American History Quiz 10/18
Unitarians, Universalists
Two groups that grew rapidly in the 1830s were the ___________ and the ____________.
A community based on the vision of a perfect society.
Society, Utopia, Shakers, making converts.
Several groups seperated from _________ to form a ___________ or ideal society. On group, the ___________, did not believe in marrying or having children. They could only increase membership by __________ ____________.
Nativism, anti catholic, immigrants
Some immigrants encountered hostility called _____________. Many groups were _________ ______________ and pushed for laws banning ___________ from holding political office.
Norman, converts, harassments, Utah Territory.
Another group started by Joseph Smith was the __________. Smith made thousands of ___________ but endured _____________in Ohio and Missouri. The group eventually settled in the _____ _________.
read, vote, penny paper
As more Americans learned to _______________ and gained the right to _____________, publishers began printing inexpensive newspapers called ____________________.
Responsibility, Homemakers and take responsibility
Christian revivalism looked upon raising children as a ________________________. Ideals of "True Womanhood" were that women should be ____________________________
Mentally ill, Special institutions
Dorothea Dix led a movement to improve conditions for the_____________. Through her efforts more than a dozen states created___________________
Public education, Elementary schools, basic skills
Horace Mann led a movement for ____________________. Reformers focused on _____________________ to teach___________________.
Hostility toward immigrants
He sent a warship to Charleston to reduce tariff and pass force bill.
How did Jackson defend the Union?
He removed federal deposits from the Bank and Placed them in a state banks. Congress vetoed law.
How did Jackson destroy the Bank?
He opposed many whig policies and had been put on the ballot mainly to attract southern voters.
How did president Tyler shock the Whigs?
Better Life, violence, political, starvation, poverty, labor
Immigrants came to the United States in search of a ___________________. Many had fled _____________ and_____________. Others wanted to escape ________________ and ______________. Immigrants provided a source of ___________ for the U.S. industries.
Seneca falls convention, organized women's movement
Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton organized the ___________________, which was the beginning of the __________________________________
crime, disorder, and poverty, American Temperance Union, laws prohibiting the sales of liquor
The abuse of alcohol caused __________,___________,and ____________. In 1833 temperance groups formed the _________________________which worked for _____________________________
Ireland, money, skills, Germany, farmers, and Business
The largest wave of immigrants came from ____________. Most arrived with no _________ and few ____________. The second largest group came from ______________. Most became ___________ or went into _________________.
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Commune with nature
The most influential transcendentalist was __________________________. In his essay "nature", he argued that people who want fulfillment should try to _____________________.
Solitary confinement, imposition of silence
The spirit of reform extended to prisons with new facilities called penitentiaries that used techniques such as ________________________ and ____________________________ to give prisoners a chance to think about their wrongdoings.
relocating Indians.
What was the Indian Removal Act?
a state could say a federal law is null or void.
What was the idea of nullification?
He thought it just benefited the wealthy people.
Why did Jackson dislike the Second Bank of the United States?
The majority should rule in a Democracy and play a role in the government.
Why did Jackson favor the spoils system?
Made goods very expensive for South Carolina crippling their economy.
Why did the Tariff of Abominations cause a crisis?
Traditional Protestantism
_________________ _______________Experienced a dramatic revival.