AMT Practice Test 11/8

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Which of the following are considered Protected Health Information (PHI)?

An individual's name, billing information, and social security number

Heparin interacts with _____________, which subsequently inhibits thrombin.

Antithrombin III

Which of the following autoantibodies are found in a patient with Hashimotos thyroiditis?

Antithyroid peroxidase (TPO)

You have access to the results of your friend's laboratory test results. She asks you to look up the results for her.

Ask the friend to contact her doctor to obtain the results.

Which statement about work practice and/or engineering controls is correct?

Avoid eating, drinking, and applying makeup in the lab.

Most disorders associated with a primary immunodeficiency are _________ disorders.

B-cell disorders

All of the following Bacillus species would have a wide zone lecithinase reaction, EXCEPT?

Bacillus subtilis

The mediator cell type that binds to IgE antibodies is the:


A mother brings in her 6-year-old son to the clinic with concerns of learning difficulties from his school and also states he seems very tired all the time. The family has been staying in an old, run-down motel recently as they try to find housing with no other significant family history. Testing was ordered to include a CBC. The CBC shows a microcytic anemia but otherwise normal results. Which of the following may be present upon manual differential review?

Basophilic stippling

A red blood cell on the smear that was stained with Wright stain shows numerous fine purple-blue inclusions that are distributed throughout the cell. It should be reported as:

Basophilic stippling

Which of the following analytes would be decreased due to delay in centrifugation?


The name of the rapid test seen in the image, often used to differentiate S. pneumoniae from viridans streptococci, in which a drop of 10% deoxycholate was placed on an area of growth, is:

Bile solubility test

Which of the following blood tests requires to be protected from light?


"Xanthochromic" CSF means that the color of the CSF can be any of the following EXCEPT:


A cancer patient was admitted to the hospital with fever, tachycardia, and a drop in blood pressure. Due to the patient being treated for cancer, her chemotherapy had been administrated through an intravenous catheter. To rule out a catheter-related infection, the physician ordered two sets of blood cultures with one set being collected from the catheter site and the second set being collected by venipuncture. After 48 hours, the patient had positive blood cultures that grew Staphylococcus epidermidis. How will the physician know if the Staphylococcus epidermidis present is due to an infected catheter or is a contaminant?

Both blood culture sets (catheter and venipuncture) will be positive

Which bacterial species is most likely represented by the spreading, wrinkled, non-hemolytic colony appearance as illustrated in the photograph?

Burkholderia pseudomallei

Raynaud's phenomenon is associated with a deficiency/dysfunction of the complement fraction:


AIDS patients have in increased susceptibility to infection due to a decrease in which of the following?

CD4+ lymphocytes

Following a myocardial infarction which of the following enzymes will be the first to become elevated:


The fluid that surrounds and protects the spinal cord and brain is called:


The following characteristics are applicable to Interferon-Gamma Release Assays (IGRAs) except:

Can be used in patients with active tuberculosis disease symptoms

All of the following are therapeutic drugs used to treat cardiac disease, EXCEPT?


A patient is seen in the ER for abdominal pain and jaundice (yellowing of the skin and sclera). A quick urinalysis is performed, and it is noted there is an increase in urine urobilinogen. All of the following are likely causes EXCEPT:


A representative congenital neutrophil functional disorder is:

Chédiak-Higashi syndrome

According to the National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA), electrical fires are classified as:

Class C

The following is a spore-forming anaerobe that is associated with neutropenic enterocolitis:

Clostridium septicum

Which of the following statistical methods would be employed to determine how closely two different methods compare?

Coefficient of variation

Which procedure used to obtain a fetal blood sample to monitor severity of hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (HDFN) can also be used to deliver intrauterine transfusions?


All of the following may be typically recovered in positive blood cultures, EXCEPT?

Cryptococcus neoformans

A laboratory test which can detect the specific decrease in the platelet surface membrane receptor glycoprotein Ib and thus lead to a diagnosis of Bernard Soulier Syndrome (BSS) is:

Flow cytometry

Blood specimens are typically sterile; however, if an organism is suspected, a peptide nucleic acid probe (PNA) FISH can be used to identify the organism directly from the specimen. Which of the following microscopes can be used to examine PNA FISH slides?

