American Government Study Guide

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According to the textbook, what is/are the implication(s) of political culture? A. A sense of patriotism and support for the government B. Heightened political equity C. A solid moral compass D. Tolerance and civic engagement

A. A sense of patriotism and support for the government

Which of the following people did NOT participate in writing the Declaration of Independence? A. John Locke B. Thomas Jefferson C. John Adams D. Benjamin Franklin

A. John Locke

The individual most closely associated with modern bureaucracies is: A. Max Weber B. Harold Seidman C. John Ehrlichman D. Keith Brownlow

A. Max Weber

Which statement is NOT correct? A. Protestants are more likely to vote than Catholics B. professionals are more likely to vote than tradesmen C. Republicans are more likely to vote than Democrats D. individuals with strong partisanship are more likely to vote than independents

A. Protestants are more likely to vote than Catholics

Which case dealt with symbolic speech? A. Texas v. Johnson B. Schenck v. US C. Reynolds v. US D. Lemon v. Kurtzman

A. Texas v. Johnson

Ultimately, all of the following are TRUE statements regarding intelligence and foreign policy EXCEPT: A. The strategic intelligence in the Iraq war was highly inaccurate. B. Poor intelligence greatly hampers the process of making foreign policy. C. The anticipation that Iraq could transition easily to democracy was overly optimistic. D. The intelligence regarding Iraq's possession of W.M.D.s was unclear.

A. The strategic intelligence in the Iraq war was highly inaccurate.

People generally join interest groups for all of the following reasons EXCEPT: A. altruism B. to gain personal satisfaction C. because of a common interest D. to gain some material benefit

A. altruism

All of the following are true of appeals EXCEPT: A. an appeal may be one's only option to prove one's innocence B. most states and the federal government have multiple levels of appellate courts C. one might appeal a case that one won under certain circumstances D. one may lose an appeal and receive a harsher sentence than one did the first time around

A. an appeal may be one's only option to prove one's innocence

According to Putnam, "__________ are arguably the single most important repository of social capital in America." A. churches B. schools C. museums D. political parties

A. churches

Which of the following is TRUE regarding the "end game" of the legislative process? A. conference committees exist ONLY to resolve differences in House and Senate versions of bills B. without presidential support, a bill cannot become a law C. each chamber frequently adopts versions of bills passed by the other chamber to expedite legislating D. a presidential veto can be over-ridden by Congress with a simple majority vote in each chamber

A. conference committees exist ONLY to resolve differences in House and Senate versions of bills

All of the following are true about the structure of the federal courts EXCEPT: A. district court judges are removable for mental incompetence B. it is divided into multiple levels C. the structure permits very specialized judges to deal with cases in their fields D. specific trial courts exist for even very complex material

A. district court judges are removable for mental incompetence

The major agent of political socialization is the __________. A. family B. school C. church D. friends

A. family

Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution contains the right to petition the government? A. first B. fourth C. ninth D. tenth

A. first

Which of the following is TRUE about the "modern process" of Congressional evolution? A. floor rules have become more restrictive B. the use of filibusters decreased C. bills were generally referred to a very few committees, sometimes even just a single committee D. coalition building became easier

A. floor rules have become more restrictive

Which group of cabinet members is the President most likely to meet with? A. his inner cabinet B. his outer cabinet C. his full cabinet D. his national security cabinet

A. his inner cabinet

All of the following measures have been employed by states to make voting easier EXCEPT: A. implementing online voting B. liberalizing absentee ballot rules C. lengthening the time permitted for voting D. permitting the casting of provisional ballots

A. implementing online voting

In terms of political socialization, __________ is fairly inevitable in schools A. indoctrination B. marginalization C. reaffirmation D. confusion

A. indoctrination

All of the following are TRUE of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA) EXCEPT: A. it placed restrictions on the ability of interest groups to run interest ads B. it dealt with unregulated "soft money" C. it increased the popularity of 527 Groups D. it restricted the fundraising ability of parties

A. it placed restrictions on the ability of interest groups to run interest ads

All of the following characterize the Virgina Plan EXCEPT: A. it proposed a multi-person chief executive B. it proposed a bicameral legislature C. state legislatures would choose some members of the federal legislature D. it included a supreme court

A. it proposed a multi-person chief executive

Which of the following statements about "Democracy in America" is false? A. it was written by an American B. it described Americans as individualistic C. it was written in the 1800s D. it described how the American government formed

A. it was written by an American

Generally speaking, what would one need to change about the Congress to give it more demographic similarity to the American people? A. make its members younger B. make more of its members Protestant C. make more of its members professionals D. make more of its members males

