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Before his assassination, Kennedy

Actively attempted to end the Vietnam War

What did Nixon recognize as even more globally influential than military might?

American goods and popular culture

Why did the fight over busing become so violent in Boston in the mid-1970s?

Boston's tightly knit Irish-American community in South Boston fought integration violently.

Governor Orval Faubus responded to the court-ordered desegregation of Central High School:

By immediately closing the school

What contradiction did the Reagan presidency reveal about modern conservatism?

Conservatives promised to destroy labor unions, only to depend on their political support in elections.

To combat communism, one of John Kennedy's first acts was to

Create the Peace Corps

Civilian Conservation Corps

Gave work to young unemployed men having to do with the environment.

Why was it inevitable that the United States and the Soviet Union would eventually come into conflict after the war ended?

Historically, both nations had never shared long-term interests or values.

Why did Harry Truman's loyalty review system target homosexuals working for the government?

Homosexuals were considered susceptible to blackmail and thought to be lacking the manly qualities necessary to fight communism.

What did the election of Roosevelt mean to many American industrial workers?

Hope for an end to the miniature dictatorships of factory managers and owners

How did John Kennedy's inaugural address strike a different tone?

It urged Americans to move beyond the consumer culture of the 1950s.

Which of the following describes the new Deal most accurately?

It was a political program that integrated the notion of economic security into the definition of American freedom.

Which was one of the following explains one of the reasons why Americans hoped to avoid involvement in the war in Europe?

It was clear to most people that there was little possibility of an allied victory

How was Truman's national health insurance plan defeated?

It was painted as a socialist.

By the 1950s, half of America's black families

Lived in poverty

The effect of lowering in value of the U.S dollar during the Richard Nixon's First term was

Negative, because the world economy became unstable

How did the experience of the 1960s shape Americas reconservatives?

Neoconservatives believe that even the best-intentioned social programs did more harm than good

Anti-Semitism in the United States during World War II resulted in

Only 21,000 Jews being allowed in the United States

During the 1950s, mass consumption was promoted as


Why'd did the United States Continue to support South Vietnamese Leader Ngo Dihn Diem's corrupt and weak regime?

President Kennedy and a Johnson Feared losing Vietnam to communism

Reagan's economic policies

Resulted in a rise of economic inequality

Two decades after the Vietnam War ended, Which former secretary of defense regretted that the United States had entered the conflict?

Robert McNamara

Reagonomics initially produced what result in hard to economy?

Severe recession

Most likely why did the U.S. Supreme Court not order the immediate implementation of its ruling in Brown v. Board of Education in 1954?

Some justices on the Court feared the outbreak of widespread violence with such a bold ruling.

Why were American Diplomats particularly dismayed that the Soviets had installed a Pro-Communist Government in Poland in 1945?

Stalin had promised Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt at Yalta that he would allow a democratic government in Poland.

Where did the turning point of World War II in Europe occur?


Eric Foner argues that, during World War II, "Officials rewrote history to establish"

That racial and ethnic tolerance had always been the American way

Church Committee Report

The CIA and FBI had engaged in abusive actions

What led to the congressional discovery that the FBI had spied on millions of Americans in the 1960s?

The Church Committee investigations

What was the result of the 1932 elections?

The Democrats gained control of the presidency and Congress.

How did the federal government institutionalize racism during the New Deal?

The Federal Housing Administration refused to ensure mortgages in integrated neighborhoods

What resulted from the Pentagon Papers Release?

The Supreme Court reached a landmark freedom-of-the-press decision.

In 1971, what occurred for the first time in the twentieth century?

The United States had a merchandise trade deficit

What did the busing issue illustrate about America in the 1970s?

The existence of white hostility toward a strong and powerful government who they believed was taking away their "rights" and "freedoms"

Why did President Eisenhower use the CIA to overthrow the government of Iran in the early 1950s

The government had attempted to nationalize British-owned oil fields.

What opened Malcolm X up to the possibility of interracial cooperation in the United States?

The interracial harmony he witnessed among Muslims in Saudi Arabia.

In his 1961 farewell address, President Eisenhower warned American's about

The military industrial complex

How did the African American civil right protestors that marched in June 1963 in more than 186 cities feel about the danger of getting arrested?

The very point of the protest was to illustrate the punitive nature of southern Jim Crow justice.

Why did the southern democrats start to pull from the New Deal in the late 1930s?

These leaders feared union membership would increase in the south

How did white supremacists take advantage of anti communist rhetoric?

They charged African-American civil rights leaders with a communist agenda.

How did black organizations employ the language of the Cold War?

They noted how the Russians could use racism to damage America's image abroad, given its hypocrisy about the meaning of "freedom" at home.

Why did American Policymakers agree to spend billions of dollars on the economic recovery of Europe under the Marshall plan?

They were afraid that if they did not help with the recovery, western European nations might fall into the Soviet sphere of influence.

Why did workers during the 1930s make demands that went beyond better wages?

They were hoping to establish a set of basic civil liberties for workers

True or False: Truman was advised to "scare the hell out of people" as a means of gaining support for aid to Greece and Turkey


Which of the following comparisons of wage trends for the 1953 to 1973 and 1973 to 1993 is accurate?

Wages increased significantly in the first period but stagnated in the second

Between 1950 and 1973 there was a reduction in income inequality. This was in part due to the federal government's progressive income tax policy, how did this policy work?

Wealthy Americans paid high taxes than others.

What ended the Great Depression?

World War II

The original Social Security bill envisioned which of the following benefits that was dropped in Congress?

a national system of health insurance

In which way was "liberalism" redefined by the New Deal?

as an effort by the government to protect and deliver for the people

Which of the following groups was the leading force in advocating desegregation.

college students

To wage the cultural Cold War, the Central Intelligence Agency and Defense Department:

funded artistic publications, concerts, performances, and exhibits.

Growth in the South and West during World War II was sparked by

military industrial growth.

What did the Kerner Report cite as the cause of urban riots in the 1960s

segregation and poverty

Cuban Missile Crisis ended

the Soviet Union agreed to remove the missiles if the US would not invade Cuba

What turned the tide of the pacific naval war in favor of the allies?

the destruction of Japanese aircraft carriers at Midway Island

The Bretton Woods Conference created the framework for what?

the postwar capitalist economic system

What was the Tet Offensive?

uprisings by the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese armies in South Vietnamese cities

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