Anatomy Ch 13-18

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A column is a a. collection of neuron cell bodies b. group of tracts in the spinal cord c. bundle of white matter with a common origin and destination d. none of the above


In contrast with those of the brain, responses of the spinal reflexes a. are fine-tuned b. are immediate c. require many processing steps d. are stereotyped


Neurons in which dendritic and axonal processes are continuous and the cell body lies off to one side are called a. anaxonic b. pseudounipolar c. bipolar d. multipolar


Postganglionic fibers of autonomic neurons are usually a. myelinated b. unmyelinated c. larger than preganglionic fibers d. located in the spinal cord


Splanchnic nerves a. are formed by parasympathetic postganglionic fibers b. include preganglionic fibers that go to collateral ganglia c. control sympathetic function of structures in the head d. connect one chain ganglion with another


Sympatheti preganglionic fibers are characterized as a. being short in lenth and unmyelinated b. being short in length and myelinated c. being long in length and myelinated d. being long in length and unmyelinated


The ____ is a strand of fibrous tissue that provides longitudinal support as a component of the coccygeal ligament a. conus medullaris b. filum terminale c. cauda equina d. dorsal root


The cortex inferior to the lateral sulcus is the a. parietal lobe b. temporal lobe c. frontal lobe d. occipital lobe


The gray matter of the spinal cord is dominated by a. myelinated axons only b. cell bodies of neurons and glial cells c. unmyelinated axons only d. Schwann cells and satellite cells


The middle layer of connective tissue that surrounds each peripheral nerve is the a. epineurium b. perineurium c. endoneurium d. endomysium


Which neuronal tissue cell type is likely to be malfunctioning if the blood-brain barrier is no longer adequately protecting the brain? a. ependymal cells b. astrocytes c. oligodendrocytes d. microglia


Which of the following activities or sensations are not monitored by interoceptors? a. urinary activities b. digestive system activites c. visual activities d. cardiovascular activities


Sensory and motor innervations of the skin of the lateral and ventral surfaces of the body are provided by the a. white rami communicantes b. gray rami communicates c. dorsal ramus d. ventral ramus


Axons terminate in a series of fine extensions known as a. terminal aborizations b. synapses c. collaterals d. hillocks


Damage to the ventral roots of the first five thoracic spinal nerves on the right side of the body would interfere with the ability to a. dilate the right pupil b. dilate the left pupil c. contract the right biceps brachii muslce d. contract the left biceps brachii muscle


The structures at the ends of the terminal arborizations that form the synaptic terminals are the a. axons b. terminal boutons c. collaterals d. axon hillocks


What anatomical mechanism is involved in causing a person to blush? a. blood flow to the skin is increased by parasympathetic stimulation b. sympathetic stimulation relaxes vessel walls, increasing blood flow to the skin c. parasympathetic stimulation decreases skin muscle tone, allowing blood to pool at the surface d. sympathetic stimulation increases respiratory oxygen uptake, making the blood brighter red


Which of the following is not a function of the neuroglia? a. support b. information processing c. secretion of cerebrospinal fluid d. phagocytosis


All preganlionic autonomic fibers release ____ at their synaptic terminals, and the effects are always ____ a. norepinephrine; inhibitory b. norepinephrine; excitatory c. acetylcholine; excitatory d. acetylcholine; inhibitory


Axons crossing form one side of the spinal cord to the other within the gray matter are found in the a. anterior gray horn b. white commissures c. gray commissures d. lateral gray horns


Developmental problems in the growth and interconnections of neurons in the brain reflect problems with the a. afferent neurons b. microglia c. astrocytes d. efferent neurons


The semicircular canals include which of the following? a. dorsal and ventral b. lateral, middle and medial c. anterior, posterior, and lateral d. spiral, upright, and reverse


Cranial blood vessels pass through the space directly deep to the a. dura mater b. pia mater c. arachnoid granulations d. arachnoid mater


Cutting the ventral root of the spinal nerve at L2 would interrrupt the transmission of what type of information a. voluntary motor output b. ANS motor output c. Sensory input d. a and b are correct


Efferent tracts from the hypothalamus a. control involuntary motor activities b. control autonomic function c. coordinate activities of the nervous and endocrine systems d. do all of the above


