American History Finals Chapters 5-8

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National traders union

founded in 1834 by delegates from six cities, and in 1836 printers and cordwainers (makers of high quality shoes and boots) set up their own national craft unions.

Describe the lives of people in Urban slaves:

Had activities such as black smithing and carpentry. Almost achieved freedom compared to the rural slaves.

How did the presidential election of 1800 lead to establishment of the twelfth amendment?

Hamilton told the federalists that they should put blank votes so Jefferson could have more of them.

How did the Great Compromise resolve this conflict?

Having a bicameral legislature giving each state equal representation in the Senate​ and representation based on population in the House of Representatives.

Why did Hamilton support the national bank?

He believed that his would let creditors support the government.

Why did Washington distrust the two-party system?

He felt that domination by one party would lead to revenge among the other.

How did President Jefferson simpify the federal government?

He made the army smaller, cut costs and rolled back Hamiltons plan.

How did Jefferson simplify the federal government?

He reduced the size of the army and eliminated all the internal taxes.

How did Jefferson's presidency help bring about southern dominance in federal politics?

He understood the southern dominance prompted the decline of the Federalists in New England.

David walker

He was a black abolitionist who called for the immediate emancipation of slaves. He wrote the "Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World." It called for a bloody end to white supremacy. He believed that the only way to end slavery was for slaves to physically revolt.

Why was Jefferson interested in obtaining the Louisiana Territory from France?

He was interested because all the territory would increase the land

How did the Tariff of 1816 highlight the nation's growing sectionalism?

Helped pay for internal improvements such as roads, canals, and lighthouses.

Who was Horace Mann and what achievements did he make in the field of education reform?

Horace Mann was an American reformer of education who lived from 1796-1859. He is often called the 'Father of the Common School Movement,' which was a movement devoted to creating a more equitable public school system characterized by quality teachers and a nonsectarian approach.

How was the Tariff of 1816 intended to help the U.S achieve those goals?

Increased the cost of foreign goods.

Frederick Douglass

Influential writer. one of the most prominent African American figures in the abolitionist movement. escaped from slavery in Maryland. he was a great thinker and speaker. published his own antislavery newspaper called the north star and wrote an autobiography that was published in 1845.

How did the Great Compromise settle the debate at the Constitutional Convention over representation in Congress?

It called for a House of Representatives and a Senate. The house representatives are based on the population of the state and each state gets two Senators

How did the Gibbons v. Ogden decision promote nationalism?

It exerted a strong influence on the legal system.

What was the long term importance of the Supreme Court's decision in Marbury v. Madison?

It held a significant role in the principle of judicial review, which allowed Supreme Court to declare an act of congress unconstitutional.

Why is Maybury v. Madison considered one of the most significant Supreme Court decisions in the nations history?

It was a part of the judicial review that would let the court declare acts against congress.

In addition to the advantage of increasing the nation's size, what risks do you think acquiring all this land presented.

It's surrounded by the two main rivers, Ohio River and the Mississippi River.

James Madison

James Madison is known as the "father of the constitution" He had a leading role at the convention He was a federalist and switched over to a democratic republican once the first political parties were formed He wrote the bill of rights From Virginia

Explain the role that Nat Turner played in the growing anti-slavery movement of the mid-1800s.

Preacher, led the deadliest slave revolt in American History in 1881.

Checks and balances

Prevents one branch from dominating another.

Mass production

The production of goods in large quantities.

Judicial Review

The right of federal courts to declare laws of Congress and acts of the executive branch void and unenforceable if they are judged to be in conflict with the Constitution.

The New Jersey plan proposed that congressional representation based on: Other small states agreed.

The small states favored the New Jersey plan so that each state should have an equal vote. (equality)

What were the main ideas of the Second Great Awakening?

Countless people were converted and many churches were changed and revived.

What groups opposed to the effort to increase public education? Why?

German immigrants and some tax payers.

