ACSM CPT Q's by PrepU

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When focusing on a client performing exercises on the floor, the Personal Trainer should:

Be nearby on the floor in a sitting or kneeling position

Which of the following is the most appropriate way to first approach an exercising facility member you believe is a prospective client?

"May I show you a more effective way to do this exercise?"

A 30-year old potential client states she just had a physical and was informed by her physician that her total cholesterol and blood pressure looked great. You review her medical history and note she is taking vitamins and antihypertensive medication. Based on this profile, she would be considered as having how many risk factors?


Weight loss after exercise indicates less than optimal hydration. Athletes should consume ________ of fluid per pound of weight lost during activity.

1 pint (approximately 600 mL)

Your client, who is a novice exercises, wants to begin resistance training in preparation for a one-month backpacking trip he will be taking through the rocky mountains. Which of the following training sets and reps would be appropriate for the first few weeks of training?

1 to 3 sets of 8-12 reps

What are the stages of the transtheoretical model?

1. Precontemplation 2. Contemplation 3. Preparation 4. Action 5. Maintenance

What are the 6 stages of behavioral change?

1. Precontemplation 2. Contemplation 3. Preparation 4. Action 5. Maintenance 6. Relapse

What assessment should not be used with beginners?

1.5 mile test

Authoring published peer-reviewed journal articles or books can earn an ACSM credentialied professional: a) 10 CECs. b) 1 CEC. c) 5 CECs. d) An automatic renewal.

10 CECs

Which of the following fasting blood glucose levels are indicative of prediabetes? 1. 145 mg*dl-1 2. 96 mg*dl-1 3. 124 mg*dl-1 4. 82 mg*dl-1

124 mg*dl-1

How many minutes of moderate intensity exercise per week are recommended by ACSM for weight loss or to help maintain weight loss?

150 minutes

You are working with a client who weighs 180 lbs with a body-fat percentage of 20%. What will his approximate weight be when he reaches his goal of 15% body fat, assuming that his lean body mass remains constant?

169 lbs

What is the maximum number of consecutive rest days in between exercise sessions for diabetic clients?


The minimum number of minutes of vigorous intensity aerobic activity needed 5 days each week is:

20 mins

If an activity requires a functional capacity of 6 METs, what is the total oxygen consumption of someone performing that activity?

21 mL*kg-1*min

ACSM weight loss and weight loss maintenance strategy for clients calls for a weekly activity increase of :

250-300 minutes

Exercise prescription parameters for clients with osteoporosis include which respective recommendations for frequency, intensity, and duration?

3-5 days, 40-59% Vo2max, for 30-60 minutes

Client records should be maintained for:

3-5 years

If you are randomly audited, you must submit CEC documentation to the ACSM national office within:

30 days

The minimum number of minutes of moderate intensity aerobic physical activity needed five days each week is:

30 minutes

A sedentary lifestyle is defined as NOT participating in at least:

30 minutes of moderate intensity activity, at least 3 days per week, for at least 3 months

Fat intake should be no more than ________ of total daily calories.


A competitive recreational basketball player is interested in completing an assessment to serve as a baseline against which he can measure future improvements of anaerobic capacity, speed, and agility. Which test will BEST measure these sports skills?

300 yard shuttle run

Dietary cholesterol should be limited to less than ____ per day, based on the ADA dietary guidelines


Dietary cholesterol should be limited to less than _____ per day, based on the ADA dietary guidelines


The serving of cheese you are consuming has 9 grams of protein. How many calories from protein is this?

36 kcal

ACSM certified personal trainers must complete a minimum of ___ continuing education credits. (CECs)


What describes the requirements for continuing education units (CECs) and the time frame required for recertification?

45 CECs over 3 years

Performance training includes speed, agility, quickness, and reactivity drills that would be MOST appropriate for which of the following clients? 1. 52 year old female, competitive golfer 2. 33 year old female, marathon runner 3. 27 year old male, body builder 4. 45 year old male, competitive tennis player

45 year old male, competitive tennis player

Approximately 50% of people who start an exercise program will drop out within the first:

6 months

What is the ideal frequency and duration of exercise for a child age 10?

60 minutes per day, at least 3 days a week

Your 220-pound client should consume how many grams of carbohydrate each day?

600-1000 grams

A 33 year old male who comes to you with previous weight training experience would benefit from how many reps per exercise?


a 29 year old male has a bench press weight ratio of 1.48. What rep range would you start him with?

8-12 reps

Ischemia is caused by:

A lack of oxygen

A personal trainer may begin immediately training which of the following clients? 1. A 42 year old female who has lumbar lordosis 2. A 45 year old male who has asthma 3. A 49 year old male client who has an abdominal hernia 4. a 56 year old female client who takes a calcium channel blocker

A 42 year old female client who has lumbar lordosis

What is the health belief model?

A behavior change model that suggests the main predictors of behavior change are 1. the perceived seriousness of a potential health problem 2. One's susceptibility to potential health consequences 3. The perceived benefit or belief that making the suggested behavior changes will result in decreased risk of consequences. Client's must believe any perceived barriers are outweighed by benefits, and they must have the confidence in their ability to perform an action. According to the client, the cost of changing behavior should be relevant and worth the risk reduction it offers.

