American YAWP Chapter 7.

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How did the war of 1812 change American life?

It gave America confidence in its military against the powerhouses of the world at that point. it also gave a boost to nationalism.

What did the mothers tell their daughters is an example of the Republican Motherhood.

"never disgrace themselves by giving their hands in marriage to any but real republicans" or "The Fair Daughters of Columbia, May their smiles be the reward of republicans only."

how much did napoleon sell Louisiana for?

$15 million roughly $250 million today

What was the primary consequence of the War of 1812? a. Boost in American nationalism b. Addition of western territory c. The collapse of the Bank of the United States d. The defeat of the Republican Party

A. Boost in American Nationalism

What proved to be the most effective unifying force for the many Indians who followed Tecumseh? a. Spirituality b. Economic interest c. Political ideology d. Environmental change

A. Spirituality

All of the following motivated Napoleon to sell the Louisiana territory EXCEPT a. The French and American alliance against the Spanish b. The pressures of war in Europe c. The success of the Haitian Revolution d. All of the above

A. The French and American alliance

What is the "Play-off System"? a. The ability of Native Americans to manipulate rivalries between European powers for their advantage b. A pan-Indian resistance movement inspired by one prophet's religious vision c. A trading policy between Native Americans that exchanged weapons for furs d. The practice of using metaphorical language in speeches

A. The ability of Native Americans to manipulate rivalries between European powers for their advantage.

What was the message that the executioners gave after the Gabriel Rebellion

Anyone who challenges slavery would suffer the same fate as Gabriel and his accomplices

What was the American's reaction to the Haitian Revolution?

As the news and refugees arrive to the U.S. over the next decades Black Americans continually looked to Haiti as Inspiration in their struggle for freedom. and sparked Black activism in America

Which of the following best describes Thomas Jefferson's policy of peaceable coercion? a. Using impressments to increase the size of the American navy b. Attempt to use a trade embargo to force Europeans to respect American neutrality c. Creating alliances with European powers to stop Napoleon d. Attack on the Federalist Party from Republican newspapers

B. Attempt to use a trade embargo to force Europeans to respect American alliances

Which of the following most accurately describes the attitude of most of the founding fathers as it relates to pure democracy? a. Believed it was impossible b. Believed it was dangerous c. Believed it was inevitable d. Believed it was God-given

B. Believed it was dangerous

What was the primary purpose of the Hartford Convention? a. Create foreign alliances that would assist the United States in the War of 1812 b. Gather leaders of the Federalist Party to propose changes to the U.S. Constitution c. Determine how to stop Tecumseh and his allies d. Propose an end to the expansion of slavery

B. Gather leaders of the Federalist Party to propose changes to the U.S. constitution

Why did Gabriel's Conspiracy fail? a. Bad weather forced the conspirators to attack before they were ready b. Two enslaved men revealed the plot to their masters c. The conspirators were unable to acquire functioning firearms d. Diversionary fires failed to ignite

B. Two enslaved men revealed the plot to their masters

All of the following were contributing causes of the War of 1812 EXCEPT a. British policy of impressment b. The success of the Embargo of 1807 c. American fears of Britain encouraging Indian uprisings d. The political influence of the War Hawks

B. the success of the Embargo of 1807

What is the term for the early American belief that women were essential in nurturing the principles of liberty in the citizenry? a. Cult of domesticity b. Victorian morality c. Republican motherhood d. American feminism

C. Republican Motherhood

Thomas Jefferson, in Notes on the State of Virginia, argued for polygenesis. What is polygenesis? a. The belief that environmental changes would lead to changes in race b. The belief in a universal equality of all human nature c. The belief that African descended peoples were created separately from European descended peoples d. The belief in the inevitability of race war and the extinction of weaker races

C. the belief that African-descended peoples were created separately from European Descended

Which of the following best describes Thomas Jefferson's relationship with the American military? a. He created a large expansive navy to defeat pirates b. He expanded the army to defend against Indian attack c. He used the military as a symbol of American patriotism d. He distrusted the military and dramatically cut its budget and manpower

D. He distrusted the military and dramatically cut its budget and manpower

Tecumseh ultimately built alliances that stretched from Canada to Georgia, but from where did he launch this movement? a. Delaware b. Pennsylvania c. New York d. Indiana

D. Indiana

All of the following are true about the Haitian Revolt (or Revolution) EXCEPT a. Many slaveholding refugees brought their slaves to the United States b. Free and enslaved black Americans used the Revolution as inspiration in their freedom struggle c. The Haitian Revolution terrified white slave owners d. Napoleon's support proved essential in the success of the Haitian Revolution

D. Napoleon's support proved essential in the success to the Haitian Revolution

Which of the following was a key goal for President Jefferson? a. Stabilize the Bank of the United States b. Increase foreign investment in U.S. treasury bonds c. Eliminate seditious speech from newspapers d. Reduce the size of the federal government

D. Reduce the size of the federal government

Who wrote the Star Spangled Banner? and what event did he witness that inspired him?

Francis Scott Key, was witnessing the Americans defend from a land invasion on Lake Champlain for 27-hours of bombardment of cannon fire.

what was the method that Tenskwatawa used to try to unify the Native Populations?