The most prominent leader of the Federalist Party was:

Alexander Hamilton

How did the Missouri Compromise temporarily settle the growing tensions between North and South over slaver?

-It preserved the balance of free states and slave states -respects the interests of Northern and Southern states -prevents of collapse of union

Declaration of war (who has the power)

-President is commander-in-chief of the armed forces -however, Congress has the power to declare war, so there has been some controversy about the role of each during war time -the idea was that congress would declare and raise an army; once this was done president would take over -a number of military actions have been authorized w/o formal declaration of war by congress

PROBLEMS: What problems were caused by the Articles of Confederation?

1)There was no President or court system 2)Each state had only one vote 3) limited powers 4)each state could make own coins/money 5) Congress could settle conflicts between states and could ask for money and soldiers but not force it 6) All 13 state shad to agree to the Articles of Confederation.

Powers of the president

1. Commander in chief of the armed forces 2. The power to pardon 3. The power to negotiate treaties with foreign nations. 4. the power to appointment (cabinet, ambassadors, federal judges) 5. Required to give the state of the Union Address 6. General foreign policy power and represent the U.S. abroad 7. Take an oath to execute the law 8. The power to veto or sign legislation

Alexander Hamilton

1789-1795 was a founding father of the united states of America one of the most influential interpreters and promoters of the constitution the founder of the nation financial system, and 1st American of the political party. establish the national bank.

Ray waldo emerson

A New England writer

Lucretia Mott

A Quaker who attended an anti-slavery convention in 1840 and her party of women was not recognized. She and Stanton called the first women's right convention in New York in 1848

What was the Industrial Revolution?

A change in the making of goods from small workshops to large factories that used machines.


A devotion to one's nation.


A devotion to the interests of one geographic region over the interests of the country as a whole, ultimately led to the Union's worst crisis: civil war between the North and the South in the early 1860s


A formal body of leaders or department heads who act as government advisors.

Explain the role that Frederick Douglass played in the growing anti-slavery movement of the mid-1800s.

A former slave, a popular public speaker who gave speeches for abolition, publisher of The North Star, an antislavery newspaper.

French Revolution

A major change in government that began in 1789; it brought an end to the absolute monarchy and a start to a representative government

What ideas and practices did Transcendentalism promote?

A philosophical and literary movement of the 1800s that emphasized living a simple life and celebrated the truth found in nature and in personal emotion and imagination.

Protective tariff

A protected tariff is a tax added to imported items, so things made inside the country would be cheaper.

Civil disobedience

A public, nonviolent, conscientious, yet political act, contrary to law, usually done with the aim of bring about change in the law or policies of the government.

Excise tax

A tax on product's manufacture, sale, or distribution-to be levied on the manufacture of whiskey.

Dorothea Dix

Activist who helped improve conditions of mental patients.

Describe the plan of action for the abolition of slavery favored by David Walker.

Advised blacks to fight for freedom rather than wait for slave holders to end slavery.

Missouri Compromise

Agreement made to keep the balance of slave and free states equal. Missouri was added as a slave state and Maine added as a free state in 1821.

McCulloch v. Maryland

An 1819 case in which the supreme court ruled that Maryland had no right to tax the Bank of the U.S.

Amelia bloomer

An American women's rights and temperance advocate. She presented her views in her own monthly paper, The Lily, which she began publishing in 1849. One of the major causes promoted by her was a change in dress standards for women so that they would be less restrictive. Semi Short skirts

Chapter 8 Section 1 Religion Sparks Reform What ideas and practices did revivalism promote?

An emotional meeting designed to awaken religious faith through impassioned preaching and prayer.

XYZ Affair

An incident in which french agents attempted to get a bribe and loans from US diplomats in exchange for an agreement that French privateers would no longer attack American ships. It led to an undeclared Naval War between the two countries.


An integrated pattern of human behavior that includes, thought, language, speech, action... The customary beliefs, social forms, beliefs, values, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group.

