ACSI 5th Grade Bible Lesson 31

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Worley Homeroom Verse (Psalm 84:11-12)

"For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor; no good thing does He withhold from those whose walk is blameless. Lord Almighty, blessed is the one who trusts in You." Psalm ‬ ‭84:11-12‬

Carter Homeroom Verse (Romams 8:37)

"No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us." Romans‬ ‭8:37‬

Bennett Homeroom Verse (Isaiah 30:21)

"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it."" Isaiah‬ ‭30:21‬

How did people come to God in the Old Testament as compared to the New Testament?

Both involved faith. In the Old Testament, people look forward in faith to the coming Messiah. In the New Testament and even today, people look in faith at Christ's death and resurrection.

Who led the three Jewish returns and what did they rebuild?

First, Zerubabbel returned to rebuild the temple; second, Ezra returned to rebuild the people by restoring worship and knowledge of God's Word; and third, Nehemiah returned to rebuild Jerusalem's walls.

Why was it so important to rebuild the temple?

God's blessing would return once the temple was rebuilt.

What is the danger in marrying an unbeliever?

It can dilute a believer's faith. Their children may be influenced away from God.

What did the Word of God do for the Israelites?

It convicted, corrected, and instructed them.

How can a relationship with God be improved?

Learn His Word, trust Him, pray, praise, worship, tithe, fast, witness

What can you learn from the way the people responded to God's Word?

Listening to God's Word means giving my undivided attention, showing respect, being sorry for my sins, rejoicing and worshipping God for His truth.

How does their response show that God's Word is powerful?

They were willing to stand for hours and listen. They were grieved over their sins and wanted to change.

What is sackcloth?

a rough and scratchy fabric people wore in Bible days to show humility before God

How did Ezra lead the people?

by example

What did mixing colored water represent?

mixing religions or cultures

What is required for salvation today?

repent, believe, and trust in Jesus

Name the similarities and differences between Old Testament worship and New Testament worship.

similarities: worship God for who He is, read and teach God's Word, pray, praise, sing and play music to glorify God, give tithes and offerings, fellowship; differences: Old Testament - rituals and sacrifices with feasts; New Testament - witnessing, the Lord's Supper, and baptism

What astonished Ezra?

that Israel had so quickly gone back to intermarriage with unbelievers, even though they knew the dangers

Define worship.

to attribute great worth to God

What does it mean to fast?

to go without eating for a time

What did Ezra lead the people to do?

to repent and send their unbelieving wives and children away

What is false worship?

to worship God outwardly only or to worship something other than God

What is worshipping in spirit and in truth?

worshipping God genuinely on the basis of who He is

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