AG Business Exam 3

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Joe wants to be given a job to do and then left alone to do it. He tends to set moderately difficult goals for himself and to really get involved in his work. He also has a strong need for knowing how he is doing. In which of the following needs is Joe high?


Which of the following needs is apparently very important to success as a manager, according to recent research findings?


In this stage of the general adaptation syndrome, people want to flee or fight.


Essex Incorporated owns a pizza chain, an insurance company, a chain of convenience stores, and a hardware chain. Each business is run by a general manager, and the overall performance of each business is evaluated by the Essex corporate staff. As of late, financial performance has been less than desirable. Which form of organization design does Essex have?

Conglomerate (H-form)

Which of the following involves general abilities and is usually directed at managerial employees?


Which of the following motivational theories is based on the idea that employees compare their inputs and outcomes to some other person to LO3 determine if they are being fairly treated?


Which of the following motivational theories probably best explains the rise of minority movements?


A Holiday Inn gives The Apple Award to its personnel for outstanding service. Winners receive special apple pins to wear. This reward system is targeted toward which level of need?


What need is evidenced by the fact that people buy life and health insurance and deposit money in savings accounts?


Which motivational theory suggests that people will rationalize away differences between rewards they and others receive.


Dave Miller tells new employees that so long as they do what they are told, he will pretty much let them alone. But, if they get out of line, he will not hesitate for one minute to impose the contractual disciplinary procedure. What kind of reinforcement does Dave's approach represent?


For multinational companies, an especially appropriate basis of departmentalization is


The form of organization design in which the principle of unity of command (everyone should have one and only one supervisor) is violated is the


The process of attracting a pool of qualified applicants who are interested in working for a company is called


Because organizations do an imperfect job of maintaining an effective alignment with their environments, organization __________ is necessary.


An assembly operation includes four different jobs. Bob spends three weeks on each of these jobs and then starts the cycle over again with the first job of the operation. This is an example of job


In the employment division of the human resources department some employees do interviewing, others do employment testing, and a third group checks references. This is an example of


The basis for all job-design activities is


The degree to which the organization's overall task is broken down and divided into smaller component parts is called


Delores is the legal counsel for a major manufacturing facility in the Midwest. Her position is considered a ___________ position.


When organizational change involves planned alteration of the relationship between the organization and its environment, the change primarily involves the area of


On which basis does current employment law permit an employer to discriminate?


Which kind of reinforcement involves providing a desired outcome in the presence of desirable behavior?


___________ innovations are new products or technologies developed by an organization that completely replace the existing products or technologies in an industry.


Which historical approach to motivation is based on scientific management and thus takes an economic incentive approach to motivation?


If you hire an individual for a leadership position based on personal appearance, intelligence, education, and assertiveness, what approach to identifying a leader are you using?


_____________ usually causes an organization to incur costs replacing individuals.


Which of the following training methods provides supervised practice in manual tasks in an area where the emphasis is on safety and learning rather than on productivity?


A wide span of management results in

a flat organization.

Which of the following factors is a force for change from within the organization?

a. A change in attitude of your workers toward unannounced layoffs b. A foreign firm starts exporting its version of your product into your territory c. Increases in the prime lending rate d. A new technology makes your factory obsolete e. Increased attempts by unions to organize new companies a. A change in attitude of your workers toward unannounced layoffs

Punishment and extinction have a common fault. What is it?

a. Both fail to prescribe the desired behavior.

Which of the following is NOT included under the heading of organization change by means of changing strategy?

a. Changing the primary basis of departmentalization

Which of the following are styles of leadership identified by the Managerial Grid?

a. Country Club Management b. middle of the road management c. authority-compliance d. All of these are correct. e. None of these are correct. d. All of these are correct.

Which one of the following is NOT a true statement?

a. Culture determines the norms and actions that characterize an organization. b. Corporate culture is an important part of the internal environment of an organization. c. Corporate culture defies objective measurement or observation. d. Companies that have a strong culture tend to be more effective than companies that have a weak culture. e. All of these statements are true. e. All of these statements are true.

Which of the following is correct as regards corporate culture?

a. Culture impacts organizational effectiveness. b. Culture provides guidelines regarding how to act in an organization. c. Three basic factors determine the culture of an organization. d. All of these are correct. e. None of these are correct. d. All of these are correct.