Northwest Ordinance of 1787

As the US expanded after the Revolutionary War, the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 helped organize the new territories and set up the steps each territory needed to take in order to become a state. It is interesting to note that the Northwest Ordinance outlawed slavery in the Northwest Territory. This was at a time when slavery was allowed by the US Constitution.

Why did the founding fathers create the electoral college? How did the procedure work?

Because the delegates feared giving the people too much power and letting them choose a president directly. Each state chooses a group of electors equal to the number of senators and representatives each state had.

Describe the plan of action for the abolition of slavery favored by Frederick Douglass.

Began newspaper "The North Star" to achieve the abolition of slavery through politics.

Drafting the Constitution Chapter 5 The Virginia Plan proposed a Congress composed of:

Bicameral, or two house legislature with membership based on population.

(1794 - Battle of Fallen Timbers) What did the Britain and the United Stated agree to?

British agreed to evacuate their posts in the northwest territory they could still keep their fur trade along the US/Canadian border.

Why did America's Industrial Revolution begin in New England?

Citizens there had depended heavily upon shipping and foreign trade for income/ looking for new ways to make money.

Southern states felt that representation should be based on the number of:

Congressional representation.

To which party did Jefferson belong?



Determines whom we select as our government leaders and what policies they pursue; in other words, who gets what, when, and how.

What were the main components of the American System?

Developing transportation systems and other internal improvements, establishing a protective tariff and resurrecting the national bank.

Henry Clay champions the American System. What were the main goals of the American System?

Developing transportation systems, establishing a tariff, reassuring a bank.

Supreme power: Can it be divided?

Divided between national and state government.

What were the accomplishments of the movement to reform asylums and prisons?

Dorothea Dix persuaded nine Southern states to set up mental hospitals. Also, prison reformers believed in treating people in prison and making them have useful positions in society.

By what proportion did the size of the United States increase as a result of the purchase?

Doubled the size of the U.S.

After the purchase, what formed our eastern and western boundaries?

East - Atlantic Ocean West - Rocky Mountains


Economic system where the government limits private businesses and it tries to redistribute the wealth.

Cause: Unskilled workers become easily replaceable by immigrants eager for work.

Effect: All jobs were filled with immigrants.

Cause: The Industrial Revolution brings about the use of production processes dependent on new machines and interchangeable parts.

Effect: Allowed unskilled workers to be able to do the work.

Cause: Wages and working conditions continue to decline.

Effect: Male artisans and unskilled workers also strike in the 1830s and 1840s

Cause: Poor wages; poor working conditions; long workdays; ease of breaking strikes all point to the need for unity among laborers.

Effect: Most of the strikes by male laborers are also broken, union is formed in 1834.​

Cause: The company threatens to recruit local women to fill strikers' jobs; strikers are criticized by the local press and clergy; strike leaders are fired.

Effect: Most strikers agree to return to work in 1834 and 1836.

Cause: The Industrial Revolution sparks the rapid spread of factory production.

Effect: The cost of making household items and clothing dropped dramatically.

Chapter 8 section 4 The Changing Workplace Cause: Young entrepreneurs open their factories in Waltham and Lowell.

Effect: The cottage industry system declines and dies.

Cause: The Supreme Court hands down its decision in Commonwealth v. Hunt.

Effect: They could strike if they wanted as for their own interests. Laborer rights are strengthened and the right to strike upheld.

Cause: Working conditions were very bad for the workers. Included increased hours, lower pay.

Effect: Workers strike at Lowell in 1834 and 1836.

Cause: Because women have the opportunity to have a job.

Effect: Young farm girls and women flock to Lowell and other mill towns.

Votes per state

Electoral College (1 vote per state)

(Regional Agriculture) What were the main elements of the South's agriculture system?

Eli Whitney's invention of the cotton gin. Cotton was easier to grow for profit.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Elizabeth Cady Stanton was an early leader of the woman's rights movement who wrote the Declaration of Sentiments as a call to arms for female equality.