To maximize work, resistance exercises should be executed utilizing ___ in order to maximize _____

A constant repetition speed; Muscle tension throughout the exercise

To maximize work, resistance exercises should be executed utilizing ________ in order to maximize ________. a) A constant repetition speed; acceleration throughout the exercise b) A ballistic style of movement; muscle tension throughout the exercise c) Ballistic style of movement; overall functional strength d) A constant repetition speed; muscle tension throughout the exercise

A constant repetition speed; muscle tension throughout the exercise

An agreement between a Personal Trainer and client for sessions is called:

A sale

Client agreement to relinquish damages in the event of injury, prior to beginning exercise participation, is accomplished through:

A waiver

Which of the following medications have no primary effect on heart rate, but can lower blood pressure? 1. Bronchodilators 2. ACE inhibitors 3. Calcium channel blockers 4. Diuretics

ACE inhibitors

A general training principle for cardiorespiratory endurance is that it requires:

Activities that involve major muscle groups and is continuous and rhythmic in nature

Credentialed professionals may take credit only for work that they have:

Actually performed or created

Which routine would be BEST for a client with hypertension? A. Resistance training 3 times a week, for 30 to 60 minutes, at a low intensity B. Resistance training most or all days of the week as a circuit, for 30 to 45 minutes, at a moderate intensity. C. Aerobic exercise 2 to 3 times a week, for 15 to 20 minutes, at a high intensity D. Aerobic exercise on most or all days of the week, for 30 to 60 minutes, at a low intensity

Aerobic exercise on most or all days of the week, for 30 to 60 minutes, at a low intensity

To accomplish progressive overload, increase the intensity and/or volume by increasing resistance, increasing the number of sets/reps/exercises, or:

Altering rest intervals

Which of the following is a risk factor for CVD? 1.An individual who quit smoking 4 months ago 2. An individual who smokes cigars twice a year on special occasions 3. An individual whose blood glucose is 125mg*dL following an oral glucose tolerance test 4. An individual whose high density lipoprotein cholesterol is 40mg*dL

An individual who quit smoking 4 months ago

When using variable-resistance devices, what are the three types of strength curves?

Ascending, descending, and bell-shaped

The ACSM Code of ethics requires that credentialed professionals maintain all of the following EXCEPT:

An updated business plan

Delivering standard programs to multiple clients is ill-advised; exercises need to be modified for each client to suit their needs, abilities, and:

Anatomical characteristics

The most commonly reported knee injury involves damage to the ____

Anterior cruciate ligament

What client information is the least critical as it relates to confidentiality?

Appointment schedule for a client

Which of the following client information is the LEAST critical as it relates to confidentiality? 1. The first client prescreening form 2. Appointment schedule for a client 3. A client's informed consent document 4. Notes document training sessions

Appointment schedule for a client

Prior to the first training session scheduled next week, you should provide specific session instructions on:

Appropriate exercise attire

When using variable-resistance devices, what are the three types of strength curve?

Ascending, descending, and bell-shaped

Defining criteria for the hypertension risk factor for cardiovascular disease is:

BP 140/90 mmHg or higher

What motor skills are ideal to promote neuromotor training?

Balance, agility, and coordination

Which exercise would recruit the most stabilizer muscles during the lift? 1. Supine leg press 2. Smith machine squat 3. Barbell front squat 4. Squat with elastic tubing

Barbell front squat

Consider the following program: Perform a total of six exercises. Select one exercise from each of the following areas: hips and legs, chest, back, shoulders, low back, and abdominals, 1-2 sets, 8-12 reps, 2-3 times per week. For which client is such a program best suited?


Personal trainers should always confirm with clients that their risk classification and health information are accurate and up to date before:

Beginning exercise training

Personal trainers should always confirm with clients that their risk classification and health information are accurate and up to date before:

Beginning training

Preparticipation health screenings during initial client consultation helps personal trainers to maximize ____ and minimize ___

Benefit; risk

Over time, regular cardiovascular exercise reduces:

Blood Pressure

Which of the following terms describes an eating disorder where normal-weight individuals repeatedly engage in binge eating followed by compensatory behaviors like excessive exercise or fasting?

Bulimia Nervosa

ACSM awards CECs for courses EXCEPT for:

CPR Training

ACSM awards CECs for courses EXCEPT for: a) Teaching academic courses. b) Writing journal articles. c) Distance education. d) CPR training.

CPR training

Vegetarian athletes have a more challenging time maintaining adequate levels of:

Calcium and iron

The anaerobic system uses which substrate as its primary source for creating ATP?


What is/are a resilient, semi-rigid form of connective tissue that reduces the friction and absorbs some of the shock in synovial joints?


One of the individuals in your class collapses. You should first: 1. Check pulse 2. Check consciousness 3. Call emergency medical services 4. Check breathing

Check consciousness

Personal trainers using weight machines can design instruction and supervision procedures for each exercise that include:

Checking for proper body alignment and equipment setup

Which type of resistance training program would be best for a client with diabetes?

Circuit training at a low intensity

When is the Health Belief Model effective?

Client's understanding how exercise can benefit them as well as interventions. The HBM can be most beneficial particularly for clients who have clear, identified health risks

When exercising, which statement is most true about breathing? 1. Clients should never hold their breath during any contraction 2. Clients should hold their breath during the entire movement and exhale at the very end 3. Clients should inhale during the contraction phase of the exercise 4. Clients should breath out during the eccentric phase of the exercise

Clients should never hold their breath during any contraction

Motivational interviewing should be performed during which stage of the client-contact?


What is the best way to describe shoulder impingement?

Compression of the tendons in the subacromial space with shoulder joint motion

Ankle edema may be indicative of what?

Congestive heart failure

Appropriate professional behavior for certified personal trainers includes: 1. Fitness attire consisting of shorts and a tank top 2. T-shirts with marketing of approved energy drinks 3. Conservative fitness clothing such as a polo shirt and professional sweats 4. Form fitting fitness attire

Conservative fitness clothing such as a polo shirt and professional sweats

Duplication of a continuing education CD for a fellow Personal Trainer is a potential violation of: a) Tort law. b) Copyright law. c) Negligence law. d) Industry standards.