Fluorescent microscope

Significantly increased levels of ketones are typically detected in the urine with all of the following conditions, EXCEPT?

Following a low-impact exercise routine

Which class of immunoglobulins is implicated in hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (HDFN)?


What is the formula for calculating transferrin saturation (TS)?

(Serum iron/TIBC) X 100

In a normal distribution, approximately what percent of data would be more than +/- 3 standard deviations (SD) from the mean?


Whole blood or red blood cell units will be shipped from the American Red Cross to the transfusion facility. At what temperature should the units be kept during transportation?

1-10 °C

What percentage solution of sodium hypochlorite (bleach) is recommended as a routine laboratory disinfectant?


In the steps involved in performing a bone marrow differential what objective is used and how many cells must be counted?

100x (oil), 200 cells

In the Westgard system for evaluating control values, all of the following are rules for rejecting the run, EXCEPT?


A 24-hour urine collection requires HCl as a preservative. The procedure manual states the required concentration of HCl in percent rather than in normality. The laboratory only has 4N HCl available. What is the percent concentration? (HCl has a positive valence of 1)


A unit of red blood cells that was collected on 15 June 2009 and frozen with glycerol at -80° C on 20 June 2009 will expire on what date?

15 June 2019

What is the half-life for aminoglycoside antibiotics in the blood?

2-3 hours

Calculate LDL cholesterol concentration if total cholesterol is 280 mg/dL, triglyceride is 100 mg/dL, and the HDL cholesterol is 40.0 mg/dL.

220 mg/dL

Troponin I is used frequently to assess acute myocardial infarctions (AMI). If a patient has experienced an AMI, at what point (approximately) will the troponin I begin to increase and how long will it stay increased?

3-12 hrs, 7-14 days

Severe blood loss causing circulatory collapse and shock usually first occurs when what percentage of blood is lost?

30 to 40%

In order to make a 1:10 dilution with 500 microliters of patient serum, how much saline would be needed?

4.5 mL

How many distinct bands are separated during a standard serum protein electrophoresis?


When a lumbar puncture is performed, what volume of spinal fluid is needed for optimal recovery of meningitis-causing organisms?

5-10 mL

A medical laboratory scientist is working with a student on the teaching microscope. The student is using a microscope that has a micrometer for the measurement of microscopic items. A normal red cell distribution curve for a patient is shown on the right. What should the range of red cell diameters be when the student measures the red cells with a micrometer?

6-8 microns

According to the HIV testing algorithm from the CDC, all of the following statements are true, EXCEPT:

A nonreactive screening test to either HIV-1 or HIV-2 is confirmation that a patient does not have HIV.

Observations that can be made based on the Gram stain examination include all of the following, EXCEPT:

Age of the organism

Which one of the following usually shows a decrease during an acute phase response?


From the choices listed below, select the biochemical reaction that excludes a bacterial isolate from the family Enterobacteriaceae.

Alk/Alk reaction on Kligler's Iron Agar

"Universal precautions" is an approach to infection control that is designed to reduce the risk of transmission of microorganisms in hospitals and other health care settings. Which of these statements BEST describes the intent of standard precautions?

All blood, tissue, body fluids, secretions (except sweat), and excretions should be considered potentially infectious, and health care workers should use appropriate personal protective equipment and safe work practices when in direct contact with patients or any specimen types.

All of the following statements about using bar-coded labels on specimens are true, EXCEPT?

All possibility of errors is eliminated.

A patient is being treated with gentamicin for a Gram-negative bacterial infection. The chemistry department has repeating peak and trough orders on the patient. Which of the following antibiotic classes does gentamicin belong to?


All of the following are enzymes used in molecular amplification testing methods, EXCEPT?


When a patient is suspected of intoxication, what would you expect the osmol gap to be?


The results which would be MOST consistent with macroamylasemia are?

Increased serum amylase and normal to low urine amylase values

All of the following are features of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), EXCEPT:

Increased serum complement

Which of the following choices is the basic technique used to detect unexpected antibodies with a commercial set of reagent cells?

