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If an officer stops to converse with an enlisted member or another officer junior in grade salutes should be exchanged when?

before and after conversation

What is one job in the professional career area?


What are the 4 standards of dress and personal appearance and which three are absolutely necessary?

cleanliness, safety, neatness, military image; first 3

Military personnel don't salute the national flag during indoor ceremonies when in uniform but do what instead?

come to attention

Upon hearing "Ruffles and Flourishes" outdoors while in uniform, you do what?

come to attention, face the individual being honored, and present arms, remaining at attention until the last note of the music has been played.

Upon hearing "Ruffles and Flourishes" indoors, if you're in uniform, you do what?

come to attention, face the individual being honored, and remain at attention until the last note of the music has been played.

If in civilian clothes, and an uncased flag passes by in a parade or any ceremony come what do you do?

come to attention, place your hand over your heart 6 paces before it passes and drop it 6 paces after

What is one job in the acquisition career area?


Salutes are rendered as a ______.


Do not display flag with union down, except as a what?

distress signal

What manual is AFMAN 36-2203

drill and cermonnies

Ruffles and Flourishes consists of what 2 things and which one is each?

drum roll (ruffle) and trumpet fanfare (flourish)

Staff cars are marked with an ____ (indicating the rank of colonel) or _____ (indicating the rank of a general officer) on a placard on the vehicle's _____ _____ or a flag on the front fender.

eagle, 1+ stars, front bumper, flag

What is one job in the support career area?

force support

Do not carry the flag flat or horizontal, always ____ and ______.

free, aloft

On a stage, the American flag is in place of ______ to the speaker's ____, other flags to speaker's _____.

honor, right, left

An officer is a professional in what two senses?

individual and collective

As a rule of thumb, a salute should be initiated by the _____ member, a _____ _______ exchanged by both members, with a return salute by the ______ member.

junior, verbal greeting, senior

Always display the flag with the union to the observer's ____


What is one job in the logistics career area?

logistics readiness

The lowering of the flag to half-staff comes from what?

naval custom of lowering sails upon the death of a crewmember to indicate that things were not "shipshape."

When in uniform indoors and the pledge of allegiance in said at a civilian event do you say it with them?


What is one job in the medical career area?


What is one job in the operations career area?


Saluting is based on what?


What plays at the end of the day on military bases and what is it followed by and what do you do if in uniform and out of uniform?

retreat; The national anthem or To the colors; stop what you are doing, go to to parade rest facing the flag/music, and salute if the national anthem/ to the colors is played; same thing but go to attention and place hand over heart when national anthem plays

If using staffs of equal heights, American flag must be on its own _____


When officers of varied grades ride in a staff car or similar military vehicle, the senior officer sits in the ____ ____ position. The next senior sits in the _____ _____, and the third senior sits in the ______ _____ ____ side.

right rear, rear left, front seat passenger

To allow ease of ______, the _____ person walks on the right.

saluting, senior

If juniors walking together meet a senior, the juniors salute _______. If a junior salutes a group of seniors, the seniors return the salute _______.


At all bases, military members (as pedestrians) are required to salute what type of cars when there's an occupant inside the car.


Men's hairstyles must have a ______ appearance on both sides and back, both with and without headgear.


Air Force officers serve in what two roles?

technical specialist and military professional.

If a group of individuals (standing still, not in formation) is approached by a senior, who should what and what should the group do simultaneity?

the first person to see them, call the group to attention, salute

When displaying with other flags, such as state flags, place American flag where?

the highest point in the center

Suspend flag vertically. If street runs primarily East-West, the union will be at the ___ and to the ____. If street runs North-South, display union at the _____ and to the _____.

top, north, top, east

The US flag is folded in a triangular shape to represent the what of who?

tricorner hat of early American patriots

When you're in uniform and an _____ flag passes by in a parade or any ceremony, you salute when the flag comes within ___ paces of you and hold the salute until the flag passes ___ paces beyond you.

uncased, 6, 6

Flag is displayed with the _____ away from the building.


You aren't required to give a salute when encumbered but you should give a what?

verbal greeting.

At base theaters should you stand and come to the position of attention while in uniform when the national anthem is played?


The bulk or thickness of mens hair must not exceed ______, regardless of length. The bulk may not exceed _____ inch at the termination point.

1 1/4 inches, 1/4

Commissioned officers in the grade of brigadier general receive ___ ruffle and flourish, major generals rate ___, lieutenant generals rate ____, and four-star generals rate ___

1, 2, 3, 4

What is the classification for any weapons career field?

1XXX operations

When reporting at a award ceremony how many paces does the receiver stop from the presenter?


When reporting how many paces away from the desk do you stand?


What is the classification for any engine career field?

2XXX logistics

When the flag is at half-staff do you raise it to half and leave it or raise it all the way to the top for a couple seconds then down to half?


What is the classification for fuselage support?


What is the classification for fuselage medical?


What is the classification for fuselage professional?


There are no set rules regarding how close or how far away a junior must be in order to render a salute but how far away usually?

6 paces

Women may wear small (not exceeding ___ millimeters in diameter), ______, conservative diamond, _____, white pearl, _____, or spherical pierced or clip earrings

6,spherical, gold, silver

What is the classification for fuselage acquisition?


Members will wear only the uniform items prescribed by what?

AFI 36-2903

If you're involved with the use and display of flags, consult what?

AFMAN 36-2203

When outdoors what prescribes procedures for reveille and retreat ceremonies?

AFMAN 36-2203

T/F: If individuals are equal in rank, salutes may not be exchanged.


T/F: If you recognize an officer of one of our sister services or a sovereign power, you should not salute in the normal manner.


T/F: In military formations and ceremonies, the Pledge of Allegiance will be recited.


T/F: When Ruffles and Flourishes play inside, if you're in civilian clothes, you do not do anything.


T/F: When you are in uniform salutes are exchanged on duty but not off-duty and on- and off-base

F, exchanged on and off duty

T/F: In a detail all of the members must stop what they are doing and salute the senior.

F, only the person in charge

A musical phrase known as what is played to honor certain individuals.

Ruffles and Flourishes

T/F: Salutes are required when you're in uniform.


T/F: Second lieutenants are required to salute first lieutenants.


T/F: When reporting if the officer states, "That will be all" or "You are dismissed" before you ask, "Will that be all, Sir (Ma'am)," then do not ask if that is all; just salute and render the appropriate exit greeting such as, "Good evening, Sir (Ma'am)."


T/F: You square corners when reporting.


T/F: You're not expected to initiate or to return a salute if it's impractical or dangerous to do so.


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