Adobe photoshop

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Set Foreground Color

Allows you to set the foreground color

Screen Mode

Allows you to toggle between Standard Screen Mode, Full Screen Mode with Menu Bar or Full Screen Mode

History Brush Tool

Paints a copy of the selected state into the current image window

Brush Tool

Paints brush strokes


Way to compress image sizes.used for animations, images with TRANSPARENT sections. Supports up to 256 colors, not suitable for complex images such as photographs.


What did they first create that could process image?

Ctri+ T

transform/ resize the object

I (brackets)-

used to increase or decrease the brush size

Options bar

Controls that are used to customize the selected tool in the toolbox

Eraser Tool

Erase pixels to foreground color

Eye Dropper Tool

Samples colors in an image window


Select all layers

Sharpen Tool

Sharpens the image

Smudge Tool

Smudges the image


A tool to create, modify, combine and optimize digital photos




256 shades of gray, black, gray, and white

Panel dock

A collection of panels or panel groups displayed together, generally in a vertical orientation.


A small window that contains program controls.

Paint Bucket Tool

Applies solid colors to an object or image

Magic Eraser Tool

Automatically deletes pixel from your image that the same color or tone

Blur Tool

Blurs hard edges images

John Knoll

Brother of developer of Display.

Clone Stamp Tool

Clones and area of the image that is selected to be stamped

RGB color

Color specified with red, green, and blue values. Used for colored images

Color and Swatches Panel-

Contains the colors that can be used in an image

Layers Panel

Contains the layers used in a canvas, this is where the layers are arranged in order of their appearance in the canvas

Adjustment Panel

Contains the tools used to modify or adjust the color, orientation etc. of an image

Ctrl + Shift +N

Create new layer

Path Selection Tool

Creates Makes shapes segment selections showing anchor points, direction lines and points

Text Tool

Creates texts

Crop Tool

Crops the Image

Burn Tool

Darkens areas in images

Menu bar

Displays most of the command

Tool Panel

Displays the different icons or tools that are used to modify or edit the image

Document window

Displays the image or the file that you have opened

Status bar

Displays the magnification and img info

Line Tool

Draws lines

Pen Tool

Draws smooth edges paths

Edit in Quick Mask Mode

Edits the image in quick ask mode


Graphics Interchange Format, no complex imgs

1. Open image and background photo 2. Select the object using quick selection tool 3. Switch to move tool 4. Drag your document tab down 5. Drag your selected object to your background 6. Resize your image

How to change background?

Ctrl+Shift+ I

Invert a selection

Dodge Tool

Lightens areas in images

Shift+Ctri+ X


Elliptical Marquee Tool

Makes Elliptical/Circular selections

Lasso Tool

Makes free hand or snap to the selections

Note tool

Makes notes and annotations attached in the image

Rectangular Marquee Tool

Makes rectangular/square selections


Merge Layers


Merge all visible layers

Bitmap (.bm/.rle)

Most basic graphic file format. Depth of image should be 32 bits. Not compressed, so its a very large file

Move Tool

Moves Selection, layers and Guides

Hand Tool

Moves your image within the window

Photoshop (.psd/.pdd)

Native file format; supports all color modes and features; file is large; used to create and edit

.jpg or .jpeg

Not capable of transparency; joint photogenic experts group


Portable network graphics,, capable pf transparency,, supports RGB color img.

Workspace option

Presets (3D, MOTION,ETC.)


Refined version of Display

Spot Healing Brush Tool

Removes blemishes from objects

Sponge Tool

Removes color from images

Red Eye Correction

Removes red eye from your image

Background Eraser Tool

Removes the pixels from your object creating a png like effect


Tagged Image File Format, high quality, very large file size

Toggle betweern foreground and background

Toggle between foreground and background colors



Wand Tool

Use to automatically make a selection using pixels that has the same color or tone.

Quick Selection Tool

Used Makes you quickly paint a selection using a round brush tip

CMYK color

Used for printing, colors given percentage value (cyan, magenta, yellow, black)

Gradient Tool

Used to apply multiple blended color to an object or image

Magnetic Lasso Tool

Used to automatically snap a selection to the object

Content Aware Move Tool

Used to move, duplicate and delete an area from your object

Patch Tool

Used to remove blemishes from an object by dragging the you wanted to sample

Healing Brush Tool

Used to remove blemishes from objects using a sampled area

Polygonal Lasso Tool

Used to select objects that have multiple edges or points

Photoshop EPS (.eps)

Vector, bitmap img

Thomas Knoll

Who developed photoshop?

Zoom Tool

Zooms in and zooms out your image


black and white; line art

Tools panels

contains TOOLS associated with frequently used photoshop commands

Document tab

contains the name of your document, magnification level and color mode

Ctrl + N

create a new canvas

Ctrl+ minus sign (-)

decrease the brush size


deselect a selection

Ctrl+ J

duplicate a selected object, layer or selection

Ctrl+ plus sign (+)

increase the brush size


open an image

Ctrl+ shift + "s"-

save the file

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