Acts: The Holy Spirit at Work in Believers

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On their first missionary journey, Paul and Barnabas ministered in the region of what province?


The healing of a lame beggar in Acts 3 took place at the

Gate Beautiful.

According to Jewish worldview,

Gentiles must be kept at a distance from anything considered pure and holy.

Which statement best describes Paul's experience with God as he made his final journey to Jerusalem

God directed Paul to go to Jerusalem and intended for him to endure the hardship and suffering.

Which statement best describes Paul's experience with God as he made his final journey to Jerusalem?

God directed Paul to go to Jerusalem and intended for him to endure the imprisonment.

The main principle to be learned from the account of Ananias and Sapphira is that

God hates lying and desires integrity among His people.

The principles illustrated in Paul's imprisonment experience teach us that

God may expect us to endure severe hardship in order to accomplish His purposes.

The principles illustrated in Paul's imprisonment experience teach us that

God may expect us to endure severe hardship to accomplish His purposes.

Concerning replacing the position of Judas, the apostles sought direction from

God's Word.

The book of Acts serves as a bridge between the

Gospels and Paul's letters.

The first problem recorded in Acts that the Early Church had to face was between

Grecian and Hebraic Jewish believers.

The seven men chosen to serve the Grecian widows in Acts 6 had

Greek names.

Who was struck down by God and eaten by worms in Acts 12?

Herod Agrippa I

When Philip approached the Ethiopian eunuch, he was reading from

Isaiah 52:13-53:12.

According to Acts 12, whom did Herod have arrested and then executed?


The church grew from

Jerusalem to Rome.

The Book of Acts can be divided into three parts based upon the gospel's spread to

Jerusalem, Samaria and Judea, and the whole world.

According to the IST, the title Sovereign Lord means

"God is in control."

On the Day of Pentecost, Peter addressed his listeners concerns by saying,

"These men are not drunk, as you suppose."

The word synagogue literally means

"a gathering together."

Stephen's sermon to the Sanhedrin is called his


Stephen's name means


The Greek word episcopos is translated as


The word pentecost means

"the fiftieth."

The word kairos means

"the right time or season."

The Greek martus is translated as


What book of the Bible did Paul most likely write during his three-year stay at Ephesus?

1 Corinthians.

Saul was the apostle Paul's

Jewish name.

The Book of Acts was written by


The healing of Aeneas impacted the region of

Lydda and Sharon.

In Philippi, who responded to Paul's message and opened up her house to Paul and his companions?


While Paul and other prisoners were being transported to Rome, they were shipwrecked on the island of


After Peter's miraculous release from prison, he went to the house of

Mary, the mother of Mark.

The biblical way of handling disputes is found in

Matthew 5:23-24.

The Samaritans worshiped at a temple located on

Mount Gerazim.

According to the IST, the two distinguished leaders of the church in Antioch were

Paul and Barnabas

Obeying the direction of the Holy Spirit, the church in Antioch set apart and commissioned

Paul and Barnabas.

Paul and Silas were thrown into prison at Philippi because

Paul delivered a slave girl of an evil spirit.

Luke's accounts of Paul's trials establish all the following EXCEPT that

Paul remained imprisoned and was sent to Rome because he failed to obey God.

Key factors in determining when the Book of Acts was written are

Paul's Roman imprisonment, the burning of Rome, and Jerusalem's destruction in A.D. 70.

Acts can be organized according to its great messages, including those from

Paul, Stephen, and Peter.

Toward the end of Paul's third missionary journey, he was in a hurry to reach Jerusalem by


Acts can be considered in two divisions based upon the ministries of

Peter and Paul.

Paul and Silas were flogged and thrown into prison at


On their fi rst missionary journey, Paul and Barnabas ministered in which four cities?

Pisidian Antioch, Iconium, Lystra, and Derbe

In Corinth, Paul met

Priscilla and Aquila

Which group of people responded hostilely to Peter's message in Acts 4?

Religious leaders

Paul was the apostle's

Roman name.

The largest and most influential city in Paul's day was


After persecution broke out against the church, Philip preached the gospel in


While Stephen was being stoned, the men doing the stoning placed their cloaks at the feet of


Whom did Paul decide to take on his second missionary journey instead of Barnabas?


