America @ War Semester Test BV

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John Sedgwick.

"Uncle John", commanded the 6th Corps, Army of the Potomac, dependable and loved by his troops. Brigadier-major union general for the Union Army, commander of a division of Potomac fought at Antietam. Injured at Antietam shot 3 times. Returned battle of Fred 6th Corps, Chancellorsville engaging Confederate troops crossing, 2nd battle of Fred retreat. He charged Marye's Heights."unioncrossedrriver

Jackson's Valley Campaign **

*Campaign Identification Civil War* 1862 Confederate Victory Union Army: 3 Armies controlled by three different people - Lacked coordination within their exterior lines *NO Unity of Command*, commanders often moved too slow because they didn't know what was going on, whereas Jackson did know and exploited same aggressively. Confederate Army: 1 Army controlled by one person (Stonewall Jackson). *Unity of Command* *Lines* Jackson's adroit use of interior lines and Union hesitance helped him operate more quickly and freely than his opponents.

General Bedford Forrest

*Confederate General responsible for Fort Pillow*, later the founder of the KKK. Became millionaire. Enlisteed as private became Lieutenant general, wounded four times. Best victory Bribes crossroads. Single most feared Calvalry commander of entire war, wizard of saddle (confed) Shiloh, chick, postponed Vicks from falling. Fort pillow massacre blackens his reputation, colored soldiers were shot & executed after surrendering. First grand wizard of original KKK. (1876)

Phil Sheridan

- In charge of 1864 campaign - Used scorched earth policy in Shenandoah - Figures out how to use combined arms - Effective use of principle of unity of command, employing his larger force aggressively - Used infantry and artillery in combined forces with ordered cavalry assaults in Shenandoah campaign. Union Commander of the army of the Shenandoah. He destoyed everything in Virginia, much like Sherman had done in Georgia. Kept the confederates from getting and supplies and food. Promoted to Captain. Gained control over cavalry unit in Michigan, raided confed cities, led many minor attacks, easy win. He impressed U.S military granted mission to attack the Shenandoah valley, burned, destroyed, willing very destructive. HERO AT BATTLE OF YELLOW TAVERN.

Abraham Lincoln **

16th President of the United States saved the Union during the Civil War and emancipated the slaves; was assassinated by Booth (1809-1865)

Kansas-Nebraska Act. **

1854 - Created Nebraska and Kansas as states and gave the people in those territories the right to chose to be a free or slave state through popular sovereignty. Stephen Douglas

Pickett's Charge *********

3rd day of Gettysburg, Lee asked Pickett to lead troops on a mile and a half run where they were then slaughtered by the union army. a failed confederate attack during the Civil War led by general George Pickett at the Battle of Gettysburg. failed assault on Union positions on final day of Battle of Gettysburg

Gettysburg Address **********

A 3-minute address by Abraham Lincoln during the American Civil War (November 19, 1963) at the dedication of a national cemetery on the site of the Battle of Gettysburg

Minie Ball. ***

A bullet with a hollow base. The standard rifle bullet used in the war. From France, it made the rifle more accurate and led to staggering casualties. new bullet created before the Civil War, led to a high number of casualties during the war.

William Quantrill. ******

A confederate guerrilla, who had 400 men ride with him to Lawrence, Kansas to raid and destroy the town and kill unionists. Confederate guerilla that led an attack on Lawrence that killed 140 people. Stole Union supplies. Got chased out of Texas by Confederates. When he resorts to murder the Confederates don't like him but when he takes supplies they do. When they took Confederate supplies is when they got chased out of Texas. Started outlaw behavior in West.

Bloody Lane

A harsh battle that was fought during Antietam, there were so many dead bodies and blood that it was literally called a bloody lane. Turning point for battle of Antietam. Sunken Lane.

Lost Cause

A romanticized view of slavery, the Old South, and the Confederacy that arose in the decades following the Civil War. The phrase many white southerners applied to their Civil War defeat. They viewed the war as a noble cause but only a temporary setback in the South's ultimate vindication. Romantic name given to the Southern fight for independence, indicating nobility despite defeat. MYTH.

Why was Abraham Lincoln assassination so tragic? Do you really think he was as good a president as everyone claims? Why or why not?

Abraham Lincoln's assassination was so tragic since it damaged the North's and South's relationship, increasing the North's hate toward the South. His death gave the Radical Republicans more freedom to punish the South. Let radicals push their reconstruction agenda easier. Lincoln was a symbol for freedom for African Americans and without him unsure of what was going to happen next. The country would have been more stable due to less change. I think he was a good president because he made great strides for our country by issuing the emancipation proclamation, freeing the slaves in the South, kept nation from falling, and he was a strong supporter of the 13th amendment. He also had some of the greatest speeches in history, willing to make changes.

Raiders civil war *********

Charles Curtis, John Sarsfield, Patrick Delaney, Tery Sullivan (to name a few) 6 ring leaders. Rouge Union soldiers known for terrorizing prisoners and stealing stuff. Had access to weapons. They would jump them. 50-500 members, good life, when raiders found they were hung and punished. 6 ring leaders were hung. Got to beat other raiders in Gauntlet.

Compromise of 1850.

