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In terms of population, the USA is the third-largest country in the world after

1) China and 2) India

In terms of territory, the USA is the fourth largest country in the world after

1) Russia 2) Canada and 3) China

Traditional Protestant values in the USA:

1. Emphasis on personal responsibility and hard work 2. Respect for authority and the importance of family and community 3. Belief in the importance of education and helping the less fortunate 4. Commitment to public service and the common good 5. Respect for the sanctity of life 6. A commitment to the preservation of traditional values and morals 7. A belief in religious freedom and tolerance of other faiths 8. Support for the separation of church and state

Within two years of its adoption the first .......

10 amendments known as the Bill of Rights were added.

The upper house of Congress


The first wave of Polish immigrants came to the USA in the period ......

The late 1800s (WWI)

How many senators are there in the senate?

100 senators, two from each state

How many senate members are elected?

100, each State equal representation

American constitution came into effect in...........


The majority of immigrants from Europe came to the USA before ......


The rapid growth of the Asian & Hispanic populations was since .......


Which Amendment guarantees the freedom of speech?


Which Amendment guarantees the freedom of the right of peaceful assembly?


Which Amendment guarantees the freedom of worship?


The Congress may introduce an amendment by ....... vote in each house


The Constitution has been amended ....... times since 1789.


Which Amendment guarantees the right of citizens to bear arms?


The USA is about ........ times bigger than Poland.

31,5 times

In terms of territory, the USA is ....... largest country in the world.


When was the USA created?

4th July 1776

There are ......... (how many) Standard Time Zones in the USA


The Supreme Court consists of .......

9 judges

A 'melting pot' vs. a 'mosaic', 'salad bowl', 'pizza', 'stew mix' metaphors. What's the difference?

A 'melting pot' metaphor is used to describe a society in which people from different cultures, backgrounds, and ethnicities blend together and become part of a single, unified culture. A 'mosaic' metaphor is used to describe a society in which people from different cultures, backgrounds, and ethnicities live side-by-side in harmony, but maintain their individual identities. This term is often used to describe multicultural societies where different cultures are accepted and celebrated. A 'salad bowl' metaphor is used to describe a society in which different cultures and backgrounds are mixed together, but each element retains its own distinct flavor and identity. This term is often used to describe a society in which diversity is celebrated and respected. A 'pizza' metaphor is used to describe a society in which different cultures, backgrounds, and ethnicities contribute to the creation of a single, unified culture. This term is often used to describe a society in which different cultures are blended together to create a unique and unified society. A 'stew mix' metaphor is used to describe a society in which different cultures, backgrounds, and ethnicities are mixed together to create a unique and unified culture. This term is often used to describe a society in which different cultures are blended together. (assimilation, unitary culture vs variety and difference should some how be incorporated into a larger 'American' whole, cultural pluralism)

Three metaphors related to the USA as the land of immigrants.

A melting pot, a salad bowl, a pizza

The American ideal of e pluribus unum = ...... (out of many one)

A national motto. "Out of many, one". It symbolizes the unity of the nation, which was formed from many separate states.

The third wave of Polish immigrants came to the USA after ......

After the introduction of martial law in 1981

Believing in the..........., many tens of millions of people have come to live in the USA.

American Dream

Five Christian denominations.

Anglicans, Baptists, Catholics, Separatists, Puritan

About 1880 many Jews came as a result of .......

Antisemitism in Europe

The lowest point in the country is Death Valley in .......

Badwater Basin, California

Most Polish city is in ................ in .........

Chicago, Illinois

Which institution represents the legislative branch?


The form of government in the USA.

Constitutional Federal Republic

In general, the more ....... a place is from an ......, the more it has temperature ...... in the summer and winter.

Distant, Ocean, Extremes

US regions tend to be less .......... than those in older, more ...................... stable countries. The high ....................... of the American population adds to the homogenizing effects of popular mass culture, modern transportation, urbanization and the centralization of the economy and government.

Distinct, Demographically, Mobility

Farther ........., rainfall increases because warm, moist air moves up over the nation's middle from the ............. producing rainfall.

East, Gulf of Mexico

Americans' core idealism, pride, and naivety are embodied in .............. 's sonnet '..............................", which is displayed inside the base of the ....................

Emma Lazarus, 'The New Colossus', Statue of Liberty

The main languages in the USA are ............

English, Spanish

The people who established the colonies are considered ....... rather than .............. because they created the customs, laws, and institutions to which later arrivals (the first immigrants) had to adjust.

Founders, immigrants

The Founding Fathers of the Constitution

George Washington & Thomas Jefferson

Five wonders of nature in the USA.

Grand Canyon, Yellowstone National Park, Grand Canyon National Park, Yosemite NP, Death Valley

The lower house of Congress

House of Representatives

The various ..... groups (including the Aleuts) are the native peoples of ....... and the Aleutian Islands.

Inuit, Alaska

The ....... arrived relatively late and wanted to distinguish themselves racially from ............... living farther .......

Inuit, Native Americans, South

The English established their first permanent settlement at .........., ..........., in .........

Jamestown, Virginia, 1607

In the 1630s, Lord Baltimore established ........... as a haven for ........, England's most persecuted minority.

Maryland, Catholics

The ......... includes the states bordering the .............. and two tiers of states west of the Mississippi river from Missouri and Kansas north to Canada.