Copyright law

Which method can be very effective for clients who are having difficulty with proper positioning?


A basketball player would benefit MOST from which of the following skill components of fitness?

Speed, agility, and power

Syncope is defined as:

Loss of consciousness

Which sport is performed primarily in the aerobic-oxidation system? 1. 100-meter swim 2. Cycling 3. Gymnastics 4. 200-to-400 meter dash


Your client has been performing cardiovascular exercise for 30-60 minutes , 3 times per week. During your 3 month assessment you would expect her submaximal heart rate to:

Decrease by 10%

Joseph has reached his strength and body composition goals by strength training three days per week for an hour the last few months. He now wants to focus on maintaining his strength while on summer vacation for a month. Which program would be MOST appropriate?

Decrease exercise to two days per week, training the total body a least one set.

When performing a dumbbell press on a stability ball that is load rated to safely support the weight and the client's body weight, the resistance should be ____ relative to performing the exercise on a flat bench


Which of the following is not a chronic benefit of regular cardiovascular exercise? 1. Increased capillary density in skeletal muscle 2. Decreased heart rate and blood pressure at a given submaximal intensity 3. Decreased exercise threshold for the onset of disease signs and symptoms 4. Increased maximal oxygen uptake resulting from both central and peripheral adaptations

Decreased exercise threshold for the onset of disease signs and symptoms

What are the five stages of appreciative inquiry?

Define, discover, dream, design, and deliver

Before you design an abdominal exercise program for a client you should first:

Determine and establish neutral pelvic position

Foot and leg care is extremely important for clients who have medical conditions that can impact the lower extremities, especially those with: 1.Diagnosed joint conditions 2. Prior knee replacement 3. Restless leg syndrome 4. Diabetes


Hypertension is often clustered with other risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease, including:


The ulna bone is ____ to the humerus bone.


Your client states she stretches daily but has just started to experience low back tightness the last few days. You should: a) Make her use a weightlifting belt during strength training b) Recommend that she seek medical attention as soon as possible. c) Reassess her medical history for signs indicative of cardiac disease d) Document her comment in the client's records, and monitor feedback, signs, and symptoms.

Document her comment in the client's records, and monitor feedback, signs, and symptoms

Which of the following is required from an ethical and liability standpoint and will also help provide feedback and monitor progress? 1. Setting both short-and long-term goals 2. Documenting client activities and events 3. Performing functional movement screens 4. Performing baseline body composition assessments

Documenting client activities

What occurs in the action phase?

During the fourth stage of change, people begin taking direct action in order to accomplish their goals. Oftentimes, resolutions fail because the previous steps have not been given enough thought or time.

What occurs in the precontemplation phase?

During the precontemplation stage , people are not considering a change. People in this stage are often described as "in denial" due to claims that their behavior is not a problem

What occurs in the preparation phase?

During the preparation stage, you might begin making small changes to prepare for a larger life change.

What occurs in the contemplation phase?

During this stage, people become more and more aware of the potential benefits of making a change, but the costs tend to stand out even more. This conflict creates a strong sense of ambivalence about changing. May last months, or years.

The best types of stretches to include in a warm-up for walking or cycling are: a) Static b) Ballistic c) Dynamic d) PNF


When a muscle cannot generate sufficient force to overcome external resistance, the muscle lengthens. This is known as which type of action?


Heavy negatives target which phase of training?

Eccentric phase

Your 50-year-old client wants to lose weight, but is concerned she will "get big" with strength training. Given her concerns you should:

Educate her on how resistance train can help her gain lean muscle and raise resting metabolism

Which of the following is related to behavior change as it relates to the health belief model? 1.Education 2. Gender 3. Age 4. income


Which movement occurs in the frontal plane? 1. Elevation of the scapulae 2. Extension at the hip 3. Supination at the wrist 4. Flexion at the elbow

Elevation of the scapulae

If a personal trainer develops a personal relationship with a client, the trainer should:

End the trainer-client relationship

For athletes seeking to optimize performance, diets that are severely energy-deficient should not be recommended because:

Energy requirements cannot be met to sustain power output

What muscle group is responsible for hip extension?

Gluteus maximus

For athletes seeking to optimize performance, diets that are severely energy-deficient should not be recommended because: a) Lean body mass is compromised. b) Energy requirements cannot be met to sustain power output. c) Compliance is too difficult long term. d) This will lead to significant weight loss.

Energy requirements cannot be met to sustain power output

Respectively, lateral flexion and axial rotation are produced by which of the following muscles during unilateral contraction?

Erector Spinae; multifidus

Substances that enhance athletic ability through either enhanced endurace or improvement in power are called:

Ergogenic aids

What would be a good way to describe how to improve posture in a 39 year old female who works in an office all day?

Every two hours at work, sit on the edge of the chair, and maintain a perfectly neutral spine for 60 seconds.

Movement resulting in an increase of the joint angle, usually moving posteriorly in the sagittal plane is called _____


Which group of muscles function to extend the hip joint?

Gluteus maximus and hamstrings

The posterior deltoid performs ________ of the shoulder joint at approximately ________.

Extension; 40-60 degrees

What does FERPA stand for?

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

WHich of the following is used the least in energy production? 1. Fiber 2. Protein 3. Carbohydrate 4. Fat


A new, sedentary client has come to you and wants to lose weight. What would be the ideal type of periodization?

Flexible, non linear periodization

The FITT-VP principle stands for?

Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type, Volume, and Progression

When adopting nonoriginal work for a personal training business, a credentialed professional should:

Give credit to the contribution

Which of the following joints favors mobility over stability? 1. Glenohumeral 2. Ankle 3. Knee 4. Thoracic spine


Which of the following joints favors mobility over stability? A. Knee B. Ankle C. T-Spine D. Glenohumeral

Glenohumeral joint

One way to motivate clients to adhere to their exercise program is to:

Help clients set realistic goals and modify them as needed

Which of the following best summarizes the small changes model of behavior change? 1. Clients are given a specific concrete plan for change 2. The client's intention to make behavior change is increased significantly 3. the client's environment, feelings, and thoughts toward behavior change are also accounted for 4. Gradual and cumulative behavior change is achieved relative to baseline activity

Gradual and cumulative behavior change is achieved relative to baseline activity

Based on the ADA 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, MyPlate recommends how much of your plate should be fruits and vegetables at each meal?


Per the USDA, the makeup of a plate of food should consist of:

Half fruits and vegetables

A client who states that he or she can participate confidently in an exercise program: a) Has good self-efficacy related to exercise. b) Is intrinsically motivated. c) Has very strong self-esteem. d) Is in the contemplation stage of behavior change.

Has good self efficacy related to exercise

Which of the following exercises is LEAST likely to cause injury during pregnancy? A. Resistance training on a flat bench B. Holding a light stretch for approximately 15 seconds C. Low intensity plyometrics D. PNF stretching

Holding a light stretch for approximately 15 seconds

A preactivity screen is used to assess a client's:

Health and medical history

Clients will have an understanding of their risk factors based on what theory of behavior change?

Health belief model

Which of the following predicts behavior change depending on the perceived threats to one's well-being? 1. Self-Efficacy model 2. Stages of Change model 3. Transtheoretical model of behavioral change 4. Health belief model

Health belief model

Which of the following predicts behavior change depending on the perceived threats to one's well-being? 1. Self-efficacy model 2. Stages of change model 3. Transtheoretical model of behavioral change 4. Health belief model

Health belief model

Which of the following MUST be included as part of every client's screening? 1. Movement screen 2. Health-risk appraisal 3. Postural assessment 4. Body composition assessment

Health-risk appraisal

Bilateral ankle edema is a characteristic sign of:

Heart failure or bilateral chronic venous insufficiency

Which of the following common characteristics are reported by those experiencing symptoms consistent with coronary artery disease? 1.Light-headed 2. Pounding 3. Beating 4. Heaviness


Which of the following are actions to take when you suspect a client is having a mild hypoglycemic incident? A. Help the client sit down, and give insulin if it is available B. Immediately call for EMS rescuers to respond and monitor the client C. Call EMS rescuers, start the steps of CPR, and get an available AED D. Help the client sit down, and give a sugary drink if the client can swallow

Help the client sit down, and give a sugary drink if the client can swallow

Which of the following is the LEAST effective strategy in helping a client get past barriers in his exercise program? A. Helping the client to develop an intrinsic motivation for exercise B. Helping the client predict how he or she will respond to the plateau C. Helping the client to find activities that are enjoyable D. Utilizing "teaching moments" during the client's exercise program to increase knowledge of fitness concepts

Helping the client predict how he or she will respond to the plateau

Which of the following is a negative risk factor? 1.Body Mass Index >30 2. Blood Pressure 135/80 3.Women > 45 years 4. High Density lipoprotein 60 mg*dL-1

High density lipoprotein 60mg*dL-1

Which of the following generally results in the greatest amount of caloric expenditure? 1. low intensity exercise, low duration 2. High intensity, long duration 3. Low intensity exercise, long duration 4. High intensity exercises, short duration

High intensity, long duration

Which of the following are known as "good cholesterol" and carry lipids away form storage and to the liver for extraction? 1. Triglycerides 2. Unsaturated fatty acids 3. High-density lipoproteins 4. Low-density lipoproteins

High-density lipoproteins

A medical exam AND a graded exercise test should be recommended before training a: a) Low-risk client wanting to perform moderate exercise. b) Moderate-risk client wanting to perform moderate exercise. c) Low-risk client wanting to perform vigorous exercise. d) High-risk client wanting to perform moderate exercise.

High-risk client wanting to perform moderate exercise

Flexion, extension, adduction, abduction, internal rotation, and external rotation are possible joint actions found in the:

Hip joint

Flexion, extension, adduction, abduction, internal rotation, external rotation, are possible joint actions found in the:

Hip joint

Movement towards the midline in the transverse plane describes which term?

Horizontal adduction

What are the four phases of traditional linear periodization?

Hypertrophy phase, strength/power phase, peak phase, recovery phase

What is the Theory of Planned Behavior?

Identifies intension as the primary influence determining behavior. intension + perceived behavioral control

Which of the following is MOST important when working with special needs clients? 1. Implementing the appropriate levels of training intensity 2. Performing postural and gait assessments 3. Testing muscle strength and motor control 4. Having expertise with prescription medical and dosage

Implementing the appropriate levels of training intensity

A client with strong social support is associated with:

Improved program adherence

What occurs in the relapse phase?

In any behavior change, relapses are a common occurrence. When you go through a relapse, you might experience feelings of failure, disappointment, and frustration. While relapses can be difficult, the best solution is to start again with the preparation, action, or maintenance stages of behavior change.

