Anatomy 2 Quiz 3 Blood Vessels & Circulation

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A direct connection between an arteriole and a venule without an intervening capillary bed is a(an) Select one: a. venous sinus. b. arteriovenous anastomosis. c. metarteriole. d. arterial capillary.


Dale Fremore was back home after spending the day at a picnic where he ate some "spoiled" potato salad. He developed severe abdominal pain and cramps, vomiting, and diarrhea. After about ten to twelve episodes of water diarrhea, Mr. Fremore became so pale and weak he could hardly walk. His wife took him to the hospital where he was diagnosed with severe dehydration (decreased plasma volume). Mr. Fremore was suffering from shock.The body has several mechanisms that can come into play to try to maintain blood pressure and blood flow when a person goes into shock.Urine output usually decreases when a person is in shock. This is the result of Select one: a. decreased ADH secretion. b. increased renin secretion. c. increased secretion of atrial natriuretic factor. d. decreased vasoconstriction due to the stress relaxation response. e. decreased aldosterone secretion


Distributing arteries Select one: a. contain a lot of elastic tissue. b. contain a thick tunica media. c. are strong, rigid vessels. d. transport blood from arterioles to capillaries. e. do not contain smooth muscle in their walls.


If a person develops high blood pressure, one of the compensatory mechanisms that comes into play is the fluid shift mechanism. This mechanism causes Select one: a. water to shift from inside cells into the extracellular fluid. b. water to shift from the capillaries into the interstitial spaces. c. water to shift from the interstitial space into the capillaries. d. increased filtration in the kidney, thereby increasing urine output. e. water to stay inside the capillaries.


In response to circulatory shock, Select one: a. the body decreases ADH secretion. b. the renin-angiotensin mechanism is activated. c. atrial natriuretic factor is released. d. the vasomotor center is inhibited. e. the baroreceptors and chemoreceptors are inactivated.


In the pulmonary circulation, the _____ carry blood to the lungs. Select one: a. carotid sinuses b. pulmonary arteries c. coronary arteries d. superior vena cava and inferior vena cava e. aorta


The abdominal aorta divides at L5 to form the two Select one: a. inferior mesenteric arteries. b. common iliac arteries. c. superior mesenteric arteries. d. femoral arteries. e. renal arteries.


The vasa vasorum Select one: a. are incompetent valves in the large veins. b. are special capillaries that supply nutrients to the walls of arteries and veins. c. are the blood vessels that supply blood to the vas deferens. d. are blood vessels that directly connect arteries to veins. e. supply blood to skeletal muscle.


When contrasting arteries and veins, which of the following statements is true? Select one: a. Veins have thicker walls than arteries. b. Arteries have a thicker tunica media than veins. c. Veins have a tunica media while arteries do not. d. Arteries have valves, but veins do not. e. Arteries have smooth muscle in their walls, but veins do not.


Which statement about precapillary sphincters is CORRECT? Select one: a. They contract when oxygen levels in the tissue are low. b. They can close off the capillaries by contracting. c. They are openings that allow large molecules and blood cells to leave the capillary. d. When the precapillary sphincters are open, blood flows only through the thoroughfare channels. e. They are voluntary. Feedback


An obstruction in the inferior vena cava would hamper the return of blood from the Select one: a. head and neck. b. upper extremities. c. lungs. d. abdomen, pelvis, and lower limbs. e. heart.


As the popliteal vein ascends the leg, it becomes the Select one: a. peroneal vein. b. saphenous vein. c. common iliac vein. d. femoral vein. e. deep femoral vein.


According to Poiseuille's law, a small decrease in the diameter of a vessel will Select one: a. dramatically decrease blood flow. b. slightly decrease blood flow. c. not affect blood flow. d. slightly increase blood flow. e. dramatically increase blood flow.


Atrial natriuretic factor Select one: a. is released in response to elevated atrial pressure. b. stimulates the release of ADH. c. decreases urine production. d. stimulates release of aldosterone. e. increases blood volume.


The hepatic portal vein is formed by the union of the splenic vein and the Select one: a. superior mesenteric vein. b. inferior mesenteric vein. c. hepatic vein. d. renal vein. e. gastric vein.


The lining of a capillary is called the Select one: a. endothelium. b. adventitia. c. pericapillary layer. d. thoroughfare layer. e. tunica adventitia.


