AHTG 100 Chapter 14 - America and the World

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Which of the following describes Woodrow Wilson's approach to World War I?

-At first Wilson wanted America to remain neutral, but later said that America needed to "make the world safe for democracy."

Which of the following does the text describe as an element that made "The Good War" good? (Select all that apply.)

-America purified their motives and their allies' motives by specifying the total surrender and democratic reconstruction of defeated enemies. -America had no qualms about "entangling alliances" because they were up against such horrible enemies as Nazis. -America assumed a leadership role and consequently did not have to worry about a cynical peace settlement. -America was united behind the feeling that they, both military and civilian, were fighting for the defense of civilization rather than conquest or plunder.

According to the text, what do the German torpedoing of a neutral U.S. liner, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, and the United States' pledge to support Israel at all costs have in common?

-Each of these was a motivation for America to enter military conflicts in spite of its isolationist tendencies. Additional information: See City upon a Hill: "The Germans decided to abandon the old sailing era rules of stop and search and to engage in unrestricted submarine warfare. . . . This practice resulted in a supposedly neutral U.S. liner being torpedoed off the Irish coast, pushing the U.S. into the war in spite of itself" (236); "Despite the rise of dictators and the horrors they unleashed, American isolationism survived right up to the eve of Pearl Harbor" (239); and " The United States pledged to support [Israel] at all costs . . . [which] flared into one conflict after another, 1948, 1967, 1973, and then into a guerrilla war that sputtered and popped like a burning fuse" (244).

Which scenario best describes Washington's feeling about America's involvement in the world according to his farewell address?

-In 1994, President Bill Clinton refused to have American soldiers stop the Rwandan genocide. Additional information: In 2011, a Cuban delegate at the United Nations called for the United States to expedite a process that would allow Puerto Ricans self-government and independence. "Isolationism: political ideology that did not favor becoming entangled with European powers, either as friend or foe, but did favor robust trade relations with a variety of partners" (246)

Adam Smith stressed the importance of the invisible hand and the role of individual self-interest in a market economy. According to the textbook, how does individual self-interest compare to national self-interest?

-Individual self-interest facilitates cooperation and exchange while national self-interest tends to be aggressive and destructive.

Which of the following most accurately describes the term "The Great Satan"?

-It is a term that Islamic fundamentalists use to describe America.

Ella is tired of the drama club interfering with the jazz band rehearsals that she is a part of at Central High School. The drama club members keep interrupting rehearsals and trying to persuade jazz band members to join drama club. Ella got approval for a new rule to be enforced, stating that the drama club was no longer allowed in the music hallway of the school and would not be allowed to advertise or seek membership except in the other parts of the school. Which of the following is most similar to Ella's new rule?

-Monroe Doctrine Additional Information: "The United States proclaimed its soon-to-be-famous Monroe Doctrine. . . . To the idea of any European, 'recolonization,' at least in the Western Hemisphere, the Monroe Doctrine emphatically said no" (City upon a Hill, 233). Hailey wanted to the keep the drama club out of the music hallway, just like Monroe wanted to keep Europe out of the Western Hemisphere.

Although they were often united, the English did not all agree with the treatment of the American colonies during the Revolutionary War. Even though Britain was the leader of the world militarily and economically, some people thought they were too commanding in their colonies and foreign relations. There was a lack of unity and a concern that Britain's advances were making it too powerful. Which American conflict is most similar to this description of Britain during the Revolutionary War?

-cold war Additional information: "Where World War II had brought together the people of America, the Cold War seemed to pull them apart. . . . America was unquestionably the leader of the free world—but leadership at what cost!" (City upon a Hill, 242). The Revolutionary War divided the English rather than uniting them.

Alex claimed to be the life of the party, but then he would keep to himself and refuse to be involved in school gossip. What best describes Alex's actions of separating himself from his schoolmates?

-isolationism Additional information: Washington counseled that Americans should "observe good faith and justice towards all nations," but then stop right there. "They should not become, to use Jefferson's later term, 'entangled' with the European powers, either as friend or foe. 'Nothing is more essential,' wrote Washington, 'than that permanent, inveterate antipathies against particular nations, and passionate attachments for others, should be excluded. . . . The nation which indulges towards another an habitual hatred, or an habitual fondness, is in some degree a slave'" (City upon a Hill, 233).

Which of the following terms best describes the idea behind the painting on page 234, "American Progress" by John Gast?

Manifest Destiny

National Self-Interest

an approach to foreign policy that places the values and interests of one's own country above those of other countries. Unlike individual __________, which promotes cooperation and exchange in a market, ________________ tends to be aggressive and destructive.

Monroe Doctrine

foreign policy position of president James Monroe, in which any aggressive move by a European power in the Western Hemisphere would be regarded as an affront to the U.S.


political ideology that did not favor becoming entangled with European powers, either as friend or foe, but did favor robust trade relations with a variety of partners

Cold War

the armed stalemate between the U.S. and the Soviet Union during the latter half of the 20th century. Portrayed as a war of freedom vs tyranny, democracy vs totalitarianism, and capitalism vs communism

Manifest Destiny

the belief that America was destined to expand its "empire of liberty" throughout the Western Hemisphere and that such expansion was justified by bringing the benefits of the American way of life to acquired territories

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