Which of the following is an acute response to cardiorespiratory exercise? 1. Increase in resting heart rate 2. Decrease in blood pressure 3. Decrease in cardiac output 4. Increase in stroke volume

Increase in stroke volme

Performing a squat with a board placed under the heels results in which of the following? a) Lengthened gastrocnemius and soleus b) Assists in establishing neutral spine c) Increased force requirements of the quadriceps d) Minimized patellofemoral joint forces

Increased force requirements of the quadriceps

A measure of cardio respiratory fitness improvement includes: 1. Increased heart rate at a given submaximal workload 2. Increased respiration rate at maximal workload 3. Increased maximal oxygen consumption 4. Increased Vo2 at a given submaximal workloads

Increased maximal oxygen consumption

The first area of focus to treat the Female Athlete Triad is: a) Starting psychotherapy. b) Increasing energy availability. c) Addressing the athlete's mental health. d) Beginning nutrition counseling.

Increasing energy availability

Sending an email to your client concerning strategies to keep active while at work and traveling is an example of:

Informational support

A written document provided to the client sharing health and fitness information to achieve understanding of participation options is called:

Informed Consent

Which document acknowledges an "assumption of risk with regard to the participation in activity?

Informed consent

The pain that occurs in muscles with inadequate blood supply that is stressed by exercise is referred to as:

Intermittent claudication

Which joint movement occurs in the transverse plane?

Internal rotation

A client who performs exercise because of the feeling of well-being after completion demonstrates:

Intrinsic motivation

Your client states that she enjoys exercising and feeling the "burning sensation" in her muscles. This statement indicates that she learns best through:

Intrinsic motivation

A lumbar vertebrae is an example of a ____ bone


Which of the following muscle actions controls the movement and maintains a constant speed throughout the range of motion? 1. Isokinetic 2. Eccentric 3. Concentric 4. Isometric


Which of the following types of resistance training allows an individual to exert maximal resistance throughout an entire range of motion by controlling the movement speed? 1. Isokinetic 2. Concentric 3. Isotonic 4. Eccentric


Which of the following should be avoided in hypertensive clients? 1. Eccentric muscle contractions 2. Isokinetic muscle contractions 3. Concentric muscle contractions 4. Isometric muscle contractions

Isometric muscle contractions

What does the 1RM bench press assess?

It measures the strength of the muscles involved in arm extension

Helping clients set realistic goals is a good practice for personal trainers because:

It promotes exercise adherence

Individuals with arthritis should ideally stretch when:

Joint pain is minimal

During a back-loaded squat, what position should the head be in?

Keep the head forward with the chin level

You observe a long outward curve of the thoracic spine with an exaggerated curve. This postural deviation is known as: a) Flat back. b) Lordosis. c) Kyphosis. d) Sway back.


During aerobic exercise with gradually increasing intensity, the point at which the increased demands for oxygen results in a nonlinear increase in ventilation corresponds with:

Lactate Threshold

Scoliosis is defined as:

Lateral deviation of the spine

Which exercise results in the greatest amount of torque from the muscles of the shoulder joint? 1. Lateral raises in the frontal plate to 90 degrees , humeral abduction with 30 lb dumbbells, elbows extended 2. Shoulder shrugs, using 85 lb dumbbells, with elbows extended 3. Lateral raises in the frontal plane to 90 degrees, humeral abduction with 30 lb dumbbells, elbows flexed 90 degrees 4. Shoulder shrugs, using 50 lb dumbbells, elbows extended

Lateral raises in the frontal plane to 90 degrees, humeral abduction with 30 lb dumbbells, elbows extended

Marti is performing unilateral standing calf raises with a dumbbell held in the ipsilateral hand. You cue her to stand up tall and lean back slightly while performing the exercise to ________ and make the exercise ________, thereby increasing efficiency.

Lengthen the lever arm; more difficult

Which of the following muscles is superior to the latissumus dorsi? 1. Erector Spinae 2. Levator Scapulae 3. External Oblique 4. Lower Trapezius

Levator scapulae

Which muscles function to elevate the shoulder girdle? 1. Teres major and latissimus dorsi 2. Pectoralis minor and serratus anterior 3. levator scapulae and upper trapezius 4. Rhomboid major and rhomboid minor

Levator scapulae and upper trapezius

One of the benefits of the S corporation is:

Limited risk and exposure of personal assets

A muscle that produces a low force and has a high contractile rate is classified as a __________ muscle.


A potential client has been walking two miles, several times a week, for the past several months and would like to continue progress toward her goals. You suggest that she train with you for several sessions to teach her things she can do on her own. This would help reinforce which stage of change?


In what way can a personal trainer demonstrate interest and compassion?

Make eye contact and take notes

Personal trainers gear workouts to address client concerns. Education is an important component in order to:

Make sessions more meaningful for clients

Sean is performing barbell squats with the intent of building up his quadriceps muscles. To make the quadriceps perform MORE work and INCREASE the efficiency of the exercise, he should: 1. Maintain a cervical extension posture throughout the movement 2. Push up, utilizing the muscles around the hip joint 3. Minimize the amount of trunk flexion at the start of the concentric phase 4. Utilize the proper size weightlifting belt

Minimize the amount of trunk flexion at the start of the concentric phase

Which of the following are the alcohol consumption recommendations per the ADA Dietary Guidelines?

Moderation, up to one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men

Which stretch is MOST effective for stretching the abdominal wall? 1.Modified cobra 2. Arm hug 3. Arm across the chest 4. Supine rotation stretch

Modified cobra

AN ACSM Certified Personal Trainer is deemed proficient in writing exercises recommendations, leading and demonstrating safe and effective exercise, and:

Motivating individuals to start and maintain healthy behaviors.

