Additional Practice Questions - Comply with Drinking Water Regulations

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reduce the frequency of sampling from 6 month periods to annually.

If a water system that monitors for water quality parameters because it exceeded the lead and copper action levels maintains the range of values for the water quality parameters reflecting optimal corrosion control treatment during three consecutive years of monitoring the system may

0.0005 mg/L

A follow-up sample is required if the concentration in the composite sample is greater than or equal to __________ for any contaminant listed in the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations, §141.61 (a) - Organic Chemicals.

5.0 mg/L

A water system that detects nitrate at levels above _______, but below the MCL, must include in the Cunsumer Confidence Report a short informational statement about the impacts of nitrate to children.

<60 mg/L

A water system that uses enhanced softening, but cannot achieve the required total organic carbon (TOC) removals, can still comply by using results from lowering the treated water alkalinity to less than __________ as CaCO3 measured monthly and calculated quarterly as a running annual average.

≤0.040 mg/L and ≤0.30 mg/L for TTHM and HAA5, respectively.

A water system using conventional filtration treatment does not have to use enhanced coagulation to achieve the total organic carbon (TOC) percent removal if the total trihalomethanes (TTHM) and the sum of haloacetic acids (HAA5) running annual averages are

12 months

How long must a water system monitor the CT 99.9% values daily to determine the total logs of inactivation for each day of operation?


How many consecutive annual samples with no detection results for an organic contaminant must a water system achieve before it may apply to the state for a waiver?


How many consecutive annual samples with no detection results for organic contaminant must a water system achieve before it may apply to the state for a waiver?

At least every three years

How often must a public water system using groundwater collect and analyze one sample per water plant at the entry to the distribution system for sodium concentration levels?


How often must a public water system using surface water in whole or in part collect and analyze one sample per water plant at the entry to the distribution system for sodium concentration levels?

Preserve by keeping it at 4 degrees C

How should a distribution operator preserve a sample to be analyzed for asbestos?

Preserve with H2SO4

How should a distribution operator preserve a sample to be analyzed for nitrate-nitrite?

Within 60 days

How soon must a small water system notify the state in writing after it becomes aware of lead-containing and/or copper-containing material in the system?

Vinyl chloride

If a groundwater system detects one or more organic compounds in the chlorothylene family (e.g., trichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene, and trans-1,2-dichloroethlene), which constituent(s) will the water system have to monitor quarterly?

48 hours.

If a water supplier fails to comply with any National Primary Drinking Water Regulation, including monitoring requirements, the water supplier must report to the state the failure to comply within

48 hours.

If a water supplier fails to comply with any national primary drinking water regulation, including monitoring requirements, the water supplier must report to the state the failure to comply within

develop a disinfection benchmark.

If a water system changes its disinfection sampling point, disinfection type, process, or any other modification identified by the state, it must

No more than 5%

If a water system collects at least 40 samples per month for the analyses of total coliforms, which percent of total coliform positive samples are acceptable for the system to remain in compliance with the maximum contaminant level for total coliforms?


If a water system collects less than 40 samples per month for the analyses of total coliforms, how many samples can be total coliform positive and the system still remain in compliance with the maximum contaminant level for total coliforms?

7 days.

If a water system does not collect a sample for unregulated contaminant monitoring according to federal instructions for a listed contaminant, the deviation must be reported to the UCMR sampling coordinator or state within

12-month period.

If a water system is required to monitor unregulated contaminants, it must collect the samples in one continuous

Quarterly for a minimum of 2 quarters

If benzene, toulene, ethylbenzene, or xylene is detected in water from groundwater well(s) at a level exceeding 0.0005 mg/L, how often must the system monitor at each sampling point where the contaminant(s) were detected?

Laboratory, 14 days

If the state allows a water system to composite samples that are to be analyzed for organic compounds {§141.61 (a)}, which entity must composite the samples and what is the holding time?

14 days.

Lead and copper samples collected by customers at their taps must be acidified within


A public water system that does not provide filtration must have a residual disinfection concentration in the distribution system, measured as total chlorine, combined chlorine, or chlorine dioxide, which cannot be undetectable in more than ________ of the samples each month for any two consecutive months that the system serves water to the public.

5.0 ntu.

A public water system that uses surface water or ground water under the direct influence of surface water and provides filtration treatment is required by the primacy agency to report an acute violation of the filtered water turbidity standard if any turbidity measurement collected during the month exceedes

At least once every 9 years

A small water system has met certain criteria and has been granted a full waiver, and thus a reduced frequency for monitoring lead and copper. How often does it now have to monitor?

6 years

A system must begin a second round of source water monitoring no later than _________ following initial bin classification (average source water Cryptosporidium concentration) or determination of the mean Cryptosporidium level, as applicable.


A water system that calculates the logs of inactivation for Giardia lamblia must also calculate logs of inactivation for viruses, if it uses which type of disinfectant?

2 samples for each water quality parameter, per entry point to the distribution system during each monitoring period

All water systems that exceed the lead and copper action level shall monitor water quality parameters. Which simple criteria shall be followed if expectations are not granted?

12 years.

Any water system subject to the NPDWR Subpart I, Control of Lead and Copper, shall retain on its premises original records of all sampling data and analysis, reports, surveys, letters evaluations, schedules, State determinations, and any other information for no fewer than


Filtered water systems can avoid source water monitoring for Cryptosporidium and E. coli if the system provides a total of at least ___________ of treatment for Cryptosporidium.

a running annual average at any sampling point.

For water systems that collect inorganic samples more frequently than annually (for antimony, arsenic, barium, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cyanide, fluoride, mercury, nickel, selenium, and thallium), compliance with the maximum contaminant levels is determined by

0.3 ntu ; 95%

For water systems using conventional treatment or direct filtration, the turbidity level of representative samples of a system's filtered water must be less than or equal to ______ in at least ______ of the samples collected each month, according to the Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule.

one sample at every entry point to the distribution system that is representative of each well after treatment.