A. make its members younger

All of the following statements are TRUE EXCEPT: A. more people think better of Congress as a whole than of their individual Congressmen/women B. incumbents are reelected to Congress more than 75% of the time C. facing voters frequently largely promotes agency representation D. constitutent services are important to being reelected

A. more people think better of Congress as a whole than of their individual congressmen/women

According to Verba & Nie, who would be most likely to be involved in local community affairs? A. parochial participants B. inactives C. voting specialists D. elected officials

A. parochial participants

Which of the following is NOT a power bestowed to the federal government? A. ratifying amendments to the US constitution B. regulating interstate commerce C. borrowing money D. making laws

A. ratifying amendments to the US constitution

Which activity would likely have the best chance of getting an issue noticed by politicians in various levels of government? A. signing a petition B. voting C. participating in a march or demonstration D. joining a civic action group

A. signing a petition

All of the following statements are TRUE about the Subcommittee Bill of Rights EXCEPT: A. thanks to it, "programmatic liberals" were ousted from several committee chairs B. it required that subcommittees be set up under committees C. it applied mainly in the House of Representatives D. it eliminated seniority as the sole determining factor for committee chairs

A. thanks to it, "programmatic liberals" were ousted from several committee chairs

C. Wright Mills believed which of the following? A. that public policy is ultimately determined by an aristocracy B. the elites impose policy execution on the masses C. that elections inform administrators of the public will D. that elites serve as officials in the policy-making scheme

A. that public policy is ultimately determined by an aristocracy

The Department of Defense was given the lead in shaping policy about Iraq for all of the following reasons EXCEPT: A. the department of state was already over-committed in the region B. it made sense since military action would be taken C. it had significant manpower resources D. D.O.D leadership strongly supported President Bush's vision

A. the department of state was already over-committed in the region

Which article of the U.S. Constitution contains the most detail? A. the first B. the second C. the third D. the fourth E. created a confederate system of government

A. the first

All of the following statements are TRUE regarding Georgia's potential adoption of gambling EXCEPT: A. the market for casino gambling in the region is saturated B. riverboat casinos do not require a river C. riverboat casinos are owned by private corporations D. riverboat casinos generate more revenue for states than tribal casinos within state borders.

A. the market for casino gambling in the region is saturated

__________ is the least commonly-used system of county governance in the U.S. today. A. the sole commissioner model B. the commissioner-administrator model C. the commission-executive model D. consolidated government

A. the sole commissioner model

All of the following are TRUE about executive agreements EXCEPT: A. they require Congressional approval B. they exist between the President and the head of another country C. they can be challenged in a court of law D. one such agreement was the basis for the Lend Lease Act of 1941

A. they require congressional approval

Article I, Section 2, Paragraph 3 of the Constitution contains the... A. three-fifths compromise B. procedures for impeachment C. the Connecticut compromise D. the reserved powers clause

A. three-fifths compromise

If he had to choose from these, which governmental scheme would King George III have liked the most? A. unitary B. confederal C. federal D. republican

A. unitary

All of the following statements are TRUE regarding political awareness EXCEPT: A. Americans have greater access to information today than they did 50 years ago B. Americans are more informed about political matters today than they were 50 years ago C. Americans are less informed about political matters today than they were 50 years ago D. politically knowledgeable citizens are more effective citizens

B. Americans are more informed about political matters today than they were 50 years ago

The federal government's fiscal year begins on... A. January 1 B. October 1 C. December 31 D. July 4

B. October 1

As far as the US Constitution is concerned, an export tax would be an example of... A. a concurrent power B. a prohibited power C. an ex post facto law D. a state power

B. a prohibited power

What industry really does not like Ralph Nader? A. agricultural B. airline C. pharmaceutical D. cosmetic

B. airline

The Interstate Commerce Act gives Congress the authority to: A. regulate commerce between the states B. allow an executive commission to issue rules that have the force of law C. regulate atmospheric pollution emissions D. establish interstate tariffs

B. allow an executive commission to issue rules that have the force of law

The authors of the textbook compare the U.S. foreign policy process to a(n) __________. A. "old boys club" B. board meetings C. dance D. military operation

B. board meetings

Before the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002, soft money... A. was regulated by the Federal Election Campaign Acts of the 1970s. B. could fund ads with candidate images and names. C. limited contributions to $1000 per donor per candidate per election. D. was used for campaigning activities.

