American Politics Quizzes Unit 1

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How many amendments have been formally proposed by a vote of 2/3 of the state legislatures?


Which of the following is true?

Americans have lower turnout and higher efficacy than other democracies

Who was the first woman on a major party ticket for president or vice president?

Geraldine Ferraro

This state was not at the Constitutional Convention

Rhode Island

Under Article 5, section 2, the Privileges and Immunities Clause,

a state cannot refuse police protection to a person from another state

Madison argued that the best way to deal with factions was ___________________________.

control effects through republican government

Most other democracies have:

higher turnout than the US

The Greek word for those who did not participate in politics was:


Socio-economic status includes:

income, education and occupation

The problems created by Hurricane Katrina were compounded by

poor communication between federal, state and local government

Which amendment states that no person shall be denied the equal protection of the law?


The amendment that took the longest to ratify was

27, about Congressional pay

Which of these was NOT an influence on the writing of the Constitution?

French Revolution

The court case that allowed for the expansion of federal power by allowing the establishment of a national bank was:

McCulloch v. Maryland

The US solves more problems, large and small, in the courts than most other democracies.


The two defining ideas of American politics are:

capitalism and democracy

The supremacy clause means that:

federal law is supreme

The necessary and proper clause

has been used to extend the power of the federal government

A unitary government...

has local governments that execute policy

Which of the following is NOT one of the assumptions about American political culture?

politics are an important part of Americans' lives

What did Alexis DeTocqueville say was most striking about his time in the US?

the general equality of conditions

Grandfather clauses allowed poor whites to vote, even if they could not pay the poll tax, if they could prove an ancestor had voted prior to 1867.


Thomas Jefferson was heavily influenced by this philosopher who said that men are born with the right to "life, liberty and property."

John Locke

Women are:

more likely to vote than men

Federalism is defined as

two levels of government over the same territory

Most countries around the world use a _________ type government.


The survey results discussed in lesson 1 indicate that while Americans have support for the ideas of democracy and capitalism,

we differ on how those are implemented specifically

The root cause of Shays' Rebellion was:

Congress' inability to get the states to pay taxes

This philosopher wrote that liberty was most secure when power was divided


Which country has less government involvement in health care, reflecting its individualism?

United States

The only successful coup d'etat in the US occurred in


The most important explanation of political participation is:

socio-economic status

In the presidential election of 2000

(all of the above) George W. Bush won in the electoral college while Al Gore won the popular vote, Al Gore's concession speech reflected a respect for the rules of the game, it took over a month and a Supreme Court case to resolve the election

The 1898 riot in Wilmington:

(all of the above) overthrew the local city government, involved election fraud, depressed Black registration all across the state

The 1965 Voting Rights Act:

(all of the above) required states with a history of discrimination to get federal approval of voting law changes, ended poll taxes, ended literacy test

An amendment may be proposed to the Constitution by

(both a & b) An amendment may be proposed to the Constitution when 2/3 of the states call upon Congress to convene a convention + when a vote of 2/3 of Congress

Federalist #10 was about:


Younger voters are more likely to vote than their grandparents.


The full faith and credit clause

means that marriage performed in one state is valid in another

This state has a relatively high turnout rate and little tolerance for corruption . Its citizens also see politics as a way to create a good society. It is:


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