American History (YAWP)- Unit 1

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Which delegates opposed the mention of slavery in the Declaration of Independence?

South Carolina Georgia Various northern delegates who represented slave trading merchants

Christopher Columbus sailed under the flag of which nation?


In the late sixteenth century, England went to war with which nation?


How did women participate in protesting the Townshend Acts?

Spinning homespun clothing to aid the trade boycott

The French captain Jacques Cartier most importantly explored the

St. Lawrence River.

Improvements in all of the following increased opportunities for colonists to purchase consumer goods EXCEPT

Standardized currency

Which of these systems of slave labor offered enslaved people the greatest independence in the use of their time?

Task System

The French and Indian War was triggered by

feuds over the boundaries of their respective North American empires.

The encomienda system

gave privileged Spaniards control of land and a specified number of Indians

Roger Williams founded Rhode Island after he

had been exiled from Massachusetts for his religious opinions.

The English Puritans

opposed Catholic elements in the Church of England.

James II created the Dominion of New England in order to

place the colonies on a firmer administrative and defensive footing.

For the Pequots, the result of the 1637 war that they fought with New England settlers was


A major reason for the defeat of the Spanish Armada was

storms in the North Sea

Puritans led the revolt against King Charles I in what is now called

the English Civil War.

The industry that spawned the earliest French expansion into North America was

the fur trade.

The Stono Rebellion

was ultimately unsuccessful as the rebels were defeated in battle.

Most Native Americans understood property rights as primarily relating to which of the following concepts?

Active use

When did slavery first emerge in Virginia?

After the defeat of Opechancanough

In the racial hierarchy of New Spain

All of these are correct statements

What was the name of the most powerful Native American group in sixteenth-century Florida?


What was the name of the first native group that Columbus encountered?


The Northwest Passage allegedly promised a water-route to ____________.


Under the leadership of Prince Henry the Navigator, the Portuguese emerged as an early sea power. Which of these inventions contributed to Portuguese sea-faring?


The city of Tenochtitlán was founded in 1325 by the


Which of the following colonies generated the most revenue?


The Catholic priest who wrote about the brutal and exploitative treatment of the Indians by the Spanish was

Bartolome de Las Casas

The writings of which Spanish missionary most directly led to the development of the Black Legend?

Bartolomé de las Casas

Jamestown was established in a disastrous location. What proved to be the worst aspect of the location?

Brackish tidal water

What was the name of the largest city in the Mississippian Empire?


Puritans derived their theology primarily from which system of Christian thought?


Which type of colony had governors elected by the property-owning men in the colony?

Charter colonies

The English survived the Yamasee War by developing an alliance with what powerful group?


The "Declaration of Rights and Grievances," produced by the Continental Congress included which of the following assertions:

Colonists retained all the rights of native Britons Taxes should come only from the colonists' elected representatives Colonists should have the right to trails by juries

Which of the following resulted from Pontiac's War?

Creation of the Proclamation Line of 1763

Justification from African slavery partly derived from interpretations of a biblical curse placed on Noah. This curse was known as _______?

Curse of Ham

Hernán Cortés relied on a native woman to conquer the Aztecs. What did he call her?

Dona Marina

England's so-called "Golden Age," that included the works of Shakespeare, occurred under the reign of which monarch?

Elizabeth I

Maryland was established in 1634 as a refuge for

English Catholics.

How did the culture of rice cultivation reach colonial Carolina?

Enslaved Africans

The Dutch used what kind of labor to construct New Amsterdam?

Enslaved Africans

How many voyages did Columbus make to the New World?


The English revivalist who preached to thousands during the Great Awakening was

George Whitefield.

The Coercive or Intolerable Acts included four specific laws. The first was the Boston Port Act. The other three are all of the following EXCEPT

Glass Act

The expansion of the Iroquois pushed many Algonquian-speaking Indians into the "middle ground," located in what region?

Great Lakes

What was the purpose of the Tea Act?

Help the East India Company

Enslaved Africans sold in North America differed from most slave communities. What was the most important distinction?

Higher percentage of women

Bacon's Rebellion and King Phillip's War occurred at approximately the same time, in Virginia and Massachusetts respectively. Both conflicts grew out of which of the following causes?