B. could fund ads with candidate images and names

Generally speaking, voter turnout would be expected to be the lowest for which kind of election? A. federal congress B. county board of commissions C. governor D. state assembly

B. county board of commissions

All of the following are examples of "enumerated powers" EXCEPT: A. coining money B. creating a national bank C. establishing a post office D. maintaining a navy

B. creating a national bank

Most executive departments created since the time of the Civil War have been: A. part of the inner cabinet B. departments created to serve a small group of people or businesses C. included in the executive office of the president D. concerned with diplomacy, finance, and military operations

B. departments created to serve a small group of people or businesses

When it comes to interest groups, how is wealth generally transferred? A. from the upper-class to the lower-class B. from the middle- and lower-classes to the upper-class C. from the middle-class to the middle-class as wealth is redistributed D. from the middle-class to both the upper-class and the lower-class

B. from the middle- and lower- classes to the upper- class

The rise of M.A.D.D. best illustrates the growth of a __________ movement. A. P.A.C. B. grassroots C. middle-class D. partisan

B. grassroots

All of the following are TRUE about the U.S. Supreme Court EXCEPT: A. in the event of a tie vote in deciding a case, the lower appellate court ruling is allowed to stand B. if the Chief Justice sides with the minority of the Justices in deciding a case, the job of writing the majority decision is assigned by the Speaker of the House C. FDR's "court packing" plan was thwarted by a shift in deciding cases on the part of a single justice D. the Supreme Court has some original jurisdiction

B. if the Chief Justice sides with the minority of the Justices in deciding a case, the job of writing the majority decision is assigned by the Speaker of the House

The ___________ powers relate to the Elastic Clause. A. inherent B. implied C. enumerated D. federal

B. implied

The Miranda warning is required if a suspect is interrogated while __________. A. under investigation B. in custody C. under suspicion D. being charged with a crime

B. in custody

Regarding justicibility, perhaps the clearest illustration of political questions involve: A. civil rights B. international rights

B. international rights

The Monroe Doctrine sought American security through: A. internationalization B. isolationism C. expansionism D. forming alliances

B. isolationism

All of the following statements are TRUE regarding the Congressional power of oversight EXCEPT: A. the power issues from the constitution B. it is chiefly used to police the activities of the courts C. it is exemplified in action by the War Powers Act of 1973 D. it frequently produces hearings, which may themselves catalyze future foreign policy changes

B. it is chiefly used to police the activities of the courts

Among the kinds of people and institutions who formulate policy proposals, which would generally be expected to do the LEAST: A. bureaucrats B. judges C. think tanks D. congressional staff members

B. judges

Scandinavian socialism affords citizens all the following EXCEPT for: A. universal health care B. modest taxes C. governmental economic control D. public education

B. modest taxes

A series of crises in the 20th century have shifted our expectation of the federal government to... A. one of democratic deliberation. B. one of the action C. one of calculating reserve D. one of partisanship

B. one of action

Which informal source of presidential power would a President be seeking to capitalize on if he reached out to the AFL-CIO? A. the electorate B. party and interest C. leadership D. media

B. party and interest

All of the following are members of the Executive Office of the President EXCEPT: A. economic advisors B. political advisors C. foreign policy advisors D. legislative advisors

B. political advisors

"One person, one vote" best describes A. equality of opportunity B. political equality C. democracy D. pluarlism

B. political equality

The Full Faith and Credit Clause... A. appears in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution. B. prevents one from avoiding a judicial decree by simply moving to another state. C. was adjudicated by the Supreme Court in 1813 in the case of Dartmouth College v. Woodward. D. procedurally permits a new trial after a change of venue.

B. prevents one from avoiding a judicial decree by simply moving to another state.

All of the following statements are TRUE of other local governments in the U.S. EXCEPT: A. Councils of Governments (COGs) can be effective for long-term planning B. school boards oversee the daily operation of school districts C. fundraising is the primary function of special districts D. school board elections are generally non-partisan

B. school boards oversee the daily operation of school districts

According to Locke and Jefferson, governments exist to __________ the people. A. constrain B. serve C. elect D. mold

B. serve

All of the following collectively comprise foreign policy EXCEPT: A. strategies B. tactics C. goals D. instruments

B. tactics

Regarding post-war planning for Iraq, ... A. little was ever undertaken B. the Bush administration gave this scant attention C. this was led by the department of state D. the decisive military victory rendered this unnecessary

B. the Bush administration gave this scant attention

Which of the following statements is FALSE? A. New Hampshire's constitution pre-dates the U.S. Constitution B. the U.S. Constitution is more detailed than many state constitutions C. state constitutions are amended more frequently than the U.S. Constitution D. South Carolina has had more constitutions than Arkansas

