AGR 337 Final

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Ryan just got off a sales call and is attempting to debrief. Which of the following would not be a good question for him to ask himself?

"Did I make the right decisions?"

Select all that apply for ADVANTAGES

"Your employees will have more free time" "You'll have more free time" "You'll have less headache hiring tractor drivers"

Reading back through your completed FAB statement, which of the following is the correct ordering of your proposed linkage phrase?

(1) "Because of...", (2) "You will be able to...", (3) "Which means that..."

Sales volume goals are often measured by what?

All of these. Volume, Market Share, and Dollars

Jan and Michael began working for the same small company at about the same time. After one year Jan had brought in a record number of new clients while Michael had focused on a select few. Five years later, many of Jan's original clients have left for other companies while Michael's client base has grown tremendously and remained loyal. What was Jan's fatal flaw?

Any of these

What part of the TVP makes it hardest to distinguish/compare alternatives?

Basic Product, Service, or Information

Dr. Jones is concerned with bottom-line results and likes expertise. He pays close attention to facts and research, and also wants full service to meet his needs. Dr. Jones is which type of buyer?


At the end of a sales call, the salesperson asks their customer if Tuesday at 4:00 would work better or if the customer would prefer 8:00 in the morning. This salesperson is using which type of closing?

Choice Close

Ellen has been trying to make an appointment with the head of an entertainment company for a long time, but he keeps resisting. Which closing technique should Ellen modify in order to get the appointment?

Choice Close

"What product are you currently using?" is an example of what type of question?


Relative to competitors, an easy Competitive advantage anyone else could claim over this firm would be leadership in Customer service . That is not the strategy of this company, and this is the thing that most easily makes them a target for competitors.

Competitive Customer Service

Which of the following has these two components: "(1) the value offered must be unique as compared to a competitor and (2) the difference must be valued enough by buyers that they are inclined favorably toward the company because of the point of difference."

Competitive Advantage

George wants to increase the percentage of roofing contractors' total spending for shingles from 55% to 57.5%. George has made what type of sales goal?

Concentration goal

Which of the following is NOT an effective prospecting method?

Considering prospects who do not need your product

Going back to the autonomous tractor problem in Q21-Q25, which of the following is reasonable to put in the third layer, "Support Programs and Services"?

Consistent with expectations and experiences from previous business transactions

Salesperson: "Bob, we would like to do business with you. How about giving us a chance to show what we can do for you? Let's get your first order written up." is an example of which type of close?

Direct Close

Which of the following describes a testimonial?

Experiences from other customers

"You are going to love not having to stop and unload as often." This statement paints a positive picture of the future solution, which is an action assumption close.


A modified rebuy is the purchase of a standard item from the same vendor on a regular basis.


A salesperson should never postpone the answer to an objection.


A salesperson's job is to create a balance between the perceived benefits of a product and the perceived cost of buying it.


A trial close is a question asked primarily to get the customer to say, "yes" to buying.


Cash flow describes a business transaction between firms.


Customer satisfaction cannot be controlled by the salesperson.


During a choice close you should always give them the choice not to buy your product.


Features are characteristics of a product but cannot be measured or observed.


Multi-level accounts seldom involve several decision makers.


Post-purchase dissonance is when a buyer is confident that his or her purchase decision was the right one.


Some loss of customers is a terrible thing; you should never lose any customers.


The Marketing Mix defines product, price, place, promotion and profits for targeted customers.


The external market analysis looks at the company's strengths and weaknesses.


The measurement step of a call GAME plan should always include a quantifiable measurement, some number that we can use to judge our success.


This company's strategy puts it in such a place that it cannot compete in the marketplace any longer and will either sell or shut down soon.


When analyzing customers within a territory, a salesperson shouldn't waste time looking at what their customer's needs are, or examine the strengths and weaknesses of their product compared to competitors.


You should never ask current customers for ideas on new customers.


If the customer says, "Hmm, I hadn't thought about how much that problem was costing me," the salesperson probably asked what kind of question?


If Sarah is attempting to implement a collaboratively-developed solution, which level of satisfaction is she in the process of measuring?

Level 3

By definition, marketing is a -term concept, whereas selling has been traditionally a -term concept.

