AMH 2020-Chapters: 27, 28, 29 and 30

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The person who lost the most from the outcome of the Hiss-Chambers case was:

Alger Hiss

Jack Kerouac's style of writing is commonly grouped into this type of literature:


Baseball was integrated in 1947 when Jackie Robinson played for the:

Brooklyn Dodgers

The strongest and most visible opposition to Diem's government was led by:










Within a year after taking control of the South, the Vietnamese Communists were at war with the:

Cambodian Communists

Nixon's new relationship with China was made possible by:

China's growing fear of the Soviet Union

All of the following became critical of Johnson's Vietnam policy EXCEPT:

General William Westmoreland

The location of William Levitt's first suburban development was:

Long Island, New York

The conventional, or "orthodox," view of cold war history holds whom or what most responsible for beginning this conflict?

Stalin's quest for world domination

As the 1948 election approached:

Truman seemed to be in deep political trouble

Jimmy Carter's victory in the 1976 election was aided by all of the following EXCEPT:

a huge voter turnout

During the 1948 presidential campaign, Truman endorsed all of the following EXCEPT:

abolishing Social Security

At the 1948 Democratic convention, Minneapolis mayor Hubert Humphrey urged his party to:

adopt a strong civil rights plank

By 1960, about 65 percent of Americans:

belonged to a church

Elvis Presley's recordings:

blended a variety of musical styles

In the early 1970s, angry protests began to erupt in cities outside the South over:


Permanent members of the United Nations Security Council:

can veto any major proposal

In his "Letter from Birmingham City Jail," Martin Luther King:

declared his willingness to break unjust laws

The most important factor behind the sexual revolution of the 1960s was the:

development of birth-control pills

In 1961, Khrushchev escalated tensions over Berlin by:

erecting the Berlin Wall

Senator McCarthy was very effective in:

exploiting public fears

Truman fired MacArthur:

for insubordination

Kennedy's successor as president, Lyndon Johnson:

genuinely cared about the disadvantaged in society

All of the following are true of Harry Truman EXCEPT that he:

had an Ivy League education

In retrospect, the Cold War was probably:


Dwight Eisenhower considered himself a:

moderate Republican

Blacks who moved to northern cities found:

new problems and forms of exploitation

Nixon's Watergate-related resignation came with the revelation that he had:

ordered a cover-up of the original Watergate break-in

In The Affluent Society, John Kenneth Galbraith pointed out the:

persistence of poverty

Michael Harrington's book The Other America influenced President Johnson to declare war on:


One major reason that World War II inspired postwar changes in race relations was the:

racist nature of the enemies of the United States

Changes in immigration law in 1965:

removed quotas based upon national origin

The 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago:

resulted in massive rioting in the streets

In regard to New Deal programs, Eisenhower:

retained most and even expanded some of them

The Pentagon Papers:

revealed that the Johnson administration had deceived the public in regard to war policy

Between 1945 and 1960, home ownership:

significantly increased

One major impetus behind the rise of a Native American rights movement was the:

terrible levels of poverty that persisted in the Indian population

When North Korea attacked South Korea, Truman concluded:

that Stalin and the Soviets were behind it

In his Wheeling speech, Senator Joseph McCarthy claimed to have a list of Communists in:

the State Department

Senator Joseph McCarthy's power began to unravel when he made reckless charges about Communist influence in:

the U.S. Army

When North Korean Communists invaded South Korea:

the United Nations authorized military intervention against the aggressors

In 1947, President Truman took actions to banish Communists from:

the federal government

In 1948, President Truman desegregated:

the military

Early in his presidency, Kennedy accomplished all of the following EXCEPT:

the passage of a large tax cut

To punish the United States for supporting Israel during the Yom Kippur War, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC):

threatened to cut off oil shipments to the United States

In 1964, the University of California at Berkeley:

was the site of a free-speech movement (FSM)

The Bay of Pigs invasion:

was thoroughly bungled by the CIA

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