B. the U.S. Constitution is more detailed than many state constitutions

All of the following are TRUE about "continuing resolutions" EXCEPT: A. they help avoid government shutdowns B. the government has actually operated without an official budget for the entirety of multiple fiscal years C. they require presidential approval to go into effect D. they maintain government spending at a current year's level

B. the government has actually operated without an official budget for the entirety of multiple fiscal years

All of the following are TRUE about the nonprofit sector EXCEPT: A. they receive exemptions from many taxes B. the news media frequently reports on unattractive behaviors common in the nonprofit sector C. they use several means of solicitation and self-promotion D. executives have been known to draw large salaries

B. the news media frequently reports on unattractive behaviors common in the nonprofit sector

Which is not true of the office of president according to the constitution? A. the president must have been a resident of the U.S. for at least 14 years B. the president can be a naturalized citizen C. the president must be at least 35 years old upon taking office D. the president normally serves a 4 year term of office

B. the president can be a naturalized citizen

As citizens, our "voting reach" is limited by all of the following EXCEPT: A. state and local voting regulations B. the staggered terms of federal court judges C. geography D. the inability to elect advisors and staff-members of politicians

B. the staggered terms of federal court judges

All of the following were true for the Federalists EXCEPT: A. they saw a need for a strong national government B. their base of support was strongest among farmers C. They included among their number such luminaries as John Adams and Alexander Hamilton D. They felt that states would play a major role in the governmental arrangement proposed by the Constitution

B. their base of support was strongest among farmers

All of the following are TRUE of the Federalists EXCEPT: A. some would go on to form the Whig party B. they would eventually form the Republican party and maintain their historical support of a strong central government C. slavery played a role in destroying the Federalist party D. a later incarnation of the Federalists would be led by John C. Fremont

B. they would eventually form the Republican party and maintain their historical support of a strong central government

How many bureaus and administrations are there in the Department of Commerce? A. five bureaus and two administrations B. three bureaus and five administrations C. nine bureaus and three administrations D. four bureaus and three administrations

B. three bureaus and five administrations

What is the purpose of bicameralism, according to James Madison? A. to create more representation for the people B. to create a division of legislative power C. to nullify executive power D. to create redundancy in government

B. to create a division of legislative power

Most states adopt legalized casino gambling.. A. to offset budget surpluses B. to preempt neighboring states from adopting it first C. to match funds from federal programs D. instead of a lottery

B. to preempt neighboring states from adopting it first

About how many appointments would an incoming President get to make in government? A. 2000 B. 4000 C. 6000 D. 8000 E. the executive bureaus The executive bureaus

C. 6000

Which of the following would mostly likely NOT be an example of a basic element of U.S. foreign policy? A. Americas nuclear arsenal B. a common belief in freedom of expressions C. Americas transportation infrastructure D. an abundance of natural resources

C. Americas transportation infrastructure

The Executive Office of the President has its origin in the administration of: A. James Madison B. Jimmy Carter C. Franklin D. Roosevelt D. Theodore Roosevelt

C. Franklin D. Roosevelt

All of the following statements are TRUE regarding American exceptionalism and foreign policy EXCEPT: A. Manifest Destiny argued that America should expand from coast to coast B. the values of the nation explain why America failed to ratify the League of Nations C. Theodore Roosevelt's 14 point plan advocated that other states adopt America's system of government and economics D. the U.S. has often served as the "world's policeman"

C. Theodore Roosevelt's 14 point plan advocated that other states adopt America's system of government and economics

Which of the following is NOT an example of a "federal question"? A. a case involving a dispute over fishing rights established by federal treaty B. a case involving the XIV Amendment C. a case involving vehicular homicide D. a case involving the Civil Rights Act of 1965

C. a case involving vehicular homicide

Which of the following statements regarding the communications media as an agent of political socialization is TRUE? A. electronic media provide fewer opportunities for being misunderstood than print media B. the advent of 24-hour cable news channels has brought about more comprehensive coverage of political news C. a hallmark of radio and television news reporting has always been simplicity D. increased access to the media has strengthened the president's ability to persuade other policymakers in government to cooperate with him

C. a hallmark of radio and television news reporting has always been simplicity

All of the following are associated with "Cooperative Federalism" EXCEPT: A. the New Deal B. court-packing C. a layer cake D. categorical grants