Indirect antiglobulin test

Illustrated in this high-power image is an inflammatory reaction of a skin lesion at the site of a Phlebotomus sand-fly bite. Observed are large histiocytes with small intra-cytoplasmic oval cells measuring 2 µm in diameter that superficially have the appearance of Histoplasma capsulatum yeast cells. Note the distinctive bar-like kinetoplasts that lie adjacent to the nucleus of some of these cells (arrows). Select the name of the protozoa.

Leishmania species

All of the following crystals are found in normal urine, EXCEPT?


The analysis of a differential blood smear and laboratory results produced the following results: WBC: 47,000/µLHgb: 10.9 g/dLHct: 34%Differential: 4% Monocytes20% Lymphocytes4% Myelocytes2% Promyelocytes15% Metamyelocytes25% Segmented Neutrophils30% BandsLeukocyte Alkaline Phosphatase (LAP) - increased What is the MOST likely disease/condition associated with these results?

Leukemoid reaction

All of the following would be included in a hemolytic transfusion reaction investigation, EXCEPT:

Leukocyte antigen studies

A 30-year-old Hispanic pregnant female developed fever and signs and symptoms of meningitis following ingestion of cheese sent by relatives in Mexico. The colonies recovered from a positive blood culture are shown in the upper photograph; the microscopic features are in the lower photograph. The most likely identification is:

Listeria monocytogenes

GGT (gamma-glutamyltransferase) is an enzyme found in many body tissues including the kidney, prostate, brain, pancreas, and liver, however, its clinical applications is confined to the evaluation of what system?


Which of the following instruments is used for continuous monitoring of mycobacterial growth?

MGIT 960

Which one of the following parasites, whose common names are listed, is notassociated with intestinal infections?

Malayan filarial worm

A patient has a WBC count of 4.0 x 109/L. Giant platelets, as seen in the image, are observed on the Wright stained peripheral smear. Blue-staining inclusions are also observed in several of the neutrophils. Considering the morphology noted by the white arrow, what is the identity of this patient's blue-staining WBC inclusions?

May-Hegglin anomaly inclusion

An analytical method with a low detection limit would:

Measure low concentrations of analyte

A 46-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital through the emergency room after having a bout of severe diarrhea for 3 days along with headaches, muscle aches, shortness of breath, and an increased heart rate. Blood gas measurements were ordered by her concerned physician. The results showed the following: pH = 7.30 pCO2 = 32 mm HgHCO3- = 15 mmol/L pO2 = 93 mmol/L What acid-base disorder is most consistent with this patient's results and symptoms?

Metabolic acidosis

A peripheral smear demonstrates a population of red cells that are mostly 5 - 5.5 µm in diameter. The CBC data shows RDW of 13% (reference range 11.5-14.5%). Which of the following morphologies is consistent with these findings?

Microcytosis, low variation of cell volume

Which of the following organisms has been known to cause epidemic tinea capitis in children but almost never affects adults?

Microsporum audouinii

The course of multiple sclerosis can be monitored by measuring which of the following in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analytes?

Myelin basic protein (MBP)

Two biologically functional characteristics of immunoglobin G (IgG) are:

Opsonization of antigens for phagocytosis by macrophages and neutrophils; neonatal immunity by transfer of maternal antibodies across the placenta and gut of the fetus.

Which of the following would be the BEST data source to identify opportunities to improve timeliness?

Outliers in turnaround time studies

Which probe technique is categorized as a target amplification technique?


A patient, who recently received a transfusion of three units of red cells, is DAT-positive with an IgG specificity. What would be the best method to identify the patient's phenotype?

Polymerase chain reaction-based assay

A false-positive result can be observed in a rheumatoid factor latex agglutination procedure reaction due to:

Poor specimen quality

You are processing specimens for your laboratory when you receive a potassium test specimen in a tube that looks like the one in the image. What should you do? (Hemolyzed)

Reject the specimen, the potassium test results will be increased.

A manual platelet count was performed using a Neubauer hemacytometer. The total platelet count was 356 x 103/µL. A platelet estimate was then performed on the peripheral blood smear. Ten fields were counted and yielded the following results: 17, 16, 15, 20, 19, 17, 19, 16, 20, 18. The platelet estimation factor for the microscope used was 20,000. What is the next logical step?