Which pair deals with distribution of authority?

a. Decentralization and delegation

According to the Vroom-Yetton-Jago model, what is the best measure of decision effectiveness?

a. Decision quality and subordinate acceptance of the decision

Which of the following laws sets minimum wages that must be paid to employees?

a. Fair Labor Standards Act

Which of the following is most correct as regards cooperatives?

a. Farmer cooperatives are declining in terms of numbers. b. Cooperative may involve inputs, outputs, or support functions. c. The cooperative form of organization has been frequently used in agribusiness. d. All of the above are correct. e. None of the above are correct. d. All of the above are correct.

Which of the following reinforcement schedules offers a worker the LEAST incentive to do good work?

a. Fixed-interval

Which of the following is most correct as regards organization design?

a. It involves the overall configuration of positions within an organization. b. It involves interrelationships among positions within an organization. c. It is like a puzzle, with a number of pieces which can be put together in certain ways. d. All of these are correct. e. None of these are correct. d. All of these are correct.

Which of the following factors is NOT a part of what Fiedler calls situational favorableness?

a. LPC score

Which of these is the degree to which people believe their behavior has a direct impact on their consequences?

a. Locus of control

Which of the following is one of the contentions of ERG theory?

a. More than one level of needs can operate simultaneously.

What is the major difference between the Ohio State studies and the Michigan studies of leadership?

a. One says that you can be high on both types of leader behaviors simultaneously, but the other says you cannot.

Which of the following are internal organizational factors that affect the appropriate organization design?

a. Organization size and the technology employed

Which of the following is not a basic cause of stress in organizations?

a. Personal demands

Which of the following is least correct as regards working relationships?

a. They exist only among individuals

Stress may be defined as

a. a physical or psychological response to strain.

A specially designed technique used to select managerial employees is called

a. an assessment center.

The general relationship between stress and performance is that

a. as stress increases, performance will increase for a time.

The text defines leadership as

a. behavior that influences the behavior of others without the use of force.

Relatedness needs correspond most closely to Maslow's

a. belongingness and need for the esteem of others.

Work stress can be caused by all of the following except

a. burnout.

In contrast to Fiedler's theory, path-goal theory assumes that leaders

a. can change their leadership style to fit the demands of a particular situation.

Effective delegation incorporates all the following steps EXCEPT

a. closely supervising the subordinate following the delegation.

If a manager threatens a subordinate in order to get the subordinate to do a job, the manager has used

a. coercive power.

Behavioral consequences of organizational stress include

a. drug abuse.

The Michigan Studies concluded that the best leader is

a. employee-centered.

All of the following are factors that influence job satisfaction except

a. individual needs. b. relationships with coworkers. c. working conditions. d. company policies. e. All of these are factors that influence job satisfaction e. All of these are factors that influence job satisfaction

All of the following are part of the organizational innovation process except

a. innovation development. b. innovation application. c. innovation maturity. d. application launch. e. All of these are part of the organizational innovation process. e. All of these are part of the organizational innovation process.

Which of the following are causes of conflict in organizations?

a. interdependencies between individuals or groups in the organization b. competition between individuals or groups in the organization c. differences in goals between individuals or groups in the organization d. All of these can cause conflict. e. None of these can cause conflict. d. All of these can cause conflict.

The systematic collection and recording of information about jobs in the organization is known as

a. job analysis.

All of the following are alternatives to specialization except

a. job delegation.

The technology in which the product is manufactured in assembly-line fashion by combining component parts into a finished product is

a. large batch.

All of the following are true regarding life cycle except

a. life cycle tends to be related to size. b. the final stage for an organization may be one of decline or regrowth. c. the organizational design needed for different stages of an organization's life cycle will be different. d. life cycle is a situational element that has been found to affect the appropriate organization design. e. All of these statements are true. e. All of these statements are true.

Stages in organization revitalization include

a. normal growth. b. decline. c. consolidation. d. All of these are stages in organization revitalization. e. None of these are stages in organization revitalization. d. All of these are stages in organization revitalization.

Very large organizations have difficulty developing an organization chart because

a. of the large number of positions involved.

A System 4 design has

a. openness and flexibility. b. flexibility and communication. c. communication and participation. d. participation and flexibility. e. all of these. e. all of these.

