American History II - Unit XI - The Modern Era (90s-Present)

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Bill Clinton

"It's the economy, stupid!" Clinton understood that the American economy was the most important issue to people. During his presidency, the economy boomed and the government budget was balanced.

Rodney King

(1991-1992)Truck driver whose beating by Los Angeles police eventually led to the Los Angeles riots of 1992. Of the four officers charged, three were acquitted and the fourth's jury could not come to a consensus.

Trayvon Martin

(2012) The fatal shooting of this teenager in Florida sparked controversy when the man responsible for the shooting, George Zimmerman, invoked a "Stand Your Ground" defense.

Eric Garner

(2014) He died in Staten Island, New York City, after a New York City Police Department (NYPD) officer put him in a headlock or choke-hold for about 15 to 19 seconds while arresting him. NYPD policy prohibits the use of chokeholds.

Microsoft Monopoly

1998 - The company was charged under the Sherman-Anti Trust Act of 1890 for controlling too much of an industry, and using their power to drive other companies out of the market. After many court battles, the government failed to do much to break up Microsoft, but other companies, like Apple did somewhat benefit

Barack Obama

2008; Democrat; first African American president of the US, health care bill nicknamed Obamacare, huge stimulus package to combat the Great Recession, Removed troops from Iraq.

The Great Recession

A financial crisis that started in the summer of 2007 and intensified in September 2008. The housing market crashed, banks were doing shady deals (again), and unemployment rose to 10%. Bush was largely blamed. A massive bailout used taxpayer dollars to save banks and companies like Ford.

Black Lives Matter

A movement that grew out of the perceived belief that black lives were less important to police and juries. Based on outrage from multiple shooting in which black men were unarmed.

The Bush Doctrine

A policy adopted by the Bush administration in 2001 that asserts America's right to attack any nation that harbors terrorists.


A trade agreement between Canada, the United States and Mexico that encourages free trade between these North American countries. North American Free Trade Agreement.

The Iraq War

After 9/11, GW Bush proclaims that Iraq is harboring terrorist and making WMDs. CIA Intel supports these claims. The US invades and quickly controls the region, but much like Vietnam and Afghanistan, guerrilla fighting is nearly impossible to fully overcome. The war drags on and loses support. Obama pulls troops out (mostly) in 2011. However, fighting still rages as new threats emerge.


After allegations of rape and sexual harassment surface with Harvey Weinstein (a famous and powerful Hollywood producer), many more women come forward to report similar assaults. The hashtag becomes popular and starts a movement to change a male-dominated workplace where this kind of behavior was tolerated.

Operation Enduring Freedom

After the events of 9/11, America launches a war on terrorism, aiming mostly at Afghanistan. It is believed that Osama bin Laden is hiding there. America struggles to control the region for many of the same reasons as were seen in Vietnam. This is the longest war in American history (2001-Present)

Bush v. Gore

After tons of recounts, arguments over the fairness of the counting systems used, and fighting along party lines, SCOTUS decided (in a 5-4 vote) to end all recounts, awarding Florida to Bush

The Boston Marathon Bombing

April 2013 - Two domestic American terrorist use pressure cookers to bomb this public event. 3 dead, 16 lost limbs, hundreds injured. Police killed the oldest brother, while the youngest brother was captured and sentenced to death

Police Assassinated

As revenge for the killing of Eric Garner, Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley assassinates two NYPD officers, Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu.

The Housing Crash

Banks were giving loans to people with poor credit. These "sub-prime" loans started off with low payments that rose quickly. People couldn't pay, so the bank foreclosed on them. Overall, housing prices dropped by 30-40%


Biological, nuclear or chemical weapons banned by many countries and the UN; Weapons of Mass Destruction

Don't ask, don't tell

Clinton managed to gain support for a compromise measure under which homosexual servicemen and servicewomen could remain in the military if they did not openly declare their sexual orientation

Terrorism Continues

From San Bernardino, to Benghazi, Orlando, Paris, London, Boston, and elsewhere, a new group named ISIS, launches small attacks against western civilization.

