Admin Rahat Study Guide

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What are the 17 functions that you can choose from in a saved search results field?

1.) % of Total - calculates the percentage contributed to each record to sum of all records in the search fields, 2.) Absolute Value - Returns the absolute value of a number (returns value regardless of it's sign), 3.) Age in Days - Calculates the days passed since a date, 4.) Age in Months - same as days except in months passed, 5.) Age in weeks - same as days except for weeks passed, 6.) Age in Years - same as days except in years passed, 7.) Calendar Week - returns the first day of the week for a date, 8.) Day- returns a full date, 9.) Month, 10.) Negate- returns the value with the opposite time, 11.) Number as Time - converts the number value to hours and minutes. EX: 15.489 will be converted to 15:29 12.) Quarter, 13.) Rank - returns the rank of each row when search results are ordered by column., 14.) Round - there are also two options to Round to Hundredths or Round to Tenths, 15.) Week of Year, 16.) Year 17.) Age in Hours

What are the six things that are specific to transaction forms only?

1.) Add Multiple - this button should be turned on for any forms that rely on custom code line item validation scripts. The Add Multiple button is displayed on item machines and allows you to add multiple items at a time to the item list. Note: Clearing Allow Add Multiple also hides the Upsell Items option button., 2.) Printing Type - either choose Advanced or Basic, 3.) Print Template, 4.) Email Template, 5.) Transaction Form PDF Layout, 6.) Transaction Form HTML Layout

What are the two ways to publish a dashboard?

1.) Create a custom role with the center you'd like the custom role and give it the Publish Dashboard Permission (AKA: Name a role: PUB) and assign it to yourself, 2.) Give the the global permission on the employee record for employees to publish dashboards or give it to yourself.

What are the the seven steps to creating a workflow in NS?

1.) Define the basic workflow info, 2.) Define Workflow Initiation, 3.) Define the Workflow Condition, 4.) Create Workflow States, 5.) Create Actions, 6.) Create a Transition, 7.) Initiate and Validate the Workflow

What are the three things that you define workflow initiation on?

1.) Event based or Scheduled, 2.) On Create or on "View or Update", 3.) Trigger Type

What are the four security layers to a role?

1.) Layer 1: Permission - edit sales orders (from anyone), 2.) Layer 2 : Restriction modifies the permission - Edit sales orders, or those belonging to my department, location, 3.) Layer 3 : Open Fields for Assignment or viewing, e.g. assign any sales rep to an order, 4.) Custom Form or custom search to control the view; assign to the role

What are the three places that you can define forms as Preferred at?

1.) On the actual form record, 2.) On the custom forms page (Customization - Forms - Entry Forms or Transaction forms, then check Preferred) 3.) On the an actual role page

More Options: On the More Options page, you can select the audience for your report. What are the six audiences that you can filter by?

1.) Roles, 2.) Departments, 3.) Subsidiaries, 4.) Groups, 5.) Employees, 6.) Partners

What are the seven predefined formulas that you can find in NS?

1.) Sum, 2.) Difference, 3.) Percent Difference of X (((x-y/x)*100), 4.) Percent Difference of Y ((x-y)/y)*100), 5.) Ratio (x/y), 6.) Percent Ratio: ((x/y)*100), 7.) Multiply

What are the four types of basic workflow info that you should fill out?

1.) Workflow Name, 2.) base Record, 3.) Owner, 4.) Release Status (Not Running, Testing, Running)

You can set up to ____ KPI meters on a dashboard.


___ ____ __ is an audit trail for ____ ____, ____ , and _____. This trail can view the history of changes made to that ____ or _____. This trial can view data on when the ____ was last run and by _____.

ANalytics Audit Trail, Saved Searches, Reports, Schedules, Search, Report, Report, Whom

Examples of KPI meters that you can select from are ___ ____ _____, _____ ___ ___ , and ____ _____ _____.

Actual vs Forecast, Actual vs Quota, Forecast v Quota

Adding Formula Fields to Reports: You can select the "____ _____ ____" in the ____ ____ pane to add columsn based on calulated formulas in your report. You can find this pane in the ____ ____ page of the report builder.