Groundwater systems that have failed to meet the lead and copper action levels shall take a minimum

Containing not more than 0.02% lead

How is the term "lead free" defined, when using with respect to solders and flux?

10 days

How long does a public water system have for completing and submitting to the primacy agency that it has fully complied with a public notification requirement?


Measurements for pH, turbidity, temperature, and residual disinfectant concentrations must be performed by a person approved by the

5.0 ntu

One criterion that a public water system must meet to avoid filtration is for the turbidity level not to exceed ___________ in representative samples of the source water immediately before the first or only point of disinfection application in at least 90% of the measurements made for the previous 6 months that the system served water to the public on an ongoing basis.

10 degrees C.

Samples to be analyzed for total coliforms by the total coliform Fermentation Technique, must be kept during transit at a temperature below

one sample after any application of treatment or in the distribution system at a point which is representative of each source after treatment.

Surface water systems that have failed to meet the lead and copper action levels shall take a minimum of

semi-annual basis.

The USEPA recommends water systems using a groundwater source(s) to collect samples of hexavalent chromium (chromium-6) on a

quarterly basis.

The USEPA recommends water systems using surface water source to collect samples for hexavalent chromium (chromium-6) on a

The hydraulic conveyance used to transport the recycled flows

The federal Safe Drinking Water Act requires a public water system to provide a plant schematic showing the origin of all flows that are recycled. Which other requirements for this recycle provision must be shown on the schematic?

6 hours.

The first draw samples from taps for lead and copper analyses shall have stood motionless in the plumbing system pipes of each sampling site for at least

repair of cast iron pipes using leaded joints.

The prohibition on the use of lead for any plumbing in residential or nonresidential facility connected to a public water system that monitors water for human consumption does not apply to

determine alternative total organic carbon removal requirements for a particular plant.

Under the Stage 1 Disinfectants and Disinfection By-products Rule, jar testing may be conducted as part of the enhanced coagulation requirements to

0.01 oocysts/L

Unfiltered water systems with a mean Cryptosporidium level greater than _________ must provide at least a 3-log Cryptosporidium inactivation.

each day during peak hourly flows.

Water system parameters for calculating CT (pH, temperature, residual disinfectant concentration, and disinfectant contact time) must be determined

4 log

Water systems are required to achieve at least _____________ removal and/or inactivation of viruses between a point where the raw water is not subject to recontamination by surface water runoff and a point downstream before or at the first customer.

reduce the number of sites sampled.

Water systems are required to monitor for water quality parameters when they exceed the lead and copper action levels. If these systems maintain the range of values for the water quality parameters that reflect optimal corrosion control treatment during each of two consecutive six month monitoring periods, then, although they must still monitor at the entry point(s) to the distribution system, they are allowed to

During the quarter which previously yielded the highest analytical results

Water systems may be allowed by their state to monitor annually, if the state has determined that the system is reliable and consistently below the maximum contaminant level for organic compound. When must the water system collect these annual samples?

10 days

Water systems monitoring for lead and copper and water quality parameters must report all the results within the first __________ after each monitoring period.


What is the maximum contaminant level goal for Giardia lamblia?

Dosage rate of the chemical corrosion inhibitor

When a water system is required to monitor water quality parameters because it exceeded the lead and copper action level and the system uses a corrosion inhibitor, which parameter must be measured every two weeks at each entry point to the distribution system?


When a water system is required to monitor water quality parameters because it exceeded the lead and copper action level, which parameter must be measured every two weeks at each entry point to the distribution system?

When the 90th percentile for lead is ≤0005 mg/L and for copper is ≤0.65 mg/L

When can a water system that meets the lead and copper action levels for two consecutive six month periods reduce the number of samples and reduce the frequency of sampling so that it is only required to sample every 3 years?

When the system meets the lead and copper action level for 2 consecutive six month monitoring periods

When can large water system serving more than 100,000 people, reduce the number of sampling sites for lead and copper?

At least 3-log removal

Which log removal must water systems achieve for the removal and/or inactivation of Giardia lamblia cysts between a point where the raw water is not subject to recontamination by surface water runoff and a point downstream before or at the first customer?

When a state laboratory performs the analyses

When is it acceptable for a drinking water supplier not to report analytical results to the state?

When the water supplier serves more than 10,000 people.

When must a water supplier monitor for unregulated contaminants?


Which analytical test can be performed by any person acceptable to the State?

≤1.0 ntu in 95% of the measurements collected each month

Which are the turbidity requirements for diatomaceous earth filtration?

≤1.0 ntu in 95% of the measurements collected each month

Which are the turbidity requirements for slow sand filtration?

At the tap after the water has remained motionless for at least 4 hours

Which is not an acceptable method of sampling for lead and copper analyses lead service lines?

0.1 mg/L

Which is the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations maximum contaminant level for total chromium that includes hexavalent chromium (chromium-6)?

14 days

Which is the appropriate holding time for nitrate, if the sample is chlorinated and not acidified?

Lime softening

Which is the best available technology (BAT) for removing combined radium-226 and radium-228 from source water?

0.010 mg/L

Which is the maximum contaminant level for bromate?

8 hours

Which is the maximum holding time for fecal coliforms using the Fecal Coliform Procedure?

4 mg/L

Which is the maximum residual disinfection level goal for chlorine?

1,000 mL

Which is the sample size for lead and copper analyses?

Gross alpha particle activity scan

Which test must a water utility perform to determine monitoring frequency and specific radionuclide analyses?

USEPA or the State

Who certifies laboratories for the measurement of total coliforms, fecal coliforms, and heterotrophic plate counts?

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