Report the manual platelet count since it correlates well with the platelet estimate

You have just performed stat PT and aPTT tests on your coagulation instrument. Your results are as follows: PT = 12 seconds (normal range 10-13 seconds) aPTT = 24 seconds (normal range 21-34 seconds) What would be your next step?

Report the results

Which one of the following hematological determinations is MOST reliable for evaluating bone marrow erythropoietic activity?

Reticulocyte count

The ideal stool sample for parasitic examination is one that is freshly collected and submitted to the laboratory at:

Room temp

All of the following specimen collection methods should be used if urine cultures are also required, EXCEPT?

Routinely voided

Which of the following barriers are recommended in microbiology laboratories where manipulation of biosafety level 3 agents (e.g., Mycobacterium tuberculosis) is performed?

Self-closing double-door access

A cloudy, yellow-green synovial fluid with 122,000 WBCs which are predominantly neutrophils, and a decreased glucose, would be classified as:


Normal fecal specimens contain all of the following, EXCEPT:

Shigella spp.

A tech is using the H (flagellar) antigen to serotype a suspected Salmonella species. The results of the serotyping are agglutination with one well that indicates a group of possible serotypes, not one particular serotype. Quality control passed. Why did this occur?

Some Salmonella H antigens can occur in multiple strains and serotypes

Enzyme panel reactions cannot be used as the only source of rule-outs during antibody identification. Why is this?

Some antigens are destroyed and may not detect an antibody that is present

Which of the following instruments measures absorbance of light at a specific wavelength?


Which of the following is the MOST IMPORTANT first step to take when a patient is transfused with un-crossmatched RBCs that turn out to be incompatible?

Stop any transfusion in progress

Which of the following test procedures is used to diagnose cystic fibrosis?

Sweat chloride test

The estimation of hyaluronic acid concentration by measurement of viscosity is useful in evaluating which type of fluid?


If septic arthritis is suspected, specimens from which of the following normally sterile sites should be collected to detect the microorganism causing the condition?

Synovial fluid

A combination of nontreponemal testing (VDRL or RPR) and treponemal testing (TP-PA or EIA) is used to confirm:


Which of the following immunosuppressive drugs below has been associated with thrombus formation in patients with toxic levels?


Koch's postulates include all of the following EXCEPT for which statement?

The isolated organism, when injected into a human host, will produce the disease.

The American Diabetes Association (ADA) guidelines recommend screening all asymptomatic individuals age 45 and older for diabetes. If the screen is negative:

The screening should be repeated every 3 years.

Which of the following may cause a false-positive protein reading on a urinalysis dipstick?

The urine is highly pigmented

As an RBC ages, all of the following are true EXCEPT:

They become less prone to phagocytosis.

Which of the following bone marrow sampling methods would be advisable if the quantity is inadequate for an aspirate smear?

Touch imprint

What function in the body does GGT have?

Transfer of gamma-glutamyl peptides amino acids, water, and other peptides

A yellow coloration found in fresh cerebrospinal fluid supernatant is termed:


In a patient with acute glomerulonephritis, you would expect to find all of the following in the urine EXCEPT:


Which of the following is TRUE of a fully compensated metabolic acidosis?

pH will be normal with a decrease in pCO2

Illustrated in the photographs are smooth, entire, gray-white colonies growing on blood agar that are faintly beta-hemolytic (left). Light pink-red pigmented entire, smooth colonies grew on MacConkey agar (right). These isolates were recovered from a skin infection incurred by a 28-year-old man after swimming in a lake. The pink-red pigmentation of colonies on MacConkey agar suggests lactose fermentation. Biochemical reactions included Acid/Acid KIA reactions indicating fermentation of glucose. Oxidase was positive. Other positive reactions include indole, DNAse, and esculin. Additional biochemical tests identified this isolate as Aeromonas species. The pink-red colonies growing on MacConkey may suggest one of the Enterobacteriaceae. Which of the following choices will exclude this possibility?

positive oxidase reaction

The principal amount of testosterone in males is produced by which endocrine gland?


Which of the following statements is true regarding cardiovascular disease and adipose tissue?