Add Formula Field, Add Fields, Edit Columns

To publish dashboards, you must be in a role with the same center type for which you are creating the custom dashboard (_____ can only create dashboards for the classic center, The admin cannot create and publish dashboards for any other center other than the classic center)


When creating a custom record, there is a "___ ____ ___" checkbox, and you can clear this checkbox to indicate that the custom record that you are creating can only be accessed through ______ ___, not from the NS user interface. By default, this is ______ and UI access is allowed.

Allow UI Access, SuiteScript, Checked

More Options: Checkbox for "___ _____ ___" is a checkbox if you like to export a specific saved report as a excel web query. With this button checked, the next time you run this report, the Export-Excel Web Query option is added to the export button in the ____. Web query option is not available for ______ _____.

Allow Web Query, Footer, Financial Reports

Edit Columns: The ____ ____ ____ field only appears when an _____ ____ ____ ___ selection from the dropdown has been chosen.

Alternate Date Range, Alternate Date Range Type

Edit Columns: The ____ ____ _____ field has allows you to pick from things such as five days ago, last month, or fiscal year before last.

Alternative Date Range

Publishing Dashboard: When you are publishing a dashboard, and you are under the ____ ____ ____ subtab, you can restrict specific tabs by by three different "Mode" restriction options, You can pick ______ which allows users to add, move, and remove content from the dashboard layout, _____/______ content which means you can't remove content from the dashboard, you can only add or move content, _____ which means that users can not make any changes to the dashboard.

Apply to Tabs, Unlocked, Add/Move, Locked

______ calculates the average amount found in the column. You can show the average amount sold in each transaction for each customer.


On a Transaction form, the radio button "Printing Types" has two options, ____ which means that you only want to use Basic PDF and HTML layouts, or the ____ button which means that you want to use advanced PDF/HTML templates to format these transactions.

Basic, Advanced

Formula Fields on Custom Fields: Defines fields to be dynamically _______ based on the values returned in the dynamic fields. You can add formulas to a custom field under the _____ & ______ subtab. 1.) Formulas utilize ____ to format the default value and the formula that will be calculated.

Calculated, Validation & Defaulting, SQL

Publishing Dashboard: When you are publishing a dashboard, you have to be logged in to the same _____ when you try to publish a dashboard to a role under the ___ ___ ____ subtab. You should also select __ ___ _____ ____ if you want to override the user's settings for their dashboard.

Center, Apply To Roles, Override Existing User's Settings

Sorting Options in Reports: All reports in NS are sorted by ____ or multiple ____ by default. You can sort on multiple fields such ad date, client, etc.

Columns, Columns

Report Builder: On the Report Builder page, you can edit the default ____, _____ , ____ options, and ___ options applied to the reports.

Columns, Filters, Sorting, more

______ counts the number of results found that apply to this column. EX: You can ____ the number of items purchased by each customer.

Count, Count

Set Sourcing Criteria for a custom field: A custom Field can source information from another record into your account. 1.) Info populated into a custom field is then dependent on fields associated with a record selected on another field within that form. 2.) For example, two custom fields - Sales Rep and Sales Rep Email - are placed on a custom case. When a company record is selected in the Company field, the sales representative already defined in the already defined in the selected company record is sourced to the sales rep field on the case form and the Sales Rep Email field defaults to the email address defined in the sourced Sales Rep. 3.) The info sourced into the custom field only when the record is _____ or if the specific fields involved are altered when ____ a record.

Created, Editing

Expression builder () - when you create parenthetical expressions, you can define a string of ______ connected by ____ or ____ logic.

Criteria, AND, OR

Summary types are available for the ____ and ___ subtabs of saved searches.

Criteria, Results

_____ ____ are blocks of static or dynamic text that you can add and position on _____ transaction form layouts.

Custom Elements, PDF

Permission and UI Settings: Require ____ ____ _____ permission - indicates that only users logging in with a role with permission granted to the custom record type can access it.

Custom Record Entries

A Key Performance Indicators portlet shows comparisons between two _____ ranges while a KPI Scorecard portlet does not.


