AI/Machine Learning (15) AND Cognition/Emotion/Therapy (16)

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example of CBT for OCD

1)*Relabel*: identify what's real and what isn't and refuse to be misled by obsessive thoughts"That compulsion is bothering me again," rather than "I feel like I need to wash my hands again" 2)*Reattribute*: you understand that those thoughts and urges are merely false messages being sent from your brain"That compulsion is bothering me because I have a medical condition called OCD that is related to a biochemical imbalance in my brain" 3)*Refocus*: turn your attention to more constructive behavior, knowing that by doing so, you are actually changing the way your brain works in an extremely healthy and wholesome way 4)*Revalue*: you come to see compulsions and obsessive thoughts as the useless garbage they really are as soon as they arise

artificial intelligence

AI tries to design computer models that accomplish the same cognitive tasks that humans do Types of AI: 1. pure artificial intelligence 2. computer simulation 3. machine learning

releasing negative emotional patterns

Become more aware of patterns of parental figures that you might have adopted In addition, transference can be used to gain greater awareness of those negative patterns -Transference has to do with the way in which we internalize our parents and project them onto other people EXAMPLE: over-reacting to criticism/authority because that was the way our parent acted, and it made us feel worthless, powerless, not good enough, etc.

therapy treatment

By putting sensory details and feelings into words, memories are brought more under control of the neocortex, where the reactions they kindle can be rendered more manageable May need to focus more on Cognitive Behavior Therapy, relaxation techniques, or physical exercise initially, especially in cases of severe trauma Enhance new positive ways of thinking about the trauma (post-traumatic growth)

psychodynamic therapy

Focuses on helping patient gain cognitive insight into unconscious roots of problem (e.g., early childhood experiences) •Tracing roots of negative thoughts and behaviors to allow you to see that they are based on beliefs that you simply picked up and not necessarily Truth with a capital T •Based on view that the reason negative emotional patterns are so difficult to change is that they are not just established through conditioning, but are deeply interwoven into the way we try to gain love EXAMPLE"See, Mommy/Daddy, I'm not any better than you are. Now will you love me?" "See, Mommy/Daddy, I'm a worthless just like you said I was. Now will you love me? •Even when we rebel, we stay trapped in the same negative patterns EXAMPLE: Woman with sexually repressive parents

goal of psychotherapy

Have patient retell and reconstruct the story of the trauma in an environment of safety (play therapy may be used with children) -Patient should be encouraged to retell the traumatic events as vividly as possible, retrieving every detail - their emotional reactions as well as the events themselves -The goal is to put the entire memory into words to capture parts that may have been dissociated from conscious recall -Also, retelling the story in a surrounding of safety and security, in the company of a trusted therapist, enables a sense of security, rather than terror, to be experienced in connection with the trauma memories


Help patient understand that jumpiness and nightmares, hypervigilance and panics, are part of symptoms of PTSD - this makes the symptoms themselves less frightening Help patient regain some sense of control over what is happening to them (security measures) Aid patient in mourning any loss that may have been brought on by the trauma

shift in focus of attention

How to "win friends and influence people": shifting one's focus of attention Research on CBT has shown that one of the most effective way to change another person's behavior is to shift our focus of attention −More specifically, the trick is to accentuate the positive and ignore the negative −This is the basis of behavioral therapy, which is empirically validated to work on children and animals, as well as adults


In CBT, visualization is often used in conjunction with affirmations Basic Rules: 1)Phrase affirmations in the present tense, not the future 2)Phrase affirmations in the most positive way you can (e.g., Don't say, "I no longer oversleep in the morning," but rather "I now wake up on time and full of energy every morning.") 3)Keep it short and simple!

emotionally focused therapy (EFT)

It emphasizes "listening with the heart": meaning listening not for the literal meaning of a partner's words, but for the feelings that lie beneath their words EFT is grounded in attachment theory: it focuses on one's need for security and one's sense of dependency on one's partner; it legitimates vulnerability Based on the premise that there is almost always a soft emotion behind a hard emotion, and that if that soft emotion can be accessed and then accepted by the partner, it almost always dissolves the conflict

positive aspects

Listing positive aspects: practicing "seeing others as if the good in them were all of them" EXAPLE: Sister Mrosla story of "listing positive attributes"exercise in her ninth grade classroom

dissociative aspect of trauma

Little or no connections forms between neocortex and memory storage centers (e.g., amygdala) A 20% reduction in volume of hippocampal formation has been found in combat veterans and those subjected to severe childhood abuse

awareness of feeling tone

One way to become more aware of the feeling tone behind thoughts is to reach for the "best feeling thought" that one can access at any given moment (on a deep, not superficial level, of course!) It's about becoming more aware of your emotions and giving yourself permission to feel good/prioritizing feeling good EXAMPLE: "Nothing is more important than that I feel good." This also means focusing more on how you feel and less on what other people may think☞"Mental health is getting to the point where you don't give a shit what anyone else thinks or says or does."