Agreement designed to ease tensions caused by the expansion of slavery into western territories. (1) California admitted as free state, (2) territorial status and popular sovereignty of Utah and New Mexico, (3) resolution of Texas-New Mexico boundaries, (4) federal assumption of Texas debt, (5) slave trade abolished in DC, and (6) new fugitive slave law; advocated by Henry Clay and Stephen A. Douglas

Jefferson Davis **

An American statesman and politician who served as President of the Confederate States of America for its entire history from 1861 to 1865

Discuss the importance of African American troops in the Civil War. What were their contributions? How were they treated? Why should we care?

Black soldiers served in infantry and performed all non-combat support functions. Black carpenters, chaplains, cooks, guards, laborers, horses, scouts, spies, steamboat pilots, surgeons, and teamsters. Black women were nurses, spies, and scouts. Officers black non-commissioned officers. Confident congress threatened to punish severely officers of black troops and to enslave black officers. 16 black soldiers awarded honor. Got two dollars less. Important since they did the dirty work.

Peninsula Campaign. **

Botched Union attempt to capture the capital Richmond by circumventing the Confederate army by sea.McCllean

Explain what life was like for Civil War soldiers, both in and out of the battle. Please address the following areas: camp life (food, entertainment, sanitation, ect...), Weaponry and battle tactics (description/function of weapons and how war was waged) and medicine/hospitals. ******************

Camp life: Food-bread, coffee, salt pork, pound of meat, pound of bread or flour. Cooked by open camp fire, iron skillet, kettle or a spit. Stick hard tack in bacon grease to soften up. Sanitation: Hardly bathed, flee, maggots, and flies, pot where they put bug infested clothes to clean and use same bucket to eat. Slept: in conical Sibley tents, sleep 12 men although usually 20, slept on straw. Weapons and battle tactics: Navy Colt Revolver: popular, officer primary weapon on battle field) six shots. Spring field rifle: 1 million units manufactored, range up to 800 yards, iron sights were standard. 6 pound field gun (cannon) Built to be mobile, 1500 yards, 5 ft barrel. Tactics: Solders were drilled in infantry tactics, marched their men out and took turns shooting in two lines with the front line on their knees. Flanks were a huge tactic(to move around and gain the side of an enemy position) Hospitals: 3/4 surgeries were amputation, used anthesia, very unsanitary, used a bone saw, no gloves, gangreen, ambulance was a wagon.


Civil War battle where the Union wins control of an important railroad center near Chattanooga, Tennessee.Sep 18-20 1863. Army if Cumberland under Willam Rosecrans for Union. Army of Tennessee under Braxton Bragg for Confederates. Named after creek. Rosecrans pushed confed out of chickamauga. Braggs called reinforcements launched couonter attack. Two days battle rebels fired Rosecrans to give way. CONFEDERATE WON. Braggs failed to press advantage. Thomas named rock of Chick. Largest Confederate victory in the Western Theater but lost 20% of fighting force. George Thomas had been consolidating his lines, withdrawing slightly to the west to what he considered a superior defensive position. George Thomas had been consolidating his lines, withdrawing slightly to the west to what he considered a superior defensive position. It was strategically significant because it was a major disaster for Rosecrans. 2nd highest number of casualties in American Civil War. Confed didn't press advantage in W theater. Large battle fought between Cumberland and confed tennesee (spenser repeating rifle). Horseshoe ridge (thomas) Braggs troops crossed at Chickamauga Creek. Targeting Chattanooga, Rosecrans outmaneuvered the Rebel army and forced Confederate general Braxton Bragg to relinquish control of the critical transportation hub without a fight. Rosecrans assumed that Bragg's demoralized army would retreat further south into Rome, Georgia. He divided his army into three corps and scattered them throughout Tennessee and Georgia. But Rosecrans made a mistake—Bragg had in fact concentrated his men at LaFayette, Georgia, where he was expecting reinforcements and was close to a vulnerable corps of Rosecrans's army. When Bragg's troops crossed Chickamauga Creek, the Federals had a fight on their hands.

P.G.T. Beauregard

Commander of Confederate forces at Charleston was ordered to take the fort. When Anderson refused to give it up, the Confederates bombarded it for two days. On April 14, Anderson surrendered. The Civil War had begun. Led the Confederates at Fort Sumter, Bull Run, and Shiloh after Johnson died.

John Bell Hood

Commander of Hood's Texas Brigade, one of the many Texas brigades that fought in the Civil War. This man tried unsuccessfully to draw Sherman out of Atlanta by moving back up through Tennessee and threatening an invasion of the North. Sherman sent troops to reinforce Nashville and in the Battle of Nashville, the Union defeated him. Joined Confederate Army, died of yellow fever, known for aggressive behavior to lead men into battle himself. Led high loses. Peninsula campaign, second battle of bull run, fought battle of Nashville. Decision replace with Johnston with Hood large mistake. Doesn't get along with other commanders.