Where is the vasomotor center located? Select one: a. pons and medulla oblongata b. pons and midbrain c. cerebrum and medulla oblongata d. medulla oblongata


Which of the following functions is associated with vessels that carry blood directly from arterioles to veins without passing through capillaries? Select one: a. thermoregulation b. nutrient supply to tissues c. removal of metabolic waste products from tissues d. oxygen supply to tissues e. pH regulation


Which of the following is NOT a vasodilator substance produced in the extracellular fluid? Select one: a. ATP b. lactic acid c. ADP d. carbon dioxide


Which type of capillaries have large fenestrae and are found in endocrine glands? Select one: a. sinusoidal capillaries b. continuous capillaries c. fenestrated capillaries d. sinusoids


Which vein drains blood from the left side of the thorax and esophagus into the left brachiocephalic vein? Select one: a. hemiazygos vein b. left azygos vein c. internal thoracic vein d. accessory hemiazygos vein


A vein responsible for draining blood from the upper limb is the Select one: a. azygos vein. b. portal vein. c. cephalic vein. d. peroneal vein. e. common iliac vein.


Capillaries have the slowest velocity because Select one: a. the total cross-sectional area is the smallest. b. the resistance is the greatest. c. the total cross-sectional area is the largest. d. their diameters are the smallest.


Dale Fremore was back home after spending the day at a picnic where he ate some "spoiled" potato salad. He developed severe abdominal pain and cramps, vomiting, and diarrhea. After about ten to twelve episodes of water diarrhea, Mr. Fremore became so pale and weak he could hardly walk. His wife took him to the hospital where he was diagnosed with severe dehydration (decreased plasma volume). Mr. Fremore was suffering from shock.The body has several mechanisms that can come into play to try to maintain blood pressure and blood flow when a person goes into shock.Compensatory shock is characterized by a narrowed pulse pressure. Which of the following blood pressure readings is an example of a narrowed pulse pressure? Select one: a. 99/40 b. 70/20 c. 92/64 d. 82/40 e. 100/50


From the heart to body tissues, which of the following sequences of vessels is correct? Select one: a. muscular artery, arteriole, elastic artery, capillary b. arteriole, muscular artery, elastic artery, capillary c. elastic artery, muscular artery, arteriole, capillary d. elastic artery, arteriole, muscular artery, capillary e. distributing artery, muscular artery, medium artery, capillary


Which of the following arteries is part of a circulatory pathway to the brain? Select one: a. radial artery b. cephalic artery c. internal carotid artery d. external jugular vein e. axillary artery


Explain the drop in blood pressure that occurs when one goes from lying down to standing up. Select one: a. The heart rate decreases. This is due to the baroreceptor reflex reducing sympathetic output to the SA node. b. An increase in afterload causes a drop in stroke volume, cardiac output, and blood pressure. c. An increase in preload causes a drop in stroke volume, cardiac output, and blood pressure. d. Venous compliance allows blood to pool in the legs, decreasing venous return. This causes a drop in cardiac output and blood pressure.


The vertebral arteries arise from the ________. Select one: a. thyrocervical arteries b. right and left common carotid arteries c. costocervical arteries d. right and left subclavian arteries


Art is 75. He has advanced arteriosclerosis. He is suffering from a number of manifestations, which are consistent with his arteriosclerosis. Over the past several years he has developed hypertension and he is beginning to show signs of renal failure. Which of the following are consistent with his condition? Select one: a. increased resistance to blood flow b. increased renin secretion from the kidneys c. increased aldosterone secretion from the adrenal cortex d. increased angiotensinogen formation e. All of these choices is correct.


Hardening of the arteries results in _______ and deposition of plaques in the walls of the arteries results in ______. Select one: a. atherosclerosis; arteriosclerosis b. atherosclerosis; phlebitis c. phlebitis; atherosclerosis d. phlebitis; arteriosclerosis e. arteriosclerosis; atherosclerosis


How would you describe the streamlined movement of blood through a vessel? Select one: a. Turbulent flow b. Mercurial flow c. Blood viscosity d. Blood pressure e. Laminar flow


In a capillary bed, relaxation of the precapillary sphincter Select one: a. causes more blood flow through thoroughfare channels. b. causes less blood to flow through capillaries. c. occurs when the tissue in the area does not need more oxygen. d. is voluntary. e. occurs when the tissue in the area needs more oxygen.


Select the answer that is not true when comparing veins and arteries of the same diameter. Select one: a. Veins have thinner walls. b. Veins have valves. c. Veins have fewer smooth muscle fibers. d. Veins have a larger lumen. e. Veins have more elastic tissue.


The largest fenestrae are seen in _____ capillaries while the smallest fenestrae are seen in ____ capillaries. Select one: a. fenestrated; sinusoidal b. continuous; sinusoidal c. continuous; fenestrated d. sinusoidal; continuous e. sinusoidal; fenestrated


Vasoconstriction is caused by ______ stimulation of vascular smooth muscle; ______ stimulation of vascular smooth muscle causes vasodilation. Select one: a. decreased; increased b. parasympathetic; sympathetic c. sympathetic; increased d. parasympathetic; decreased e. sympathetic; parasympathetic


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