Which of the following techniques helps facilitate intrinsically motivated goals from a collaborative discussion? 1. Motivational interviewing 2 Advanced client intake assessment 3. SMART goal setting 4. Active inquiry

Motivational interviewing

Resistance training in cardiac patients improves:

Muscular strength and endurance while decreasing the cardiovascular demands of a given task.

To manipulate the intensity and increase the challenge of balance-related training, you should:

Narrow the base of support

One of the key health concerns of having a high stress level, which exercise can positively impact, is:

Negative blood lipid levels

What describes a situation where a Personal Trainer provides improper instruction and as a result the client becomes injured?


Your client is convinced that a particular ingredient in a supplement will help his training goals. What is an accurate statement regarding this?

Neither registered dieticians nor physicians are certain about the ingredients in many supplements

Your client is taking a multivitamin supplement, and she has no specific nutrient deficiencies. You recommend the supplement provide:

No more than 100% of the RDA

A personal trainer client agreement must include which of the following policies that also assists with motivation? 1. on time 2. duration 3. no show 4. scheduling


The key to determining optimal rest period length is to:

Observe the client

What is an element of active listening?

Observing non verbal cues

Which of the following is NOT a food group and yet provides essential nutrients? A. Refined grains B. Eggs C. Oils D. White flour


What can help promote exercise adherence?

Online and print newsletters

____ of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems is required in order to have beneficial adaptations in cardiorespiratory endurance


The feeling of chronic muscular fatigue is a sign of


The intensity of work is represented by ___________, amount of force is represented by _____________, and displacement is represented by the ____________.

RPE; Resistance ; ROM

Which of the following forms may be used if a health/medical history evaluation form is not readily available? 1. Health Fitness Assessment 2. Par-Q+ 3. Personal-Trainer Client Agreement 4. Informed Consent


Which of the following muscles inserts on the humerus? 1. Pectoralis major 2. Rhomboid major 3. Biceps brachii 4. Pectoralis minor

Pectoralis major

The muscles involved in a dumbbell fly and cable fly are the:

Pectoralis major and anterior deltoid

The muscles involved in a dumbbell fly and cable fly are the:

Pectoralis major and anterior deltoids

What are the muscles and joint action required for a dumbbell front raise?

Pectoralis major and flexion

Which of the following statements is the MOST accurate regarding strength training in the lumbo-pelvic region? 1. Supine double leg raises should be avoided, but prone double leg raises are beneficial for clients who have low-back pain 2. Full ROM spinal movements with an external load are best performed shortly after rising from bed 3. Low back exercises have the most beneficial effect when in the transverse plane 4. Pelvic stabilization forces the lumbar muscle to be the primary trunk extensors, thereby providing the overload stimulus for strengthening

Pelvic stabilization forces the lumbar muscle to be the primary trunk extensors, thereby providing the overload stimulus for strengthening

Which of the following statements is the MOST accurate regarding strength training in the lumbo-pelvic region? 1. Supine double leg raises should be avoided, but prone double leg raises are beneficial for clients who have low back pain 2. Full ROM spinal movements with an external load are best performed shortly after rising from bed 3. Low-back exercises have the most beneficial effect when in the transverse plane 4. Pelvic stabilization forces the lumbar muscles to be the primary trunk ex tensors, thereby providing the overload stimulus for strengthening

Pelvic stabilization forces the lumbar muscles to be the primary trunk extensors, thereby providing the overload stimulus for strengthening

Which of the following is a self-guided screening questionnaire that focuses on symptoms of heart disease and possible musculoskeletal problems needing evaluation before beginning an exercise program? 1. Exercise Readiness Inventory 2. Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (Par-Q+) 3. AHA/ACSM Pre-Participation Screening Questionnaire 4. Health History Evaluation

Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (Par-Q)

What provides an ideal stress on the bone to promote positive adaptations in the bone?

Plyometric training

Which type of training takes advantage of the stretch-shortening cycle of the muscle?

Plyometric training

Failure of Personal Trainers to consider nutrition when working with a client will MOST likely result in which of the following outcomes? a) Diminishment of the client's commitment to training b) Negative effects on the Personal Trainer-client relationship c) Questionable credibility as as a fitness professional d) Poor progression and training

Poor progression and training

The gastrocnemius, soleus, and plantaris are located in which lower leg area?

Posterior tibial compartment

Which of the following BEST communicates client's energy level?

Posture and stance

Tort law that regulates issues around the professional liability for incidents caused due to conditions where training activity takes place is referred to as:

Premises liability

With a New Year's resolution to become more active, a 32-year-old male wants to get your feedback before he begins the exercise program he drafted for himself. He is in which stage of change? a) Action b) Contemplation c) Precontemplation d) Preparation


Which of the following would protect a personal trainer by transferring risk to the insurer? 1. General liability insurance 2. Malpractice insurance 3. Medical insurance 4. Professional liability insurance

Professional liability insurance

A distinct advantage of using free weights versus machines is that they:

Promote kinesthetic awareness

A key area of education that Personal Trainers should focus on with their clients is: a) Principles of muscle hypertrophy. b) Appropriate weight room etiquette. c) Safe use of cardiovascular equipment. d) Proper breathing technique.

Proper breathing technique

The ultimate purpose of liability is to:

Protect individuals

Which of the following best defines the purpose of certification for Personal Trainers? 1. Proves the mastery of a fitness professional to potential clients and the public 2. Functions to highlight professional skills and their commensurate financial value 3. Protects the public by demonstrating a specific level of competence related to exercise instruction 4. Validates hands-on experience and skill for individuals with manageable chronic disease

Protects the public by demonstrating a specific level of competence related to exercise instruction

Which of the following best defines the purpose of certification for personal trainers?