Report Builder: For formatting numbers in a report, you can check "___ ___" to drop decimals in a report and only display whole numbers. You can also change the __ label for columns in the report, you can check "___ ____ ____", you can also change the format of how you want your negative numbers displayed by choosing from the dropdown "____ ____ ____", and lastly you can check a box if you want "Negatives in ____"

Drop Decimals, Column, Divided by 1000, Display Negative Number, Red

Dependent Dropdowns: This is a ____ list. This is selecting value in first field provides a set of related choices in the second field. Dependent dropdowns can be multiple levels deep. The association between the lists in the dependent dropdown is an association between lists is achieved by adding a ______ that relates one list to another. EX: Allow a support rep to use a customized case form to: A.) Select operating system to be used by the employee, B.) Select the supported browser based on the operating system for the employee. For a dependent dropdown to work, you need to create a custom ______ for the dependent dropdown to work.

Dynamic, Filter, Record

On the ___ ____ page of the report builder, you can select an "Alternative Date Range Type". This dropdown will allow you to set a date range or a period range for a selected column that is ______ from the range for the specific report's other columns, then select the relative date range in two options below: Relative to Report Date type and the Relative to Today's Date type. You can compare data for the same field across time by adding multiple columns for the field and setting an alternate date range for each additional column.

Edit Columns, Different

On the __ ___ page, you can check "_____ ____ ___ ___" for a specific column to group that column with a previous column. This would be useful for like having item type and then grouping items by item names.

Edit Columns, Group with Previous Column

Normal can be ________. Can use this field with custom code calculations, defaulting, and sourcing information. EX: Create a custom field on employee records for a spending limit. Normal because you edit it when making a customer record.


Disabled can not be ______. You can use this field with custom code calculations, and defaulting and sourcing information only. Any field with a display type of disabled that does not have default, sourced or custom code information will not display on ____. Note: You cannot disable a ______ field unless the field has a default value. EX: I create a custom field on Expense Reports for a speeding limit. The Speeding Limit field on expense reports is sourced from the Spending Limit field on employee records. when an employee enters an expense report, they automatically see their spending limit on the expense report. This field has a display type of disabled because you want the info in the field to be updated, not edited.

Edited, Forms, Mandatory

Defining recipients for a saved search email: On the ___ subtab on a saved search, you can enable saved search email alerts triggered by record ___ or _____, as well as scheduled emails of the saved search results sent according to defined _____. Checkbox on the subtab to choose whether to send when records are created or updated or ______ based on a schedule. You can even check to Send if ___ results.

Email, Adds, Update, Intervals, Summarized, No

Transaction Form HTML Layouts define the arrangement of fields on HTML transaction documents in NS. These layouts are used for _____. By default, most transactions use the same HTML layout, which governs the _____ look of the form. You can create custom ______ for every type of transaction and link it to the custom transaction form.

Email, Emailed, HTML

Before you can use online forms, you must _______ the feature first.


Create Workflow States means that you need to create at least two states that are required by the workflow, the _____ state and the _____ state.

Entry, Exit

More Options: "_____ ______" dropdown is used Select the level of hierarchy to be displayed for report data. Select Collapse All to display top level data only. Select Levels 1,2, or 3 to display the top level plus one, two, or three sublevels. Select Expand All to display the top level plus all sublevels. This setting is maintained when you print the report, email the report, schedule the report, and export the report to Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF.

Expand Level

Scorecards are usually about one thing (like ____ ratios)


Filtering Data in Reports: Choose filtering options to narrow report data. Any custom filter can be added to the ____ of your report by marking the checkbox "____ ____ ___ ___"

Footer, Show in Filter Region

The Admin role can publish dashboards to the ___ ___ role in the Classic Center.

Full Access

_____ for each search results column. _____ is a column on the ____ subtab for a saved search. ____ have the option of applying a function to transform its data value into a format most useful for your purposes. (AKA: This would be used to like show % of total, rounding, age in hours, absolute value)

Function, Function, Results, Function

What are the six summary types available for results or criteria of saved searches?

Group, Count, Sum, Min, Max, Average

____ rolls up the search results by the field to which you apply this type. This summary type is required for any other summary type to _____. EX: You can use this summary type to ____ transactions by customer name.

