Alcohol, Drugs, and Human Behavior

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Consuming alcohol when using cocaine results in which of the following?

prolonging the effects of cocaine

Alcoholic hepatitis is a disease that affects the liver and is caused by prolonged heavy drinking.


Human beings have naturally occurring opioids, which causes many of the same


Every state defines the legal limit for driving while intoxicated (whether or not the driver can function) as a blood alcohol concentration of


On average, the body can metabolize and eliminate 1 ounce of pure alcohol

3 hours

Why is it dangerous to combine an opioid with a downer like alcohol, barbiturates, or benzodiazepines?

Because the combination of depressants increases the potential for respiratory depression, overdose, and death.

Which of the following statements best describes the effects that depressants have on the body due to its effects on the central nervous system?

Depressants decrease rate of breathing and heart rate.

When a person who has developed tolerance to caffeine subsequently withdraws from the caffeine, it results in depression.


Chronic heavy drinking can contribute to which of the following disease?

all of the above

Withdrawal from opiates produces symptoms that are the opposite of the drug's effects. Considering this f be expected from opiate withdrawal?

bone, joint, and muscular pain & insomnia and anxiety & high bp and rapid pulse (((all the above)))

When a person who has been drinking can only partially recall the events

burn out

On which part of the body does long-term use of stimulants?

cardiovascular system

The synergistic effect of drugs refers to

combination of 2 or more depressant drugs, which magnifies their effect on the CNS

High-dose alcohol affects the central nervous system by ______ its function. At higher blood alcohol levels, this leads to ______ heart rate and breathing.


Prolonged use of strong stimulants results in which of the following

depletion of the body's energy resources & cellular and organ damage & paranoia (((all of the above)))

Which of the following would speed up the absorption rate of alcohol?

drinking on an empty stomach

Easy access to alcohol, a permissive societal view of drinking, unsafe living conditions, poor nutrition, and limited access to healthcare and drug recovery programs are examples of what factors associated with increased alcohol use?


The name of the first enzyme involved in the metabolism of alcohol is the alcohol dehydration enzyme.


Women have a higher percentage of body water than do men of comparable size, so there is more water to dilute the alcohol they drink.


Binge drinking is defined as

five or more drinks for men at one sitting and four or more for women at one sitting

The compulsion to use cocaine is due to which of the following?

hereditary predisposition and altered brain chemistry & craving for the high & desire to avoid the crash (((all of the above)))

which of the following drugs is an opioid antagonist that may be used to prevent


Hyperalgesia is a temporary increase in the sensitive to

painful stimuli

Alcoholics are likely to experience which of the following problems with their memory?

retrospective memory (past events) & prospective memory (day to day) (((A&B)))

Which form and method of using cocaine produces the most intense immediate high?

smoking crack cocaine

Which of the following statements about opioids is true?

there is almost no limit to the level of opioid tolerance of a human

According to researchers, a person who smokes cigarettes is 22 times more likely to use cocaine than a nonsmoker.


Although alcohol is absorbed at different rates, metabolism occurs at a relatively defined continuous rate.


Death from depressants (e.g. opioids) overdose usually involves severe respiratory depression.


Heavy prolonged use of stimulants can induce a schizophrenic-like psychosis.


Of all the stimulants, the strongest physical and mental dependency develops from nicotine in tobacco.


Opiates limit the release of and block receptors for substance P, which is the name of the neurotransmitter that transmits pain messages from nerve cell to nerve cell.


The effects of amphetamines last longer than the effects of cocaine


Tolerance to one type of depressant, such as alcohol, can lead to the development of cross-tolerance for another depressant, such as benzodiazepines.


Treatment for addiction to opiates requires a physiological and psychological process.


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