C. a layer cake

According to the text, which of the following is NOT one of the four universal American values? A. faith in free-enterprise B. belief in political equality C. acceptance of Judeo-Christian worldview D. value of individual freedoms

C. acceptance of Judeo-Christian worldview

Which method of influencing public opinion should have the least "pull" with policymakers--assuming they recognize it for what it is? A. a rally B sending letters C. Astroturf D. TV advertisements

C. astroturf

All of the following are "police powers" according to the tenth amendment EXCEPT: A. education B. morality C. commerce D. health

C. commerce

According to Verba & Nie, all of the following vote regularly EXCEPT A. campaigners B. voting specialists C. communalists D. complete activists

C. communalists

All are true regarding President Johnson EXCEPT: A. he leaned on Senator Eugene McCarthy B. he leaned on Senator Richard B. Russell C. he promoted his Modern Society program heavily in Congress D. he escalated the war in Vietnam

C. he promoted his Modern Society program heavily in Congress

In a sense, Marxism was a backlash against __________. A. monarchies B. totalitarianism C. industrialization D. communism

C. industrialization

All of the following are TRUE regarding the Bill of Rights EXCEPT: A. it was essentially a compromise measure B. twelve amendments were originally proposed for addition to the Constitution C. it bars state and federal government from infringing upon individual liberties D. it facilitated the ratification of the Constitution

C. it bars state and federal government from infringing upon individual liberties

All of the following are TRUE about the public-choice model of public policy EXCEPT: A. it is analogous to economic models describing the commercial marketplace B. it acknowledges the existence of a great "marketplace of ideas" where people will shop for policies that benefit them C. it presupposes that self-interest-oriented decisions in the public policy arena cannot be aggregated for public benefit D. human self-interest is a key component of the model's functionality

C. it presupposes that self-interest-oriented decisions in the public policy arena cannot be aggregated for public benefit

All of the following are TRUE about the courts throughout the states EXCEPT: A. some states lack judicial elections B. state courts are typically busier than federal courts C. judicial elections are always non-partisan D. competition for elected judicial positions is quite fierce and often expensive

C. judicial elections are always non-partisan

All of the following characterize the New Jersey Plan EXCEPT: A. it assumed that national government power would be derived from the states B. it proposed a unicameral legislature C. like the Articles of Confederation, it lacked an Executive Branch D. it favored equal representation among the states

C. like the Articles of Confederation, it lacked an Executive Branch

What helps legislation with provisions benefiting a single district pass? A. earmarks B. pork barrel projects C. logrolling D. "must pass" status

C. logrolling

Who REALLY runs the show in the Senate? A. Vice-president B. President pro-tempore C. Majority leader D. Majority party whip

C. majority leader

Which statement is true regarding political parties and the era of the Framers? A. the Framers strongly supported political parties B. the Constitution was drafted to beget two parties C. many issues that arose during America's formative period were binary in nature D. Federalist 51 describes how parties might be controlled

C. many issues that arose during Americas formative period were binary in nature

All of the following are components of the "three-part structure" of political parties EXCEPT: A. party in the electorate B. party in government C. party in law D. party organization

C. party in law

Schools focus on __________ citizenship. A. active B. engaged C. passive D. reserved

C. passive

Engaged citizenship requires all of the following EXCEPT: A. civic activity B. electoral participation C. political capital D. political awareness

C. political capital

The process by which an individual acquires attitudes, beliefs, and values relating to the political system of which he is a member and to his own role as a citizen within that political system is known as __________. A. patriotism B. political culture C. political socialization D. political acquisition

C. political socialization

The Brownlow Committee dealt with: A. financial fraud within the executive branch B. reducing the size of the executive branch C. providing the President with additional advisors D. drawing a better distinction between executive branch and legislative branch responsibilities

C. providing the President with additional advisors

Which of the following statements regarding Article V of the U.S. Constitution is incorrect? A. there are two methods of proposing an amendment to the Constitution B. the Constitution has been amended relatively few times C. ratification of a proposed amendment can occur with an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the state legislatures D. a relatively small minority can block the will of the majority

C. ratification of a proposed amendment can occur with an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the state legislatures

The War Powers Resolution of 1973... A. was challenged in court by Congress and found to be unconstitutional. B. was challenged in court by the Executive branch and found to be unconstitutional. C. resulted from actions of Presidents Johnson and Nixon. D. requires a Presidential declaration of war before troops can be committed to a conflict.