Group, Work, Group

Form Customization: For Entry Forms only, Allow for _____ _____, ____ ___ ____ - which is a checkbox that allows your specific form in popups when you add a record of this type from another record, and ___ ___ - which is a checkbox to use this form ONLY when adding a record of this specific type from another record. Use for Popups checkbox checkbox has to be ___ in order to use the____ ____ checkbox. (AKA: The difference between the two make no sense)

In-Line Editing, Use for Popups, Popup Only, , Checked, Popups Only

Inline Text - These are used for _____ purposes only. Information on the field is a result of custom code calculation, defaulting or sourcing only. Inline text field of the List/Record or Check Box type are not available for use with custom code. These fields are also not available for transaction _____ fields. EX: Create a tax id field for your POs. When creating the custom field, you enter your tax id in the default value field. Your tax Id then appears on purchase orders.

Informational, Column

Define the Workflow condition means you need to define the condition that must be met for your workflow to ____. (like you could say if a customer record is created with a subsidiary of THIS, then I want the workflow to ___)

Initiate, Initiate

____ ____ portlet displays a visual representation of KPI data, a semi-circular meter providing comparison, date range, and threshold values at a glance.

KPI Meter

A ___ _______ portlet displays a performance scorecard that can include complex comparisions among multiple KPI's over multiple date ranges or accounting periods. Scorecards can also include excel like formulas with KPIs and functions in their expressions.

KPI SCorecard

_______ ____ ___ portlet shows a ______ line for each selected KPI, with clickable links that drilll down into each KPI's underlying data source. You can set up Highlight if criteria, thresholds, and ____ certain KPIs. You can also set up ___ ___ ___ settings for the KPI portlet.

Key Performance Indicators, Summary, Headline, Popup Trend Graphs

Form Customization: On the ___ ____ subtab of a ____ form, one can control which transaction form is used when you convert one transaction to another. EX: You can make cash sales convert into certain refund type this way.

Linked Forms, Transaction

_____ record fields to other record fields. EX: This capability enhances the power of your searches. For example, you can use this capability to search for customers according to the dates of their order transactions, or to search for deposit transactions based on their related account numbers. Important: The record types available to your depend on the ___ that you use to log in and its assigned ______ and search access.

Linked, Role, Permissions

Creating saved searches or custom sublists - to be used for a custom sublist, a saved search must have at least one ___/_____ type defined as an available filter. 1.) To be a good choice as an available filter, a field should identify a record type. 1.) The filter field can be the same as the ___ ___. 2.) Use the name field for a transaction's sublist on a customer record that displays all customer transactions. ?

List/Record, Form Record

Publishing Dashboard: There is a checkbox when publishing dashboards called " ___ ___ ___" which, if checked, allows users to add and reorder links in the create new bar, but they cant ______ any of the links in the New Bar.

Lock New Bar, Remove

Publishing Dashboard: There is checkbox when publishing dashboards called "___ ____" which, if checked, allows users to add or move shortcuts, but they can not _____ them.

Lock Shortcuts, Remove

The Marketing Admin can publish dashboards to users assigned roles in the ______ center.


An Online Customer Form is related to _____ functions. An Online Case Form is something used for submitting case records for ____ purposes.

Marketing, Support

_____ displays the maximum amount or the latest ____ value.

Maximum, Date

______ displays the minimum amount, or the earliest ____ value. EX: You can show the minimum amount sold in a transaction for each customer.

Minimum, Date

Entry Form Best Practices: Create a ___ convention for custom forms. Create different form ____ for different roles like sales, and after you create the new ____ mark the new version as the ____ version for the role. Define a custom field as mandatory on the custom ___ rather than on the ____.(This will let you use the custom field on various forms) Rename a standard field to match business processes.

Naming, Versions, Version, Preferred, Form, Field

What is the third option that you can choose from the dropdown for Alternative Date Range Type other than Relative to Report Date, or Relative To Today's Date?


What are the two types of online forms in NS?

Online Customer Form, Online Case Form

Setting Default Forms for Roles: On the Role record, check the box for _____ on the ____ hand side of the screen - this will set the default form for the role. To make the form choosen on the role record as the preferred form, and the only form available to this specific role, make sure to check both the ____ and the _____ checkbox. If you set the default form (preferred) and do not make the defaults restricted, you users can still _____ the form they use when entering forms.