(1794 - Battle of Fallen Timbers) What resulted from this U.S. victory?

Ended native american resistance in Ohio. Miami confederacy is defeated. Treaty of greenville.

How did the Adams-Onis Treaty promote nationalism?

Got more land and were able to expand

What measures did The Monroe Doctrine contain?

European powers not to interfere in the Western Hemisphere by establishing colonies or attempting to over- throw newly independent republics; U.S. not to involve itself in European affairs or interfere with existing colonies.

Chapter 7 Regional Economies Create Differences The Industrial Revolution takes hold in the United States. (Regional Economy) What was the North's economy based on?

Factories and manufacturing operations.

Charles Grandison Finney

Famous preacher during the Second Great awakening. He persuaded his listeners to act on their own free wll and give themeselves to god.

To which party did Hamilton belong?


National Road

First major improved government funded highway.

How did The Monroe Doctrine promote nationalism?

For the first time ever, the US asserts its authority in international affairs.

For what reasons did settlers move west?

For trade, space, more property, for roads and rivers, land was cheap and plentiful.

The XYZ fair brought the United States to the brink of war with:


(1795 - Pinckney's Treaty) What did Spain and the United States agree to?

Gave up all claims east of the Mississippi river and opened up part of New Orleans.

Aaron Burr

Jefferson's presidential candidate who received the same number of electoral votes for the presidency. He later joined a group of Federalist extremists to plot the secession of New England and New York. He killed Alex Hamilton in a duel. He was arrested for treason.

The second president of the United States was:

John Adams

By 1850, most slaves in the United States lived and worked in.....

Large farms/plantations.

The Democratic-Republicans

Led by Thomas Jefferson, believed people should have political power, favored strong STATE governments, emphasized agriculture, strict interpretation of the Constitution, pro-French, opposed National Bank

What are three branches of government and what is the main duty of each?

Legislative- makes the laws Executive- executes the laws Judicial- interprets the laws

Who led the exploration of the Louisiana Territory?

Lewis and Clark and Sacajawea.

What measures did The Missouri Compromise contain?

Maine admitted as a free state, Missouri admitted as a slave state, the rest of the Louisiana Territory split into two sections; south of the dividing line, slavery legal; north of the dividing line (except for Missouri), slavery banned

What ideas and practices did the African Methodist Episcopal church promote?

Make available God's biblical principles, spread Christ's liberating gospel, and provide continuing programs which will enhance the entire social development of all people.

What did the movement to reform education accomplish?

Many states followed Massachusetts and Pensylvania's example and created publicly funded elemantary schools.

Common Wealth vs. Hunt

Massachusetts supreme court supported workers right to strike.

Describe the lives of people in Rural slaves:

Men, women, and children had to work day and night on the field - slave driver always made them work harder by whipping them.

Roger Sherman

The great compromise was created based on a plan made by Roger Sherman connecticut Founding Father

The Virginia and Kentucky resolutions promoted the principle of:


The Great Compromise

Offered a two-house Congress to satisfy both small and big states. Each state would have equal representation in the Senate or upper house. Population determined the representation in the House of Representatives

Ratifying the Constitution

Official approval of the constitution by state representatives. To be signed into law, the Constitution needed to be passed in state conventions by 9 of the 13 states

Representation: By population or by state?

One vote per state.


Opponents of the Constitution, opposed a strong federal government

The Northern States felt that representation in Congress should be based on the number of:

People, other than slaves.


Perfect world (ideally perfect to quality of life, politics, laws, customs, and conditions)

(Regional Economy) What was the South's economy based on?

Profits from cotton, did not depend upon industrials.

William Lloyd Garrison

Prominent american abolitionist, journalist and social reformer. editor of the​ radical abolitionist newspaper "the liberator", and one of the founders of the american anti-slavery society.

How did The Missouri Compromise promote nationalism?