Thomas J. Jackson (Stonewall) ***

Confederate commander who helped the South win Bull Run. Nicknamed the "Stonewall" and soldiers under his command were called "foot calvary"

Robert E. Lee. **

Confederate general who had opposed secession but did not believe the Union should be held together by force. Battle of Chancellorsville was Lees perfect battle

John Pemberton

Confederate general who set up a truly intricate defensive strategy of Vicksburg that ultimately failed. (from North) Wounded by Saber, used morphine created Coke-cola (coke) (ptsd) becomes successful, came up with syrup and now we have coke (drink)

Jubal Early

Confederate general. commander of one of Ewells divisions cold and dark and will keep his reputation at any cost. Lawyer, writer, didn't want to secede, major campaigns (known for Manassass, Fred/Chancellorsville) Command of campaign Shendenoah valley. Known for early invasion of Pennslyvainia in which he famously captured and then demanded ransoms from the towns of Gettysburg and york. Covred rear of Lees army during retreat back to Virgina at Gettysburg. At battle of chanceleville with mclaws counter attack sedgewig

Choose any two battles Discuss important people (commanders), causes/reasons for the battle, effects/importance of the battle, turning point date, who won, importance. SHILOH ***********

Date: April 6th to April 7th 1862 Commanders: Union: Ulysses S. Grant, Don Carlos Buell. Confederate: Albert Sidney Johnston, P.G.T Beauregard. Turning point: Hornets nest- (Sunken road) Allowed for Grant enough time to establish a last line of defense. Won: Union Victory Causes/reason: Grant wanted to capture Corinth, a vital rail center, that if captured would give the Union total control of the region. Effects/importance: There was no crushing victory only a lot of death. It was not a battle to end all battles like originally thought. First major Union victory of Civil War. PITTSBURG LANDING.

Choose any two battles Discuss important people (commanders), causes/reasons for the battle, effects/importance of the battle, turning point date, who won, importance. Antietam ************

Date: September 17, 1862, at Antietam Creek near Sharpsburg Maryland. Commanders: Robert E. Lee (Confederate) Union: George B. McClellan. Turning point: Bloody lane-Confederate fortified position against Union French army, so gory how it got its name. Causes/reason: Lee wanted to take advantage of the Union's low morale after he ruined McClellan's plan to lay siege on Richmond. Lee wanted to pursue his "Maryland Campaign" to enter Northern Territory divided his army sending each unit to march on a specific town. What happened: Two Union soldiers discovered a copy of special order 191 with detailed Confederate troop movements wrapped around three cigars.Uniontechincallywon.

George Meade (Union) ********** (KNOW ABOUT HIM IN GETTYSBURG

During the American Civil War he served as a Union general, rising from command of a brigade to the Army of the Potomac. He is best known for defeating Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee at the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863.

Battle of the Crater (Petersburg)

Failed explosion left Union soldiers in a crater; result was 3,000+ Union soldiers dying. July 30 1864, Lee vs. Burnside + Grant. When detonated, the resulting explosion would destroy a portion of the Rebel lines that could be exploited by infantry. Grant demurred but the digging began. On July 30th 1864, after weeks of preparation, the Federals exploded the mine beneath a Confederate salient, blowing a gap in the defenses. At that point, everything deteriorated rapidly for the Union attackers. Unit after unit, most of whom were U. S. Colored Troops, charged into and around the crater, where most of them milled in confusion in the bottom of the crater. The Confederates quickly recovered and launched several counterattacks led by Maj. Gen. William Mahone. The break was sealed off, and the Federals were repulsed with severe casualties. Most of the black soldiers were badly mauled. Instead of ending the siege, both sides settled in for eight months of trench warfare. Burnside was relieved of command for his role in the debacle.

Fort Sumter **

Federal fort in the harbor of Charleston, South Carolina; the confederate attack on the fort marked the start of the Civil War. Robert Anderson surrendered the fort to P.G.T Beauregard. Confederate win.

Little Round Top

Hill on top of a ridge; Lee tried to capture little round top all 3 days but kept failing. the site of an unsuccessful assault by Confederate troops against the Union left flank on July 2, 1863, the second day of the Battle of Gettysburg.

54th Massachusetts Infantry. ********

First African American soldiers recruited by the Union and this regiment earned honorable mentions in US military. African American regiment during the Civil War that played a key role in the attack of Fort Wagner. Lead charge

Cold Harbor *************

Fought during the American Civil War from June 1 to June 3, 1864, near Cold Harbor, Virginia, it culminated in the slaughter of more than 13,000 Union soldiers attempting to advance to the Confederate entrenchment. The Confederates lost fewer than 2,000 men, and even they were shocked by the carnage caused by the folly of the Union commanders. First battle of Gians mill, major victory for Lee NV. Big loss for Grant, made him change strategy to abandon Richmond. 2nd battle (Larger) Union forces withdrew marched South toward the danes pier threatening to take Petersburg. LEES LAST VICTORY

Fredericksburg. **********

General Ambrose Burnside replaced McClellan and he attacked Lee in 1862 here while suffering immense losses (more than 2 soldiers on Union side killed for every one Confederate)Ambrose Burnside led the Union toward Richmond and marched into waiting Confederate troops who shot them down as they marched. Horrible defeat for the Union. 100,000 men available to Burnside and he had the luxury of having tens of thousands in reserve. Lee with around 70,000. They had to get across river and battles inside Fredricksburg.

