdiocese B. His own diocese C. All of the diocese D. Nothing

B. his own diocese

Which of the following responses would be most likely from an individual espoused the ideology of Taoism in China under the Han Dynasty who had just been promoted? A. Loudly proclaim the divine power that bestowed this gift B. Humbly accept and try to do well C. Throw a flashy party to celebrate

B. humbly accept and try to do well

The political and social structure of classical China developed without... A. significant innovations B. Influence from neighboring countries C. Trade networks D. Leadership

B. influence from neighboring countries

The Indo Aryan invasion influenced religion In India by... A. Forcing the conquered Indus people to crease the worship of their gods B. Introducing their holy texts, the Vedas C. Building great monuments to the gods D. banning all religion

B. introducing their holy texts, the Vedas

The Gupta Empire used intermarriage to.... A. Spread Buddhism B. Keep peace and stability C. Organize taxation D. Achieve Purification

B. keep peace and stability

One of the goals of the Zhou dynasty was to unify the people of China through a common.... A. Culture B. Language C. Religion D. Currency

B. language

In order to maintain its position in the seat of power, a dynasty in China from 1600 BCE to 1912 had to... A. Conquer as much territory as possible B. Maintain peace and prosperity C. Use corrupt tactics that harmed the people D. Keep the peasants under control with violent tactics

B. maintain peace and prosperity

The Americas had no major trade routes because they were situated on a... axis. A. East-West B. North-South C. Diagonal D. Equatorial

B. north-south

At the bottom of both the Egyptian and Mesopotamian social strata... could be found. A. priests B. slaves C. women D. men

B. slaves

The Sumerians most likely adopted the Babylonian code of law because... A. Writing allowed cultures to share valuable information B. The Sumerians were conquered by the Babylonians and consequently subject to their laws C. The Babylonians shared it with the Sumerians at a peace summit.

B. the Sumerians were conquered by the Babylonians and consequently subject to their laws

What innovation was never developed in the Americas? A. Agriculture B. The wheel C. Religious beef D. Storytelling

B. the wheel

One cause of famine in the typically fertile Mesopotamia was... A. War B. Unpredictable flooding C. Insects destroying crops D. Lack of labor

B. unpredictable flooding

The civil service exam in classical China was intended to provide... A. Barriers to wealth B. Upward moblity C. Peasants with an education D. Jobs to those who could pay

B. upward mobility

One of the clear benefits of Hammurabi's Code of Law was A. Protection for women B. Protection for children C. Protection of private property D. A guarantee of basic liberties

C, protection of private property

Classical China developed largely without influence from neighboring counties because.... A. They viewed the surrounding peoples as barbaric B. They lacked a missionary spirit C. All of the above D. None of the above

C. All of the above

Under the Abbasid, the capital was moved from Damascus to..., present day Iraq. A. Mecca B. Syria C. Baghdad D. Israel

C. Baghdad

Under the Abbasid,... became the cultural epicenter of the world. A. Mecca B. Syria C. Baghdad D. Damascus

C. Baghdad

Under the Abbasid,... became the culture epicenter of the world. A. Mecca B. Syria C. Baghdad D. Damascus

C. Baghdad

In the absences of any power structure after the fall of the Roman Empire, the Roman Catholic church administered justice through.... A. Service B. Education C. Canon law D. Ritualistic sacrifice

C. Canon law

In the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church, the... directly control(s) the archdiocese. A. Bishop B. Pope C. Cardinals D. Priests

C. Cardinals

Feudalism begins to die as what other institution grows in power after the middle ages? A. Serfdom B. Slavery C. Central government D. Religion

C. Central government

... differs from other major religions in that it is more of a philosophy than a religion. A. Buddhism B. Christianity C. Confucianism D. Hinduism

C. Confucianism

The fall of the Roman Empire also signaled the end of... in Western Europe (until much later). A. Socialism B. Feudalism C. Democracy D. Monarchy

C. Democracy

One theory for Western Europe's obsession with God in the Middle Ages is that it stemmed from.... A. Lies B. Propaganda C. Desperation D. Misdirection