Who was the popular convert in Samaria who had previously practiced sorcery and later wanted to buy the gift of God?


The best title for the Acts is

The Acts of the Holy Spirit

According to Acts 1:4, what was the gift the Father promised?

The Holy Spirit

How many different nations does the book of Acts mention were present on the Day of Pentecost?


The Jerusalem Council is recorded in Acts chapter


The book of Acts can be divided into three parts based on Acts


How many times did Paul receive guidance through a vision on his second missionary journey?


In what chapters in the book of Acts does speaking in tongues accompany the baptism of the Holy Spirit?

2, 10, 19.

In what chapters does Acts record the initial Holy Spirit baptism of believers?

2, 8, 9, 10, 19.

How many people responded to Peter's message on the Day of Pentecost and were baptized?


After the resurrection, Jesus appeared to the disciples over a period of

40 days

According to the IST, how many stages of growth did the Church experience in the Book of Acts?


How many times does the book of Acts record the initial baptism of believers with the Holy Spirit


Luke emphasized the Holy Spirit

55 times.

Saul's conversion is recorded in Acts


The book of Acts had no title until

A.D. 150

The book of Acts was written around

A.D. 63

Acts was written around

A.D. 63.

The apostles addressed the first church conflict in Acts 6 by

ALL OF THE ABOVE recognizing the problem and taking intelligent steps to solve it. honestly facing their own limitations. delegating authority to others that were qualified and capable

Philip's preaching and ministry in Samaria was followed by

ALL OF THE ABOVE the sick and paralytics being healed. demons being cast out of people. many people believing in Jesus and following the Lord in water baptism.

The synagogue served the function of

ALL OF THE ABOVE worship. education. social interchange.

In Stephen's speech to the Sanhedrin he addressed

ALL OF THE ABOVE God's relationship with the Patriarchs. Solomon's Temple and God's presence. the Jewish leaders pattern of rejection towards men of faith.

Cornelius was a

ALL OF THE ABOVE centurion. Gentile. God-fearer.

The Samaritan people were people who

ALL OF THE ABOVE descended from the northern tribes. had intermarried with non-Jews. mixed their culture and religion with Assyrian people.

Based upon the Jerusalem Council, Gentile believers were to avoid

ALL OF THE ABOVE food offered to idols. sexual immorality. consuming blood.

Peter's message to the crowd and religious leaders in Acts 4 resulted in

ALL OF THE ABOVE imprisonment. suffering. two thousand more believers being added to the Church.

The church in Antioch became a missionary center for church growth because of

ALL OF THE ABOVE its new methods. its new leaders. its new mission.

When the gathering of people at Cornelius' home began to speak in tongues it was a sign that

ALL OF THE ABOVE they had been saved. they had received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. God had extended salvation to all people, even Gentiles.

A key to overcoming diffi culty is

ALL OF THE ABOVE to be adaptable. to keep a good attitude. to not give up when you meet resistance.

According to the IST, God can use suffering

ALL OF THE ABOVE to provide discipline in the life of a believer. to change a believer's ministry direction. for reasons unknown to believers.

In the book of Acts, persecution of the church came from

ALL OF THE ABOVE unbelieving Jews. Sadducees. the Sanhedrin.

The Early Church showed concern for others by demonstrating

ALL OF THE ABOVE unity and selflessness. a powerful testimony. generosity.

On the Day of Pentecost, Peter preached about

ALL OF THE ABOVE what was happening on the Day of Pentecost. why Pentecost happened. how Pentecost could come to each person.

The Jerusalem Council took place because

ALL OF THE EVENTS LISTED ABOVE many Gentiles were being converted. some Jews felt Gentiles needed to be circumcised in order to be saved. of a dispute between the church of Antioch and brothers from Jerusalem.

In Acts 3, the healing of the crippled man at the Gate Beautiful resulted in

ALL THE ABOVE Peter preaching the gospel to the Sanhedrin. Peter and John being imprisoned. the man being healed.

The Book of Acts

ALL THE ABOVE explains and defends the Church. serves as a guide for faith and practice. emphasizes that the Holy Spirit is key to be a witness for Christ.

What was Paul's attitude toward the storm at sea and the certain shipwreck?