Irvin McDowell

General that led 35000 Union troops in an 1861 attempt to capture the Confederate capital of Richmond, Virginia and was defeated by Stonewall Jackson and the Confederates near Manassas at the Battle of Bull Run. Union general at the First Battle of the Bull Run

Choose any two of the following battles: I am choosing Gettysburg and Vicksburg. Summarize important people (commanders), causes/reasons for the battle, effects/importance of the battle. ***

Gettysburg: July 1, 1863 - July 3, 1863. Commanders on Confederate side: Lee-Army of N Virginia, Lieutenant General Longstreet-First corps, Lieutenant General Richard Ewell-2 corps, Lieutenant General Ambrose Hill-3 corpse, Major General John Sedgewick of 6th corps, Major General J.E.B Stuart-calvalry division. Commanders on Union side was Major General Meade-Army of Potomac, Major General Reynolds of 1 corps, Major General Winfield Hancock-2 corps, Major General Sickles-3 corps, Major General Sykes- fifth corps, Major General Sedgewick of sixth corps, General Howard of 11 corps, Major General. Causes: After win at Chancellorsville Lee wanted to invade North in Gettysburg Campaign. His Calvalry was absent during raid. Both Confederates and the Union were aiming for a certain road junction in Gettysburg which led to a collision between the two armies. Effects/importance: Gave North big morale boost, and put an end to Lee's plan to invade North. It also killed any chance of Europe intervening. This is the turning point of the war and the bloodies battle of the Civil War. Vicksburg: May 18, 1863- July 4, 1863. Commander for Union was Ulysses Grant, other include Sherman and McClernand. Confederate is commander is John Pemberton. Cause/reasons: Grant helped to secure control of the Mississippi River for the Union which would split Confederates in two and control an important route to move men and supplies. Part of Union Anaconda plan. Effects/importance of battle: Union won, Union got full control of Mississippi river shutting down Confederate trade, transportation, military fortifications.

North Advantages in Civil War *****************

Goods vantage, population twice as large, advanced industrial manufacturing means they can make their own war supplies, Better transportation system, railroads. Abraham Lincoln (vision), Enormous industrial advantage, controlled the seas creating a blockade, controlled 21,000 miles of railroad track for more troops and supplies, Had more farms supply soldiers with food, North had geographical advantage and contained most of the countries iron, copper, coal, and gold. 90% factories.

Shiloh **

Grant's objective was Corinth, a vital rail center that, if captured, would give the Union total control of the region. This was battle fought by Grant in an attempt to capture the railroad of the South. The battle was fought in the west prevented the north from obtaining an easy victory. However, the Confederates strong resistance showed that they would not go quietly and the war was far from over. (Union Victory). Buell.

Don Carlos Buell.

He captured Nashville; he reinforced Union lines at Shiloh. United States Army officer who fought in the Seminole War, the Mexican-American War, and the American Civil War. He led Union armies in two great Civil War battles—Shiloh and Perryville.

Joshua Chamberlain **********

Hero of Little Round Top at Gettysburg/ Maine School Teacher. Union Colonel who significantly held the left flank of the Union lines at Gettysburg. Commanded the Union troops at the surrender ceremony for the infantry of Robert E. Lee's Army at Appomattox, Virginia. Won the medal of honor.

Which man, Grant or Lee was the better General? Who was the better leader? Why? Use Specific evidence as examples to justify your points.

I believe that despite Grant winning, Lee was the better general. He scored many victories against the army of the Potomac up until Gettysburg, fighting against superior numbers and better-supplied troops. His victory at Chancellorsville, where he divided his army three times in the face of the enemy while being outnumbered three to one, and is great at using speed and force to maneuver his troops. Lee also had the difficult task of implementing a strategy to win the war which required invading the Northern states which he did twice. Lee knew the South couldn't just sit back and hold what it had, he knew the North was too strong and that some sort of early end to the war needed to be found. This was smart on his part, saving his men from inevitable death.

The March to the Sea is one of the most controversial military events in American history. In your opinion, was it a military necessity or just wanton, needless destruction? Specifically address the purpose of the march, the actions by the soldiers, the effects and anything else you feel is necessary. *************

I believe the March to sea although controversial was overall effective for the war front and helped the Union victory. The purpose of the march was to frighten Georgia's civilian population into abandoning the confederate cause. The goal was to make the life of Georgian civilians so bad they would want the war to end. The Union troops raided farms and plantations, stealing and slaughtering cows, chickens, turkeys, sheep, and hogs, and taking as much food as they could carry (bread + potatoes) Groups of foraging soldiers were called "bummers". Sherman presented the city of Savannah and its 25,000 bales of cotton to president Lincoln as a Christmas present. The march was brutal and destructive but it did what it was supposed to do, hurt Southern morale and made it impossible for the Confederates to fight at full capacity. He left people hungry and demoralized.

Caning of Charles Sumner

In May 1856 Charles Sumner gave a speech openly attacking Andrew Butler of South Carolina. Preston Brooks, the nephew of Butler attacked Sumner with a cane two days later while Sumner was working at his desk. Northeners were horrified. Southeners rejoiced.

General Hooker at Chattanooga

In November 1863 Hooker worked to revive his reputation by executing an aggressive assault that drove Confederate forces off Lookout Mountain and helped end a siege on Union forces in Chattanooga. Hooker went on to serve under General William T. Sherman during the Atlanta Campaign in mid-1864. The two generals were constantly at odds, and when Sherman passed him over for a promotion, Hooker protested by asking to be relieved from duty. He officially left the field in the summer of 1864. In September 1864 Lincoln placed him in charge of the Northern Department, a command that encompassed the states of Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Ohio. Hooker would spend the rest of the war working in an administrative capacity in Cincinnati.

