Anatomy: Bones and Bone Markings

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Vertebrae: Vertebral Arch

Composed of pedicles, laminae, and a spinous process, it represnts the junction of all posterior extensions from the vertebral body.


Composite of bone (fused by 5 vertebrae)

Ribs: True Ribs

Connect directly with the sternum

Sternum: Xiphoid Process

Constructs inferior end of the sternum

Vertebrae: Atlas

Lacks a body; contains large deep depressions on superior surfaces that recieve the occipital cndyles of the skull. (Allows you to nod "yes")

Vertebrae: Odontoid process (dens)

Large vertical process that serves as a pivot point

Vertebrae: Axis

Acts as a pivot for the rotations of the atlas (and skull above); bears odontoid process

Sacral Promontory

Anatomical landmark for obstetricians

Sternum: Sternal Angle

Area were Manubrium and body meet at a slight angle to each other

Sternum: Manubrium

Articulates with clavical laterally

Ribs: False Ribs

Attatch indirectly with the sternum

Sternum: Body (gladiolus)

Bulk of sternum

Sacral Hiatus

Enlarged opening near the coccyx

Sacral Foramina

Four rideges crossing the anterior part of the sacrum


Fusion of three to five irregular vertebrae. Attatched to sacrum

Body of Thoracic

Heart shaped; bears two costal demifacets

Spinous Process of Thoracic

Long; Sharp; Projects inferiorly

Body of Lumbar

Massive, Kidney-shaped

Vertebrae: Vertebral Foramen

Opening enclosed by the body and vertebral arch; a conduit for the spinal cord

Vertebral Foramen of Thoracic


Vertebrae: Superior and inferior articular processes

Paired projections lateral to the vertevral foramen that enable artiiculaton with adjacent vertebrae. The superior articular porcesses typically face toward the spinous pocess, whereas the inferior articular porcesses face away from the spinous process.

Sternum: Xiphisternal joint

Point where the sternal body and xiphoid porcess fuse

Meian Sacral Crest

Remnant of spinous processes of fused vertebrae

Vertebrae: Body

Rounded central portion of the vetebra, which faces anteriorly in the human vertebral column.

Spinous Process of Cervical

Short, Bifid; projects posteriorly

Spinous Process of Lumbar

Short; blunt; projects directly posteriorly

Vertebrae: Spinous Process

Single medial and posterior projection from the vertebral arch

Vertebrae: Costal Demifacets

Small articulating suraces on thoracic vertebrae Articulate with corresponding ribs

Body of Cervical

Small, wide side-to-side

Sternum: Jugular notch

Sternum landmark; at the level of the third thoracic vertebrae

Vertebrae: Intevertebral Foramina

The right and left pedicles have notches on their inferior and superior surfaces that create openings, the intervertebral foramina, for spinal nerves to leave the spinal cord between adjacent vertebrae.

Vertebral Foramen of Cervical


Vertebral Foramen of Lumbar


Vertebrae: Transverse Process

Two lateral projections from the vertebral arch.

Sacral Canal

Vertebral canal

Vertebrae: Vertebra prominens

Visible vertebrae through the skin


Wing-like fusion of transverse processes; articulate with hip bones

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