Am Hist Chapter 9 inquizitive

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During the first quarter of the nineteenth century, the Supreme Court of the United States delivered a number of monumental rulings that fundamentally shaped the balance of power between the federal government and state governments. Identify the following Supreme Court decisions.

.Martin v. Hunter's Lessee (1816) - The Supreme Court ruled that the U.S. Constitution and its laws and treaties could remain the supreme law of the land only if the Supreme Court could review decisions of state courts McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)- The court unanimously ruled that laws made at the federal level could not be overruled by the states. This ruling also asserted that Congress could take any action not prohibited by the Constitution, so long as the law was within the scope of the Constitution . .Dartmouth College v. Woodward (1819)- During this Supreme Court ruling, the court expanded the scope of contacts at the expense of state legislatures Marbury v. Madison (1803)- This was the first time the Supreme Court ruled that a federal law was unconstitutional. This case established the concept of judicial review.

Put in chronological order the events leading up to the end of the "Era of Good Feelings."

1. President Monroe is elected 2. Panic of 1819 3. Missouri compromise is extended 4. Missouri gains statehood

Complete the passage below describing the political parties in America during the era.

Adams's adamant support for increasing the power of the federal government was so contentious that it led to the deterioration of the Republican party and sparked the emergence of a new two-party system. The National Republicans agreed with the economic nationalism of Adams and Clay, while the Democratic Republicans supported Jackson and states' rights

Describe the relationship between President John Quincy Adams and Congress during his administration.

Congress largely ignored Adam's domestic proposals

Analyze the image of the Seminole War below. What does the image reveal about why Americans engaged in this conflict?

Correct Answer(s) African Americans and Native Americans were allies in their battle against the whites. Federal troops were used to defeat the Native Americans. The white settlers' homes were destroyed during the conflict. Incorrect Answer(s) Some white settlers sided with the Native Americans, protecting their villages.

Despite Andrew Jackson's very limited political experience, many Americans viewed him as an attractive candidate for political office, and even the presidency. Identify the traits and accomplishments that attracted Americans to him.

Correct Answer(s) Andrew Jackson was a self-made man whose humble origins attracted those who identified with "the common man." Andrew Jackson was the son of Scots-Irish colonists whose common roots appealed to the Irish hatred of aristocracy, which they associated with English rule. Andrew Jackson was the military hero of the Battle of New Orleans, which sealed America's victory against the British in the War of 1812. Incorrect Answer(s) Even though Jackson rose through the military, he was universally well regarded by political elites.

Identify the diplomatic goals of Secretary of State John Quincy Adams during this era.

Correct Answer(s) He aggressively exercised America's power. He sought to establish the nation's dominance in the Western Hemisphere. He sought to expand America's boundaries. Incorrect Answer(s) He refused to support the independence of Spanish colonies as a way of securing American dominance.

Identify the reasons the Monroe Doctrine was an example of American nationalism

Correct Answer(s) It demonstrated the United States' determination to assume a place next to the world's greatest powers. Its message to Congress stated that American continents were not considered subjects for future European colonization. Incorrect Answer(s) It extended the United States' territories into Texas and Mexico to take possession of Spanish possessions and to assert U.S. influence as a world power. It negotiated alliances with Russia and Spain against the British to strength U.S. forces.

Identify the ways that the democratization of politics affected Andrew Jackson's 1828 campaign.

Correct Answer(s) It led to many more "common men" voting in the election. Incorrect Answer(s) It led to white women finally being allowed to vote, and they supported Jackson in unprecedented numbers. It led to all states in the North allowing free black men to vote. They supported Jackson in unprecedented numbers.

Identify the territories that the United States gained as a result of its diplomatic accomplishments during this era.

Correct Answer(s) Minnesota Florida Incorrect Answer(s) Oregon Texas

Complete the passage below describing the legislative struggles leading up to the Missouri Compromise and contributing to the end of the Era of Good Feelings.

Leading up to the Missouri Compromise, Representative James Tallmadge proposed a resolution banning the transport of slaves into Missouri. The resolution passed in the House of Representatives, but failed to pass in the Senate. In both houses, the vote split almost entirely down sectionalist lines.

While promoting his American System, Henry Clay said, "I know of no South, no North, no East, no West to which I owe my allegiance. The Union is my country." However, the rest of the country didn't necessarily agree with him. Identify the key issue that aroused opposition to his American System plan.

Many Americans felt divided between nationalist sentiments and their devotion to the interest of the specific regions they lived in

Identify the deal that broke the election deadlock of 1824.