A state of abnormal lipids and lipid levels found in metabolic syndrome contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease

Which of the following best defines "specificity":

A test's ability to correctly exclude individuals who do not have the given disease or disorder.

Which of the following statements is true about the emergence of penicillin-resistant strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae?

A zone size of = 20 mm with the oxacillin disk screen must be confirmed with an MIC method to determine if Penicillin is susceptible or resistant.

Which of the following analytes would be increased due to delay in centrifugation?


A clean-catch midstream urine specimen from a woman was sent to the microbiology laboratory for culture. The patient had a history of dysuria, frequent urination, suprapubic pain, no fever, no flank pain, or any urinary symptoms in the last 4 weeks before her current episode. The urine grew out 1,000 CFU/mL of Escherichia coli. Which of the following categories would the patient be classified?

Acute, uncomplicated UTI in women

A clean-catch midstream urine specimen from a 57-year-old woman was sent to the microbiology laboratory for culture. The patient had a history of fever, chills, and flank pain upon examination. The urine grew out 10,000 CFU/mL of Escherichia coli. Which of the following categories would the patient be classified?

Acute, uncomplicated pyelonephritis

Which of the following best describes a resting lymphocyte?

Cytoplasm is light blue and nucleus is about the size of an erythrocyte.

Post-natal RhIg is indicated for which of the following mother and neonate pairs?

D-positive neonate born to D-negative mother

In patients with suspected primary hypothyroidism associated with Hashimoto's thyroiditis, one would expect the following laboratory test results:T4 ___? TSH ___? TRH stimulation ___?

Decreased, increased, increased

What drug may be used to decrease iron levels in patients with iron overload?


All of the following are uses of nucleic acid tests for HIV infection, EXCEPT?

Determine the degree of immune suppression caused by HIV

Which of the following therapeutic drugs increases the force of myocardial muscle contraction?


Illustrated in the upper image is an open segment of a surgically removed section of the small intestine on the surface of which are adult Cestode worms. The lower image is a view of a stained proglottid obtained from one of the adult worms. Based on the morphology of the proglottid, select the presumptive identification of the adult worms observed in this intestinal segment.

Dipylidium caninum

Which abnormal morphologic term(s) describes this slide?

Dohle bodies, bacteria, toxic granulation

The images represent a gram-positive, catalase-negative, non-motile coccus inoculated to bile esculin agar as seen in the top image. The organism grows in 6.5% NaCl broth and the reaction on 6 µg/mL of vancomycin in Mueller Hinton agar is shown in the bottom image. The organism should be reported as:

Enterococcus spp., Resistant to vancomycin

If one finds excessive rouleaux formation on a blood smear examination, then which of the following parameters might also be increased?

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate

When an automated or semi-automated method is used to read urine reagent strips, quality control testing must be performed at least:

Every day of patient testing and when a new bottle is opened.

Which blood product should be shipped on dry ice?


Which of the following is a confirmatory test for syphilis?


The pairing or annealing of two strands of DNA is termed:


A Basic Metabolic Panel (BMP) consists of which group of tests?

Glucose, BUN, Creatinine, Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, CO2, Calcium

The organism seen in the image is found in the stomach mucosa and presumptive identification is often obtained from a positive urease test. Select the organism below.

H. pylori

Six months ago, a 55-year-old female had a fasting plasma glucose (FPG) greater than 200 mg/dL on two occasions. She was diagnosed as having type 2 diabetes and treatment was started. Along with routine FPG's which of the following tests would most likely be used to monitor glycemic control?


What section of an immunoglobulin molecule is responsible for the differences between immunoglobulin classes?

Heavy chains

A urine sample is cloudy pink in appearance. The microscopic examination reveals the presence of intact red blood cells. The term used to describe these findings is:


In which disorder do neonates demonstrate the presence of Bart's hemoglobin that changes to beta chain tetramers in adults?

Hemoglobin H disease

Which of the following analytes will be falsely decreased due to hemolysis?

Hemoglobin, Hematocrit, Red Blood Cell Count

Which of the following is NOT a condition in which coarse basophilic stippling is typically found?