Hostilities with Indians

Where did the ideas of the "country party," that is the emphasis on the ideology of republicanism, have the most influence?

In the colonies

A rough model for English colonization of the New World with the effort to subdue


The Walking Purchase of 1737 seized land from Indians in which colony?


What was the largest American city during the late eighteenth century?


The Glorious Revolution of 1688

brought William and Mary to the English throne.

Bacon's Rebellion

brought frontier farmers together against the colony's rich planters and political leaders.

What is the current estimate of the number of Africans forcibly relocated from Africa to the New World?

11 to 12 million

The first Americans arrived on the North American continent approximately _____.

12-20 thousand years ago

What portion of residents in 1700 New York City was enslaved?


The Headright Policy promised which of the following?

50 acres for anyone paying the passage of an English immigrant to Virginia

What is the best term to describe Native American ancestry/descent?


What is the term that slaves used for the voyage across the Atlantic?

Middle Passage

Slave status was tracked through which family member?


How would you compare the sexual and marital freedom of Native Americans and Europeans before contact?

Native Americans enjoyed greater sexual and marital freedom

Why did European colonists choose to replace the slave labor of native peoples with that of West Africans?

Native Americans were not able to resist diseases carried by Europeans.

Agriculture arose in North America (and western hemisphere more generally)

Nearly simultaneously as in Asia/eastern hemisphere

What is the name of the prophet who inspired Pontiac's Rebellion?


Which of the following European countries offered the most religious liberty?


Where did the Great Awakening begin?

New England

Who led the Pueblo Revolt?


The first Europeans to sail around Africa and on to India were the


How did colonists respond to the repeal of the Stamp Act?

Praising Parliament and King George III

What is the name of the Native American group who lived in Chaco Canyon?


What was the first English group to turn against slavery?


Both John Locke and George Whitefield encouraged which of the following values?

Questioning Authority

What was a motivating factor in the creation of colonies such as Maryland, Connecticut, and Rhode Island?


What crop led to the creation of large plantations and great wealth for the elite in the Carolinas?


What was the first permanent European settlement in the current American Southwest?

Santa Fe

The governor of the Dominion of New England was

Sir Edmund Andros

Which colony outlawed slavery in 1750?

Slavery was legal in every North American British colony at that time

The Spanish king adopted which of the following policies for enslaved Africans who escaped English territory to St. Augustine, Florida?

Slaves escaping from the English were freed.

Which of the following colonies had a majority enslaved African population?

South Carolina

What was the principal cause of the Pueblo Revolt in New Mexico?

The Spanish had attempted to keep the Pueblos from practicing their native religion.

What was the most important difference between the Stamp Act and the Sugar Act?

The Stamp Act was a direct tax while the Sugar Act modified a pre-existing duty.

What were the major political parties in colonial America?

There were no major political parties in colonial America

Why was the Boston Massacre significant?

Tied the colonies together through shared sympathy for Boston

Why did King George III issue the Royal Proclamation of 1763 and limit settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains?

To limit wars with the Native Americans

What proved to be the salvation of Jamestown?


What was the "commodity money" used in Virginia?


What was the most common means for colonists to acquire Native American slaves?


Which of the following best describes the economic activity of the Dutch in New Netherlands?

Trade with Indians

Most slaves were taken from which region in Africa?

West Africa

The crops most commonly grown by Native Americans, also called the "Three Sisters," include all of the following except


The religious revivals known as the Great Awakening did which of the following?

affected all thirteen colonies featured traveling ministers emphasized an emotional style of preaching

In the "starving time" of 1609-1610, Jamestown settler

ate horses, dogs, rats, boots, and mice.

The Spanish Armada

attempted to invade England.

The colony of Pennsylvania

attracted a diverse collection of settlers from different nations and religious traditions.

In most cases, Spanish explorers and soldiers who came to the New World were motivated by all of the following, EXCEPT

desire to serve their fellow man.

After the arrival of Europeans, the largest number of Indians died as a result of


The explorer Sir Humphrey Gilbert

labored throughout the sixteenth century to establish a colony in Newfoundland but failed.

As Jamestown's leader, Captain John Smith

made the colonists work in order to eat.

The early settlers of New England differed from those of the Chesapeake by being primarily

middle class

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