An angel sent from God promised Paul that all onboard the ship would be saved.

What city became the Church's base for missionary activity to the Gentile world?


Whom did Priscilla and Aquila meet in Ephesus, who had a thorough knowledge of the Scriptures, but only knew of John's baptism?


Ephesus was the capital of the Roman province of


Paul was uniquely fitted for the missionary task that God had given because of his

BACKGROUND IN ALL OF TH ABOVE secular education. religious training under Gamaliel. tentmaking skills.

The five leaders of the church of Antioch mentioned in Acts 13 are

Barnabas, Paul, Lucuis of Cyrene, Manaen, and Niger.

Whose name means "son of encouragement?"


Which of the following is NOT a principle of missions according to Acts 13?

Be a solo missionary.

According to the IST, a believer's suffering

CAN DO ALL OF THE ABOVE can be discipline from the Lord. allows one to become a resource. can make sweeter the victory to follow.

The focus of the Christian message is

Christ's death and resurrection.

Grecian Jews were those who had

DONE ALL OF THE ABOVE come back to Jerusalem from foreign lands. picked up the ways and customs of foreign lands. never learned to speak, read, or write Hebrew.

The Jewish sorcerer that opposed Paul at Paphos was named


On Paul's third missionary journey, Paul spent most of his time in the city of


Who fell from a third story window as Paul preached through the night at Troas


Following Stephen's death, who remained in Jerusalem after persecution broke out against the church?

The apostles

What had prevented Paul from going to Ephesus on his second missionary journey

The nudge of the Holy Spirit

The Book of Acts is addressed to


From what city did Paul have a vision of a man from Macedonia begging them to come over to them


How long were the believers to wait for the gift of the Father?

Until they received


WAS ALL OF THE ABOVE sold a field and gave the money to the apostles. was a Levite and his name means "Son of Encouragement." was a Jew from the island of Cyprus.


WAS ALL OF THE ABOVE was known for its moral filth. was ranked as the third largest city in the ancient world. possessed the ancient world's best water supply.

From the death of Stephen, one learns that death is

a doorway into the presence of God.

According to Acts 1:21-22, an apostle had to be

a follower of Jesus, witnessing his baptism, resurrection, and ascension.

The Book of Acts most often refers to the baptism of the Holy Spirit as

a gift.

he idea that God would work through believers in a powerful and unseen manner is symbolized on the Day of Pentecost by

a mighty rushing wind.

On the Day of Pentecost, Peter treated his listeners with respect by

addressing them as brothers and fellow Jews.

The baptism of the Holy Spirit occurs

after conversion

The baptism of the Holy Spirit is available to

all believers.

Corinth was known

all of the above.

In Paul's sermon on Mars Hill, he addressed

all of the above.

In Thessalonica, many believed, including

all of the above.

The hallmarks of a biblical church are

all of the above. repentance and baptism, fellowship and prayer, generosity and growth.

The early church devoted themselves to

all of the above. fellowship, doctrine, and prayer.

It was important for the believers to wait for the baptism of the Holy Spirit because

all the above are true. the task is too big. the task is too hard. the task is not finished

Christians go through times of suffering because

all the above can be true. of sin. they are doing God's will. of God's sovereignty.

Universalism believes

all will be saved.

In Acts 12, Peter's miraculous release from prison was because of

an angel.

According to the New Testament, water baptism is

an outward picture of an inner experience.

In Athens, Paul noticed an altar designated to

an unknown god.

While on trial before King Agrippa, Paul could have been released except he had

appealed to Caesar.

The Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts

are organized alike.

The IST lists six keys to overcoming difficulties, three of them are

be adaptable, fight the good fight, and keep a good attitude.

A few days after Saul's conversion, he

began to preach in the synagogue.

The Ethiopian eunuch demonstrated his faith in Christ by

being baptized in water.

On the Day of Pentecost, the crowd responded with

bewilderment, utter amazement, and mocking.

Pentecost for the believer is a combination of

blessing and duty.

The Mount of Olives was a

burial ground.

Simony means to

buy or sell a church office for money.

According to Acts 5, when faced by threats and warnings, the believers

continued to meet publicly.

A proselyte is one who

converts from one religion to another.

