AFR chapter test 2

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The Underground Railroad

(FP) 1830, Harriet Tubman, a system that helped enslaved African Americans follow a network of escape routes out of the South to freedom in the North. As technology increased there were more methods for slaves to escape such as Steamboats and Railraod which posed a threat to Masters.

Antiblack and antiabolitionist riots

1. As abolitionism gained strength, antiblack riots increased a. Cincinnati, 1829 b. Providence, 1831 c. NYC, 1834


1. Black men, black women and white women formed AASS auxiliaries 2. Despite differences, black and white abolitionist belonged to a single movement 3. Black men and women participated in the free produce movement

1840: AASS Split resulted from

1. Disagreements about the role of women in abolitionism 2. Failure of moral suasion to make progress against slavery unrest 3. Those who left AASS formed two organizations a. American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society b. Liberty Party

Manifest Destiny

1. Doctrine defined political and economic progress in racial terms 2. It believed that God. intended the U.S. to expand pan territory, by war if necessary

Black Newspapers

1. First black newspaper, Freedom's Journal, published 1827 to 1829 2. A number of other prominent black newspapers in 1840s and 1850s 3. Frederick Douglass published North Star and Frederick Douglass paper a. It attracted more whites than black suscribers

Compromise of 1850

1. Included stronger fugitive slave law 2. Encouraged kidnapping of free black northerners into slavery

The Amistad and the Creole

1. June 1839: Slave revolt on the Spanish schooner Amistad 2. Carrying African to slavery in Honduras 3. Joseph Cinque and 54 African captives seized control

Barriers women had to face

1. Women weren't allowed to vote 2. Women had to submit laws when they had no voice 3. Married women had no property rights 4. Women had no rights over their childs custody if they were divorced 5. Had to pay property taxes 6. Women barely had jobs and were only paid a fraction of what men earned 7. Women weren't allowed to participate in affairs church

Texas and the War against Mexico

1836-1848: Mexico lost its war against Texas and were forced to recognize Texas as American

End of Moral Suasion

1836; Congress passed a Gag rule, forbidding petitions about slavery from being introduced in the House

What was the impact of black churches and black newspapers on the abolitionist movement?

Many black abolitionists were ministers and used their pulpits to attack slavery and racism. Black newspapers emphasized opposition to slavery and support for racial justice and democratic values. Although not as popular as black churches, black newspapers attracted both black and white readers and proved that black people were competent journalists

The Amistad and the Creole

Nov 1841; Madison Washington led to a revolt on the Creole a. Transported 135 American Slaves from Richmond to New orleans

Why did abolitionism become more aggressive during the 1840s and 1850s?

Abolitionism became more aggressive during the 1840s and 1850s because of the Amistad and Creole revolts. The revolts inspired other slaves to fight for their own freedom and that of other black people. The New York Liberty Party reinforced this commitment to freedom by declaring the revolts divinely ordained and legal

How did racism and violence during the 1830s and 1840s affect the antislavery movement?

During the 1830s and 1840s, Americans embrace of Manifest Destiny influenced Texas being admitted to the Union as a slave state. White people used scientific racism to justify white nationalism and the enslavement of black people. This increased violence against African Americans and fostered a more militant antislavery movement.

American Anti-Slavery Society

Founded in 1833 by William Lloyd Garrison and other abolitionists. Garrison burned the Constitution as a proslavery document. Argued for "no Union with slaveholders" until they repented for their sins by freeing their slaves.


Had the most and the worst riots where antiblack rampage broke out from 1820-1849

What role did moral suasion play in the antislavery movement?

The AASS used moral suasion to appeal to slaveholders to support emancipation based on Christian principles.

Why did the American Anti-Slavery Society break up, and what organizations emerged from it?

The American Anti-Slavery Society broke up because of disagreements about the role of women in abolitionism and about William Lloyd Garrison's growing radicalism. The organizations that emerged after the breakup were the American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society and the Liberty Party

Moral Suasion

The abolitionist strategy that sought to end slavery by persuading both slaveowners and complicit northerners that the institution was evil.

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