The Tech 90s to the Modern Era

From a technological boom (including the growth of internet based companies), a scandal in the white house, the worst terror attack in US history, two simultaneous wars, a Great Recession, and the election of the first black president, this era will surely shape our history greatly.

2000 Election

George W. Bush vs Al Gore. Al Gore was Clinton's VP. Some saw this as the same-old-same-old. The election was the closest ever. Gore won the popular vote, but the electoral college came down to Florida.


Hijackers took control of four planes. Two struck and toppled the World Trade Center. One was crashed in a field outside of Pittsburgh, PA. One struck the pentagon. Around 3000 Americans died.

The Covid-19 Pandemic

In 2019-2020, global "stay-at-home" orders crushed the economy as millions were infected with a coronavirus. This respiratory illness hit elderly and immunocompromised people hardest.

Saddam Hussein

Iraqi leader who wanted his country to be the most powerful in the Middle East. His invasion in 1990 of Kuwait led to the Gulf War where America fought and won, pushing him back into Iraq. Finally, in 2003 GW Bush accuses him of making WMDs. Launches a war to find them. He is captured by US Forces in 2003 and executed by the Iraqis in 2006.

al Queda

Islamic fundamentalist group; originally supported by U.S. when fighting Russia in Afghanistan in the 1970s. With the leadership of Osama bin Laden, they perpetrated the 9/11 attacks.

George Floyd

Killed in Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States. During an arrest, Derek Chauvin, a white police officer, kept his knee on the side of Floyd's neck for almost nine minutes while Floyd was handcuffed and lying face down. During the last three minutes, Floyd was motionless. Multiple autopsy reports came to different conclusions when debating if drugs in Floyd's system played a role. This reignited more BLM protests in 2020.

Donald Trump

Multi-millionaire who made his fortune in the real-estate business. Host of The Apprentice, a reality TV show. Critical of President Obama and his American citizenship. Road waves of anti-Hillary Clinton sentiment, as well as populist and nationalist feelings to a surprise victory in the 2016 election

Americans with Disabilities Act

Passed by Congress in 1990, this act banned discrimination against the disabled in employment and mandated easy access to all public and commercial buildings.

George H. W. Bush

Republican. Born into rich family, WWII vet, Reagan's VP. One-term president (1989-1993) Lost to Clinton. Promised to never raise taxes (classic conservative), but then did raise taxes.

Persian Gulf War

Saddam Hussein uses his Iraqi forces to invade the tiny (oil-rich) country of Kuwait. Rising oil prices convince Americans that Bush needs to act. General Colin Powell uses air strikes (Operation Desert Storm). Bush did NOT invade Iraq, which some saw as a mistake.

Obergefell v. Hodges

Six lower-court cases involving same-sex couples suing for their right to marry are rolled into one big SCOTUS case. SCOTUS votes 5-4 to legalize gay marriage in all 50 states.

The Capitol Hill Insurrection

Supporters of overturning the election in President Trump's favor, break in and ransack the Capitol as Senators and Representative count the electoral college votes.


The Affordable Healthcare Act was passed in Obama's first year. Like the government requires people to have car insurance, this required them to have health insurance. While it covered many people and bettered healthcare, the cost of healthcare also rose.

Columbine, Sandy Hook, Stoneman Douglas

These three school shootings plagued the nation with grief. In 1999, 2012, and 2018, each shooting reignited 2nd amendment debates, especially in terms of the AR-15 assault rifle. While weapons bans have been proposed, so have arming teachers, as both sides debate this controversial issue.

Osama bin Laden

This terrorist had attacked America in the past and was now believed to be hiding in Afghanistan. He had terrorist training camps set up there. He was killed in 2011 during the Obama Administration

The Patriot Act

Under GW Bush, this gave the government more power to investigate and monitor citizens, especially digitally and via the internet. Some say it is necessary to gather info on terrorist, others say it is an anti-American restriction on privacy and freedom

Clinton Impeached

Under oath in a sexual harassment lawsuit, Clinton denied having sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky. Eventually Clinton admitted to misleading his family and the American people. The House of Rep voted along party lines (R - yes, D - no). The Senate agreed with the American people that the misdemeanor was not bad enough to remove the president.

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