Speaker of the House Henry Clay struck a deal with John Quincy Adams and endorsed him for President

Regarding the potential impact of the American System on the West, Missouri senator Thomas Hart Benson worried that Westerners "are in the jaws of the monster! A lump of butter in the mouth of a dog! One gulp, one swallow, and all is gone!"

The fear that the struggling western towns would be at the mercy of the national bank

With the widespread elimination of certain voting qualifications, the rise of labor politics became inevitable. Complete the passage below describing labor politics in the early nineteenth century.

The removal of property qualifications for voting led the working class to become an important political force. The Workingmen's parties were reformist groups in the nation's largest cities, devoted to protecting the interests of laborers. These parties faded quickly as inexperienced labor politicians left the groups exposed to manipulation. The Democratic party co-opted some of their issues and many working-class voters supported Andrew Jackson because of his "common man" background.

After the war, Congress created the Second Bank of the United States, which established a national currency across the different states.


The extension of the boundaries of the United States is an example of the federal government's diplomatic accomplishments during the era. Identify the region that the United States gained as a result of the Transcontinental Treaty


Match the specific sectionalist priorities to the region with which they were predominately associated.

the West- cheap land and improvements in transportation the Northeast- shipping and commerce the South-cash crop agriculture and slavery

Identify the political priorities of the Republican Presidential candidates in the election of 1824.

Andrew Jackson-attempted to capitalize on his popularity as a military hero Henry Clay-championed the economic nationalism of his American System William Crawford-devoted to states' rights and a strict interpretation of the Constitution John Quincy Adams-committed to government financing of internal improvements and less supportive of tariffs

While Adams's character and personality made him an extremely effective president, Andrew Jackson was able to successfully campaign against him for the presidency in the election of 1829 by pointing to the scandals that clouded Adams's administration.


Identify the desired outcomes for each of the key objectives of Henry Clay's proposed American System.

raising price of federal land-distribute this revenue to finance state infrastructure projects infrastructure development in the West-build "internal improvements" needed for speedier travel and shipment of goods strong national bank-create a single currency and regulate state and local banks high tariffs-protect new American industries from unfair competition

The entire nation embraced the American System as the best way to unite and strengthen the union.


What was the "Era of Good Feelings"?

A slogan describing the strong political and economic goods will during the Monroe Administration

The emergence of four viable Republican presidential candidates, including Andrew Jackson, revealed the strength and popularity of the Republican party and its ideas.


How did the War of 1812 shift James Madison's views on nationalism, and how did it have an impact on his presidency?

Correct Answer(s) As a result, he governed as a nationalist rather than as a states' rights sectionalist. It illuminated the need for a more powerful federal government, particularly a stronger military and national economy. He embraced the economic nationalism advocated by Alexander Hamilton and George Washington. Incorrect Answer(s) As a result, he firmly embraced and enacted Jeffersonian policy initiatives.

Identify how the new spirit of nationalism that emerged after the War of 1812 affected the economy in the United States.

Correct Answer(s) Congress financed the construction of internal improvements to facilitate the flow of goods and people across the nation. Congress passed the Tariff of 1816, which placed a 20 percent tax on many imported goods in order to protect emerging American industries. Incorrect Answer(s) American manufacturing became so efficient, and consequently so inexpensive, that Britain had to enact tariffs to keep American products from flooding British markets. The American manufacturing industry developed parts for British products instead of building their own.

Identify the concerns Americans had with Clay's American System that demonstrate the sectional conflict during this era.

Correct Answer(s) Higher federal land prices would discourage western migration. Tariffs would benefit northern manufacturing at the expense of the common people. Incorrect Answer(s) Southern and western farmers would disproportionately benefit from high tariffs. Lower federal land prices would lead to overpopulation throughout the West.

Identify Henry Clay's American System.

Correct Answer(s) It was an economic plan to strengthen and unify the nation by instating tariffs, a national bank, and federally funded infrastructure improvements. Incorrect Answer(s) Major initiatives included national health coverage and federally financed universities. It was a system of cultural standards to be imposed over all states in order to unify the nation. It was a plan to unite the different regions of the country under common judicial reform.

Identify the factors that contributed to the Panic of 1819.

Correct Answer(s) Newly formed banks engaged in predatory loans and increased the use of paper money. British textile mills stopped buying expensive American cotton, the country's leading export, because of the availability of cheaper sources of cotton in Egypt and India. Land speculators purchased land in the West using credit as the primary means of payment, and the ensuing decrease in land and crop values reduced speculators' and settlers' incomes alike. Incorrect Answer(s) Northern resentment over the thriving southern economy helped intensify sectionalist views throughout the nation.