Luke's accounts of Paul's trials establish all the following EXCEPT that Paul

could have been released immediately if he had obeyed the Holy Spirit's prompting.

Paul sent for the Ephesian elders at Miletus to

do all of the above.

The church grew in its mission by

doing all of the above.

The people of Berea were more noble in character than the Thessalonians because they

eagerly received Paul's message and examined the Scriptures

Praying in tongues

edifies the believer and releases the human spirit to fully express itself to God.

Luke's greatest purpose of the book of Acts was perhaps to

emphasize the ministry of the Holy Spirit through believers.

The purpose of Pentecost was to

empower the church.

The two major themes of Peter's message to the Sanhedrin in Acts 3 were

exalting Jesus and extending God's forgiveness.

On the road to Damascus, Saul

experienced all of the above.

According to the IST, Satan tries to defeat the church through

fear, division, and persecution

According to Acts 4, the early church demonstrated unity and selflessness by

financially taking care of one another.

At the conclusion of the Jerusalem Council, it was decided that Gentile believers should avoid

food offered to idols, strangled animals, blood, and sexual immorality.

Acts can be organized according to

geography, the ministry of Peter and Paul, and its great messages.

God prepared Peter to go to Cornelius' home by

giving Peter a vision while he was waiting for the noon meal.

Tabitha (Dorcas) was known for her

good works and helping the poor

In Acts 19, many people were healed and delivered as

handkerchiefs and aprons that were touched by Paul were placed on the sick and demon possessed.

Peter's message to the Jews and their leaders, following the healing of the lame man in Acts 3, indicated that God had chosen to view their active role in Jesus' crucifixion as a sin of


In Ephesus, Paul taught

in all of the above locations.

Speaking in tongues

is based upon a cooperative and submissive relationship with God.

According to the IST, kerygma

is the proclamation or announcement of God's saving activity in calling and sustaining His chosen people.

The believers in Samaria received the baptism of the Holy Spirit when Peter and John

laid hands on them

The church in Antioch became a missionary center for church growth because of its new

leaders, new methods, and new mission.

Ananias and Sapphira were struck dead by God because they

lied and secretly kept some money for themselves.

A vital lesson from Paul regarding team ministry is

mentoring future leaders.

According to the IST, the early church grew in

numbers, geography, mission, and theology.

Four attitudes and actions that precede the outpouring of the Holy Spirit are

obedience, unity, prayer, and the study and application of God's Word.

The seven men chosen to serve the Grecian widows in Acts 6 were men

of good reputation, full of wisdom, and full of the Holy Spirit.

A public riot developed in Ephesus because

of the influence of the gospel leading to a decline of idolatry.

The name Theophilus means

one who loves God.

Stephen was stoned

outside the city.

According to the IST, two common reasons religious people resist a work of God are

pet beliefs and pre-conceived notions.

The account of the crippled beggar at the Gate Beautiful teaches the importance of

physical touch.

In ministry, our goal should be to

point people to Christ.

According to Acts 1:8, believers will receive

power to witness.

When Peter and John arrived in Samaria, they

prayed that the believers might receive the Holy Spirit.

The four steps individuals or a church can take to prepare for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit are

prayer, unity, obedience, and the study and application of God's Word.

The purpose of witnessing is to

prepare people to meet the Lord.

Earmarks of a powerful church are

publicly meeting together and supernatural events.

In Joppa, Peter prayed for Dorcas that she might be

raised back to life.

The lame man healed in Act 3 was healed as Peter

reached to him and took him by the hand.

The biblical principles from the account of the crippled man at the Gate Beautiful are

recognize the needs of others, reach out in faith, give what you have, and expect the unexpected.

After the apostles were flogged for preaching Christ they

rejoiced that they were worthy to suffer for Christ.

Gamaliel recommended that the apostles be


At Corinth, Paul was encouraged by the Lord in a vision to

remain faithful, for God would protect him.

On the Day of Pentecost, Peter said people could receive the gift of the Holy Spirit if they would

repent and be baptized.

According to the IST, marks of a biblical church include

repentance, baptism, and receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit.

When Philip met the Ethiopian eunuch on the road, the Ethiopian was

returning home from Jerusalem.

