african american history chapter 6-9

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It reinforced white beliefs that the free black population was a dangerous influence.

Which of the following is true about the Denmark Vesey conspiracy in 1822?

A sophisticated caste system developed in the Deep South, with free blacks often more closely identifying with the white masters than with slaves.

Which of the following is true about the lives of free blacks in the Deep South as compared to those in the Upper South?

They grew in number as the abolitionist movement grew.

Which of the following statements is true about the riots during the 1830s and the 1840s?

black newspapers and neighborhoods

Which of the following were the frequent targets of antiblack mobs?

skilled slaves

Which slave group had the highest status on the plantation?


Which state had the largest slave population during the period 1820-1860?

Alabama and Mississippi

Which two states led the production of cotton, in what was called the "Black Belt"?

The Democratic Party advocated for the interests of slaveholders.

For whom did the Democratic Party advocate during the 1820s and 1830s?


In August 1830, David Walker died of tuberculosis. T or F


Maria Stewart became the first American woman to speak before a male audience in 1831. T or F

wanted nothing to do with blacks and held racist ideas similar to those of southerners

Most white northerners in the period between 1820 and 1860 __________.


Northern white churches allowed blacks to sit anywhere they wanted to sit during church services T or F

sparse, as they generally received clothing from the master only twice a year

Slave clothing was generally __________.


Abolitionist aid to escaping slaves and their defense of fugitive slaves from recapture pushed southern leaders to adopt policies that led to secession and the Civil War. T or F


Historians note that slaves in Latin American countries enjoyed more protection from abusive masters through the church than did slaves in the United States. T or F

They assisted white abolitionists secretly in the South and helped with direct action in the North.

How did African Americans participate in the antislavery movement in the early nineteenth century?

It eliminated property requirements for whites but continued them for black men.

How did New York deal with voting requirements for blacks?

He called for the immediate abolition of slavery and a commitment to racial justice

How did William Lloyd Garrison change the nature of the antislavery movement?

He favored colonization.

How did William Lloyd Garrison view the idea of colonization?

White masters told their slaves that blacks were to obey their masters just as they were to obey God.

How did white masters apply the teachings of Christianity to their slaves?

Scientists argued that white people white Americans were a superior race culturally, physically, and intellectually; they were, therefore, entitled to rule over other races.

How did whites address racism in the 1830s and 1840s?

Skilled urban slaves could purchase their freedom more easily.

How was life different for slaves in the city than on the plantation?

They were often refused leadership roles or significant influence in decision-making.

How were blacks treated in the American Anti-Slavery Society?


In 1834 Henry Blair of Maryland became the first African American to patent an invention—a horse-drawn mechanized corn seed planter. T or F


The Industrial Revolution in England encouraged industrial change in the U.S., but it took improved transportation to bring these changes directly to the nation. T or F


The best-documented underground railroad organizations centered in Ripley, Ohio, and Washington, D.C. T or F


The mortality rate among Latin American slaves was far lower than for slaves in the U.S. T or F


What Protestant denomination is credited with beginning the antislavery movement in the North?

New Orleans

What city served as a major slave market for slaves moving through the Southwest?

They both led successful revolts aboard ships to gain their freedom.

What did Joseph Cinque and Madison Washington have in common?

The French Revolution, which broke out in the 1790s and inspired the Haitian slave revolt, influenced Gabriel to plan his revolt.

What is the connection between the origins of Gabriel's aborted slave conspiracy in 1800 and the nation of France in the 1790s?

African religion would protect black rebels from harm.

What is the relationship between African culture and the main strategy of the Denmark Vesey conspiracy of 1822?

Black women were responsible, because they seduced the white men.

What reason did whites use to justify the sexual exploitation of black women?

It provided a forum for antislavery ideas and the development of black leadership.

What role did the Black Convention Movement play in the abolitionist movement?

They limited or banned black immigration to their states.

What types of laws did Indiana, Michigan, Iowa and Wisconsin pass regarding black citizens in their states?

shoemaking or barbering

What types of skilled jobs were black men able to find in the northern states during the antebellum decades?

It was a religious revival, where ordinary blacks and whites played a large role.

What was the Second Great Awakening?

Jim Crow was a blackface minstrel act of the 1840s.

What was the origin of the term "Jim Crow"?

As free black population numbers increased, community institutions increased.

What was the relationship between free black population numbers and free black community institutions in northern cities during the antebellum era?

Some black leaders began to push for integrated schools in the North.

What was the result of inadequate public funding for black schools in the North?

to gradually free slaves, through purchasing them and sending them to Africa

What were the goals of the American Colonization Society?

White abolitionists did not think that blacks should have equal rights.

What were the limitations of the early antislavery movement?


Where was the largest free black urban population in the period between 1820 and 1860?

Charles T. Torrey and Thomas Smallwood

Who were the main leaders of the underground railroad in the early 1840s?

Blacks owned slaves to protect families from sale.

Why did African Americans own slaves?

He had religious visions that told him to end slavery through violence.

Why did Turner plan a slave revolt?

Some African Americans, including Frederick Douglass, thought separate black church congregations were just another example of segregation in American society.

Why did separate black church congregations receive criticism within the black community?

They had more autonomy on the job

Why did slaves prefer industrial labor to plantation work?

They were inspired by several slave rebellions and mutinies on ships.

Why did some black abolitionists become increasingly militant during the 1840s?

White immigration increased and employers preferred to hire whites.

Why was it difficult for blacks to find jobs in the North after 1820?

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