C. Desperation

....emphasized inner study and meditation. A. The caste system B. Kama Sutra C. Dharma D. Mahabharata

C. Dharma

Administrative units of the Roman Catholic church containing multiple churches during the Middle Ages were (and still are) referred to as.... A. Parishes B. Villages C. Diocese D. Unions

C. Diocese

Shortly after the Mongols were driven out of China, the Chinese... the Indian Ocean trade network. A. Abandoned B. Reformed C. Dominated D. Struggled in

C. Dominated

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic shared by the Indus River Valley and the Chinese civilizations? A. Written language B. Polytheism C. Dynastic cycles D. Social stratification

C. Dynastic cycles

How did the labor system affect politics during colonial days? A. All workers shared the power B. Workers were finally given the right to vote C. Elite still held the power D. None of the Above

C. Elite still held the power

Which description below best describes the essential tenets of Taoism in China? A. Prosperity and success are divinely ordered. B. Do all the good that you can in all the ways that you can for all the people that you can. C. Everything in moderation and a humble spirit will produce harmony.

C. Everything in moderation and a humble spirit will produce harmony.

In classical India, land that was near the rivers was used for... A. Fortresses B. Temples C. Farming D. Military training

C. Farming

After Charlemagne's death, his empire.... A. Was perpetuated by his sons B. Grew tremendously C. Fell apart and was attacked D. United all of Western Europe

C. Fell apart and was attacked

Being a warlike people, the Mycenaeans were named for a.... A. Battleship B. Mountain C. Fortress D. River

C. Fortress

The women of the Umayyad tribes had greater... than neighboring civilizations. A. Responsibilities B. burdens C. Freedoms D. Technologies

C. Freedoms

One of the defining shifts in China during the Zhou Dynasty was... A. The move away from feudal agriculture B. A push toward stronger central government C. From religious to secular

C. From religious to secular

Which of the following modern day countries was NOT part of the Fertile Crescent? A. Israel B. Syria C. Greece D. Iran

C. Greece

The Golden Age of China took place during the... dynasty. A. Zhou B. Chin C. Han D. Ming

C. Han

Based on the fifth law in Hammurabi's code of law, why might a judge take long and careful consideration before writing his opinion on a case? A. It was his civic duty B. Judges were seen as infallible gods C. He would have to pay twelve times the fine he imposed

C. He would have to pay twelve times the fine he imposed

Which movement had no central founder? A. Confucianism B. Buddhism C. Hinduism D. Jainism

C. Hinduism

Although Babur founded the Mughal empire, which of the descendants sought to unite India? A. His son, Muhammed B. His son. Humayun C. His grandson, Akbar D. His grandson, Babur

C. His grandson, Akbar

... is the most heavily populated Muslim country in the world today. A. China B. Egypt C. Indonesia D. Iran

C. Indonesia

Heavy rapids, deserts to the west, and the Mediterranean Sea all contributed to the... of the Egyptian River Civilization A. Conflicts B. Government C. Isolation D. Happiness

C. Isolation

How did the African population rise in Brazil following the slave trade? A. It died out due to illness B. Brazil creased trading after the English and Dutch took the lead C. It grew to become half the Brazilian population D. Africans integrated into Brazilian society

C. It grew to become half the Brazilian population

Islam is often referred to a "merchant religion" because.... A. It was mostly merchants who practiced it. B. It was sold like an item to possible followers. C. It spread in large part due to trade. D. It was a religion that praised mercantillism.