Among newer organizational arrangements are:

a. quality circles. b. semi-autonomous work groups. c. the use of employee groups working as teams. d. All of these are newer organizational arrangements. e. None of these are newer organizational arrangements. d. All of these are newer organizational arrangements.

A supervisor who experiments with new ideas, takes a chance with new products, and leads his or her department in new directions has high

a. risk propensity.

For the average worker moderate stress can

a. stimulate performance.

The presence of large numbers of formal and inflexible policies will

a. substitute for some forms of leadership.

Which of the following are kinds of interventions or activities used in organization development

a. team building b. survey feedback c. intergroup activities d. life and career planning e. All of these are interventions or activities used in organization development. e. All of these are interventions or activities used in organization development.

An organization development technique that assess current leadership styles is

a. the Managerial Grid.

The basic assumption of situational approaches to leadership is that

a. the appropriate leader style will vary from one set of circumstances to another.

A System 1 organization is most like

a. the ideal bureaucracy.

All of the following are examples of judgmental methods of performance appraisal except

a. the point system.

When organization development consultants observe the communication patterns and methods of cooperation and conflict resolution in an organization, they are using the intervention technique called

a. third-party peacemaking.

All of the following are situational influences on organization design except

a. type of departmentalization.

Which of the following is a common reason for resistance to change?

a. uncertainty b. feelings of loss c. differing perceptions d. All of these are reasons for resistance to change. e. None of these are reasons for resistance to change d. All of these are reasons for resistance to change.

When both change and complexity are high, which of the following is true?

a. uncertainty is also high

When both change and complexity are low, which of the following is true?

a. uncertainty is also low

Decentralization is NOT usually pursued

a. when the home office wants to maintain control.

All of the following are advantages of product departmentalization except

administrative costs are lower.

The _____________ component of an attitude reflects feelings and emotions that an individual has toward a situation.


Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination on all the following bases EXCEPT


During which phase of the organizational innovation process do most organizations have access to an innovation and are applying it in the same way?


The beliefs and feelings that people have about specific ideas, situations, and people are known as


Which of the following is an INACCURATE statement of what we know about organization change?

b. Change in response to things as they happen is the preferred method of change.

If you want to reduce the likelihood that a behavior will recur, which of the following types of reinforcement will get the desired results?

b. Extinction and punishment

Which of the following is NOT an attempt to overcome the boredom associated with the kinds of jobs that typically result from the application of scientific management techniques?

b. Job specialization

Performance appraisal serves all the purposes listed except

b. Performance appraisal serves all these purposes.

Which of the following motivational perspectives says that people will repeat those behaviors that bring desirable consequences and avoid those that fail to bring desirable consequences or that bring aversive consequences?

b. Reinforcement theory

Unions nearly always bargain for retirement packages and good medical plans. Recently, they have begun negotiating for advanced notice of plant closings. What need level from Maslow's hierarchy do these demands represent?

b. Security

Which of the following factors would probably make use of a matrix organization design INadvisable?

b. Several similar businesses owned by one corporation

Although organization change can involve nearly any part of the organization, there are four areas in which the majority of the changes take place. Which of the following is NOT one of those four major areas?

b. Social responsibility

Which of the following is not an organizational stressor?

b. Social support

Bill Mallory found that when his employees have standard operating procedures to follow, or if they are very competent, there is little need for him to exercise much directive leadership. What leadership theory would predict these results?

b. Substitutes for Leadership

Which of the following factors would most likely cause an employee to have a low effort-to-performance expectancy?

b. The employee perceives her or his ability as low.

Which of these exemplifies a people approach to organization change?

b. Training programs

Which of the following represents the first organized attempt to study leadership?

b. Trait studies

If you want to maintain an employee's behavior at a high level with minimum fluctuations in the level of the behavior, which of the following schedules of reinforcement would be most successful? (Disregard the possible difficulty of using such a schedule in the workplace.)

b. Variable-ratio

Which of the following benefits are employers required by law to provide for their employees?

b. Workmen's compensation

For a union to be certified as the official representative of the bargaining unit,

b. a majority of those who vote must vote to have a union.

A regional engineering consulting firm evaluates its employees using an efficiency rating calculated by dividing total hours worked by billable hours. This is an example of

b. an objective measure of performance appraisal.

Too little stress can cause a person to

b. become bored.