Chancellorsville ***********

In Virginia where Lee daringly divided his numerically inferior army and sent Stonewall Jackson to attack the Union flank. This was a successful strategy as it was one of the Confederate's most successful victories of the war. However, during the battle, Jackson was shot and killed by a friendly fire which depleted the morale of the confederate force. A major battle in the American Civil War (1863), the Confederates under Robert E. Lee defeated the Union forces under Joseph Hooker who replaced Burnside after defeat at Fredricksburg. General Jackson was killed by friendly fire. Hooker had both parts of his army on either side of Lee, needing to follow through with plan, bring to together and grind Lee in middle, when problems began. Lee split army larger portion to West and confront Hooker at Chancellorsville, smaller group went to Fredricksburg to hold back Sedgewick. Hooker expected Lee to retreat, Suprise Lee came to attack, Hooker would've followed through could've won but lost confidence. Lee sat out with Jackson and sent scouts, found out that Hookers right flank was in the air and recognize opportunity and realize if they can get a force around that flank through the woods they can turn Hookers flank and turn him back across river. Jackson leave early, attack starts at 5:00. (12 miles) Otis Howard on right flank, unprepared. He does to Hooker what he planned to do to him. Jackson did night attack, mistaken for Union calvarly, hit three times, dies.

Emancipation Proclamation **

Issued by abraham lincoln on september 22, 1862 it declared that all slaves in the confederate states would be free! Got Britain to stay out of war.

Describe Stonewall Jackson's death after the Battle of Chancellorsville. Why do you think it was such a devastating blow to the Confederacy?

Jackson stage an assault on the Union's right flank. When returning from exploration mission, Jackson was accidently shot by his own men, members of the 18th North Carolina Infantry who had mistaken his group for Union Calvalry. Jackson was hit three times, twice in the left arm and once in the right hand, and several of his men were killed during this friendly fire. Lee wrote that he wished it were him in his place. After Jackson's left arm was amputated he seemed to be recovering well but got pneumonia, died 8 days after being shot. His loss weighed heavy on Confederate morale and the fact that he was shot by his own men made it all worse. His death was a turning point in the war. In just a few months the Union began to win important battles which might not have happened if Jackson had been on the frontlines.

Battle of St. Petersburg

June 1864-March 1865, Grant vs. Lee. High use of Trench Warfare each side made trenches (30 miles lont) Grant know he had to take Petersburg, Ended in Union Victory. June 15 1864 William Smith. PGT Beaurgard. Smith called reinforcements the next day from Grant. Eventually confed fell forced to retreat. Shell into submission.

John Clem (Drummer Boy)

John Clem (not even 10) wanted to volunteer, went to third Ohio said not went to 22nd Michigan. Carried a sawed down musket. Used to shoot rebel colonel. At Chickamauga wounded twice. Said to drop gun. At Perryville, Atlanta, Murfreesburo. Got promotion to sergant (ask for higher position) youngest in history. Discharged at 13, rejoined at 19 nominated to west point by Grant, appointed 2nd Lieutenant (wasn't that good)

Attack on Harper's Ferry

John brown and and 21 others attacked harpers ferry an army to gain weapons to fuel his war against slavery. He was defeated by the marines lead by Robert E. Lee. and eventually brown was tried and evicted and was hung.

Election of 1860

Lincoln, the Republican candidate, won because the Democratic party was split over slavery. As a result, the South no longer felt like it has a voice in politics and a number of states seceded from the Union.

Many historians have chosen Gettysburg as the turning point of the war. Discuss two specific events of this pivotal battle: Little Round Top and Pickett's charge. Include commanders/people, details and effects/importance.

Little Round Top: July 2, 1863, Southern Pennsylvania, Union Colonel-Josh Lawerence Chamberlain and Colonel Vincent. Confederates commander John B Hood division hammered up the slop of Little Round Tip pushing toward the center and right of Vincents Line. Vincent told Chamberlain to hold ground at all costs. The Confederates were extending their line toward the regiment's left. With this new information he ordered a right-angle formation, extending his line farther to the east. Hood's division then began to smash into the Maine troops. There ammo eventually started to run low and he ordered a bayonet charge. The importance of know having little round top was that holding that position was key to the development of the battle and gave them the upper hand. Picketts charge: July 3rd 1863, Hancock and Mead were the Union generals. Pickett, Longstreet and Lee were the Confederate generals. Picketts charge was when Pickett lead an assult on the Union lines to make it a mile up cemetery ridge in the center in order to try to shatter the Union Army and end the war. Importance: It was a pivotal moment in Gettysburg which some would call the desicive moment of the conflict given that the Confederacy never recovered from the battle despite the ongoing battle for the next two years.


Location in New York of one of the most infamous Union Prison camps where 25% of the men died, known as "Hellmira" for its cruelty

Bushwackers ***

Missourians who jumped the border to make raids. Pro-confederate guerilla fighters. Fled to forests to live in hiding and resist Union occupation of border counties. Fought Union patrols. Had series of ambushes robbed Unionist farmers.

Copperheads ************

Northern Democrats who favored peace with the South. A group of northern Democrats who opposed abolition and sympathized with the South during the Civil War. Called that because Irish and had red hair. Interested in industrial development (copper production) Immediate peace settlement with confed. Opposed the war believed benefits of winning war not cost of North. Thought battle fought for blacks would lower standards. Atlanta is what put end to there reign.


