American History 2- Final- Chapters 23-28

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By the end of World War II, about how many women had entered the workforce?

6 million

Richard Nixon was the first president to visit:


The massive voter registration drive in the South during 1964 was called:

Freedom Summer

Lyndon Johnson's domestic program was called the:

Great Society

Who won the election of 1928?

Herbert Hoover

The communist leader of North Vietnam:

Ho Chi Minh

The Nanjing Massacre was carried out by the:


The dictator of the Soviet Union during World War II was:

Joseph Stalin

Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated in:

Memphis, TN

The US sank four Japanese aircraft carriers and avenged Pearl Harbor at the Battle of:


This organization sought to set workplace standards, such as child labor restrictions:

National Recovery Administration

Until his assassination in late 1963, he was the US-backed controversial president of South Vietnam:

Ngo Dien Diem

In 1975, Saigon fell to:

North Vietnam

The first public university in Mississippi to integrate was:

Ole Miss

Who boldly led the British through the trying first few years of World War II?

Winston Churchill

Who first used the term "iron curtain?"

Winston Churchill

New Deal agency that provided jobs for construction work, research and art projects:

Works Progress Administration

The Federal Writers' Project was part of the :

Works Progress Administration

The conference between Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill that discussed the shape of the postwar world was:


Like Huey Long, Charles Coughlin:

appealed to people who had lost the most during the Great Depression

J. Robert Oppenheimer led the development of the:

atomic bomb


authorized the use of military action to prevent the spread of communism

Most southerners supported the Tennessee Valley Authority because it

brought jobs and electricity to an impoverished region

The Cuban missile crisis:

brought the United States and the Soviet Union close to nuclear war

Fidel Castro was the:

communist dictator of Cuba

The main purpose of the Truman Doctrine was to:

contain communism by not letting it spread to other nations

The Truman Doctrine established the policy of:


Alger Hiss was

convicted of lying about espionage

Much of the social commentary of the 1950s was:

critical of the conformity of the period

To deal with the banking crisis, Roosevelt proposed the Emergency Banking Relief Act, which:

declared a bank holiday, shutting the banks down briefly

The term "iron curtain" represents the:

division of Europe along communist and democratic lines

After World War II, middle class Americans overwhelmingly expressed the desire to:

establish prosperity after 15 years of depression and war

Truman fired MacArthur:

for insubordination

Ultimately, the Beats:

helped inspire the youth revolt of the 1960s

The Secretary of State under Eisenhower who promoted the policy of "massive retaliation" was:

john Foster Dulles

A sad legacy of Watergate was:

lasting damage to the image of the presidency

The German military strategy of closely coordinated units of tanks, infantry and aircraft was called:


After World War II an increasing number of African Americans:

moved to northern cities to find jobs

Eleanor Roosevelt was Theodore Roosevelt's:


Internationalists supported:

neutrality as the only course of action

Levittown was one of the first:

planned communities

One major reason that World War II inspired postwar changes in race relations was the:

racist nature of the enemies of the United States

During his "fireside chats" Roosevelt used the ____ to communicate his message to the American people.


The Pentagon Papers:

revealed that the Johnson administration had deceived the public in regard to war policy

The period 1946-1950 began a 40-year era of:

rivalry with communism and the Soviet Union

State Department official George Kennan:

said the United States should contain Soviet expansionist tendencies


sent volunteers into impoverished areas in the US

Between 1945 and 1960, home ownership:

significantly increased

Franklin Roosevelt's first goal as president was to:

strengthen the struggling bank industry

In 1949 the Soviet Union:

tested an atomic bomb

All the following happened in 1968 EXCEPT:

the JFK assassination

At Kent State University in 1971:

the National Guard shot four students during a protest

Before the invasion of Poland, Germany signed a nonaggression pact with:

the Soviet Union

As governor, George Wallace resisted the integration of:

the University of Alabama

The "Hundred Days" were

the active first three months of FDR's first term of office

The Atlantic Charter included all the following principles EXCEPT:

the elimination of communism

The protest tactic initiated by black students in Greensboro, North Carolina, was:

the sit-in

By the 1950s, suburban life was marked by an increasing:


The Double V campaign emphasized:

victory over the enemy abroad and victory over racism at home

Charles E. Coughlin:

was a popular Catholic priest

In The Affluent Society, Norman Mailer:

was critical of the conformity of the 1950s

Jackson Pollock:

was know for his abstract paintings

Situation-comedy television shows of the 1950s portrayed American families as:

white, polite, and happy

The first large wave of American ground troops arrived in Vietnam in:


Prohibition ended with the passage of the:

21st Amendment

Approximately what percentage of the nation's workforce was unemployed during the worst year of the Depression?

25 percent

Which of the following statements about the attack on Pearl Harbor is NOT true?

A specific attack on Pearl Harbor had been long expected by American officials.

The use of atomic bombs against Japan had what significance?

According to military planners, it saved both American and even more Japanese lives.

The Tuskegee Airmen:

African-American pilots serving with distinction in Europe

In the 1948 campaign, the third party opposed to civil rights reforms was the:

Dixiecrat Party

Who was in command of all U.S. Army forces in the Pacific?

Douglas MacArthur

Which president ordered the National Guard to enforce the integration of Little Rock Central High School?

Dwight D. Eisenhower

New Deal agency that sent federal funds to states in order to help those suffering during the depression:

Federal Emergency Relief Administration

Who was president of the United States through most of World War II?

Franklin D. Roosevelt

The passage of the lend-lease bill in 1941 signaled what about American opinion?

Isolationist strength was weakening.

Which of the following is NOT true of the GI Bill?

Its huge cost did not justify its benefits.

Rosa Parks was a critical figure in the:

Montgomery Bus Boycott

Wrote Silent Spring:

Rachel Carson

Won the election of 1968:

Richard Nixon

The Supreme Court case that dealt with the controversial issue of abortion:

Roe v. Wade

All of the following were NATO members EXCEPT:


Disney's first full-length animated film _____ was released during the Great Depression

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

The 1948 election is probably best remembered for:

Truman's upset victory

Eisenhower's "dynamic conservatism" involved:

a reduction of New Deal programs

One trend of the period 1946-1950 was:

a significant increase in the number of babies being born

A. Philip Randolph was:

a spokesman for black equality during the war

In early 1937, FDR proposed to reform the Supreme Court by:

adding additional members

The content of George Kennan's "long telegram" depicted:

an aggressive U.S.S.R. driven by expansionist communism

Shortly after the end of World War II, Germany:

became divided into western and eastern halves

Elvis Presley's recordings:

blended a variety of musical styles

During the Eisenhower administration, official American policy that involved threatening the use of nuclear weapons was called:


The goal of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933 was to raise farm prices through:

cutbacks in production

The Voting Rights Act of 1965:

dramatically expanded black votes in the South

Lyndon Johnson's Great Society program was aimed at securing:

legislation to fight poverty and discrimination

The Wall Street crash:

marked the beginning of the depression, but did not cause it

Americans realized they had fallen behind the Russians in rocket technology when the Soviets:

successfully launched Sputnik I

The country that suffered the most deaths in the fighting of World War II was:

the Soviet Union

In his Wheeling speech, Senator Joseph McCarthy claimed to have a list of Communists in:

the State Department

The Wagner Act, also called the National Labor Relations Act, was a law that favored:

the working class

American scientists predicted it would take ___ for the Soviets to develop nuclear technology.

two years

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