Organization charts

b. can be thought of as a picture or map of an organization.

The efforts, skills, abilities, time, and loyalty that you bring with you and give to your job are known as

b. contributions.

All of the following are basic organizing components except

b. decision making.

Al Moore just graduated from college with a 3.86 GPA in finance. Last summer he had an internship with the Federal Reserve Bank in Kansas City and received glowing performance reports. He has just gone to work for a Wall Street investment banking firm noted for providing its people all the tools they need to succeed and then letting them sink or swim. Al is determined to rise rapidly in the organization. All these factors should combine to produce high levels of

b. expectancy.

A force-field analysis identifies

b. factors that facilitate and hinder organization change.

Abraham Lincoln stated that People are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. This is a belief of someone who

b. has an internal locus of control.

The first step in developing a training plan is to

b. hire the trainer.

Which of the following are types of behaviors identified by the Ohio State studies?

b. initiating structure and consideration

All of the following are steps in human resource planning except

b. job evaluation.

Ray owns and operates a small, rural farm. His organization should be ____________ than a large organization.

b. less specialized

All of the following are advantages of specialization except:

b. managers become experts.

Caterpillar was caught unprepared for the worldwide recession in the construction industry in 1982. It took several years for the company to change and regain its industry leadership. This is an example of

b. reactive change.

The extent to which a person believes that he or she is a worthwhile and deserving individual is referred to as

b. self-esteem.

The members of the various boards of a church annually hold a retreat at which they discuss actual or potential problems as well as engage in various activities and exercises. This is an example of an organization development intervention technique known as

b. team building.

The correlation between stress and worker productivity

b. tends to follow an inverted U-shaped curve.

In human resource management terminology, things such as health insurance and a pension plan are called


In Dave's organization a policy states that managers should maintain an appropriate social distance from their subordinates and not play favorites. This is a characteristic of _____________ organization design.


Which of the following best represents the outcome of the work done to determine what personal traits can be used to predict leader effectiveness?

c. A very long list of traits and the presence of alternative explanations for results made the studies of little value.

Which of the following represents organization change by means of a change in organization design?

c. Adopting a new main basis of departmentalization

_______________ is the stage in the innovation process where an organization introduces new products or services to the marketplace.

c. Application launch

Which of the following would NOT come under the broad heading of organization change by means of changing strategy?

c. Changing the job specifications for a number of positions in the organization.

Researchers at Ohio State used what term to describe the leadership behavior that is similar to employee-centered behavior?

c. Consideration behavior

_________ is an element in the organization's internal environment.

c. Corporate culture

Which of the following personality attributes describes the degree of rigidity of a person's beliefs?

c. Dogmatism

Ann is trying to decide how many subordinates to assign to one of the first-line supervisors, and she has the following information: The subordinates are well qualified, they are all working on very similar tasks, and they are all located in one small area of the plant. On the other hand, the supervisor in question has a large quantity of paperwork to do each day. What should Ann do?

c. It would appear that she should use a broad span of control.

What score does Fiedler use to determine leader style?

c. Least-preferred coworker

Ann Morrow thinks leaders can, and should, be high on behaviors that both involve defining and organizing work for her subordinates and show concern for them. What approach to leadership do her beliefs exemplify?

c. Ohio State

Which of the following leadership models is a direct extension of the expectancy theory of motivation?

c. Path-goal

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a Type A person?

c. Patience

Goal setting theory suggests that

c. These goals should be very specific and moderately difficult.

After working in a fast-food restaurant for three years to pay for your college tuition, you vowed never to work in a restaurant again. But after graduation the only job offer you receive is a managerial job at a local restaurant. Your acceptance of this job is referred to as

c. cognitive dissonance.

The systematic distribution of power and authority to middle- and lower-level managers throughout the organization is

c. decentralization.

A manager who demonstrates employee-centered behavior is most likely to

c. focus on employee growth and job satisfaction.

The most important idea for managers to remember from equity theory is that

c. for rewards to motivate employees, employees must perceive them as being fair.

Weber's guidelines for bureaucratic design include all of the following except

c. functional departmentalization.

Which of the following is NOT a challenge of leadership mentioned in the text?

c. global competition

The first step in staffing is:

c. human resource planning.

The basic assumptions of expectancy theory include all the following EXCEPT that

c. individuals observe their own behavior and decide whether it is motivated by internal or external factors.

