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Sahel Zone

Meaning sea shell, and sea of sand close to sahara high temps in high 90's no humidity very low rainfall

humid tropical Zone

high temp high humidity up 70 lower 80 rainfall heavy but not as much as equatorial longer rainy season

Dry Tropical Zone

high temp in 90's moderate humidity in 50 and 60's light rainfall much longer dry season- up to 9 months

What area receives more rainfall?

highlands and coastal areas

The quality of rainfalls tends to decrease where?


Characteristic of land and water?

land heats up more quickly, have higher temps than water, cool more quickly than water

What are well-known among climate controls?

latitude, land and water, geographic position and prevailing winds, topography, ocean currents, and air pressure and wind systems

Deserts? vegetation

little or no vegetation drough-resistant crops for what exists short lived vegetation of herbs and shrubs sprout when rain 2 deserts are Sahara in north central and Kalahari/Namib in southwestern

Highland Zone

meaning mountain or montsru cooler temps in 70's to low 80's high humidity b.c of condensation heavy rainfall

What are some economic activities

mineral explorations, livestock overgrazing, logging, road construction, land-clearing

Sudan or Dry Savanna?

mixture of trees and grassland fewer frees and shorter grass rice, corn, guinea-corn grown here

what is topography?

mountains and highlands (how high or low)

most of africa has high temps with exceptions where?

north rein/ southern tips eastern africa for some months of year West Africa have somewhat lower temps Addis Ababa on Ethiopian highlands

What is the deserts day time high and night time low?

136 degrees day 22 degree at night

What does latitude do?

Determine amount of sunshine or affects amount of solar radiation received

Iowa looks at temp to tell season whereas Africa looks at what?

Precipitation or rainfall

What is the most important factor influencing vegetation in Africa? other factors?

Rainfall most important others- altitude, soil, human economic activities

Most of the African continent has what type of climate?


What is the wettest part of Africa? and how much?

Western Cameroon on Central Africa 400 inches or 33 ft

On average how much does the deserts receive in rainfall?

about 6 in.

What are some human made factors?

agriculture- both positive and neg. logging- neg construction- neg grazing livestock mining tree-planting campaigns

What are factors that affect or influence climate conditions called?

climate controls

Equatorial Zone

close to equator receive more sunshine rainfall heavy temps high 90's humidity high 90's

Tropical rainforest?

densest vegetation tall trees block out sunlight little undergrowth of bushes/grasses 3 or more layers of trees very heavy rainfall rich in natural resources- timber & minerals fruits, nuts grown here

what are the two main seasons in africa?

dry and rainy

some parts of tropical africa have 4 distinct season called?

dry season main rainy season short dry season short rainy season

What are the 6 climatic regions?

equatorial humid tropical dry-tropical sahel desert highland

Savanna Woodland?

extends over more parts of Africa than any other zone (excluding desert) yams, cassavas, vegetables cultivated here mixture of trees and grassland tree rising common

what is cold, dry, dusty wind from sahara desert?

harmattan, which lower west africa from mid-Nov to March

Montane or Highland? vegetation

high rainfall dense vegetation high altitude= lot of rainfall several crops grown here

Humidity is very high during which season?

rainy season

What is the exception of northern and southern climates?

subtropical and cooler climates

What are characteristics of tropical thunderstorms?

sudden rain fall (no warning) great intensity brief (no longer than 30min) stops suddenly thunder/lightning

Desert Zone

temps extremely high (lower at night) virtually no humidity extemly low rainfall (1-4 inches)

What are the 7 main vegetation zones?

tropical rainforest savanna woodland sudan or dry savanna sahel savanna deserts montane or highland

How much does it rain in the tropical rainforests compared to the desert?

tropical- rains all year round desert- hardly rains

Sahel Savanna?

zone closest to Sahara Desert little or no vegetation thorn bushes and small trees stunted grass common from lack of rainfall

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