Mid-West, Great Lakes

'The land of 10,000 lakes' is in ........


Main rivers.

Mississippi, Missouri, Colorado

Features traditionally considered 'American traits '


The original US capital


The ........ is arguably still the nation's ......... and cultural center.

North East, economic

How old n long is the Constitution?

Of the written national constitutions, it is the oldest and shortest written Constitution of any major government in the world

The USA is called 'the land of ........'


To escape religious oppression in England, the ........, a small group of radical separatists from the .........................., founded the first of the northern colonies in 1620 at ......................., Massachusetts.

Pilgrims, Church of England, Plymouth

Major mountain ranges.

Rocky Mountains, Appalachian Mountains

Constitution Day is celebrated on ......

September 17, The anniversary of the day the framers signed the document.

African ......... existed in all the American colonies but became the main source of workers only in the plantation ...........

Slavery, south

Largest lakes.

Superior > Huron > Michigan > Erie > Ontario

In terms of population, the USA is ....... largest country in the world.

The 3rd

The national symbol of the USA since 1782

The American Bald Eagle

Who/what has the power to override a President's veto?

The Congress

The lowest point in the country is ........

The Death Valley

Who/what can veto any act of Congress?

The President

......... is the second in line to the Presidency, after the Vice President, under the Presidential Succession Act of 1947.

The Speaker

'............' is a myth, a popular set of values, and a region of the country. It represents possibility, freedom, self-reliance, and the future.

The West

Traditionally, this region includes the eleven states from Virginia to Texas that formed the Confederacy during the Civil War.

The south

How many Representatives members are elected?

There are currently 435 voting representatives, members apportioned on the basis of population

Within ...... (how many) years of its adoption the first ten amendments known as the Bill of Rights were added.


The Speaker is the second in line to the Presidency, after the ......... , under the Presidential Succession Act of 1947.

Vice President

The second wave of Polish immigrants came to the USA after ..........


There are at least two Washingtons in the USA. Why?

Washington DC (capital), Washington (state)


White Anglo-Saxon Protestants: an ethnoreligious group who are the white, upper-class, American Protestant historical elite, typically of British descent.

Five famous Poles in America.

Zbigniew Brzeziński, Casimir Pulaski, Czesław Miłosz, Izabella Scorupco, Izabella Miko

Political system of the US

a constitutional republic consisting of federal and state governments

The Constitution consists of ......

a preamble, 7 articles, 27 amendments

What is a grand jury?

a special jury of citizens, usually more than 12, that investigates accusations against persons charged with crime and indicts them for trial if there is sufficient evidence (sąd przysięgłych, wielka ława przysięgłych)

What is an indictment?

a written statement charging someone with the committing of a crime or other offense (akt oskarżenia)

Amendments to the Constitution are repealed by ........

adding another amendment

What does the dual system of government mean?

all authority is divided between the federal and state governments

What is impeachment?

an administrative procedure, defined in the United States Constitution, under which the president (or another high government official) is brought up on charges and tried by the Congress, and, if convicted, is removed from office (oskarżenie wysokiego urzędnika państwowego)

A U.S. senator and a representative may serve (how many?) terms.

an unlimited number

Four major cultures in the USA created as a result of historical developments, in/directly conditioning US society

ethnic culture founded on indigenous Native American civilizations, European colonial settlement, African-American slavery and later waves of immigration. a multi-faith or pluralist religious culture, which reflects the beliefs of colonists and immigrants and is still prominent today a political-legal culture theoretically based on individualism, constitutionalism and respect for the law. It tries to unite the people under ideal versions of 'Americanness', such as egalitarianism, morality and patriotism which should be reflected in political and legal institutions. is an economic and consumer culture driven by corporate and individual competition)

American self-images: 'exceptionalism'

its unique mission in the world, idealism, high aspirations and sense of destiny

The division/separation of power is meant to ......

prevent any branch of the government from becoming too powerful

Values traditionally associated with these symbols of 'Americanness'

self-reliance, individualism, independence, utopianism, liberty, egalitarianism, freedom, opportunity, democracy, anti-statism (distrust of government), populism (grass-roots activism), a sense of destiny and respect for the law

What is the checks and balances system?

separation of powers within government

Only one Amendment to the Constitution has been repealed. Which one?

the 18th - Prohibition

Immigration from Europe prevailed until .........

the 1970s

We the people ... - this is the beginning of .......

the American Constitution

Within two years of its adoption the first ten amendments known as ......... were added.

the Bill of Rights

The first time the formal term "The United States of America" was used was in the document called .......

the Declaration of Independence

The legislative body consists of two houses: ......... and ..........

the House of Representatives; Senate

Which institution represents the executive branch?

the President

The highest U.S. federal court is ......

the Supreme Court

Which institution represents the judicial branch?

the Supreme Court

Who is President of the Senate

the Vice-president of the United States

First three articles deal with ......

the divisions of the power in the US

US government is divided into three branches. What are they?

the executive branch, the legislative branch, the judicial branch

Central images of 'Americanness', common cultural signs

the national flag, also known as the Stars and Stripes, Old Glory or the Star-Spangled Banner the pledge of allegiance to the flag the Declaration of Independence the Liberty Bell Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation and Gettysburg Address the 'Star-Spangled Banner' - the US national anthem the Constitution.

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