Hemolytic Anemia

An increase is total bilirubin with a normal conjugated bilirubin is most likely indicative of:

Hemolytic disease

The mechanism by which certain strains of Enterococcus species have developed resistance to the synergistic combination of an aminoglycoside and beta-lactam antibiotics is considered:

High level gentamicin resistance

A high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) test result of 5 mg/L (normal = < 1 mg/L) may indicate which of the following?

High risk for future CVD

All of the following are advantages of HEp-2 and HEp-2000® over rodent tissue as cell substrates for ANA testing, EXCEPT?

Human cell lines do not express Ro (SS-A) antigen

Illustrated in the photograph is a high-power view of a 70 µm ovum with a thin, smooth outer shell and an inner membrane containing a hexacanth embryo. This ovum is indigenous primarily in rats and mice and rarely found in human feces but when found, the infected person usually has minimal symptoms. With heavy infections, particularly in those who are immune-suppressed, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and anal pruritis may be experienced. What is the presumptive identification of this ovum?

Hymenolepis diminuta

Reviewing a Wright stained blood smear with the 10x objective is beneficial for all of the following EXCEPT?

Identifying abnormal or immature cells

Spherocytes are associated with which of the following conditions?

Immune hemolytic anemia

All of the following would are considered molecular testing techniques used in the clinical laboratory to identify unique nucleic acid sequences, EXCEPT?


A delayed hemolytic reaction occurring a week later is MOST likely caused by:

Kidd system antibodies

ABO blood groups were discovered by:


The cells included in the composite image were found in the peripheral blood smear of a patient with the following results: total WBC of 21.5 x 109/L. Differential count: metamyelocytes 4 band neutrophils 16 segmented neutrophils 48 monocytes 6 eosinophils 1 basophils 1 lymphocytes 24 This hematologic picture is most consistent with:

Left shift

Identify the white blood cell in the center of this smear.

Neutrophilic band

A 21-year-old visited her doctor. She mentioned dysuria, frequency and urgency of urination to her doctor. Which of the following urinalysis reagent strips tests would you expect to be positive for this patient based on her symptoms?


Light yellow, wrinkled, hemolytic colonies resembling an aerobic actinomycetes were observed on sheep blood agar. The gram stain, showing gram-positive bacilli, with branching, beaded rods were seen. Key to the identification is the hydrolysis of casein, as seen in the lower photograph. Acetamide was not hydrolyzed. The presumptive identification is:

Nocardia brasiliensis

The nucleus of a small lymphocyte is about the same size as a:

Normal erythrocyte

What is the deferral period from donating blood for someone who is or has taken Tegison© for severe psoriasis?

Permanent deferral

Of the following anticonvulsant medications, which one does not rely solely on the liver to metabolize it for excretion?


How should an ammonia specimen be transported to prevent alteration of the ammonia level in the blood plasma?

Place it into an ice slurry.

The cell in this image is known as a MOTT cell. What is the condition in which these cells are associated?

Plasma cell myeloma

An 85-year-old female nursing home patient was treated empirically with a cephalosporin for a urinary tract infection but later failed therapy. The physician then requested a culture and sensitivity on a new urine specimen that grew >100,000 CFU/mL of Escherichia coli. After reviewing the Kirby-Bauer disc susceptibility plate and susceptibility interpretations, what is the resistance mechanism (if any) for this organism?

Plasmid-mediated AmpC

The colonies illustrated in the composite blood agar/MacConkey agar to the left were recovered from an inflammatory infection of the oral cavity of a 16-year-old student. The colonies on both agar plates incubated anaerobically are small, entire, and smooth with a light gray-yellow pigmentation. Small gram-negative rods arranged singly and in loose clusters had been observed microscopically in a gram-stained preparation. Spot indole and lipase reactions are positive. Note in the image to the right the alk/alk non-fermentative carbohydrate reaction on Kligler Iron agar, with lack of fermentation of the sugars presented in the tubes to the right (asaccharolytic). Select from the multiple choices the name of this anaerobic, asaccharolytic, gram-negative isolate.