Promoted nationalism: by pre- serving sectional balance; by respecting the interests of both North and South; by preventing the nation from collapsing into sectionalism.

(1796 - XYZ Affair) What effect did the affair have on U.S. - French relations?

Provoked anti-french feelings and there was an undeclared naval war on the french.

Explain the role that William Lloyd played in the growing anti-slavery movement of the mid-1800s.

Radical abolitionist; editor of The Liberator which promoted immediate emancipation.

What ideas and practices did Unitarian movement promote?

Rather than appealing to the emotions, Unitarians emphasized reason and appeals to conscience as the paths to perfection.

The U.S. possession of the Louisiana lands gave what four other major rivers permanent access to New Orleans and export-shipping facilities?

Red Grande, Arkansas River, Missouri River, and Ohio River.

African Methodist Episcopal Church

Richard Alllen founded the African Methodist Episcopal Church in 1816 as first independent black run Protestant church in US. It was founded because white churches were segregated. AME Church was active in the promotion of abolition and the founding of educational institution for free blacks.

How was internal improvements intended to help the U.S achieve their goals?

Roads, canals, transportation was made therefore communication between states.

What was Shay's Rebellion and what effect did it have on the nation?

Shays' Rebellion was an uprising carried out by farmers in Massachusetts in 1786 and 1787. The main effect that it had on the U.S. was that it caused the calling of the Constitutional Convention. The men who attended this convention wrote the US Constitution.

What two events prompted America to begin developing domestic industries? Explain.

The passage of President Thomas Jefferson's Embargo Act of 1807 and the War of 1812.


She led lewis and Clark. She was the only woman on the famous expedition made up of 32 male members

The New Jersey plan called for a congress consisting of:

Single house Congress in which each state had an equal vote.

How did the Three-Fifths Compromise resolve this conflict?

Slaves would represent three-fifths of a person.

Sojourner Truth

Sojourner Truth was a slave who escaped in 1827. As a Black abolitionist and a woman, she often met prejudice from anti-feminist White abolitionists who also expected free Black people to be quiet members of the movement. She became an important spokesperson for the abolitionist movement and was an influential bridge between that and the women's rights movement

As a result of Pickney's Treaty, the U.S. received land concessions from:


What departments did Washington create and whom did he appoint to head them?

State: Thomas Jefferson Treasury: Alexander Hamilton War: Henry Knox Attorney General: Randolph

(1798 - Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions) What did these resolutions declare?

That states had the right to nullify or consider void any act of Congress that they deemed unconstitutional.

Why was the African Methodist Episcopal Church an important part of African-American society?

The African Methodist Episcopal Church is an important part of American history as it is the first church created by an African American for African Americans.

What country controlled territory to the North of the U.S. boundary? To South and West?

The British controlled the territory to the North, and Spain to the South and West.

Spoils System

The practice of winning candidates' rewarding their supporters with government jobs.

Control of which natural feature was the most important geographical advantage of the purchase?

The Mississippi River.

Seneca falls convention

The meeting took place in Seneca Falls, New York on July 19th and 20th 1848. 300 Women and 40 men went to the second day to discuss the rights of women. They wrote the Declaration of Sentiments, which among other things, tried to get women the right to vote.

What seaport did the United States gain through the Louisiana Purchase?

The New Orleans seaport.

(Regional Agriculture) What were the main elements of the North's agricultural system?

The North raised corn and cattle & they bought from stores whatever else they needed.

Washington Heads the New Government Chapter 6 What did the Judiciary Act of 1789 establish?

The Supreme Court.

How did the Louisiana Purchase affect the United States and its government?

The U.S. grew. This purchase caused the US to more than double in size, although it caused the government to be unsure if this was unconstitutional.

Louisiana Purchase

The U.S., under Jefferson, bought the Louisiana territory from France, under the rule of Napoleon, in 1803. The U.S. paid $15 million for the Louisiana Purchase, and Napoleon gave up his empire in North America. The U.S. gained control of Mississippi trade route and doubled its size.

