ADP 6-22

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What is tact?

A keen sense of what to do or say in order to maintain good relations with others and to avoid offense.

Leaders should seek to develop and improve what three leader counseling skills?

1. Active Listening. 2. Responding. 3. Questioning. (FM 6-22 Oct 2006 / B-27 / PDF 160)

What are the three approaches to counseling?

1. Directive 2. Non-directive 3. Combined (FM 6-22 Oct 2006 / B-38 / PDF 164)

What are the three major categories of developmental counseling?

1. Event counseling 2. Performance counseling 3. Professional growth counseling (FM 6-22 Oct 2006 / B-3 / PDF 157)

What are the 7 steps to problem solving?

1. ID the problem 2. Gather information 3. Develop criteria 4. Generate possible solutions 5. Analyze possible solutions 6. Compare possible solutions 7. Make and implement the decision (FM 5-0 Jan 2005 / 2-23 / PDF 46)

What are the 4 stages of the Counseling Process?

1. Identify the need for counseling. 2. Prepare for counseling. 3. Conduct counseling. 4. Follow up.

What are some examples of Event counseling?

1. Instances of superior or substandard performance. 2. Reception and Integration Counseling. 3. Crisis Counseling 4. Referral Counseling 5. Promotion Counseling 6. Separation Counseling (FM 6-22 Oct 2006 / B-4 / PDF 157)

In communications, your exchange of information has three important parts. What are they?

1. Message 2. Content 3. Context

What are leadership attributes?

Leadership attributes are characteristics internal to a leader. Attributes shape how an individual behaves and learns in their environment.

What are leadership competencies?

Leadership competencies are groups of related actions that the Army expects leaders to do—lead, develop and achieve.

What is leadership?

Leadership is the process of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation to accomplish the mission and improve the organization.

What does prolonged use of negative leadership do?

Prolonged use of negative leadership to influence followers undermines the followers' will, initiative, and potential and destroys unit morale.

To ensure that they understand the message sent to them, the receiver should send what back to the transmitter?


What is the objective of counseling?

For one person to help another.

What are the steps required to prepare for counseling?

• Select a suitable place. • Schedule the time. • Notify the subordinate well in advance. • Organize information. • Outline the counseling session components. • Plan your counseling strategy. • Establish the right atmosphere. (FM 6-22 Oct 2006 / B-43 / PDF 165)

What are the three categories of competencies?

• The Army leader serves to lead others. • The Army leader serves to develop the environment, themselves, others and the profession as a whole. • The Army leader serves to achieve organizational goals.

What is mission command?

Mission command is the exercise of authority and direction by the commander using mission orders to enable disciplined initiative within the commander's intent to empower agile and adaptive leaders in the conduct of unified land operations.

How do toxic leaders operate?

The toxic leader operates with an inflated sense of self-worth and from acute self-interest. Toxic leaders consistently use dysfunctional behaviors to deceive, intimidate, coerce, or unfairly punish others to get what they want for themselves.

What are some counseling techniques leaders may explore during the nondirective or combined counseling approaches?

What are some counseling techniques leaders may explore during the nondirective or combined counseling approaches?

What course of action should a supervisor take when a subordinate has been performing below his/her usual standards?

1. Counsel about substandard performance. 2. Attempt to define the problem with the Soldier. 3. Afford opportunity and time to solve the problem. 4. Make a written statement of counseling.

What are the characteristics of effective counseling?

1. Purpose: Clearly define the purpose of the counseling. 2. Flexibility: Fit the counseling style to the character of each subordinate and to the relationship desired. 3. Respect: View subordinates as unique, complex individuals, each with a distinct set of values, beliefs, and attitudes. 4. Communication: Establish open, two-way communication with subordinates using spoken language, nonverbal actions, gestures, and body language. Effective counselors listen more than they speak. 5. Support: Encourage subordinates through actions while guiding them through their problems. (FM 6-22 Oct 2006 / B-24 / PDF 160)

What are the qualities of an effective counselor?

1. Respect for subordinates 2. Self-awareness 3. Cultural awareness 4. Empathy 5. Credibility (FM 6-22 Oct 2006 / 8-75 / PDF 92)

How many human needs are there?

4 (Physical, Social, Security and Higher (Religious))

What is the purpose of ADP 6-22, Army Leadership?