Porphyromonas asaccharolytica

A 40-year-old female receives two units of Red Blood Cells during a surgical procedure. The patient has no prior history of transfusions. Seven days later, she presents with extensive bruising of the extremities and bleeding of the gums, with no additional symptoms. Her platelet count is 5 x 109/L (reference interval 150 - 400 x 109/L). What is the most likely diagnosis?

Post transfusion purpura (PTP)

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is used in the determination of:


Upon centrifugation, a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) sample supernatant exhibited xanthochromia. The image is a Wright-Giemsa stained smear that was made from that CSF sample. What condition is probably related to these macroscopic and microscopic findings?

Previous subarachnoid hemorrhage

The blue color seen in Simmon's citrate agar slant to the right tube shown in this photograph, indicating a positive reaction, results from:

Production of ammonia from ammonium phosphate

All of the following characteristics describe T lymphocytes EXCEPT?

Production of surface immunoglobulins

What is the correct order of erythrocyte maturaton in the bone marrow? (beginning from the most immature)

Pronormoblast? basophilic normoblast? polychromatophilic normoblast? orthochromic normoblast? polychromatophilic erythrocyte

Sulfosalicylic acid (SSA) can be used to confirm the result of which of the following tests included on a urine chemical reagent strip?


Which one of the following is not an acute phase protein?

Protein S

All of the following are decreased in beta thalassemia major EXCEPT?


The term TITER (as it applies to the measurement of antibodies) is best defined as:

Reciprocal of maximum reactive dilution

What would be the next step when an EDTA specimen had an automated platelet count of 61,000/mm3 and the platelets were surrounding the neutrophils on the differential?

Recollect a specimen for a platelet count without using EDTA

All of the following are functions of cerebrospinal fluid, EXCEPT?

Regulate body metabolism.

Define catheterization:

The insertion of a tube into a patient's bladder via the urethra to aid in urination.

Which of the following statements regarding trough level in therapeutic drug monitoring is true?

Trough level is the point at which the drug is lowest in the patient's body.

Xenodiagnosis has historically been used to detect:

Trypanosoma cruzi

A cerebral spinal fluid was collected from a lumbar puncture to evaluate for possible meningitis. Four tubes were collected and sent to the microbiology laboratory for analysis. Which of the four tubes is preferred for microbiology studies?

Tube 2

Which amino acid is the precursor for catecholamines as well as thyroid hormones?


Kernicterus can cause brain damage in newborns suffering from severe HDFN. This is due to a buildup of which of the following substances?

Unconjugated bilirubin

What is the correct sequence of the immunologic Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) response in infectious mononucleosis? Key: VCA= viral capsid antigenVCA/IgM =viral capsid antibody (IgM)EA=early antigenEBNA=Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen


A deficiency in which of the following vitamins is associated with "rickets"?

Vitamin D

What type of specimen is used for testing cyclosporine levels?

Whole blood

Illustrated in this photomicrograph is the tail portion of an adult filarial nematode. Human infections with this nematode are more commonly found among those living in Southeast Asia but may be observed in recent travelers there and to surrounding regions. These adult worms measure up to 300 µm, occupy lymphatic channels, and may cause lymphatic obstruction. Varying degrees of fever and chills may be experienced. The species indicated in this exercise by the orientation of nuclei within the tail section (arrows), more commonly involves the lymphatics of the genital tract resulting in orchitis and hydrocele. From the nematodes listed below, indicate the most likely identification.

Wuchereria bancrofti

What is the term used to describe chest pain caused by inadequate supply of oxygen to heart myocardium?


Which of the following is necessary to test for in order to detect patients in the "window" period of a hepatitis B infection?


All of the following methods can be used to transport carbon dioxide to the lungs EXCEPT:

attached to neutrophils

The peripheral blood smear represented by the image on the right was submitted for hematologic review. The identification of the RBC inclusions shown are most likely identified as:

basophilic stippling

The parathyroid hormone (PTH) is important in the regulation of:

calcium and phosphate

The least immunogenic transplant tissue is:


What is the effect of a compound on the accuracy of detection of a particular analyte?


Which of the following is considered a high-incidence antigen?

k (little k)

A CLIA waived test requires that operators:

must follow manufacturer's instructions

How many 1 mm x 1 mm squares is the Neubauer hemacytometer counting grid composed of?

nine per side

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