American Revolution

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What had King George III done to the colonies to make them seek independence?

- Disowned the American Colonist loyalty by brining the Lexington and Concord battle. - Imposed taxes without consent. - Obstructed administration of justice.

Why did Thomas Paine write Common Sense? Was it effective?

Paine wrote this because he called for complete independence from Britain. It was effective because over half of the delegates agreed with Paine saying they should break away from Britain.

John Locke had a great deal of influence on Thomas Jefferson. What were his beliefs?

He had a big influence because of his writings Jefferson took away from them. John Locke saw government as one that should benefit all of society and the people (commonwealth) of that society.

Why is the Declaration Of Independence necessary of critical importance?

To secure the independence of the colonist in America.

Why was the American Revolution successful?

Yes the American colonists defeated the British and then it lead to the writing of the DOI.

Provide a brief biography of Thomas Jefferson.

Jefferson was a unique person, he was always into books and liked to hang out with older people. He always wanted to go to school so he went to a Williamsburg college.

What happened on the 50th anniversary of the singing of the Deceleration Of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson and John Adams passed away. (around 5 hours apart.)

Explain the ideas of other Enlightenment thinkers.

rousseau- "The Social Contract." Locke- "Two Treaties of Government." montesquieu- "The Spirit of the Laws."

When was the Deceleration Of Independence signed?

August 2, 1776

Compare and contrast the First Continental Congress and the Second Continental Congress.

First Continental Congress: The First Continental Congress was to organize colonial resistance to Parliament's Coercive Acts. Second Continental Congress: The Second Continental Congress was to manage the Colonial war effort and moved incrementally towards independence, adopting the United States Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776

Explain the significance of the following in terms of colonial/ British conflict: Stamp Act Congress Sons Of Liberty Boston Masscre Lexington and Concord- what series of events led to these battles?

Stamp Act Congress: This act was important because the declaration of rights was adopted and they petitioned against the stamp act. Sons Of Liberty: This was important because it was secret organizations in the colonies formed to oppose the stamp act. Boston Massacre: Important because After months of increasing friction between townspeople and the British troops stationed in the city, on March 5, 1770, British troops fired on American civilians in Boston. Lexington and Concord: Was the start of the revolution battle against the British and Americans. King George III made this happen because he wouldn't give independence to the colonists.

Explain the following acts and put them in chronological order. Sugar Act Stamp Act Townshend Act Tea Act Intolerable Act Quarterning Act Declaratory Act

Sugar Act April 5, 1764: The Sugar Act changed a lot of the policies that had to do with taxes. This act is what made the taxes on molasses to make it a lot cheaper by making it so the molasses cost three pences instead of six pences. By passing this act it put taxes on more foreign goods like sugar, certain wines, coffee, etc. British goods were particular to who they were being traded with after this act was passed because they wanted to make sure they would pay the full price and getting worthy items in return. Stamp Act March 22, 1765: The Stamp Act was a tax that the British Parliament placed on newspapers and official documents sold in the American Colonies. This was a way to get Great Britain to pay off previous war debts. The colonists were not happy about this because they were the ones paying taxes. Quartering act May 3, 1765: The Quartering Act required the colonies to provide food, lodging, bedding, beer, candles, salt, cider, firewood, eating utensils, and supplies for the British troops in the colonies. Also colonial families were expected to make room in their homes for British soldiers if and when it was necessary. The British troops were thankful for this.The colonist didn't like how they were being commanded to have the soldiers at their house and providing them with everything they needed. Declaratory Act March 18, 1766: The Declaratory Act stated that the Parliament had the right to tax and make decisions for the American colonies in all cases. This act also had the British Parliament accompanied the repeal of the Stamp Act. British Parliament's taxing authority was the same in America as in Great Britain. Townshend Act June 29, 1767: The Townshend Act was an act that the Parliament passed that was a set of laws that came to be known as the Townshend Acts. It was a set of laws with an import duty on glass, lead, paints, paper, and duty. This act was passed because it was to raise revenue in the colonies to pay the salaries of governors and judges. The colonist did not like paying these taxes. Tea Act: May 10, 1773: Tea Act gave the British East India Company the right to ship tea to the colonies without paying most of the taxes usually placed on tea. This act also started the Boston Tea Party. This act was passed because it was a bill designed to save the East India Company from bankruptcy by lowering the tea tax it paid to the British government by a lot. Intolerable Act: March 31, 1774:

Describe the course of the events that led to the singing of the DOI and explain whether you think it was justified response on the part of the settlers.

Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Quartering act, Declaratory Act, Townshend Act, Tea Act, Boston Tea Party, First Continental Congress, Boston Massacre, etc.

Who wrote the Deceleration Of Independence? What group was he part of? How did he feel about the edit made to the document?

Thomas Jefferson was the creator of the Deceleration Of Independence. He was part of the Second continental congress. Jefferson was not happy with his draft being edited because he was his owner himself.

How did the British respond to the Boston Tea Party?

The British passed the Coercive Acts, which was basically saying they could tax on whatever they wanted.

Why were the colonists angry about the new taxes.

The colonist were angry because they were paying all of these taxes and they felt like they didn't have a voice in the British Parliament.

The colonists tried other means of resolving their differences with the British before declaring their independence. Explain their effort.

The colonists tried to stay positive and loyal to Britain. They thought if they kept doing that maybe they would get some independence. They also followed the King's rules by paying all of the taxes.

Thomas Paine/ Common sense

The common sense was a pamphlet that was introduced by Thomas Paine that was talking about complete independence.

List the ideas of government found in the deceleration of independence? How did these reflect the ideas of the Enlightenment thinkers?

The ideas of the government found in the deceleration of independence are rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

According to the Deceleration, what is the purpose of the government.

The purpose of government is to set policies, but also let people have the right of freedom.

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