PTSD is associated with hypersensitization of amygdala circuitry PTSD is associated with oversecretion by hypothalamus of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), the main stress hormone used to mobilize emergency fight-or-flight response, but low levels of glucocorticoids

neurological aspect of trauma

People who were abused as children have more methyl groups capping their genes - this prevents the cell from reading its DNA and is correlated with suicide risk PTSD is associated with overactivation of brain's opioid system: this may cause a numbing of feelings, a sense of being cut off from life or from concern about others' feelings

recent developments in PTSD treatment

Research suggests that it is the element of helplessness that makes a given event subjectively overwhelming -It's the feeling that your life is in danger and there is nothing you can do to escape it - that's the moment the brain change begins Theory that trauma experience entails a tremendous urge to take action (fight or flight), at the same time that one is paralyzed by sense off helplessness ☞A number of newly developed therapies (bioenergetics, sensorimotor psychotherapy, etc.) thus focus on *physical self-expression* as way to foster emotional release and heal trauma

neurobiology of trauma

Some psychologist have claimed that most, if not all, psychological disturbances are the result of trauma High rates of co-morbidity of PTSD with other psychological disorders -58% of patients with depression; 54% with borderline personality disorder; 40% with bipolar disorder; 28% with schizophrenia -58% of people with migraines experienced abuse as children Neurologically, the experience of trauma is characterized by: •*State of hyperarousal* •*Dissociation*

degrees of hyperarousal

The greater the degree of arousal during and immediately after a traumatic incident, the more likely it is that person will have PTSD or other neuropsychiatric symptoms following trauma ➔Symptoms less severe if patient is treated quickly after trauma (e.g., with propanolol) Neural changes of PTSD make a person more susceptible to further traumatizing: exposure to even mild stress when young makes person more vulnerable to trauma-induced brain changes later in life


Therapeutic effects of emotional release through journaling Pennebacker study: undergraduates were told to write for 20 minutes each day for five days either about the most traumatic and stressful event of their life or about a trivial topic -Students who wrote about the traumatic event were more upset immediately following writing the essays and showed elevated blood pressure compared to those who wrote about trivial topics -However, over the following six months, they were significantly less likely to visit the student health service for illness and showed improved immune function -Greatest improvement shown by those who expressed both positive and negative emotions and who were able to weave a narrative and find meaning in the experience

applying principles of CBT

Use what trainers call "approximations," rewarding small steps toward learning a new behavior -Behavior: husband leaves dirty clothes all over floor -Response: Thank him if he throws one dirty shirt into the hamper; if he throws in two, kiss him; step over soiled clothes on the floor without any sharp word Devise incompatible behaviors -Behavior: Husband has habit of hovering over you when you cook -Response: Pile up parsley for him to chop or cheese to grate at other end of kitchen island or set out bowl of chips and dip across the room Use least reinforcing syndrome (L.R.S.): any response, positive or negative, will fuel a behavior; if a behavior provokes no response, it typically dies away -Behavior: husband habitually loses keys and tears around in panic searching -Response: Ignore behavior, keep doing what you are doing Adopt animal trainers' motto: "It's never the animal's fault" ➜You just need to brainstorm new strategies when your "puppy" misbehaves

psychodynamic based writing exercise

Writing exercise to help clients become aware of negative emotional patterns they have picked up from parents and to "reclaim their power" EXAMPLES -What were your parents like during your childhood (personality, behavior)? -What forms of punishment did your parents use? -Describe a childhood scene in which you were angry with your parents -Describe a childhood scene in which you were hurt, rejected, and/or sad due to your Mother or Father in the first person present tense Follow-up visualization exercise: -What was it like for each of your parents growing up in their family? How did they feel? How were they punished?

computer simulation

attempts to design programs that accomplish cognitive tasks the way that humans do

pure artificial intelligence

attempts to design programs that can accomplish cognitive tasks as efficiently as possible

variant mindfulness

bringing emotions to cognitive behavior therapy Thoughts and emotions are inextricably linked, but in mindfulness, you use emotions to guide your thoughts, rather than using thoughts to guide your emotions as in standard CBT View that emotions are a foolproof guidance system telling you whether you are thinking a thought that is in line with your own best interests -How does it feel when you criticize someone? How does it feel when you are praising someone or something out of a genuine sense of appreciation? ☞Becoming more aware of the "feeling tone" behind thoughts makes it much easier to choose the positive thoughts and let go of the negative

cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

changing negative emotions by identifying and challenging associated negative thoughts Aims to help one develop cognitive awareness - the ability to see thoughts as simply thoughts, rather than the "Truth" EXAMPLES: Woman with severe depression who thinks she will die if her husband leaves her ➜Therapist challenges this belief by reminding her that she was able to function very well before she married Children with depression learn to tune into their thoughts when facing tough situations and to imagine alternatives to negative thought

client-centered therapy

therapist provides unconditional positive regard so client can feel free to express their inner thoughts and emotions and be themselves -This involves validating their emotional experience to strengthen their sense of identity - not parroting their beliefs!


therapist's reflecting back to the client an understanding of his inner state, leading patient to feel acknowledged and understood This is not merely a matter of listening sympathetically and parroting the client!

machine learning

uses statistical techniques to give computers the ability to "learn" (i.e., progressively improve performance on a specific task) with data, without being explicitly programmed

Use of AI in Healthcare

✧Machine pattern recognition to promote the rapid and accurate reading of medical scans Ex: pick up of small polyps during colonoscopy ✧Precision surgery without human artifacts like handshaking ✧Keyboard liberation or using natural language processing of speech to synthesize notes •This would eliminate one of the main sources of distraction and dislike in medical encounters

Use of AI in Healthcare cont

✧Predicting key outcomes for both patients and clinicians to promote prevention ✧Determining the best diet for every individual Ex: avoiding glucose spikes after eating -this is highly individualized and may be related to the specific foods we take in, as well as our unique gut microbiomes ✧Transforming the mental health field Ex: Detecting depression by analyzing tone of speech, breathing pattern, smartphone keystrokes and communication, and physical activity •Research has indicated that people would rather share their innermost secrets with an avatar than a human being

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