He pronounced that the master of life entrusted him and tecumseh with the responsibility of unifying the natives and exiling the dangerous and corrupting influences of Euro-American trade and culture.

Who was Henry Moss?

He was a famous enslaved man in Virginia due to his skin changing from black to white

Who is Andrew Jackson

He was an American general that fought battles to gain more land from the Mississippi territory in 1813 as well as defend from a British land invasion in 1815.

Was Gabriel seized before he started the plan? what happened to him?

He was captured, then tried then hanged along with 25 others.

What is the American System?

Henry Clay's plan to unite America by improving roads and canals in a effort to increase trade.

Did the U.S. draw more from the vision of Alexander Hamilton or Thomas Jefferson?

I am leaning toward Jefferson, but I don't think they were good moves. Jefferson with the failed embargo and the reduction of the federal government were bad moves to make when trying to defend itself from the powerhouses that were the British and the French Navy

What was The Monroe Doctrine?

It was a post-war doctrine authored by James Monroe that gave the empires of Europe an ultimatum to leave the western hemisphere off limits to colonization, or risk war.

What was the Republican motherhood?

It was an early American belief that women were essential in nurturing the principles of the same values that were held in the American Revolution.

What is the Hartford Convention?

Meeting of Federalists near the end of the War of 1812 in which the party listed it's complaints against the ruling Republican Party. These actions were largley viewed as traitorous to the country and lost the Federalist much influence

What was Thomas Jefferson's theory on Black ancestry?

Polygenesis, or multiple creations.

What was republican Motherhood and how did it change the understanding of gender?

Republican Motherhood was when mothers of girls would feed/coach their daughters to only talk to republican boys. -------

What is the embargo Act of 1807?

Signed into law by President Jefferson in an attempt to punish Britain and France for interfering with American shipping, this backfired and did more harm to the American economy than it did to its enemies.

Who was Tenskwatawa?

Tecumseh's brother, nicknamed "the Prophet". He urged a return to ancestors' customs and founded Prophetstown in Indiana as the capital of the Indian confederacy.

Who is Tecumseh?

The Shawnee leader who alongside his brother tried to unify the Native American tribes to exile the exile the Euro-American influence.

what was the major consequences that came after Gabriel's Rebellion?

The Virginia government increased restrictions on free people of color. Showed that enslaved black Virginians were capable or preparing and carrying out complex violent revolutions

What are impressments?

The practice of forcing American sailors to join the British Navy.

What were the "Internal Improvements" in 1817

They were building projects that would improve the state of roads and canals across America to make transport easier.

Who was Sally Hemmings?

Thomas Jefferson's slave that he might have had relations with. She was the half sister of Thomas Jefferson's wife that had died.

How did slave rebellions, in the U.S. and beyond, change the life and laws of the nation?

Well after the Haitian rebellion and Gabriel Rebellion, the white population was terrified of the idea that the enslaved populations were able to have complex, well-planned, violent rebellions. so they banned the Atlantic slave trade.

What was the Louisiana Purchase?

While Thomas Jefferson was in office, he made the largest real estate deal in history purchasing the Louisiana territory from France in 1803.

Were there any whistle blowers to Gabriel's Rebellion? Did the plan spring at the attended time?

Yes, there were two enslaved men revealed the plan to their enslaver, who notified authorities. and No, due to bad weather Gabriel and other leaders postponed the attack until the next night, giving the governor and militia time to capture the conspirators

How did Americans think of race after the news of Henry Moss spreads?

at first the American republic coincided with the racial shift. Gathering information they made this system of classification of peoples and their cultural background by taking their skin color, cranial measurements, and hair to divide them into the race types.

Why did Jefferson purchase Louisiana?

he was concerned about American access to New Orleans, which served as an important port for western farmers.

what is the Haitian Revolution?

it was a successful revolt where enslaved Africans fought against the French and the British

What was the significance of Gabriel's Rebellion?

it was the plot of Gabriel and close to a thousand enslaved men planned to end slavery in Virginia by attacking Richmond in late August 1800, setting fires in city warehouse district as distractions, attacking white white residents, seize weapons, and capture Virginia's governor James Monroe

What was the Play-off System?

it was the system that many Native Americans used to balance delicate diplomacy between European empires, Prior to the revolution.

How did Native American nations interact with the U.S. in the early period?

they didn't like the idea of them expanding west. there was an effort to unify all the nations together to exile the Americans but not enough tribes joined them, so their only option was to compromise with the US or die fighting them

What did other Americans think of Thomas Jefferson's Polygenesis theory?

they disagreed with Jefferson's theory, however, they believed nature made the white and black races too different to peacefully coexist, and they viewed African Colonization as the solution to America's racial problem

As Henry earned his freedom, he visits scientists. what conclusion did the scientists come to be the explanation of the pigment of the African population?

they stated that it comes from Leprosy.

What were the Red Sticks?

they were a tribe that accompanied Tecumesha and Tenskwatawa as allies in their cause.

What were the Notes on the State of Virginia?

they were notes authored by Thomas Jefferson that stated that Jefferson thought that the Native Americans could improve and become "civilized", he declared that Black people were incapable of mental improvement and that they might even have a separate ancestry

What are "War Hawks," and what do they hope to gain?

they were the younger democratic-republicans that were willing to fight the British a second time to vindicate the nation's rights and independence.

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