Nov 23-25 1863. Union-Grant. Bragg-confederate. Before Grant arrived Army Cumberland starving. His First move open supply line "cracker line" After battle confed retreat from Chatt. Feds in pursuit. Union Victory. There is a second battle. Set base for Shermans march. After Chick Cumberland fell back to high ground and rail hub at Chat. Confed Bragg chose to besiege Union forces entrenched around city hoping to starve them to surrender. Grant replaced Rosecrans with Thomas.

List and discuss three specific effects of the Civil War. Why do you think the Civil war is so important. Use specific examples.

One effect is the end of slavery due to the emancipation proclamation which sparked the thirteenth amendment. Another would be the assassination of Lincoln. If he wasn't assassinated restrictions wouldn't have been so hard on the south and the country would have been more stable. Democrat and Republican parties were created which are the main political parties today. In the past you would have been a whig or free soldier. The Civil war is very important since it lead to the end of slavery and preserved the U.S as one nation.

Jayhawkers. ***

People in Kansas who were anti-slavery and willing to use violence. Kansans who made raids on Missouri. Stole livestock and property.Prounion

Bloody Bill Anderson **********

Pro-Confederate guerilla warfare in Missouri who led an attack at Centralia, MO. started life as a brutal killer, leading pro-confederate units on attacks against Union forces. Killed 14 men himself. Involved in Lawrence Massacre.


Sep 18-20 1863, Bragg (Confed) Rosecrans (Union). Western theater. Union retaliates at Chickamagua. Confed victory. Considered as one of the bloodiest battles. Poorly worded orders from Rosecrans led to confusion paved confederate victory.

March to Sea. ***********

Sherman's march from Atlanta, Georgia, to Savannah, Georgia cut off confederate supplies received by the sea. They wanted to destroy the Southern economy and morale, leading to Southern surrender. Sherman's march to Savannah cut off confederate supplies received by the sea. 62,000 men, goal destroy everything. Used successes at Chattanooga + Southern TN to invade Goergia. "Scorched Campaign" Break Southern people's economic + psychological will to fight. Nov 15- Dec 21 (1864) "Bummers". Atlanta burned to ground allowed Lincoln to be reelected. First time using total war approach.

Border States **

States bordering the North: Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky and Missouri, and West Virginia. They were slave states, but did not secede.

South Disadvantages in Civil War ****************

Supply shortages as war continues Greatest weaknesses were economic/manufacturing capacity and poor transportation systems. No region aid, limited naval forces, no government, the anaconda plan, slaves rebellion, battle of Gettysburg, weakened the economy, shortages on supplies, emancipation proclamation, transportation issues, small population.

Dred Scott Case

Supreme Court case which ruled that slaves are not citizens but are property, affirmed that property cannot be interfered with by Congress, slaves do not become free if they travel to free territories or states, fueled abolitionist movement, hailed as victory for the south

Albert Sidney Johnston

Texan who was the second highest ranking general in the Confederate army; killed at the Battle of Shiloh. Commander of the Confederate army at Shiloh. Bled to death under a tree at this battle.

George B. McClellan **

Union army commander appointed by Lincoln; was a great organizer; known for transforming inexperienced troops into an army of trained soldiers ready for battle. A general for northern command of the Army of the Potomac in 1861; nicknamed "Tardy George" because of his failure to move troops to Richmond; lost battle vs. General Lee near the Chesapeake Bay; Lincoln fired him twice.

Total War. ********

The American Civil War has been classified by some historians as a "total war." Total war is defined as "a war that is unrestricted in terms of the weapons used, the territory or combatants involved, or the objectives pursued." The war was not only fought on distant battlefields in which soldiers remained widely separated from the rest of the population. It was also fought on peoples' farms and in towns, where civilians were forced to experience the war first-hand, especially throughout the South.

Hornets Nest **

The Hornet's Nest was a name given to the area of the Shiloh battlefield where Confederate troops made repeated attacks against Union positions along a small, little-used farm road on the first day of the battle, April 6, 1862. TURNING POINT. Albert Johnston died. Southerners said the zipping bullets sounding like angry hornets.

Robert Gould Shaw. **********

The colonel in command of all the blacks in 54th mass. regiment, which entered the civil war in 1863. He was killed in a failed attempt to capture Fort Wagner, near Charleston SC

Discuss the conditions in Civil War prisons. How did men survive and why did so many die? Give specific names of the prisons and specific conditions that these prisoners went through

The conditions were poor with contaminated drinking water, overcrowding, bugs such as lice, hot/cold weather, diarrhea, dysentery, gangrene, scurvy, smallpox. How Survive/why die: Some fared better in terms of shelter, clothing, rations and overall treatment by captors. Others suffered from harsh living conditions, cramped living, disease, sadistic treatment. In prison camps the most common cause of death was scurvy and diarrhea.