Preferred, Right, Preferred, Restricted, Change

Form Customization: On a entry or a transaction form, you can make the form ____ for a certain role. However, you can restrict a form to a certain role under Setup - __ /__ - __ ___. You have to first make a form preferred for a role before you can restrict that form to the specific ___.

Preferred, Users/Roles, Manage Roles, Role

You are able to chose the layouts for both the PDF(____ _____) or the HTML (___ _____) for a transaction form on the transaction form section in the header.

Print Template, Email Template

Transaction Form BP: Edit PDF layout for ____ version. Edit HTML layout for _____ version.

Printed, Emailed

Transaction Form PDF layouts define the arrangement of fields on ____ standard PDF transaction documents in NS. These layouts are used for ____ transaction forms. With this layout, you can add ____ ______ to the PDF using the Layout Functionality, and by default, NS uses ___ layout for printing documents.

Printed, Printed, Custom Elements, PDF

Dashboard: You can share you personalized dashboard with other users in your center by _____ it. When you publish a dashboard, you define the ____ for users who will see the published dashboards, and what changes they can make to the dashboard.

Publishing, Roles

In order to see layouts that have been created for a form, use the ____ button called "_____ _____" on a custom transaction form page and choose the option for _______ to use basic transaction and pdf layouts.

Ratio, Printing Type, Basic

To create a custom child record sublist, 1.) Define the custom ____ _____ , 2.) Establish the parent-child relationship between your new custom record type (fixed assets) and another record type. Parent - child relationships are established through custom ___. 1.) Add a new custom field to a new custom ___ ____. 2.) On the custom field page, select the field type to ___/___. 3.) Check the ____ ____ _____ box to attach your custom record type(fixed assets) to a parent record type(customer).

Record Type, Fields, Record Type, List/Record, Record is Parent

Permissions and UI Settings: When creating a new custom _______ , you can set the Access Type field for the record. There are three options for the access type record - 1.) "Require Custom Record ____ ___" - This indicates that only users logging in with a role with permission granted to the custom record type can access it, 2.) "____ _____ ___" - This grants access to the custom record type according to the the permissions set up on the Permissions subtab of the custom record page. (EX: Like under this subtab, you can select A/R clerk, and then you can assign him a level for the permission, and you can also restrict his role to either "____ ___ ___" or "_____ ____".), 3.) " ____ _____ ____" to make access to this custom record type public.

Record, Entries Permission, Use Permissions List, Viewing and Editing, Edit Only, No Permission Required

Best Practice: 1.) Create custom ____ when a 1:M relationship is required.2.) Include a List/Record field to define _____ ___ ___, in order to establish a parent child relationship. 3.) Save your custom _____ first, then add fields.

Record, Record is Parent, Record

Hidden - Cannot be seen on the ____ or _____ that you apply it to. This is not available to add on custom ______, and is not available in the fields list when customizing the form. (However, you can get it on custom forms by adding the field at the field record level to the transaction form). EX: Use a hidden field to store your support reps case quota. The support rep does not need to see this field but the info, but the info can still be ____ and _____ on.

Record, Transaction, Forms, Searched, Reported

Alternative Date Range Type: The ____ ___ ____ ____ type is defined in relation to the overall date range set for the report. The values for the column ____ when the overall report date range changes. This is the most commonly ____ type. EX: In December 2009, you add a column with an alternate date range of last month to a report and run it. It displays December 2009 data for most columns, and November 2009 data for the alternate date range column. When you change the report date range to January 2010, it displays January 2010 data for most columns and December 2009 data for the alternate date range column.

Relative To Report Date, Changes, Used

Alternative Date Range Type: The ______ ___ _____ ____ type is defiend in relation to the current date on when the report is run. The value does not ______ when the overall report date range changes. EX: In December 2009, you add a column with an alternate date range of last month to a report and run it. It displays December 2009 data for most columns, and November 2009 data for the alternate date range column. When you change the report date range to January 2010, it displays January 2010 data for most columns and still displays November 2009 data for the alternate date range column.