Protects the public by demonstrating a specific level of competence related to exercise instruction

For a beginning client who displays some minor errors in performing an exercise, what type of cueing is MOST appropriate?

Provide encouragement for what was done well, and proceed to correct faulty movements

Which of the following is an appropriate method for helping motivate a client to lose weight? A. Provide several links to professional membership organizations B. Provide links of news articles of individuals who have similar backgrounds as your client C. E-mail attachments of peer-reviewed journal articles D. Give the client's family a brochure on the mortality and morbidity on obesity

Provide links of news articles of individuals who have similar backgrounds as your client

Energy nutrients do all of the following EXCEPT: 1. Transfer electrical energy between nerve cells 2. Maintain core body temperature at 98.6 3. Provide lubrication for joint capsules 4. Contract muscles to perform work

Provide lubrication for joint capsules

Patrick has shoulder improvement impingement syndrome. He has been referred to you by a physical therapist for strengthening of his shoulder complex and to begin first with a closed chain exercise. Which progression MOST appropriate?

Push-up plus off a wall --> shoulder IR/ER --> Seated DB press

During the concentric phase of extension at the knee joint, the ___ work as an agonist and the _____ work as the antagonist

Quadriceps, Hamstrings

Which activity would be contraindicated for someone with cardiovascular disease? 1.Slow dancing 2. Leisure cycling 3. Aqua aerobics 4. Racquet sports

Racquet sports

Personal trainers must work with the client's health care team. When problems arise that are beyond the personal trainer's scope of practice, the trainer should:

Refer clients to other members of the health care team

Almost all adults will encounter which of the following at some time during their participation in exercise? 1. Decreased HDL 2. Normalized blood pressure 3. Return to sedentary behavior 4. Goal attainment

Return to sedentary behavior

Almost all adults will encounter which of the following at some time during their participation in exercise? 1. Decreased HDL 2. Return to sedentary behavior 3. Goal attainment 4. Normalized blood pressure

Return to sedentary behavior

In terms of equipment use, proactive steps to managing and minimizing risk include:

Reviewing how to use each piece of equipment with all clients

For men, a 3 site skinfold assessment is taken on the _____ side of the body at the ____

Right ; Chest, abdominal, thigh

Optimal client goals should be...


The thumb is classified as a ________ joint. a) Saddle b) Pivot c) Ellipsoidal d) Ball and socket


Running is done predominantly in what plane of movement? 1. Transverse 2. Sagittal 3. Frontal


The location of the client consultation is critical because it: a) Demonstrates the Personal Trainer's planning skills. b) Sets the tone for relationship building and information sharing. c) Is an opportunity to expose clients to an exercise environment in a non-threatening way. d) Can assist in client motivation.

Sets the tone for relationship building and information sharing

Which of the following theories of behavior change places a great emphasis on the client's thoughts and feelings? 1. Transtheoretical model of change 2. Self cognitive theory 3. Socioecological model 4. Theory of planned behavior

Self-cognitive theory

Sharing a story of a struggle you have had in the past with weight loss is an example:


When a client has a "winging" scapula at the end of the push phase of a push-up, the _____ muscle is probably weak

Serratus anterior

Which of the following is a symptom of pulmonary disease? 1. An increase in heart rate with an increase in walking intensity 2. Shortness of breath after quickly crossing the street in a residential area 3. Tightness in the ankles that occur after walking several blocks 4. General feeling of fatigue after walking the dog

Shortness of breath after quickly crossing the street in a residential area

Clients returning to exercise following greater trochanteric bursitis should generally avoid ________.

Side-lying exercise positions that compress the lateral hip

An appropriate progression for balance training should transition from: 1. Sitting to standing 2. Sitting to in-motion on unstable surface 3. Kneeling to standing on unstable surface 4. In-motion to kneeling

Sitting to standing

Kettlebell exercises designed to mimic a sport-related movement is an example of:

Specificity training

A client that hangs an exercise adherence calendar in a prominent spot is demonstrating: 1.Stimulus control 2. Intrinsic motivation 3. Observational learning 4. Modeling

Stimulus control

Your client is a cardiac patient and has been cleared by her physician to exercise. During a 5 minute warm-up on the treadmill, she tells you that she feels out of breath. You should:

Stop the exercise and monitor for additional signs or symptoms

Which type of stretch would be best for opening up the external rotators of the hip?

Supine hip rotator stretch

Which stretch increases range of motion in the low-back?

Supine knee to chest stretch

Low energy availability directly impairs bone health and development in female athletes by:

Suppressing the hormones that promote bone formation

Low energy availability directly impairs bone health and development in female athletes by: 1.Suppressing the hormones that promote bone formation 2. Restraining bone resorption 3. Inducing amenorrhea 4. Increasing estrogen production

Suppressing the hormones that promote bone formation

Which of the following groups of muscles describes the rotator cuff? A.Supraspinatus, teres minor, subscapularis, and infraspinatus B. Supraspinatus, infraspinatus, latissimus dorsi, and teres minor C. Teres major, joint capsule, proximal portion of biceps tendon, and acromion D. Teres minor, teres major, rhomboid minor, and rhomboid major

Supraspinatus, teres minor, subscapularis, and infraspinatus

Why are great volumes of sweat produced in hot, humid climates? a) Sweat is too salty. b) Sweat glands close. c) Sweat becomes ineffective. d) Sweat evaporates.