If you accept a position with an organization that promises advancement opportunities, the organization is providing

c. inducements.

Identifying current employees who would like to change jobs is accomplished by

c. internal recruiting.

The job design in which workers are given more activities to perform and more discretion about how to perform them is called

c. job enrichment.

The process of determining the relative value of jobs within the organization is known as

c. job evaluation.

According to the Michigan studies, managers may be job-centered

c. or employee-centered, but NOT both simultaneously.

Individual behavior that makes a positive overall contribution to an organization is called

c. organizational citizenship.

Which of the following are NOT forms of withdrawal?

c. organizations citizenship

The extent to which the contributions made by an individual match the inducements offered by the organization is referred to as the

c. person-job fit.

When you accept a job, you formulate a(n) _____________ with your employer.

c. psychological contract

All of the following are reported research conclusions except

c. smaller organizations tend to be less centralized.

Stressors are defined as

c. stimuli resulting in response to stress.

Autocratic, consultative, and group are three styles of decision making identified in

c. the Vroom-Yetton-Jago leadership model.

All of the following are objective measures of performance appraisal except

c. the ranking of coworkers by their superior.

The term that refers to a company's wages in comparison to those of other companies is

c. wage level.

An organization where power and control are kept at the top levels of management is


Which form of power is least likely to result in commitment on the part of subordinates.


Which form of power is most likely to result in resistance on the part of subordinates.


All of the following are steps in delegation except


The loan department for FirstFarmBank, a large Midwestern bank has divisions for commercial loans,agricultural loans, and consumer loans. This is an example of departmentalization by


Which of the following is an advantage of internal recruiting?

d. All of the above are advantages of internal recruiting.

Which of the following is a disadvantage of internal recruiting?

d. All of the above are disadvantages of internal recruiting.

In recent years organizations have intensified their training and development efforts for which of the following reasons?

d. All of the above are reasons for more training/development.

The staffing process involves which of the following?

d. All of the above.

Which of the following is a challenge of leadership mentioned in the text?

d. All of these are challenges of leadership.

High-involvement management

d. All of these are correct.

Which of the following can be used to characterize corporate culture?

d. All of these are correct.

Which of the following is a difference between management and leadership?

d. All of these are correct.

Which of the following is most correct as regards performance-based behavior?

d. All of these are correct.

Which of the following is most correct as regards working relationships?

d. All of these are correct.

Legal constraints affecting staffing include all of the following except

d. All of these are legal constraints affecting staffing.

Which of the following has been identified as a major characteristic of a well-designed reward system?

d. All of these are major characteristics of a well-designed reward system.

Which of the following are performance-based differences at work?

d. All of these are performance-based.

Which of the following are methods for resolving conflict in organizations?

d. All of these can cause conflict.

Working relationships are likely to be personal and positive when

d. All of these contribute to personal and positive working relationships.

Working relationships are likely to be strained and difficult when

d. All of these contribute to strained and difficult working relationships.

Which of the following might be compensable factors in the point system of job evaluation?

d. All of these might be compensable factors.

Which of the following would be considered a professional staff position?

d. Chief legal counsel

Which of the following is NOT one of the characteristics of Weber's bureaucracy?

d. Close personal relationships between supervisors and subordinates

_________ is a discussion process between union and management that focuses on agreeing to a written contract that will cover all relevant aspects of their relationship.

d. Collective bargaining

Which of the following is NOT a fundamental assumption of organization development?

d. Employees normally take an adversarial stance with respect to the organization.

Joe decides that a promotion is likely because he has achieved the highest level of performance in his group. However, he does not want the promotion because he views it as a source of stress and additional demands on his life. If Joe requests a transfer to avoid the promotion, which theory best explains his behavior?

d. Expectancy

Researchers at Ohio State found what kind of results when managers exhibited high initiating structure behavior?

d. Higher performance and lower job satisfaction

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Weber's bureaucracy?

d. It is a contingency approach to organization design.

Which of the following is NOT one of the criticisms of Fiedler's contingency model of leadership?

d. It is unrealistic to combine the behavior and trait approaches in one theory.

