Anatomy and Physiology: Chapter 7

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A typical rib articulates with the vertebral column at the area of the rib called the head, or _____


An abnormal lateral curvature of the spine is called....


Areas of the head that are involved in the formation of the skull are called....


At birth, the cranial bones are connected by areas of fibrous connective tissues called ____

atlas and axis

C1 and C2 have specific names, which are the....

nerves and blood vessels

Formina, located on the bones of the skull, serve primarily as passageways for.....


Irritants are flushed off the walls of the nasal cavities because of the production of ____.

paranasal sinuses

The air-filled chambers that communicate with the nasal cavities are the...


The airspaces connected to the nasal cavities are the ___ sinuses

Vertebral Body

The anatomical structure of vertebrae that transfers weight along the axis of the vertebral column is called the ____


The anatomical structures that allow for distortion of the infant skull during the birthing process are called

"soft spot"

The anterior fontanelle that is easily seen by new parents is referred to as the____

hyoid and auditory ossicles

The associated bones of the skull include the...

forms the longitudinal axis of the body

The axial skeleton can be recognized because it...

pleural cavity

The axial skeleton creates a framework that supports and protects organ systems in the...

adjust the positions of the head, the neck, and the trunk. perform respiratory movements stabilize or position parts of the appendicular skeleton

The axial skeleton provides an extensive surface area for the attachment of muscles that...

occipital, frontal, spheniod, and ethmoid

The bones of the cranium that exclusively represent single, unpaired bones are the...


The bones of the skeleton provide an extensive surface area for the attachment of ____

maxilla, zygomatic, and sphenoid

The bones that make up the lateral wall and rim of the eye orbit are the...


The cartilaginous extensions that connect the ribs to the sternum are the _____ cartilages

they do not attach directly to the sternum

The first seven pairs of ribs are called true ribs, while the lower five pairs are called false ribs because...


The last two pairs of ribs that do not articulate with the sternum are called ____ ribs

attachment of muscles to bones

The lines, tubercles, crests, ridges, and other processes on the bones represent areas that are used primarily for...

the brain stops growing and cranial sutures develop

The most significant growth in the skull occurs before age 5 because...


The opening that connects the cranial cavity with the canal enclosed by the spinal column is the ____

parietal and temporal

The paired bones of the cranium are the....


The part of the skeletal system that forms the longitudinal axis of the body is the ___ division


The part of the skull that provides protection for the brain is the___

lighten the skull bones humidify and warm incoming air trap foreign particulate matter such as dust or microorganisms

The primary function(s) of the paranasal sinus mucus epithelium is (are) to...

an attachment site for a muscle that closes the anal opening

The primary purpose of the coccyx is to provide...

accommodate the thoracic and abdominoplevic viscera

The primary spinal curves that appear late in fetal development...

fibrous connective tissue connects the cranial bones.

The reason the skull can be distorted without damage during birth is....

reproductive, digestive, and excretory organs.

The sacrum consists of five fused elements that afford protection for...

mandible and vomer

The single, unpaired bones that make up the skeletal part of the face are...

sphenoid, frontal, ethmoid, and maxillary bones

The sinuses, or internal chambers in the skull, are found in the..

thoracic vertebrae, ribs, and sternum

The skeleton of the chest, or thoracic cage, consists of....

Xiphoid process

The smallest part of the sternum that serves as an area of attachment for the muscular diaphragm and rectus abdominis muscles is the ____


The spinal curves that become accentuated when a child learns to walk and run are called ____ curves

lambdoid, sagittal, coronal, and squamous

The sutures that articulate the bones of the skull are the....

manubrium, body, and xiphoid process

The three components of the adult sternum are the...

lumbar vertebrae

The vertebrae that indirectly effect in the volume of the rib cage are the...


The vertebrae that stabilizes relative positions of the brain and spinal cord are the ___ vertebrae.

region of the vertebrae

When identifying the vertebra, a numerical shorthand is used, such as C3. The C refers to the...

c. cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, coccyx

Which of the following selections correctly identifies the sequence of the vertebrae from superior to inferior? a. Thoracic, cervical, lumbar, coccyx, sacrum b. cervical, lumbar, thoracic, sacrum, coccyx c. cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, coccyx d. cervical, thoracic, sacrum, lumbar, coccyx

c. skull, vertebrae, ribs, sternum, hyoid

Which of the following selections includes bones found exclusively in the axial skeleton? a. Ear ossicles, scapula, clavicle, sternum, hyoid b. vertebrae, ischium, ilium, skull, ribs c. skull, vertebrae, ribs, sternum, hyoid d. sacrum, ear ossicles, skull, scapula, illium.


the most massive and least mobile of the vertebrae are the

Frontal, sphenoid, and ethmoid bones maxilla, lacrimal, and ethmoidal concha inferior concha

the nasal complex consists of the....

Inferior Conchae

the paired scroll-like bones located on each side of the nasal septum are the ____

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