What ideas did The Adams-Onis Treaty contain?

The US obtained Florida and Oregon.

What impact did the cotton gin have on slavery in the south?

The need for slavery increased as cotton production increased.

The Virginia plan proposed that representation in Congress be based on: other there in large states agreed

The Virginia plan wanted the representation to be based on population.

Electoral college

The body of elector chosen from each state to elect the president and vice president of the U.S.

What was the debate at the Constitutional Convention over representation in Congress?

The debate was about if a state's representation should be based on the size of its population

The Federalists

The fed. party was led by Alexandern Hamilton, the majority were wealthy and concentrated on the E seaboard, they wanted a strong central gov. even at expense of states' rights, were strong proponents of the elite gov. Amer, were unfriendly to a more democratic society, felt national debt is a national blessing, wanted the gov. to foster manufacturing industries, wanted gov. to est. protective tariffs, wanted to est. a national bank, wanted to increase the size of the national bureaucracy, wanted a strong navy to defend merchant ships, had a loose interpretation of the Const., wanted to restrict freedom of speech, and were pro-Brit.

What ideas did the Gibbons v. Ogden decision contain?

The federal government has the power to regulate everything that crosses state lines.

How did the nations expansion hurt the federalis party?

The federalist party would not be able to communicate as well.

How did the Federalists lose power during the Jefferson administration?

The federalists did not want to appeal to the common people of the South.

(1798 - Alien and Sedition Acts) What measures were contained in these acts?

These laws extended the time needed for an immigrant to become a citizen and allowed the government to jail anyone whose words or actions were considered dangerous.

Why did Jefferson and Madison oppose the national bank?

They believed that Congress had no right to authorize it.

(1793 - Declaration of neutrality) What were the reasons for issuing this declaration?

They didn't want to enter the war.

(1796 - Adams elected president) What problems did this election underscore?

They felt that Adams was too close to the British Monarchy.

How was The Second Bank of the United States intended to help the U.S achieve their goals?

They made available a currency guaranteed to be accepted nationwide.

Who were Meriwether Lewis and William Clark?

They were men who traveled across the world and found america.

What were the purposes of utopian communities?

To create a society that had varying philosophies/living arrangements, but shared common goals like self sufficiency.

What did the Monroe Doctrine specifically warn European nations from doing?

To not interfere with the Western Hemisphere.

Catherine beecher

Unmarried daughter of a famous preacher, who tirelessly urged women to enter the teaching profession.

Describe the plan of action for the abolition of slavery favored by William Lloyd Garrison.

Used his newspaper "The Liberator" to say he was going to carry out his plan of emancipation.

John Calhoun

Was vice-president under John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson He created the nullification theory

Jay's Treaty, which allowed the British to continue a U.S. fur trade angered:

Western settlers

Shay's Rebellion

What is Shays rebellion? The revolt by farmers to protest the high taxes and forced selling of their property. What was the name of the leader of Shays rebellion? Daniel Shays


When workers make a list of demands and tell their employer that they will not work until their demands are made.

What was the debate over the nation's slave population? How was the debate over the nation's slave population settled?

Whether or not the slaves should count in the state's population count. The 3/5 compromise. three fifths of the slaves count as part of the population

Describe the lives of people in Free blacks:

Worked as day laborers (some had jobs as artisans)

Explain the role that David Walker played in the growing anti-slavery movement of the mid-1800s.

Wrote Appeal to the colored citizens of the world, 1829, advised blacks to fight for freedom rather than wait for salve owners to end slavery.

Cult of domesticity

a belief that married women should restrict their activities to their home and familiy.

Temperance movement

reform which encouraged people to drink less alcohol, have better family values

Grimke Sisters

spoke for abolition and worked against it

Gag rule

strict rule passed by pro-southern Congressmen in 1836 to prohibit all discussion of slavery in the House or Representatives

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