C. It spread in large part due to trade.

During the Sui Dynasty, which of these had to pay tribute (taxes) and "kowtow" to China? A. India B. Japan C. Korea D. Mesopotamia

C. Korea

The fall of the cities after the end of the Roman Empire brought about decline in.... A. Interest in God B. Desperation C. Literacy D. Rural populations

C. Literacy

What stage of the dynastic cycle was thought by the people to have a casual relationship with peace and prosperity? A. Natural disasters B. Corruption C. Mandate of heaven D. Rebellion

C. Mandate of heaven

The practice of farming is believed to have originated in... A. The Americas B. The Midwest C. The Middle East D. Africa

C. Middle East

One of the major cultures that arose during the era from 600 C.E. to 1450 C.E. was the.... A. Europeans B. Americans C. Mongols D. Moores

C. Mongols

How does the growth of science affect the way humanity views the earth after the middle ages? A. More focus on the law of gravity B. More focus on biblical morality, not the biography C. More focus on natural laws D. More focus on evolution

C. More focus on natural laws

Which group introduced Zoroastrianism? A. Mycenaeans B. Athenians C. Persians D. Minoans

C. Persians

... were leaders when it came to European exploration during the fourth era. A. England and France B. Russia and Austria C. Portugal and Spain D. France and Germany

C. Portugal and Spain

The Mongols dealt harshly with bandits and thieves in order to.... A. Keep the people under control B. Dictate their moral code to conquered villages C. Protect and enhance trade D. Punish merchants who were disloyal

C. Protect and enhance trade

Which of the following is NOT one of the five pillars of Islam? A. Submit to Allah, the one and only God B. Pray five times each day while facing Mecca C. Read 3 times daily from the Quran D. Give to the poor

C. Read 3 times daily from the Quran

One common response to the widening gap between the rich and the poor during the 7th century was.... A. Apathy B. Negotiations C. Rebellion D. Religious charity

C. Rebellion

The shift in thinking during the Zhou Dynasty in China can be described as... A. Feudal to capitalist B. Monarchical to democratic C. Religious to secular D. Secular to religious

C. Religious to secular

Both the Greeks and the Romans practiced... A. Anatomy B. Monotheism C. Slavery D. Geometry

C. Slavery

Spartan farms were largely worked by.... A. Priests B. Women C. Slaves D. Teachers

C. Slaves

How did the European view of Africans as heathens and pagans influence and pagans influence the slave trade? A. Africans wanted to convert. B. Easy capture C. Slaves were seen as other, less than human D. Africans rulers welcomed missionaries

C. Slaves were seen as other, less than human

How did Spaniards respond to the Muslims in Spain? A. Spain embraced tolerance B. Spain became Islamic for several decades C. Spain drove them out D. None of the above

C. Spain drove them out

This city-state was a militaristic aristocracy. A. Ionia B. Athens C. Sparta D. Troy

C. Sparta

What was the main source of Athens' prosperity? A. Military conquest B. Olive cultivation C. Stable government D. Dramatic festivals

C. Stable government

At the end of the 6th century, the... Dynasty emerged. A. Han B. Chin C. Sui D. Ming

C. Sui

In most of their conquest, the Mongols allowed their enemies to.... A. Take a running start B. Warn neighboring villages C. Surrender before battle D. Negotiate after battle

C. Surrender before battle

Which of these belief systems provided Chinese culture under the Qin and Han Dynasties with a spiritual component to help them understand the events of their lives? A. Deism B. Judaism C. Taoism D. Transcendentalism

C. Taoism

A large number of conversions to Islam during the Umayyad Dynasty can be attributed to.... A. Peer Pressure B. Religious intolerance C. Tax incentives D. Propaganda

C. Tax incentives

The agricultural innovation attributed to the Incas was.... A. Chenopods B. Beasts of burden C. Terrace farming D. The use of tools

C. Terrace farming

The two main events that brought Europe out of the Middle Ages were the... and the.... A. Fall of the Byzantine Empire, Black Death B. Code of Chivalry, the Crusades C. The Black death, the Crusades D. End of Feudalism, debacle with the Popes

C. The Black death, the Crusades

Europe was introduced to the Islamic supreme economy during the fourth era due to.... A. The printing press B. Visitors from distant lands C. The Crusades D. The collapse of trade networks

C. The Crusades

Which countries replaced Portugal as the primary slave supplier in the 1600s? A. The United States and Mexico B. The Arab nations C. The English and Dutch D. Brazil and Portugal