Long Short

John Maxwell suggests that managers in an account leadership role should lead from the middle. Leading for the middle is one way to:

Manage touchpoints with the customer

Chris gets a call from a customer complaining that the copy machine he sold them is jamming all the time. Chris fears that the customer may not be trained effectively on how to replace a toner cartridge, so they think the machine is at fault. Which common objection is the customer using?


Tina and her colleague are discussing the amount of money made on toothpaste sales last month after other expenses were taken out. What is the term that sales professionals use for this figure?

Net profit

When does a salesperson stop prospecting?


Why are Opinion Leaders important?

Other potential customers watch and follow his/her decisions

Suppose you are on a sales call for a company that manufactures and sells self-driving tractors. The point is to have a tractor that recognizes property lines, sinkholes, ditches, other machinery, etc. that can perform less sensitive tasks like grain carting or disking. Your prospect is a large-scale (>10,000 acres) grain farmer. You have just completed the discovery process - hearing the Beliefs, Goals, and Needs listed in the incomplete FAB diagram above. Help complete the proposed FAB statement for your prospect by doing the following: Select all that apply for FEATURES

Our software is more user friendly This tractor can pair with your smartphone

Which of the following correctly fills in the blanks in the Marketing Mix diagram?

People, place, product, customer

What part of the TVP makes it easiest to distinguish/compare alternatives?

Personalized Services and Relationships

This company's strategy allows it to steal customers from the competition and retain its own loyal base. Which of the following is a reasonable description of its customers?

Price-sensitive, budget-conscious, with a price-elastic demand for the products

After the Prospect says NO which of the following should you do?

Probe to make sure you know their real reasons

The innermost layer of the TVP is missing "basic_________ or __________", and the outermost layer is missing __________services and __________"

Product, Service Personalized, Relationships

________means to get the product out through the channel into the consumers' faces by encouraging distributors to sell it (e.g. isle displays at grocery) _________means incentivize the customers to demand the product and bring them to you (e.g. seasonal products like Pumpkin Spice Latte over at Schaffer Coffee

Push Pull

In which step of managing a complaint should you restate and cushion the complaint?


A sales presentation to a customer should Show how your products and services can satisfy their wants .

Show how your products and services can satisfy their wants

After the customer says, "yes," it is important to remember that from their perspective....

The sale has just begun

Consider the "strategy donut" diagram for an unnamed business. From the arrangement of the positional indicators (triangles), what do we observe about the strategy of this company?

They are offering their products at the lowest rate in their market space

On a recent sales call, Josie asked her customer, "Do you think this product will help you accomplish your goals?" This is an example of

Trial Close

"Your current supplier is Elanco Animal Health, correct?" This is an example of a clarifying question.


A basic expectation most customers hold is that the salesperson will understand the features of the product, and be able to explain the advantages and benefits to the customer.


Asking a customer questions to determine their beliefs, goals, and needs is called probing.


Competitors can easily replicate product value.


Every prospect is not equal and shouldn't be treated the same.


If a prospect is making frequent, solid eye contact then they are giving you a non-verbal signal that they are interested in your product.


If you believe the customer does not need your product now, then you should not try to sell them now and instead just set up a follow-up call.


Many salespeople find that business "owners" make decisions differently from "managers".


No sales call can be successful without a successful close.


Personal Selling is selling to an end-user or consumer of a product or service.


Sales is the process by which people in one company help match the value of the products, services, and information their company offers to the needs of a targeted customer.


Selling, customer service, and images on billboards are all examples of touchpoints.


Shortly after making a sale, you should give your customer a call a couple of days after the sale to let them know you care about them and to help eliminate any second thoughts your customer may have.


"We will work to make our patients more healthful and contribute to the quality of their lives."

Vision statement

Select the one company from the list that you would see practicing a strategy similar to this one.


Rebecca, a sales rep for a large farming supplies company, has plenty of competition in her district. At first glance, it would appear that she has the competitive advantage because she is one of the only salespeople around who will actually take the time to show the customers how to use the equipment they buy. Despite that fact, local farmers always seem to buy their equipment from the less personal sales representatives because of the small price difference. What should Rebecca do to get the farmers to buy from her instead of another sales rep?

show customers the value of being shown how to use the equipment

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