ADP 6-22 establishes the fundamental principles by which Army leaders accomplish their missions and care for their people.

Explain the advantages and disadvantages of Non-Directive counseling.

Advantages: • Encourages maturity. • Encourages open communication. • Develops personal responsibility. Disadvantages: • More time-consuming. • Requires greatest counselor skill. (FM 6-22 Oct 2006 / B-38 / PDF 164)

Explain the advantages and disadvantages of Combined counseling.

Advantages: • Moderately quick. • Encourages maturity. • Encourages open communication. • Allows counselors to actively use their experience. Disadvantages: • May take too much time for some situations. (FM 6-22 Oct 2006 / B-38 / PDF 164)

Explain the advantages and disadvantages of Directive counseling.

Advantages: • Quickest method. • Good for people who need clear, concise direction. • Allows counselors to actively use their experience. Disadvantages: • Doesn't encourage subordinates to be part of the solution. • Tends to treat symptoms, not problems. • Tends to discourage subordinates from talking freely. • Solution is the counselor's, not the subordinate's. (FM 6-22 Oct 2006 / B-38 / PDF 164)

What is an Army Leader?

An Army leader is anyone who by virtue of assumed role or assigned responsibility inspires and influences people to accomplish organizational goals.

What does an Army Leader do?

Army leaders motivate people both inside and outside the chain of command to pursue actions, focus thinking and shape decisions for the greater good of the organization.

What are the leader attributes?

Character, presence and intellect.

What is collective leadership?

Collective leadership refers to the combined effects and synergies when leaders at different levels synchronize their leadership actions to achieve a common purpose.

What is command?

Command is the authority that a commander in the armed forces lawfully exercises over subordinates by virtue of rank or assignment.

What is communications?

Communications is the flow or exchange of information and ideas from one person to another.

What is counseling?

Counseling is the process used by leaders to review with a subordinate the subordinate's demonstrated performance and potential. (FM 6-22 Oct 2006 / B-1 / PDF 157)

What is vital to develop the knowledge necessary to lead?

Education, training and experience.

What Field Manual covers counseling?

FM 6-22 Appendix B

What are two important types of leadership that do not adhere entirely to hierarchical levels of authority?

Informal and collective leadership.

What is informal leadership?

Informal leadership manifests itself through knowledge, experience or technical expertise.

By neglecting the welfare of your Soldiers, you will probably do what?

Lose their respect and loyal cooperation.

What is the purpose of the Leadership Requirements Model?

The Leadership Requirements Model conveys the expectations that the Army wants leaders to meet.

What conveys the expectations that the Army wants leaders to meet?

The Leadership Requirements Model.

Toxic leaders can achieve results, but what leader competencies do toxic leaders ignore?

Toxic leaders achieve results in the short term, but focus on achieve and ignore lead and develop.

What is toxic leadership?

Toxic leadership is a combination of self-centered attitudes, motivations, and behaviors that have adverse effects on subordinates, the organization, and mission performance.

What areas would you cover in a reception and integration counseling?

• Chain of command familiarization. • Organizational standards. • Security and safety issues. • Noncommissioned officer (NCO) support channel (who is in it and how it is used). • On- and off-duty conduct. • Personnel/personal affairs/initial and special clothing issue. • Organizational history, structure, and mission. • Soldier programs within the organization, such as Soldier of the Month/Quarter/Year, and educational and training opportunities. • Off limits and danger areas. • Functions and locations of support activities. • On- and off-post recreational, educational, cultural, and historical opportunities. • Foreign nation or host nation orientation. • Other areas the individual should be aware of as determined by the leader.

The category of develops encompasses four competencies. What are they?

• Creating a positive environment. • Prepares self. • Develops others. • Stewards the Profession.

What are the stresses that influence behavior?

• Fear • Hunger • Illness • Anxiety • Fatigue

The category of achieve encompasses one competency. What is it?

• Gets results.

Name some good conditions that make for good discipline

• High performance standards • Loyalty to superiors and subordinates • Competitive activities • Tough training • Open channel of communications

The category of leads encompasses five competencies. What are they?

• Leads others. • Extends influence beyond the chain of command. • Builds trust. • Leads by example. • Communicates.

A counseling session consists of what 4 basic components?

• Opening the session. • Discussing the issues. • Developing the plan of action. • Recording and closing the session. (FM 6-22 Oct 2006 / B-52 / PDF 168)

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