C. The English and Dutch

Starting around 8,000 B.C.E, which one of the following groups began in central Asia and migrated east, west, and south? A. The Olmecs B. The Bantu C. The Indo Europeans D. The Hebrews

C. The Indo Europeans

Two major civilizations in the developing Americans were.... A. The vikings and the Oimecs B. The Inuit and the Dakotas C. The Mayans and the Aztecs D. The HIndus and the Muslims

C. The Mayans and the Aztecs

In Egyptian river valley civilization... created the laws. A. The people B. The priests C. The Pharaoh D. The gods

C. The Pharaoh

Despite the fall of the Roman Empire, the one thing that remained was.... A. Its infrastructure B. Military protection C. The Roman Catholic Church D. Democracy

C. The Roman Catholic Church

Backlash from Confucianists and Daoists during the Tang Dynasty led to.... A. An increase in taxes B. A strengthening of the imperial system C. The burning of thousands of Buddhist temples D. Class warfare

C. The burning of thousands of Buddhist temples

In classical India, one of the Hindu beliefs that Buddha did not accept was.... A. Reincarnation B. Dharma C. The caste system D. Karma

C. The caste system

In addition to cultural diffusion, the expansion of trade brought about... from 600 C.E. to 1450 C.E. A. Weaponization B. Agrarian lifestyle C. The development of cities D. Religion

C. The development of cities

Which of the five pillars of Islam became a catalyst for change? A. Daily prayer B. Giving to the poor C. The pilgrimage to Mecca D. Submission to Allah

C. The pilgrimage to Mecca

By 711 C.E., Islam had spread from from India to Spain was due in large part to.... A. The Qur'an' being printed B. Religious tourism C. The unification of the Bedouin tribes of the Arabian peninsula

C. The unification of the Bedouin tribes of the Arabian peninsula

During the fourth era (1450-1750) Western Europeans were fearful of distant voyages because.... A. Their religious beliefs prohibited them B. Their military could not fend off foreign attackers C. They did not have the technology to suatin long voyages at sea

C. They did not have the technology to suatin long voyages at sea

People in the Americas fell behind during the Neolithic Revolution because.... A. They were lazy B. They only had llamas for domesticated animals C. They had not yet invented the wheel D. Their land was not suited to farming

C. They had not yet invented the wheel

Carthage was completely destroyed at the end of the.... A. First Punic War B. Second Punic War C. Third Punic War D. Peloponnesian War

C. Third Punic War

The colonies of Ionia were located in present-day.... A. Greece B. Iran C. Turkey D. Syria

C. Turkey

Which answer best describes the way people during the middle ages used to view life on this earth? A. A waiting room for heaven B. A test to pass to get to heaven C. Turmoil and suffering D. A place to enjoy life while waiting for heaven

C. Turmoil and suffering

While the Egyptians built pyramids as their great cultural monuments, the Mesopotamian built... A. The Taj Mahal B. Great ships for exploration C. Ziggurats D. Glant sculptures of the gods

C. Ziggurats

In the second age, one of the major developments that can be associated with Phoenicians was... A. Advanced weaponry for war B. The wheel C. A 22 character alphabet D. Faster ships designed specifically for trade

C. a 22 character alphabet

The schism in the Roman Catholic church over who should be Pope in the late Middle Ages resulted in.... A. A three-way tie B. Increased authority for the church C. A decrease in respect for the church D. The abandonment of all religion

C. a decrease in respect for the church

legalism, the political ideology under the Qin Dynasty in China, can be described as... A. Pragmatic B. Authoritarian C. All of the above D. None of the above

C. all of the above

After the fall of many cities in Western Europe, villages.... A. Branched out and took over B. Picked up the slack C. Became largely self contained D. Banned together

C. became largely self contained

In the absences of any power structure after the fall of the Roman Empire, the Roman Catholic church administered justice through.... A. Service B. Education C. Canon law D. Ritualistic sacrifice