First Manassas **

The major battle of the Civil war between Union General Erwin McDowell and Confederate General Joseph E. Johnston, July, 21, 1861, ending in a Confederate victory and the route of the union army, also called Bull Run. First battle of American Civil War. First major land battle of the American Civil War. The Confederate victory gave the South a surge of confidence and shocked many in the North, who realized the war would not be won as easily as they had hoped. Encouraged by early victories by Union troops in western Virginia and by the war fever spreading through the North, President Abraham Lincoln ordered Brigadier General Irvin McDowell to mount an offensive that would hit quickly and decisively at the enemy and open the way to Richmond, thus bringing the war to a

Second Manassas. **

This battle, fought on August 30th 1862, was Lee's attempt to destroy Pope's force defending Washinton before McClellan could help defend. Only believing he was fighting Jackson's contingent, Pope left his defenses open to Lee's main force. The result was a tremendous Confederate Victory, ridding almost all of Virginia of Union forces. Pope and Halleck were demoted as a result, putting McClellan once again as commander of the Army of the Potomic. CONFEDERATE VICTORY! At Second Manassas, Gen. Robert E. Lee's Confederate army defeated Union forces under Maj. Gen. John Pope, hastening the Federals' retreat back toward their defenses in Washington and allowing Lee to lead his army across the Potomac River into the North.

South Advantages in Civil War ********************

They knew the land better, had the home-field advantage, and had better trained officers and soldiers, motivated to protect their property. They grow their crops in the South, they were known to be resourceful, Better generals (Lee), They have better shot (guns).

Burnside Bridge

This final part of the Battle of Antietam took place near the southern end of the Army of Northern Virginia. This attack was led by Ambrose Burnside, as a diversion for Hooker's northern attack. However, he was stopped by Confederate troops for several hours before taking the bridge they were on. In that time, Burnside lost over 500 men, while the defenders only around 150. They were further stalled transporting supplies over the bridge, and by that time, A.P. Hill and his Light Division had arrived and drove back Burnside.

Sherman bowtie *****

Thousands of miles of railroad tracks and torn up, heated, and twisted into unusable shapes, and bent around trees into the shape of a bowtie. Cut off supplies, did this in the night.

Gettysburg ****

Turning point of the Civil War. A large battle in the American Civil War, took place in southern Pennsylvania from July 1 to July 3, 1863. The battle is named after the town on the battlefield. Union General George G. Meade led an army of about 90,000 men to victory against General Robert E. Lee's Confederate army of about 75,000. Gettysburg is the war's most famous battle because of its large size, high cost in lives, location in a northern state, and for President Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. Union won boosted morale.

Monitor and Merrimack **

Two ironclad warships which fought off the Virginia coast. The first belonged to the Union and the second was the union's, but was seized by the confederacy. The battle of the two ships is regarded as a transformation of naval warfare. Battle between two ironclad ships, lasts five days and has no winner but changes the paradigm of naval warfare. Union and Confederate "ironclads" that battled to a draw. Union Blockade remained intact.It was part of a Confederate effort to break the Union blockade of Southern ports, including Norfolk and Richmond, Virginia, that had been imposed at the start of the

George Thomas.

US hero at the Battle of Chickamauga;, Commanded the Army of the Cumberland under Sherman during the Atlanta campaign. Nicknamed the "Rock of Chickamauga" because of his defense there that saved the Union Army. Union General, Brigadier general. Protects places from the KKK. Rallying broken units, organizing an effective defense, and holding off repeated Confederate assaults to allow the Federal army to escape, it was said that Thomas was "standing like a rock," earning him the most famous of his many nicknames, the "Rock of Chickamauga."

General Rosecrans

Union general who advanced to Chattanooga to cut off the South West completely from the rest of the South. Nickname Rosy. Damn system in West Virginia. (Union). Became interested in railroads.

Joseph Hooker

Union general who replaces Burnside was defeated at the battle of Chancellorsville. United States general in the Union Army who was defeated at Chancellorsville by Robert E. Lee

Anaconda Plan **

Union war plan by Winfield Scott, called for blockade of southern coast, capture of Richmond, capture Mississippi R, and to take an army through heart of south. 1. Blockade of Southern sea ports, control Mississippi river, capture capital of confederacy (Richmond Virginia) to put down the rebellion by the Confederacy in 1861. Scott came up with the plan in early 1861, intending it as a way to end the rebellion predominantly through economic measures. (North wouldn't let supplies enter the South nor leave the South). In end it was successful. other countries stop bringing products to south.

Ambrose Burnside

Union; Was defeated by Lee at Fredericksburg despite having the larger army. General who replaced McClellan. He resigned his command voluntarily after his failure at the battle of Fredericksburg

What was the "Border War"? Who was involved? How was it different than the rest of the Civil War?

War within own borders between U.S Army and Missouri citizens. Missouri never officially joined the Civil War due to internal struggles. The battle involved the people of Kansas and Missouri that occurred immediately after the signing of the Kansas-Nebraska Act in 1854. Began seven years before the Civil war officially began and continued into the war. The issue was whether or not Kansas would become a Free-state or a pro-slavery state, which resulted in years of electoral fraud and raids carried out by pro-slavery "Border Ruffians" in Missouri and anti-slavery "Jayhawkers" and "Redlegs" in Kansas. Border war involved if one state should be pro slavery or free while the civil war was the whole country and they weren't going to separate from the Union and become there own country. Involved Bloody Bill Anderson, Bushwackers, Jayhawkers.

Discuss the causes and effects of the New York City Draft Riots of 1863. ************

When anger of working class New Yorkers over a new federal draft law during Civil War sparked five days of some of the bloodiest and most destructive rioting in U.S history. This is because Irish immigrants didn't want to help slaves since they liked being above them. Discontent wit the inequalities of conscription. They didn't think fair rich could get out of the draft and they couldn't. Riots costed million of dollars in property damage, made 3000 city's black residents homeless. As war progressed, New York's ant-war politicians and newspapers kept warning its working-class white citizens (Irish immigrants some german) that the emancipation would mean their replacement in the labor force by thousands of freed enslaved people from the South. Soldiers mad who signed up to perserve union not abolish slavery.