Which of the following is NOT a factor that affects the wage level decision?

d. Job evaluation

Which of the following is an advantage of tall organizations?

d. Less administrative and supervisory responsibility for each manager

Who is responsible for overseeing the process of forming a local union?

d. National Labor Relations Board

Which of the following is NOT among the shortcomings of bureaucratic organizations?

d. Organizational efficiency is reduced.

Which of the following techniques is generally considered a key approach in overcoming resistance to change?

d. Participation

Which of the following is a situational leadership model?

d. Path-goal theory

Josh felt neutral toward his agribusiness management class after the first week; however, after he made an A on the first exam he now says the class is great. This is an example of which of the following?

d. Performance leads to satisfaction.

Which of the following factors would NOT be included in physiological needs category?

d. Positive self-image

Which of the following has NOT been identified as a major characteristic of a well-designed organizational reward system?

d. Rewards must be tied to performance.

___________ innovations are changes in the physical appearance or performance of a product or service.

d. Technical

Lee Iacocca was able to get employees at Chrysler to identify with the ideal of a ``new Chrysler Corporation'' to the extent that unions were willing to take pay cuts and people worked with a sense of mission for the first time in years. Which of the following best describes Iacocca in this role?

d. Transformational leader

The traditional definition of staff positions includes

d. advisory or supportive positions.

Selection techniques identified in the text include all of the following except

d. application blanks.

Mechanistic organizations described by two British researchers are most like

d. bureaucracies.

In human resource management terminology, the hourly wages or salary an employee receives is referred to as

d. compensation.

The set of values that helps its members understand what the organization considers important is known as

d. corporate culture

The theory that says motivation is a function of how much we want something and how likely we think we are of getting it is

d. expectancy theory.

Conagra maintains a computerized skills inventory of current employees. This is one technique used for

d. forecasting supply.

In a bureaucracy, rules, division of labor, and hierarchies of authority

d. improve organizational efficiency.

If a manager gives a subordinate a job to do and the subordinate does it because it is within the normal boundaries of his job, the manager has used

d. legitimate power.

According to path-goal theory, the primary function of the leader is to

d. make organizational rewards available and show employees what behavior will be effective in getting those rewards.

Scrap rate, dollar volume of sales, and number of claims processed are all examples of

d. objective performance appraisal criteria.

Charismatic leadership is closely linked with

d. referent power.

The ability to control salary increases, promotions, praise, and interesting job assignments is known as

d. reward power.

If Mid-South Hospital has a goal to teach its employees to relate better to others to gain experience in human relations, the most appropriate training technique would be

d. role playing.

Psychological consequences of stress include

d. sleep disturbances.

You supervise a group of very competent employees who have been at their present jobs an average of seven years. Which theory would say that you have little need to use a directive style of leadership?

d. substitutes for leadership

The leadership concept that suggests that there may be situational factors which make it unnecessary for the leader to ``lead'' or make what the leader does ineffective is the

d. substitutes for leadership model.

The primary change required to go from plastic to paper in packaging is in the area of

d. work process.

The branch managers of a national organization are allowed to decide their own training needs and select a performance appraisal system that they feel is appropriate to their work force. This is an example of


The result of maximum delegation throughout the organization is


The manner in which an organization's structural components are arranged to manage the total organization is known as organization


AT&T frequently surveys its employees to measure such things as the level of worker job satisfaction. Such surveys are one of the interventions used in organization


Organization __________ is a planned effort to bring new energy, vitality, and strength to an organization.


The field of study that is aimed at improving the interpersonal side of organization life by taking a broad, comprehensive approach to organization-individual relationships is organization


The field of study that relates specifically to the changing of attitudes and values is called organization


The first stage of the organizational innovation process is


To get the National Labor Relations Board to conduct a union certification election,

e. 30 percent of the potential bargaining unit must sign authorization cards.

Which of the following were identified in the text as contemporary perspectives on leadership?

e. All of these are contemporary perspectives.

If you want to increase the probability that a behavior will recur, which of the following types of reinforcement will get the desired results?

e. Avoidance and positive reinforcement

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of System 4?

e. Communication primarily downward

Which of the following schedules of reinforcement are time-based schedules?

e. Fixed-interval and variable-interval

Which of the following is a method for overcoming resistance to organization change?

e. Force-field analysis

Which historical approach to motivation suggests that people really want to make a difference in the places they work and expect an opportunity to show what they can do?

e. Human resources

_____________ is the stage in the innovation process where most organizations in an industry have access to an innovation and are applying it in approximately the same way.

e. Innovation maturity

Which of the following factors would normally exert the most powerful force for change in an organization?

e. New product development by a competitor

Which of the following is NOT a result of organization revitalization?

e. None of these are correct.