C. resulted from actions of Presidents Johnson and Nixon

All of the following are Fifth Amendment issues EXCEPT: A. right to grand jury B. takings clause (eminent domain) C. right to trial by jury D. privilege against self-incrimination

C. right to trial by jury

Congressional committee assignments are based mostly on __________. A. partisanship B. interests C. seniority D. campaign donations

C. seniority

Locke believed that governments should have A. absolute authority over their citizens B. hereditary leadership C. separation of powers D. the power to confiscate property

C. separation of powers

In a case involving alleged discrimination against one's free exercise rights, which would the Court use to decide the case? A. due process clause B. rational basis trial C. strict-scrutiny test D. quasi-suspect classification

C. strict-scrutiny test

What is one concern that a prudent President would have regarding his Executive Office of the President? A. that the Senate would approve his nominations for E.O.P. positions B. that the cabinet secretaries in the E.O.P. would maintain some loyalty to Congress since Congress has control over the budget C. that members of the E.O.P. would become "yes men" D. all of the above

C. that members of the E.O.P. would become "yes men"

The Supreme Court holding in the case of Barron v. Baltimore importantly decided... A. the states must give people just compensation when private property is taken for public use B. that Maryland owed Barron compensation C. that the Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution does not apply to states D. that "eminent domain" is unconstitutional

C. that the Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution does not apply to states

_____________________ reconciled differences among the framers at the Constitutional Convention. A. Alexander Hamilton B. the New Jersey plan C. the Connecticut Compromise D. a bicameral legislative

C. the Connecticut Compromise

All of the following are true of diversity suits EXCEPT: A. the amount of money in controversy must be $75,000 or more for the suit to be heard in a federal court B. wills and estate-related cases are exempt from diversity jurisdiction C. the Constitution assigned jurisdiction of diversity suits to federal circuit courts D. the sheer number of diversity suits quickly overwhelmed the federal judiciary

C. the Constitution assigned jurisdiction of diversity suits to federal circuit courts

Which of the following scenarios does NOT show the "Iron law of Oligarchy" at work? A. the board of directors of a large corporation are all wealthy, older white men B. the advisory board of a city art museum are all prominent citizens in the city C. the president of a local men's lodge is annually selected by a drawing 4. the board of trustees of a local college consists of people like wealthy donors, famous alumni, and local political figures

C. the president of a local men's lodge is annually selected by a drawing

All of the following are TRUE about the U.S. Courts of Appeals EXCEPT: A. the chief judge in a circuit usually assigns judges to cases in panels of three B. the Thirteenth Circuit Court deals with patent cases C. the structure of the Courts of Appeals ensures uniformity in interpreting federal law throughout the nation D. about 85% of Court of Appeals holdings are not appealed

C. the structure of the Courts of Appeals ensures uniformity in interpreting federal law throughout the nation

According to recent figures, relative to the G.D.P., how large is the national government's debt? A. one-fourth as large B. half as large C. they are roughly equal D. twice as large

C. they are roughly equal

Regulatory agencies and institutions possess: A. only the legislative powers specifically granted by Congress B. only the executive powers specifically granted by Congress C. types of legislative, executive, and judicial powers D. independent power

C. types of legislative, executive, and judicial powers

All of the following attempts to suppress African American voting were removed by statute EXCEPT: A. poll taxes B. literacy tests C.white primaries. D. grandfather clauses

C. white primaries

All of the following are examples of aspects of duty-based citizenship EXCEPT: A. registering with a political group B. registering for the selective service system, if required C. working with Habitat for Humanity D. donating to campaigns

C. working with Habitat for Humanity

All of the following are TRUE regarding the death penalty EXCEPT: A. it can involve the eighth amendment B. it may not be applied for the crime of rape C. it was adjudicated in the case of Coker v. Georgia D. Alabama v. Shelton suspended the application of the death penalty for several years

D. Alabama v. Shelton suspended the application of the death penalty for several years

All of the following are TRUE concerning Congressional accomplices and the Presidency EXCEPT: A. Congress has required the President to measure inflation levels B. Congress has required the President to monitor foreign trade C. Congress had assented to the terrific growth of the Executive Branch by the 1920s D. Congress has required the President to declare war before committing large numbers of armed forces to a conflict

D. Congress has required the President to declare war before committing large numbers of armed forces to a conflict

A crooked state police officer breaks into a house to seize a quantity of drugs she believes is inside. The defense attorney for the subsequently arrested homeowner would most likely bring up what at the homeowner's narcotics trial? A. US v. Leon B. the first amendment C. particularity D. Mapp v. Ohio

D. Mapp v. Ohio

What amendment to the US Constitution chiefly empowers state governments? A. I B. V C. VIII D. X

