AMH- Chapter 6

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Why did George Grenville attempt to reform the colonial customs system after 1763?

He discovered that the colonial customs service paid out four times more in salaries than they collected.

Why did Pontiac decide to attack British forts west of Pittsburgh?

He embraced Neolin's call for a return to tradition and to send the white man back to his own land.

What significant tactical error did General Edward Braddock make when fighting the French in the Ohio Country?

He failed to make alliances with Native Americans

In a Declaration of ___________, written in October 1774, the colonists asserted the right to tax and legislate themselves.

Rights & Grievances

Who had set an agenda, known to a few insiders, before the 1773 meeting at the Old South Meetinghouse that set the Boston Tea Party in motion?

Samuel Adams

Who were the Paxton Boys?

Scots-Irishmen who undertook "purging" western Pennsylvania of Indians

Who received title to all French territory east of the Mississippi as a result of the Treaty of Paris?

The British

Who surrendered at Fort Necessity in 1754 as a result of the contest over the Ohio Country?

The British

When the Seven Years' War ended, American colonists regarded themselves primarily as citizens of

The British Empire

Which of the following was not a benefit of Britain's decision to leave a standing army in North America?

The British government would no longer have to collect taxes to pay the soldiers.

The French surrender of Montreal in 1760 signaled

The end of the war in North America

To many British colonists in North America, winning the Seven Years' War meant

The opening of fertile land in the Ohio Valley

What circumstance greatly increased the tensions that led to the Boston Massacre?

The presence of 4,000 British redcoats among 15,000 Bostonians was unpopular.

Why did American colonials resist Parliament's desire to tax?

They agreed that Parliament had some authority, but not to tax them, since there was no direct representation.

The passage of the Coercive Acts, to many American colonials, signaled that ______ was/were also now complicit in plotting to enslave the colonies.


The Stamp Act illustrated that Parliament claimed the authority to tax the colonies directly solely to do what?

raise revenue

General Braddock referred to Indians as


Which strategy did Brigadier General Wolfe use in defeating the French at the Plains of Abraham?

scaling the city's steep bluffs and engaging Montcalm outside the city

As part of their protests, the mobs of 1765 burned ______ in effigy.

stamp distributors

George Grenville wanted to___________the American colonists because Britain's national debt had doubled in the decade after 1754. (Enter only one word per space and make sure to spell correctly.)


What did the Opposition see as proof that the executive branch had been corrupted?

the executive bureaucracy and standing armies

The repeal of the Townshend Acts left which of the following intact?

the tax on tea the tax on molasses a standing British army in the colonies the operation of admiralty courts

What was the intent of the Coercive Acts?

to reassert Parliament's authority in the colonies

For what purpose did British troops open hostilities with colonial militiamen?

to seize arms and ammunition stored by the Provincial Congress

Which professional groups organized the lower classes into mobs to protest the Stamp Act?

traders, lawyers, and artisans

What was the signal that British troops had moved out of Boston?

two lamps hung from the steeple at Boston's Christ Church

One critique British commanders had of colonial troops was that they were

weak in combat

True or false: Widespread British political corruption at home and abroad spurred some Europeans to join the colonial resistance during the American Revolution.


The English politician ______, noted for his arrogance and egotism, was known as the man who turned Britain's fortune around in the Seven Years' War.

William Pitt

What event led to Charles Townshend becoming the new minister?

William Pitt's failing health

Which of the following did Paine claim in his highly influential pamphlet Common Sense?

-Paine proclaimed the dawning of an age of republicanism. -He severed the ties of colonial allegiance to the king. -He denounced monarchy.

Which of the following correctly describe the Seven Years' War?

-Prussia was a British ally against France -It actually lasted nine years -the war began in the backcountry of North America

Which of the following accurately describe the Boston Massacre?

-The crowd that gathered around the customshouse before the incident was not unusual for this era. -Propagandists immediately sensationalized the incident.

Braddock's defeat at the hands of the French in 1755 resulted in which of the following?

-an exodus of colonists to the east -the loss of his reputation and life -the Native Americans shifting their support to the French

Which of the following was a result of the Seven Years' War?

A standing army was established in America. Colonial taxes were increased.

In reaction to British troops' presence in the city of ____________ after the Liberty riot, most colonial legislatures decided to stop importing and consuming British goods.


Virginia's House of__________took the lead in protesting the Stamp Act.


The____________, which accompanied the repeal of the Stamp Act, asserted that Parliament had the power to make laws for the colonies "in all cases whatsoever."

Declaratory Act

What evidence indicates that the colonists in Massachusetts were already seeking independence by 1774?

Farmers in western Massachusetts closed the local courts and established their own tribunals.

The fall of which French fort isolated other forts located along the Great Lakes and Ohio valley?

Fort Frontenac

The war began because of a conflict over the Ohio Country among the Indians, the English, and the


General Thomas ________ dissolved the Massachusetts legislature in 1774, but it re-formed on its own.


How was the relationship between France and its Indian allies changed by the war?

Indians became disillusioned and often either withdrew or sided with Britain.

The "Covenant Chain" that was to be repaired at the Albany Congress was a long-standing alliance between Britain and


What made the Stamp Act more infamous than the Sugar Act?

It affected everyone, whereas the Sugar Act primarily affected New England merchants.

Which of the following was an unintended consequence of the Stamp Act?

It united the opposition to British rule in the American colonies.

What was Thomas Paine's profession when he wrote his famous pamphlet?


As a result of the war, Spain

Lost Florida to Britain

The Corsican freedom fighter __________________was believed to have been "bought," implying that most of Europe had become corrupt. (Enter only one complete word per space and make sure to spell correctly.)

Pascal Paoli

The politician who introduced the Virginia Resolves against the Stamp Act was

Patrick Henry

How did the colonists who had fought for the British empire in the Seven Years' War view the Proclamation of 1763?

Most wondered why they had fought, if land was to be ceded to Indians.

John Dickinson of Philadelphia urged Americans to protest the ______ Acts by consuming fewer imported English goods.


At the meeting of the Albany Congress in 1754, Benjamin Franklin proposed that

a federal council provide for a united colonial defense

What united colonial supporters of the resistance with international activists like Charles Lucas, John Wilkes, and Pascal Paoli?

a fight of freedom

Even though resistance abated in the two years after the Boston Massacre, colonists were still subject to trial in ______ courts, which operated without a jury.


How was the power to tax viewed by those who accepted John Locke's view?

as the power to destroy because it deprived a person of property

What bothered American colonials the most about the Quebec Act?

bordering a British colony that had no representative assembly

How did the British respond to the Liberty riot?

by sending two regiments of troops to Boston

One of England's strategies during The Seven Years' War was to ally itself with which of the following groups?

colonials and indians

Which of the following was an unintended consequence of the Townshend Acts?

decreased sales of British goods in the American colonies

One of the main goals of the Albany Congress was to

dissuade the Iroquois from allying with New France

Many American colonials viewed the Coercive Acts as proof of a plot to________ them


The committees of correspondence were established by Samuel Adams to

foster an intercolonial agreement on resistance to British measures.

The Tea Act of 1773

granted the East India Company a monopoly on the tea trade in America.

King George III replaced George Grenville with the Marquis of Rockingham, who

had no desire to enforce the Stamp Act.

The decisions of the Continental Congress denied Parliament the right to

impose taxes, make laws

On what did the Stamp Act place a tax?

many paper products, including legal documents and playing cards

The Sugar Act lowered the tariff on foreign ______ from six to three pence a gallon.


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