Which of the following is NOT a stage in organization revitalization?

e. None of these are correct.

Systematically moving employees from one job to another is called

e. None of these.

Which of the following statements is NOT an accurate reflection of the relationship between organizations and organization design?

e. Once an organization is designed, the organization changes very little.

Which of the following statements best describes the future of line and staff managers?

e. The distinction between line and staff will become less clear.

What is the meaning of the term ``valence'' as it is used in expectancy theory?

e. The value an individual places on outcomes

What differentiates Type B people from Type A?

e. They live their lives in a more balanced fashion.

Which of the following represents organization change by means of change in technology/operations?

e. Upgrading the management information system

_____________ _____________ is the pattern of action by the members of an organization that directly or indirectly influences organizational effectiveness.

e. Workplace behavior

The set of expectations held by an individual about what he or she will contribute to the organization and what it will provide in return is called

e. a psychological contract.

All of the following are associated with a flat organization except

e. all of these are associated with a flat organization.

All of the following are barriers to effective delegation except

e. all of these are barriers to delegation.

All of the following are bases for departmentalization except

e. all of these are bases for departmentalization.

All of the following are factors that influence group effectiveness except

e. all of these are factors that influence group effectiveness.

All of the following statements are true of organizing except

e. all of these statements are true.

Employees are permitted, within limits, to choose a benefit package best suited to their own particular needs under a/an

e. cafeteria benefits package.

Peter is the production manager for one of the largest California wineries. The technology they use to make wine is _________________ technology.

e. continuous-process

Grouping jobs into logical sets is called

e. departmentalization.

Which form of power is most likely to result in commitment on the part of subordinates?

e. expert.

In most change situations, there are factors that will make the job of change more difficult and others that seem to ease the change process. The process by which the manager identifies and then eliminates as many of the negatives as possible is called

e. force-field analysis.

All of the following statements are true of the System 4 approach except that

e. it is not presented as a universal guideline.

A John Deere assembly plant is an example of _______________ technology.

e. large-batch

Substantive modification of any part of an organization is

e. organization change.

The number of subordinates who report directly to a given manager is known as

e. span of management.

During the term of a labor contract, disputes are resolved by

e. the grievance procedure.

According to equity theory

e. the performance-to-reward expectancy influences valence.

The most basic method of managing employee motivation is

e. the reward system.

. When a human resource committee determines what aspects of a job it wants to "pay for" and how much those factors should affect the pay decision, it is in the process of making a(n)

e. wage-structure decision.

Giving prestigious job titles (if not carried to extremes) would be one way to satisfy people's need for


The final and often the most difficult part of performance appraisal is


A regional tractor manufacturing operation has the following divisions: manufacturing, finance, human resources, marketing, and shipping/receiving. This is an example of ________ departmentalization.


Ace Industries Ltd. has employees working three different shifts. Based on this data, we know that the firm is organized, at least in part, on the basis of


When General Motors Corporation constructed a new high tech facility in Kansas City to replace its old assembly plant, many of the older workers took early retirement rather than move over to the new plant. The most probable reason for such employee resistance to change is


Jane owns a company that prepares and sends customized "goody" baskets to a firm's clients depending on their special requests. This is an example of ___________ technology.


The technology that is most associated with products made to the customer's specifications is


In comparison with line managers, staff managers have historically tended to be


A manager who has only a few subordinates has a span of management that is

. narrow.

All of the following are advantages of departmentalization by function except:

. organizational decision making is faster.

One of your employees is in the habit of taking excessively long lunch breaks. The more you talk with him about the problem, the worse his behavior becomes. Even written reprimands and disciplinary layoffs fail to produce improvement. Based on this information only, what kind of reinforcement are you apparently using and need to change?


Which of the following is a kind of power?


McDonald's operates in a relatively stable environment. Which form of organization design is most appropriate for McDonald's?


Which of the following is a leader behavior model?

Michigan Studies

The design similar to the System 4 design that was developed by two British researchers is the _________ design.


Using the classification scheme in the text, motivation is part of the management function of


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