C. canon law

Despite the dismal failure of the Crusades, one benefit was.... A. The acquisition of Jerusalem B. The fall of the Byzantine Empire C. Contact between the Eastern and Western world D. The end of feudalism

C. contact between the Eastern and Western world

One of the ways in which the Europeans rained devastation upon the native peoples of the Americas was through.... A. Religious conversation B. Language assimilation C. Disease

C. disease

Buddhism fell out of favor because it was perceived as being.... A. Dangerous B. Heretical C. Foreign D. Boring

C. foreign

Between the Mauryan and Gupta Empires, there was a period of... A. Harmony B. Religious fervor C. Fragmentation D. Social unity

C. fragmentation

Hinduism was responsible for setting... A. Systems of government B. Farming practices C. Gender Relations D. Imperial borders

C. gender relations

The Greeks and Romans had values that were similar to Confucian principles, in that both civilizations valued.... A. Agriculture B. Democracy C. Hierarchy D. Engineering

C. hierarchy

During the first era, Indo Europeans were associated with the use of... A. Elaborate bronze weapons B. Cattle C. Horses D. Herbal medicines

C. horses

Which of the following was NOT an effect of the predictable flooding of the Nile River? A. A more cheerful outlook on life B. Belief in benevolent gods C. Increased conflict and competition D. Environmental harmony and stability

C. increased conflict and competition

Which of the following was found in the Indus River Valley and NOT in Egypt or Mesopotamia? A. Pyramids B. Ziggurats C. indoor plumbing D. Formal system of writing

C. indoor plumbing

Zoroastrianism, a monotheistic religion centered in Persia during the first era, is best known for.... A. The practice of human sacrifice B. Animal worship C. Introducing the concept of good versus evil D. Universalism

C. introducing the concept of good versus evil

There were Classical China. A. Strong leaders B. Religious structures C. Monumental buildings D. Set rules

C. monumental buildings

Which of the following is NOT one of the five pillars of Islam? A. Give to the poor B. Submit to the one god, Allah B. Make a pilgrimage to Mecca if you are able C. Pray once a week

C. pray once a week

During the time period from 600 C.E to 1540 C.E., the masses turned to... fro security and guidance. A. Kings B. Each other C. Religion D. Government

C. religion

Before Rome was an empire, it was a .... A. Commonwealth B. Theocracy C. Republic D. Federation

C. republic

In classical India, farmland was mostly located along the... A. Coasts B. Roads C. Rivers D. Dams

C. rivers

Which statement best describes the difference between the Mesopotamians' relationship to their environmental versus the Egyptians'? A. The Mesopotamians had more respect for the land B. The Egyptians had more respect for the land C. The Mesopotamians had to alter their environment more D. The Egyptians had to alter their environment more

C. the Mesopotamians had to alter their environment more

Whereas the Han Dynasty stressed the importance of civil service, the Qin Dynasty stressed... A. Bureaucracy B. Religion C. The rule of law D. Infastructure

C. the rule of law

The Pope's naming of Charlemagne as the new Roman emperor was interesting because.... A. The pop had no such authority B. The church typically didn't interfere with matters of state C. There was no "Rome" to speak of D. Charlemagne was a fraud

C. there was no "Rome" to speak of

Shi Huangdi burned books because he believed that... A. They were written in too many languages B. They were from hell C. Thinking was subversive to autocratic rule D. They were contaminated

C. thinking was subversive to autocratic rule

The main point of the Crusades was.... A. To enrich the Church B. To escape the Black Death C. To win back the holy lands D. To conquer new territories

C. to win back the holy lands

Approximately how long did the Minoan civilization last? A. 1000 years B. 100 years C. 2000 years D. 500 years

C.2000 years

Which answer best describes the way people's view of life on earth began to change AFTER the middle ages? A. A waiting room for heaven B. A test to pass to get to heaven C. Turmoil and suffering D. A place to enjoy life while waiting for heaven

D. A place to enjoy life while waiting for heaven

Which of the following was NOT a benefit of passing the civil service exam during the Tang dynasty? A. Access to material goods and comforts B. Title of "jinshi" C. Increased social status D. Access to the royal palace