Relative to Today's Date, Change

Note For an alternate date range that is "to date", such as this fiscal year to date, we recommend that you select an alternate range type of ____ ___ ___ ___ . If you define an alternate range type of Relative to report date, and choose an alternate range like this fiscal year to date, alternate date range column results are calculated as of the _____ ____ of the overall report range, and this column's comparison with other report columns is not useful.

Relative to Today's Date, From Date

A ___ ___ portlet provides a graphical list or list summary of a selected standard or csutom report's data, with a link to view the underlying report. These portlets display a high-level summary of a report's results for a selected ____ or time period(like end of last fiscal half).

Reports Snapshot, Date

The checkbox "Summarize Scheduled Emails" under the email subtab of a saved search is used to send email recipients one email with a summary of their ___ for their matching records. If this box isn't checked, each recipient will receive a separate scheduled email for each matching record. This box along with the checkbox "Send if No Results" only appears if the checkbox "Send Emails according to schedule" is checked.


The Sales Administrator can publish dashboards to users assigned roles in the _____ center.


A ___ ___ is a reusable, dynamic search definition that cna have many advanced search filters and results display options.

Saved Search

A ___ must be configured first before you can use a KPI Scorecard portlet.


Under ____ _____, you can check a checkbox to "Print Using HTML". You can also choose whether you want PDF or HTML for "_____ ____ ______ _____". Lastly, you can set the "_____ Print Offset" and the "___ Print Offset".

Set Preferences, Transaction Email Attachment Format, Horizontal, Vertical

More Options: " ____ ____ ____" checkbox is used to show the currency symbol next to amounts on your report. Note that ____ _____ also include this option at the row-level on the Edit Layout page of the Financial Report Builder.

Show Currency Symbol, Financial Statements

More Options: "___ ___" checkbox is used to show rows that have zero balances on your custom report.

Show Zeros

More Options: Checkbox for "___ ____ ___ ___" is a checkbox to have a report listed under the Saved Reports heading in the Reports center tab.

Show on Reports Page

Custom Fields: When creating a list/record or multiple select custom field, you can filter the choices available in the field on records and transactions based selections made in other fields. When creating the filter, go to ___& _____ subtab of the entity field. For a List/Record, the filter using will be basing it off the list/record chosen for the entity field. If you want to have Sales Reps, set the list/record to employees, then filter using "Sales Rep". If you only want to show employees from the USA, use employee as list/record, then filter using country as USA.

Sourcing& Filtering

When Summarized Scheduled Emails option is enabled on the saved search email subtab, the reciepient listed on the ___ ____ subtab of the saved search email will recieve a single email that contains a summary of all results. However, each receipient listed on ____ ____ ___ subtab wll recieve only a summary of results ____ to that receipient. EX: can make sales reps receipiants from results so each sales rep will only see things pertaining to him/her.

Specific Recipients, Recipients From Results, Related

Form Customization: The _____ ____ ____ ___ checkbox is available for all entry and ___ transaction forms. This checkbox is available when you are editing a form, and this checkbox indicates whether a reference to this form should be stored with each record created by it. When this reference is stored, whether a record is viewed or edited, ____ form is used, rather than the user's ____ form.

Store Form with Record, Some, THAT, preferred

If you want a custom child record sublist to appear on its own subtab on the parent record, create a ________ with a name that reflects that sublist type. Do this when creating the custom record type.


____ sums search results for the column. EX: You can ____ the dollar amount of sales order for each customer.

Sum, Sum

When ____ ____ ___ is disabled on the saved search email subtab, then recipiants from both the Specific Reciepiants and Recipiants From Results subtab will recieve a ____ email for each of the records in the search results. Each email would be a ___record result.

Summarized Scheduled Email, Separate, Single

The Support Administrator can publish dashboards to users assigned roles in the ____ center.


The System Admin can publish dashboards to users assigned roles in the ____ ____ center.

System Administrator

What are the four display types for custom fields? And where can these display types be found?

The four different display types for custom fields can be found under the Display subtab on the custom field record. You will be able to choose a display type under the "Display Type" field. The four display types are: 1.) Normal, 2.) Disabled, 3.) Inline Text, 4.) Hidden

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