D. X

What best describes the system of government of the United States? A. a direct democracy B. an indirect democracy C. an indirect republic D. a constitutional republic

D. a constitutional republic

All of the following were generally Federalist traits EXCEPT: A. favoring national power over local power B. favoring industry C. hailing from Northern states D.a desire to maintain agrarian roots

D. a desire to maintain agrarian roots

If a provision of the Bill of Rights has NOT been selectively incorporated... A. the federal government is not bound by it. B. it is not substantially significant to the concept of due process. C. it is not relevant to government anymore, as exemplified by the Third Amendment. D. a state may act or not act towards its citizens in ways the federal government could not

D. a state may act or not act towards its citizens in ways the federal government could not

Which of the following statements is FALSE? A. all states have a governor B. all states likely intended for their legislative branch to be the most powerful component of government C. all states have some form of a "court of last resort" D. all states have a bicameral legislative

D. all states have a bicameral legislative

Which of the following would most likely LEAST TYPIFY the problem of government education in schools identified by Frischler and Smith? A. a lesson on the function of the court system B. a film on the making of the president C. an exercise in which students write a letter to an elected official D. an examination over checks and balances

D. an examination over checks and balances

All of the following are part of the "iron triangle" EXCEPT: A. interest groups B. executive departments C. congressional committees D. appellate courts

D. appellate courts

All of the following are TRUE about the White House Staff and the Executive Office of the President EXCEPT: A. incoming administrations seldom retain anyone employed in these entities by previous administrations B. members of these entities may be removed from office at any time C. frequently, positions in the E.O.P. are filled by friends and acquaintances of the President D. appointments in the E.O.P. require confirmation by the Senate

D. appointments in the E.O.P. require confirmation by the Senate

The national government under the Articles of Confederation could do which of the following? A. tax the states B. issue a standard currency C. be easily amended D. avoid installing a chief executive

D. avoid installing a chief executive

Civil liberties protect people from __________ action. A. popular B. criminal C. private D. government

D. government

What is arguably the best single explanation of policymaking in the U.S. at the federal level? A. public choice model B. rationalism model C. group-theory model D. incrementalism model

D. incrementalism model

Which model of public policy guides the federal budgeting process? A. public choice model B. rationalism model C. group-theory model D. incrementalism model

D. incrementalism model

Jim Crow laws included all of the following EXCEPT: A. literacy tests. B. poll taxes. C. white primaries. D. intimidation and violence.

D. intimidation and violence

All of the following are TRUE regarding the right to privacy EXCEPT: A. it originated as doctrine in the case of Griswold v. Connecticut B. it has been used to decide cases involving abortion C. it has its roots in provisions of several amendments D. it is closely connected to the Tenth Amendment

D. it is closely connected to the Tenth Amendment

All of the following are TRUE regarding the Federal Election Campaign Acts of the 1970s EXCEPT: A. it required PACs to register with the federal government B. it limited independent spending in federal elections C. it created the Federal Election Commission D. it was overturned by the case of Buckley v. Valeo

D. it was overturned by the case of Buckley v. Valeo

According to Madison in the Federalist Papers, factions in government were inevitable, but their effect could be marginalized in America because the country was __________. A. democratic B. young C. independent D. large

D. large

Ingredients of public policies for the U.S. government might come from all of the following EXCEPT: A. agency regulations B. executive orders C. court opinions D. law journals

D. law journals

According to "Tip" O'Neil, "All politics is __________." A. persona B. adversarial C. collaborative D. local

D. local

Referencing figure 12.2, if the size of "Group B" were quadrupled, which of the following would NOT be true? A. the fulcrum would have to move toward B to maintain a policy balance B. policy-setting would be made a more difficult task C. Group A's influence would, relatively speaking, be reduced D. more policy options would be generated

D. more policy options would be generated

All of the following are key features of "New Age Federalism" EXCEPT: A. the "Contract with America" B. Bill Clinton C. federal government downsizing D. national health care legislation

D. national health care legislation

Where in the US Constitution is federalism expressly described? A. Article I B. the Bill of Rights C. the preamble D. none of the above

D. none of the above

What is the fundamental thing some interests realize that gains the attention of government? A. money B. a charismatic spokesperson C. legal challenges D. organization

D. organization

Schools tend to promote a __________-centered view of American government. A. democratic B. populist C. liberty D. President

D. president

For Locke, the primary duty of government was to preserve one's __________. A. life B. liberty C. happiness D. property