D. Access to the royal palace

After the fall of the Empire, Germanic tribes in Western Europe that had previously been kept orderly by Rome's central authority and written code of law reverted to.... A. Disorder B. Unwritten rules C. Traditions D. All of the above

D. All of the above

For Europe, the collapse of the Roman Empire meant.... A. Poverty B. Starvation C. Death D. All of the above

D. All of the above

How were the Janissaries involved in governing the Ottoman empire? A. Military service B. Political influence C. Controlling the arms D. All of the above

D. All of the above

Important advantages of Champa rice, introduced during the Sui Dynasty, are.... A. It is drought resistant B. It matures quickly C. It has two harvest cycles D. All of the above

D. All of the above

The decline in witchcraft hysteria during the 17th century can be attributed to.... A. The emergence if the Scientific Method B. New, skeptical approaches to belief system C. An increase knowledge of the natural world D. All of the above

D. All of the above

What did Suleiman the Magnificent establish in the Ottoman empire? A. Patron of the arts B. Civil service exam system C. Control of trade D. All of the above

D. All of the above

Which of the following were incentives to participate in the Crusades? A. Honor and glory B. Debt Forgiveness C. Indulgences D. All of the above

D. All of the above

One of the religious changes under the Zhou Dynasty was the termination of.... A. Monks B. Marriage C. Human Sacrifice D. Animal Sacrifice

D. Animal Sacrifice

The city of Timbuktu was known for its.... A. Education B. Trade C. Violence D. Both A and B

D. Both A and B

When the Roman Empire split, a schism developed in Christianity due to.... A. Distance B. Varying cultural influences C. lack of Identity D. Both A and B

D. Both A and B

During the Abbasid Dynasty, the Kalif's harem of wives and concubines led to.... A. Peaceful interactions at the palace B. Multiple sons, both legitimate and illegitimate C. Constant struggles over the succession of power D. Both B and C

D. Both B and C

Which group helped push the Mongols out under Ivan III? A. Surfs B. Aristocrats C. Indentured servants D. Boyars

D. Boyars

How did Italian artists affect architecture during the rise of Russia? A. Realism B. Religious work C. Impressionism D. Bright color

D. Bright color

The fall of the... Empire was a major historical shift during the late Middle Ages. A. Roman B. Greek C. Catholic D. Byzantine

D. Byzantine

The Trans-Saharan trade network was reliant on.... A. Chariots B. Roads C. Horses D. Camels

D. Camels

The Punic Wars were fought between Rome and.... A. Sparta B. Syracuse C. Athens D. Carthage

D. Carthage

...discredited the geocentric theory of the Earth through astronomy and mathematics. A. Aristotle B. Confucius C. The Pope D. Copernicus

D. Copernicus

Aside from the harsh work contributions, what else contributed to the short life-expectancy of the slave in the Americas? A. Lynching D. Disease C. Forced military work D. All of the above

D. Disease

... made much of the population of Europe more susceptible to the Black Death during the late Middle Ages. A. Poverty B. Chaos C. Rain D. Famine

D. Famine

During the era from 600 to 1450 CE, which Industry did Oceania rely on heavily due to its location? A. Farming B. Trade C. Tourism D. Fishing

D. Fishing

After the fall of Rome, an obsession with... developed in Western Europe during the Middle Ages. A. Power B. Food C. Weaponry D. God

D. God

The Bedouin peoples of the pre-Islamic Arabian peninsula had no concept of.... A. Loyalty B. Friendship C. Home D. God

D. God

Under what empire were inoculations performed? A. Persian B. Mauryan C. Mughal D. Gupta

D. Gupta

What era is considered the 'golden age' of Classical India? A. Pandyan B. Kushan C. Mauryan D. Gupta

D. Gupta

How did Ivan IV interact with the Boyars during the rise of Russia? A. He joined them to become even more powerful B. He refused to work with them, so they suffered from gridlock C. Ivan the IV came from the Boyars D. He killed many because he thought they weakened the Czar's role