Marye's Heights ***********

Where the Confederate troops were positioned during the battle of Fredericksburg. Where the CSA held the line on the high ground during the Battle of Fredericksburg. The turning point of the battle. Not a chicken could live in the field once open upon it. Burnside wasted time waiting for pontoons to arrive, had he taken advantage of the speed and surprise overwhelming numbers could have changed it all. Walt Whitman entered.

Lawrence Massacre.

William Quantrill's bloody border gang's raid on Lawrence, Kansas that led to a massacre. August 21, 1863 defining moment in border conflict. This was because Union General Thomas Ewing was assigned the task of stopping the Confederate guerrilla raiders led by Quantril. Ewing ordered the arrest of anyone giving aid to Quantril's raiders. This resulted in the arrest and detainment of mostly women and children. August 13. 1863, the diapaidated building where the prisoners were held collapsed, killing several women. In retaliation Quantril and between 300-400 of his men stormed into Lawerence, burining and pillaging the town and massacring its citizens. Hundreds of men and boys were killed in the raid that lasted several hours. Very few of the victims were actually soldiers, most were just innocent citizens.

Spotsylvania Court House

Without stopping to rest or re=organize after Battle of the Wildeness, Grant resumed his march toward Richmond and met Lee again in the bloody, five-day Battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse in which Union troops and a large, but unknown, number of Confederates fell. Took place 12 days after fought, because of overland campaign. Established long line of earthworms, half mine bulge "mud shoe" Lee sees Union movement believes Grant preparing withdrawal. Hancocks men advance may 12, strike confed line. Broke Lees line. Hand to hand combat lats 22 hours (blood angle) 17,000 died. Union: Hancock, Grant, Sedgewig, Warren. Confed: Lee, Ewell. Inconclusive, more confed

Ulysses S. Grant **

an American general and the eighteenth President of the United States (1869-1877). He achieved international fame as the leading Union general in the American Civil War.

Ulysses Grant **********

an American general and the eighteenth President of the United States (1869-1877). He achieved international fame as the leading Union general in the American Civil War. "unconditional surrenderer". Always ready to fight everyday, nicknamed bucherer by Lincoln's wife. Headquarters at Potomac, General in Cheif of armies of US (he got promoted)

William T. Sherman. *******

general whose march to sea caused destruction to the south, union general, led march to destroy all supplies and resoures, beginning of total warfare. Ewing gets him into U.S Military Academy. Despite being beat at Battle of Shiloh, Sherman promoted to Major General. Started March in 1964. Racist "Lost army" Georgians HATED HIM.

Andersonville **********

infamous Civil War prisoner-of-war camp in Macon County, Georgia. Over 13,000 Union soldiers died in the camp. The most infamous prison in the south. There was no shelter. There was a huge population, and there were food shortages, overcrowding, and disease that killed about 100 men a day during the summer months.

North Disadvantages in Civil War. ************

poor military leadership, weak motivation, long coastline to protect, fighting far from home. 4 more states joined the South. Men in Union invading part of country not familiar. Not a lot of railroads in South and a lot of them did not connect, tough to get supplies to soldiers, South had better generals, South got to play defense.

Appomattox Court House. ***********

small town in Virginia where Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant ending the Civil War. Famous as the site of the surrender of the Confederate Army under Robert E. Lee to Union commander Ulysses S. Grant. APRIL 9TH 1865, Lee makes one last attempt to break through, ends up surrendering, Jefferson Davis tells him not to. Lee gives sword to Chamberlain.


split the Confederacy in two and gave the North control of the Mississippi River. Grant's best fought campaign, this siege ended in the seizure of the Mississippi River by the Union. Grant besieged the city from May 18 to July 4, 1863, until it surrendered, yielding command of the Mississippi River to the Union.

King Cotton Diplomacy **

the South's political strategy during the Civil War; it depended upon British and French dependency on southern cotton to the extent that those two countries would help the South break the blockade

Antietam **

the first major battle in the American Civil War to take place on Northern soil. It was the bloodiest single-day battle in American history, with almost 23,000 casualties. After this "win" for the North, Lincoln announced the Emancipation Proclamation

John Wilkes Booth. ********

was an American stage actor who, as part of a conspiracy plot, assassinated Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, at Ford's Theatre in Washington, D.C. on April 14, 1865. Wanted to kill three most important people. (Secretary) He fled south toward Marilyn towards Virginia, leg broke fall at theater met up with David Herold before stop at Surratt House Tavern for supplies, Union troops killed them. Mary Surratt Killed.

Joseph Johnston

was the General of the Confederate force at Manassas Junction, a little town on a creek called Bull Run; his troops met McDowell and the Union army at the First Battle of Bull Run. Confederate who came to the aid of Beauregard at the First Battle of Bull Run

General Braxton Bragg

was the best general the South had in the beginning of the war, despite the fact that he was unpopular with almost everyone. Opposed to secession, still organized Louisiana troops, appointed major general commaning Louisians forces after Secession, joining confederates. Commanded corps in Johnston's army and led at Shiloh. Promoted to full general. Subordinates frustrated with brass behavior. Resigned after defeat at Chattanooga. Chickamauga was a win.

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