D. property

Relatively routine federal jobs, including unskilled labor, have: A. no protection from supervisors' actions related to political activity B. the same degree of protection that military officers have C. to be reviewed every time the administration changes D. protection from discipline resulting from differences in political opinion from their supervisors

D. protection from discipline resulting from differences in political opinion from their supervisors

Interest groups... A. seek to run the government B. are generally focused on many, broad policy issues C. are the same as political parties D. tend to focus on specific areas

D. tend to focus on specific areas

All of the following statements about the news media and political attitudes are true EXCEPT: A. in recent decades, most leading reporters and editors tended to vote Democratic B. reporters show preference for popular candidates C. evidence suggests that, often, reporters systematically undercut government officials D. the FCC "Fairness Doctrine" guards against media bias by requiring broadcasters to grant "equal time" to both political sides of the aisle

D. the FCC "Fairness Doctrine" guards against media bias by requiring broadcasters to grant "equal time" to both political sides of the aisle

In the Executive Office of the President, the President gets advice on drug policy from: A. the centers for disease control B. the department of health and human services C. the national security council D. the office of national drug control policy

D. the Office of National Drug Control Policy

The Supreme Court's decision in the Citizens United case would be least welcomed by __________. A. First Amendment advocates. B. corporations. C. unions. D. the authors of the BCRA.

D. the authors of the BCRA

According to Robert Putnam, what can play integral roles in fostering interracial understanding? A. the courts B. political action committees C. schools D. voluntary civic associations

D. voluntary civic associations

The actual invasion of Iraq in 2003... A. enjoyed broad support from Americas traditional allies B. came with the authority of a U.N Security Council Resolution C. lacked widespread public support from Americans D. was rooted in notions of American exceptionalism

D. was rooted in notions of American exceptionalism

according to the textbook, what is/ are the implication(s) of political culture? a. a sense of patriotism and support for the government b. heightened political equity c. a solid moral compass d. tolerance and civic engagement

a sense of patriotism and support for the government

according to locke, people and government ultimately enter onto a _______ a. contract b. state of nature c. dialog d. revolution

a. contract

which country may be described as a theocracy? a. iran b. Italy c. north korea d. Uganda

a. iran

what is the opposite of totalitarianism? a. democracy b. socialism c. anarachy d. theocracy


___________ was the godfather of Western political thought a. Socrates b. Plato c. Aristotle d. Jefferson

c. aristole

political socialization differs from other aspects of childhood socialization in that political socialization is often... a. unlearned later in life b. less understood by young children c. not deliberately taught d. taught in schools

c. not deliberately taught

which of the following is NOT a common component of various definitions of democracy?


according to the notion of pluralism, in the American system of government, _________ exercise a tremendous amount of power and exert significant influence? a. elected officials b. individuals c. groups d. appointed officials


according to locke, where should the true power of government reside? a. in the legislature b. in the courts c. with a duly-elected president d. in the constitution

in the legislature

which of these persons was NOT writing during the enlightenment period? a. locke b.Voltaire c. Jefferson d. hobbes


where you stand depends on where you sit, could be referred to as... a. thrope's maxim b. the golden rule c. the edeleman effect d. mile's law

mile's law

Aristotle envisioned democracy as rule by the: a. people b. elites c. senate d. mob


a senator... a. normally serves a four-year system b. is selected by his or her state's legislature c. must be at least 35 years old upon taking office d. must have resided in the U.S. for at least 9 years.

must have resided in the U.S. for at least 9 years.

which individual would most likely have the highest sense of political efficacy? a. one who is well-read about political topics b. one who occasionally votes in political elections c. one who works for a political party d. one who writes a letter to the editor of a local newspaper

one who works for a political party

individuals who cannot rationalize certain government behaviors may be experiencing which variety of political alienation? a. political powerlessness b. political meaninglessness c. political normlessness d. political isolation

political meaninglessness

which response relates the stages of political socialization in childhood correctly?

politicization, personalization, idealization, institutionalism

according to "the politics", which of the following is NOT a negative form of government? a. democracy b. polity c. tyranny d. oligarchy


which of locke's writings was the most influential on the founding of the U.s system of government? a. first treatise on government b. second treatise on government c. critique of human understanding d. leviathan

second treatise on government

what is the most important part of the equation R=PB-C+D? a. expected utility from voting b. the probability that an individual's vote will make a difference in the election c. cost of voting d. social satisfaction derived from voting

social satisfaction derived from voting

according to the text, ________ is a subtle but key instrument of political socialiazation a. the media b. symbolism c. childhood d. academia


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