D. He killed many because he thought they weakened the Czar's role

In order to invade the Indus River Valley, the Indo Aryans had to cross the... A. Nile River B. Tigris River C. Hindu Kush Mountains D. Euphrates River

D. Hindu Kush Mountains

What were slaves used for in the middle east? A. Agriculture, especially cotton B. Sugar C. Mining D. House work

D. House work

During the Sui Dynasty, Yangdi led a series of unsuccessful wars to try to bring... under Chinese control. A. Mongolia B. Iran C. Japan D. Korea

D. Korea

Muhammed grew up as a...., which allowed him to experience other cultures. A. Farmer B. Priest C. Explorer D. Merchant

D. Merchant

Buddhist believe that... lies beyond the realm of earthly existence. A. The red Veda B. Heaven C. The kama Sutra D. Nirvana

D. Nirvana

After Moors were driven from Spain, and it returned to Roman Catholicism, the... was converted into a Christian church. A. Taj Mahal B. Mecca C. Mosque at Cordova D. None of the above

D. None of the above

Which of the following groups were NOT targeted during the Crusades? A. Enemies of the Pope B. Jews C. Muslims D. None of the above

D. None of the above

During the Era of Warring States in China, Confucius was advocating for... A. Peaceful protest B. Obedience C. Civil disobedience D. Free speech

D. Obedience

Which Romanov went to war with Sweden in order to acquire a warm water port? A. Catherine the Great B. Michael Romanov C. Nicholas Romanov D. Peter the Great

D. Peter the Great

The main function of governments in new farming settlements during the Neolithic age was to... A. Produce slaves B. Care for domesticated animals C. build public space D. Protect property and distribute goods

D. Protect property and distribute goods

The Roman wars with Carthage were known as the ... Wars. A. Carthaginian B. Hannibalistic C. Peloponnesian D. Punic

D. Punic

Which of the following was part of Aztec's ritual human sacrifice? A. A call for money B. A trial C. Reverence for women D. Ripping out the heart

D. Ripping out the heart

The Vedas were written in... A. Chinese B. Arabic C. HIndi D. Sanskrit

D. Sanskrit

There was no... in Classical China. A. Strong leaders B. Religious structures C. Monumental buildings D. Set rules

D. Set rules

How did the Russian leader Catherine the great respond to the political ideas of the Enlightenment? A. She began this movement B. She encouraged it in Russia C. She brought it to Russia D. She kept it from Russia

D. She kept it from Russia

Which religion would grow in Persia (present-day Iran) because of the battle of Chaldiran during the rise of gunpowder empires? A. Christianity B. Hindu C. Muslim D. Shiism

D. Shiism

Rome and China were connected by the... Road A. Roman B. Han C. Royal D. Silk

D. Silk

What practice gave the Romans time to be creative? A. Engineering B. Oration C. Intermarriage D. Slavery

D. Slavery

Rational inquiry was extolled by... A. Cicero B. Pythagoras C. Aristotle D. Socrates

D. Socrates

Which of the following was NOT a shared characteristic of both the Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilizations? A. Increased agricultural technology B. Gender inequality C. Growing forms of government D. Stable flood patterns of the rivers

D. Stable flood patterns of the rivers

The eastern portion of the Roman Empire that remained after numerous nomadic invasions became known as.... A. The Mongol Empire B. The Viking Empire C. The Valhalia D. The Byzantine Empire

D. The Byzantine Empire

The eastern portion of the Roman Empire that remained after numerous nomadic invasions became known as.... A. The Mongol Empire B. The Viking Empire C. The Valhalla D. The Byzantine Empire

D. The Byzantine Empire

Which of the following is NOT typically associated with world history's third era (600 C.E.--1450 C.E.)? A. The development of trade net B. The spread of Islam C. The Enlightenment D. The Crusades

D. The Enlightenment

In 1494, Spain and Portugal signed..., which gave Brazil to Portugal. A. The treaty of Versailles B. The Magna Carta C. The treaty of Dominion D. The Treaty of Tordesillas