The church of Antioch showed spiritual maturity by

sending gifts to Jerusalem.

The term apostle means

sent out

A principle for resolving conflict that can be learned from the Jerusalem Council is

separate the major issues from the minor issues.

Concerning the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer, John emphasizes the Spirit's help in

service and salvation.

Concerning the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer, Luke emphasizes the Spirit's help in


According to the Bible, suffering and persecution

should be expected

One of the marks of a powerful church is

signs and wonders.

In the Bible, yeast is often a symbol of


According to Acts 19, the believers in Ephesus were baptized in the Holy Spirit and began to

speak in tongues and prophesy.

To be an effective witness for Christ believers must

speak the right words and the right times.

The normative sign that a believer has received the baptism of Holy Spirit based upon the pattern of Acts is

speaking in tongues.

According to the IST, a new method that the church in Antioch used was

speaking to the Greeks in their own tongue

Although the events of Pentecost happened suddenly, Peter had prepared himself for this big day by

spending time with Jesus and God's Word.

According to Acts 19, the twelve disciples that Paul met in Ephesus received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and

spoke in tongues and prophesied.

As the Jewish leaders approached Stephen to kill him, Stephen looked up to heaven and saw Jesus

standing at the right hand of God.

On the Day of Pentecost, the eleven disciples showed unified support by

standing up with Peter.

On the Day of Pentecost, Peter responded to the growing curiosity of the crowd by

standing up, raising his voice, and addressing them.

Shortly after Paul healed a crippled man in Lystra, the crowd

stoned him and left him for dead.

The believer's part in being baptized in the Holy Spirit is to

submit and receive.

A citywide uproar resulted when Paul was accused of

teaching against the Jewish people, their law, and the temple and of defiling God's presence by bringing Gentiles into the temple

A citywide uproar resulted when Asian Jews accused Paul of

teaching against the Jewish people, their law, and the temple and of defiling the temple by bringing Gentiles inside.

In Thessalonica, Paul went to the synagogue and preached

that Jesus had to suffer and be raised from the dead.

An agnostic believes

that if there is a God, He is unknowable.

God revealed to Ananias that Saul would be His chosen instrument to bear His name before

the Gentiles, the sons of Israel, and kings.

According to Acts 1:5, Jesus would baptize believers with

the Holy Spirit.

Believers are to reach their own "Jerusalem," which means

the city in which they live.

The seven principles of missionary work that are described in Chapter 10 of the IST are still relevant today and have their origin in

the examples from Acts 13:4-12 that describe the activities of Paul and Barnabas on their first missionary journey.

In Corinth, the Jewish community made an attack against Paul and brought him to

the high judgment seat (bema).

A watershed event in the city of Ephesus that lead to the spread of the gospel was

the incident involving the seven sons of Sceva.

According to Acts 8, the Church began evangelism efforts outside of Jerusalem due to

the persecution that followed Stephen's death.

A symbol of the purifying presence of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost was

the tongues of fire.

Peter's methods on the Day of Pentecost included

treating listeners with respect, meeting them where they are, speaking with authority, and being prepared.

At the Ascension, Jesus symbolically turned a place of death (Mount of Olives) into a place of

triumph and life.

Peter's vision on the roof of Simon the tanner's home was about

unclean animals.

The Azusa Street Mission revival, like the Day of Pentecost, is an example of


God prepared Peter to go to Cornelius' home through a/an


The lame man healed in Acts 3 responded to his healing by

walking, leaping, and praising God.

Luke's record of Paul's trials in Jerusalem and Caesarea, including his accounts of Paul's defense speeches, clearly establishes that Paul

was absolutely innocent of violating any law, Jewish or Roman.

Luke's record of Paul's trials in Jerusalem and Caesarea, including his defense speeches, clearly establishes that Paul

was absolutely innocent of violating any law, Jewish or Roman.

After Philip baptized the Ethiopian eunuch, Philip

was taken away by the Spirit.

In Acts 5, after the apostles were released from prison by an angel, they

were found teaching in the temple courts

The Feast of Pentecost marked the beginning of the

wheat harvest.

Before Paul's second missionary journey, he and Barnabas had a sharp disagreement concerning

whether they should take Mark

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