Sweat become sineffective as a way of dissipating heat

Your client is performing a strength exercise that is new to him. He states that he feels some discomfort in his right shoulder after the first set. You should

Switch to another exercise that does not elicit any symptoms

____ is the pressure exerted on the arterial wall during the ventricular contraction phase

Systolic blood pressure

Scope of practice for personal trainers in the area of nutrition includes: 1. Teaching nutrition fundamentals and assisting clients with weight loss programs 2. Counseling clients on disordered eating patterns 3. Recommending supplements for clients to assist them in meeting their goals 4. Providing diet plans for your clients

Teaching nutrition fundamentals and assisting clients with weight loss programs

Lateral epicondylitis is commonly known as ____

Tennis elbow

When referring to scientific papers or articles, you should at least cite:

The author's name and year of publication

Personal trainers should share fitness assessment results positively and emphasize:

The baseline results that provide progress measurement over time

What is the socioecological theory?

The belief that health behaviors are shaped by interpersonal interactions, the surrounding environment, community, policy, and law.


The client has been actively maintaining the changes made during the action stage, the new behaviors have been established for 6 months or more, and the client is now working to prevent relapse


The client has developed a plan of action toward behavior change and will be making changes in the immediate future (next 30 days)


The client is actively making behavior changes (regularly active for less than 6 months)


The client is considering the negative consequences of their behavior and is considering changes within the next 6 months


The client is not intending to take action toward change and is not considering benefits of change at this time

Weight machines carry more of a reduced risk of injury than free weights because:

The client's body is more stable and movement is more restricted with weight machines

Kyphosis is defined as:

The convexity of the spinal curve is posterior

Which of the following is an ADVANTAGE of working as an independent contractor? 1. The facility provides health insurance and other benefits 2. The facility covers the cost of marketing for new facility members 3. The facility allows the personal trainer to utilize the facilities equipment 4. The facility provides opportunities for promotion

The facility allows the personal trainer to utilize the facilities equipment

Which of the following is an ADVANTAGE of working as an independent contractor? 1. The facility provides health insurance and other benefits? 2. The facility covers the cost of marketing for new facility members 3. The facility allows the personal trainer to utilize the facilities equipment 4. The facility provides opportunities for promotion

The facility allows the personal trainer to utilize the facilities equipment

With respect to resistance training, the first issue that the client should be asked about is:

The main goal of the client's exercise program

What occurs in the maintenance phase?

The maintenance phase of the Stages of Change Model involves successfully avoiding former behaviors and keeping up new behaviors. During this stage, people become more assured that they will be able to continue their change.

A "Call to action" in advertising means:

The marketing effort involves an offer with a deadline to create urgency.

The term "metabolic rate" is defined as:

The rate at which calories are burned

Asking your client to complete a one-week diary of their activity is an example of which model or theory? a) Social cognitive theory b) The small changes model c) Theory of planned behavior d) The health belief model

The small changes model

Once the primary goal of a resistance program has been established, the next step is to determine: a) the specific joints, ROM, and types of muscle actions required. b) the amount of overload, type of plyometrics, and limb velocities. c) the amount of neurological adaptations required. d) the amount of muscle hypertrophy.

The specific joints, ROM, and types of muscle actions required

According the ____. clients will be more likely to change if they have a positive attitude about change, feel it's enjoyable and controllable, and recognize the value of change

Theory of planned behavior

Which of the following is a similar site for botha male and a female when performing a 3-site skinfold test? 1. Thigh 2. Suprailiac 3. Abdomen 4. Chest


The most common dietary fats are:


During a lat pulldown, the bar should be pulled to the?

Upper Chest

During a back squat, it is important to rest the barbell on:

Upper trapezius near T2

To build a successful client relationship, you should:

Use a client-centered approach

A good technique for teaching clients proper form is:

Use a set-up phase prior to the exercise.

Personal trainers should calculate a client's desired body weight for:

Use in weight loss goal and weight maintenance

The best way to address all types of learning styles when teaching a new resistance training exercise is to:

Use the tell-show-do method

_____ is performed by moderately forceful attempted exhalation against a closed airway, usually done by closing one's mouth and pinching one's nose shut while pressing out as if blowing up a balloon

Valsalva maneuver

The most toxic of all vitamins if taken in high amounts, causing cardiovascular and renal damage and high blood calcium, is:

Vitamin D

The best exercise progression for a sedentary client who wants to begin downhill skiing again would be:

Walking, jogging, cross country skiing, and downhill skiing

Functional isometric strength training is effective when performed near the sticking point or ____ of the exercise

Weak point

Which of the following statements about flexibility is the MOST accurate?

With age, collagen fibers become more rigid and more resistant to stretching

When a client takes the PAR-Q+ test, she should be referred to her doctor if she answers:

Yes to one or more questions

Child athletes tend to be at a greater risk of developing serious heat illness because:

Young athletes produce less sweat per gland

Which of the following is a skill-related parameter that might be addressed in a client's exercise program? 1. Flexibility 2. Aerobic capacity 3. Body composition 4. Balance


Which type of activity would benefit from having ballistic stretching in the warm-up?


The science that applies the study of forces to living organisms is:


When exercising in the heat, which material works best to keep the body cool? 1.coolMax 2. Nylon 3. Cotton 4. Polyester


Behaviors are shaped by interpersonal interactions, the surrounding environment, community, policy, and law according to which of the following? 1. Structural support model 2. Social cognitive theory 3. Socioecological model 4. Environment model

socioecological model

What is the Social Cognitive Theory?

theory of behavior change that emphasizes the interactions between people and their environment. focuses on how we interpret and respond to your external events. SCT stands apart from other theories in that it puts greater emphasis on a client's thoughts and feelings, thus emphasizes behavior at the interpersonal levels. Proponents of SCT believe that clients actively shape their lives by thinking, feeling, reflecting, and observing themselves.

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