D. The Treaty of Tordesillas

Which was NOT an innovation made under the Zhou Dynasty in Classical China? A. Collars for horses B. Ox drawn carts C. The water mill D. The bicycle

D. The bicycle

Resources in the pre-Islamic Arabian peninsula were few and far between due to..... A. The good of the rulers B. The constant raids by rival C. No technology or innovation D. The harsh, arid climate

D. The harsh, arid climate

The biggest issue facing the Abbasid Dynasty was.... A. Succession of the Kalif B. Sunni vs. Shia conflicts C. Courtly excesses D. Threats from neighboring civilizations

D. Threats from neighboring civilizations

The relationship between Taoism and Confucianism under the Quin and Han Dynasties in China can best be described as... A. mutually exclusive B. Openly combative C. Interwoven D. Tolerant disdain

D. Tolerant disdain

The two main ways that Islam spread throughout the world were.... A. Time and patience B. Tourism and technology C. Travel and good deeds D. Trade and conquest

D. Trade and conquest

Roman law was primarily composed of.... A. One rule B. Three rules C. Six tables D. Twelve tables

D. Twelve tables

One of the effects of the ice age and subsequent warming of the planet was... A. new species of dinosaurs B. evolution of bird species C. a decrease in plants and animals D. an increase in plants and animals

D. an increase in plants and animals

Arches often supported Roman.... A. wagons B. Carriages C. Chariots D. Aqueducts

D. aqueducts

After the fall of Rome, the number one cause of death in Western Europe was.... A. The plague B. Cholera C. Childbirth D. Attack from enemies

D. attack from enemies

The downfall of the Zhou dynasty can be attributed to... A. A lack central authority' B. The formation of regional armies C. Attack from outsiders D. Both A and B

D. both A and B

Whereas the Qin Dynasty stressed the rule of law, the Han dynasty stressed... A. Military control B. Punishment C. Agriculture D. Civil service

D. civil service

One of the major concerns of people in Europe during the late Middle Ages was.... A. Boredom B. Education C. Religious identity D. Death

D. death

Athens was the birthplace of.... A. Mathematics B. Agriculture C. Religion D. Democracy

D. democracy

The defining aspect of the New Kingdom (1550--700 BCE) in Egyptian civilization was... A. The building of the pyramids B. Contact with the Nubians C. Development of a code of law D. Expansion

D. expansion

The Persians were known for their.... A. Tolerance B. Dancing C. Bureaucracy D. Farming practices

D. farming practices

Classical India was largely focused on... A. Commerce B. Mathematics C. Textiles D. Religion

D. religion

Which of the following was NOT a religious development during the first age? A. The concept of god versus evil B. Polytheism C. Animism D. The beginnings of Christianity

D. the beginnings of Christianity

Which of the following was NOT an effect of the end of the ice age? A. An increase in plants B. An increase in animals C. The development of farming D. The proliferation of nomadic cultures

D. the proliferation of nomadic cultures

From the year 2000 B.C.E to the present, most notable contribution from the Bantu was... A. Their treatises on the art of war B. Their innovative farming techniques C. Their monotheistic religion D. Their language, which connects roughly 90 million people

D. their language, which connects roughly 90 million people

'Emporiums' was another name for what? A. Stadiums B. Gymnasiums C. Trade Routes D. Trade Cities

D. trade cities

In addition to..., religion disseminated throughout multiple cultures from 600 C.E to 1450 C.E A. Disease B. War C. Famine D. Trade Network

D. trade network

From 600 C.E. to 1450 C.E, trade networks increased the level of affluence in many societies, which had an adverse effect on.... A. Children B. Education C. The economy D. Women

D. women

Nomadic cultures had completely disappeared by the time the Mesopotamian civilization was formed. True or False


...were self-sufficient communities of fifteen to thirty families in the feudal system of Western Europe during the Middle Ages. A. Diocese B. Castles C. Manors D. Kingdoms

c. manors

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