Identify the circumstances that required a "second" Missouri Compromise.

Correct Answer(s) Pro-slavery members of the Missouri constitutional convention attempted to ban free blacks and mulattoes from living in Missouri. Incorrect Answer(s) Northerners in Maine refused to become a state if it meant that another slave state would be admitted to the Union. North Carolina and Tennessee moved to strip free blacks and mulattoes of their right to live in those states following legislation in Missouri. At the last minute, members of Congress changed their views on slave states in the West, and the Missouri Compromise collapsed.

Identify what the failure of Pinckney's Treaty of 1795 revealed about Spain in 1816.

Correct Answer(s) Spain's declining power because of its lack of enforcement of the treaty Incorrect Answer(s) Spain's strong global influence, prompting the United States to exert a more aggressive global strategy Spain's need to broker negotiations between native tribes in Spanish territory and tribes in American territory

Identify the specific criticisms that created sectional opposition to Henry Clay's American System.

Correct Answer(s) The North opposed Clay's call for federally funded infrastructure projects for the West. The South rejected Clay's call for protective tariffs that benefited northern industry at the expense of the agricultural South. Incorrect Answer(s) The North rejected Clay's call for a protective tariff. Westerners rejected Clay's call for federally funded infrastructure projects.

Identify the ways in which the "corrupt bargain" impacted the presidency of John Quincy Adams.

Correct Answer(s) The deal prompted Jackson supporters to launch a campaign and ensure a one-term presidency for Adams. The deal proved very costly for Adams by uniting his foes and crippling his administration. Incorrect Answer(s) The deal went poorly for Clay, who was not appointed secretary of state and spitefully joined the Jackson campaign. The deal was extremely successful, as the cooperative relationship between Clay and Adams led to a successful administration.

One component of economic nationalism was the use of federal funds for internal improvements such as building roads, canals, and harbors.

Correct Answer(s) They decreased transportation costs for goods and people because of expansions to the railroad. They helped to create a national market economy where agricultural products and livestock could be sold in distant regions. Incorrect Answer(s) They ultimately failed and were subsequently taken over by private investors who completed the projects. They equally benefited all of the states in the Union, and were universally supported.

"I know of no South, no North, no East, no West to which I owe my allegiance. The Union is my country." Analyze this quotation from Henry Clay, and evaluate its meaning for the United States.

Correct Answer(s) This quotation represents Clay's desire to tie together the nation's diverse regions through the American System. Incorrect Answer(s) This quotation demonstrates Clay's vehement desire to eradicate states' rights. In this quotation, Clay publically declared his refusal ever to run for Congress and represent a particular state. This quotation represents Clay's desire to cultivate a homogenous population with no ties to any particular region.

Identify Republican Henry Clay's various political priorities.

Correct Answer(s) an economy that was nurtured by the government a strong federal government Incorrect Answer(s) an economy driven by free market ideals with absolutely no interference from the federal government a decentralized government with strong states' rights

The Seminole War helped John Quincy Adams negotiate with Spain for possession of Florida, as the Spanish realized that the United States would be able to take the state at any time.


Match each of the descriptions with the appropriate piece of legislation

Northwest Ordinance (1787)This piece of legislation banned slavery north of the Ohio River. Missouri Compromise (1820)Statehood for Maine, a free state, and Missouri, a slave state, were linked. This legislation also excluded slavery in the rest of the Louisiana Purchase north of latitude 36°30'. Tallmadge Amendment-This piece of legislation proposed banning the transportation of slaves into Missouri. Southwest Ordinance (1790)This piece of legislation authorized slavery south of the Ohio River.

During the years of Chief Justice John Marshall's court, the Supreme Court of the United States took a distinctly nationalist view regarding the federal government's constitutional authority at the expense of states' rights.


In 1819 Chief Justice Marshall declared that "the Constitution and the laws made in pursuance thereof are supreme: ... They control the Constitution and laws of the respective states, and cannot be controlled by them.


The Rush-Bagot Agreement of 1817 was one of John Quincy Adams's diplomatic accomplishments, as it made the waterways neutral around Lake Erie by limiting the number of warships that could be present.


The United States was the first nation in the world to recognize the newly independent nations that had once made up the former Spanish empire in the Americas.


The economic depression that was a result of the pressures put on the state banks, and in turn on debtors, created a lasting resentment towards the national bank, and contributed to the end of the Era of Good Feelings.


The greatest political controversy of the nineteenth century lay in the possibility of new Western states becoming slave states.


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