Glial cells found surrounding the cell bodies of peripheral neurons are a. astrocytes b. ependymal cells c. microglia d. satellite cells


Lying within each hemisphere inferior to the floor of the lateral ventricles is/are the a. anterior commissures b. motor association areas c. auditory cortex d. basal nuclei


Neurotransmitter is released by a. a postsynaptic membrane b. an effector organ c. all areas of the nerve cell d. a presynaptic membrane only


The deep crease on the ventral surface of the spinal cord is the a. posterior median sulcus b. posterior median fissure c. anterior median sulcus d. anterior median fissure


The diencephalon components of the limbic system include the a. limbic lobe and hippocampus b. fornix c. amygdaloid body and parahippocampal d. thalamus and hypothalamus


The expanded area of the spinal cord that supplies nerves to the pectoral girdle and upper limbs is the a. conus medullaris b. filum terminale c. lumbosacral enlargement d. cervical enlargement


The most important function of the soma of a neuron is to a. allow communication with another neuron b. support the neuroglial cells c. generation an electrical charge d. house organelles that produce energy and synthesize organic molecules


The neurotransmitter at all synapses and neuroeffector junctions in the parasympathetic division of the ANS is a. epinephrine b. cyclic-AMP c. norepinephrine d. acetylcholine


The only cranial nerves that are attached to the cerebrum are the a. optic b. oculomotor c. trochlear d. olfactory


Spinal nerves are called mixed nerves because a. they contain sensory and motor fibers b. they exit at intervertebral foramina c. they are associated with a pair of dorsal root ganglia d. they are associated with dorsal and ventral roots


The anterior nuclei of the thalamus a. are apart of the limbic system b. are connected to the pituitary gland c. produce the hormone melatonin d. receive impulses from the optic nerve


The condition fo dysmetria often indicates damage to which brain region? a. cerebellum b. frontal lobes of cerebrum c. pons d. medulla oblongata


The primary link between the nervous and the endocrine systems is the a. hypothalamus b. pons c. mesencephalon d. medulla oblongata


Tingling and numbness in the palmar region of the hand could be caused by a. compression ofhe median nerve in the carpal tunnel b. compression of the ulnar nerve c. compression of he radial artery d. irritation of the structures that form the superficial arterial loop


The neural tunic a. consists of three distinct layers b. contains the photoreceptors c. forms the iris d. all of the above are correct


In neuron pools, parallel processing occurs when a. several neurons synapse on the same postsynaptic neuron b. information is relayed stepwise from one neuron to another c. several neurons process the same information at the same time d. neurons utilize positive feedback


Nerve fiber bundles on the ventrolateral surface of the mesencephalon are the a. tegmenta b. corpora quadrigemina c. cerebral peduncles d. superior colliculi


The large cells in the suprarenal medulla, which resemble neurons in sympathetic ganglia a. are located in the suprarenal cortex b. release acetylcholin into blood capillaries c. release epinephrine and norepinephrine into blood capillaries d. have no endocrine function


The paired structures that contain cell bodies of sensory neurons and are associated with each segment of the spinal cord are the a. dorsal rami b. ventral rami c. dorsal root ganglion d. ventral root ganglion


Which of the following ganglia belong to the sympathetic division of the ANS? a. otic ganglion b. sphenopalatine ganglion c. paravertebral ganglion d. all of the above are correct


Patterns of interactions between neurons include which of the following a. divergence b. parallel processing c. reverberation d. all of the above


Preganglionic fibers of the ANS sympathetic division originate in the a. cerebral cortex of the brain b. medulla oblongata c. brain stem and sacral spinal cord d. thoracolumbar spinal cord


The white ramus communcans a. carries the postganglionic fibers to the effector organs b. arises from the dorsal root of the spinal nerves c. has fibers that do not diverge d. carries the preganglionic fibers into a nearby sympathetic chain ganglion


Visceral motor neurons in teh CNS a. are ganglionic neurons b. are in teh dorsal root ganglion c. have unmyelinated axons except in the lower throacic region d. send axons to synapse on peripherally located ganglionic neurons


What nerve is likely to transmit pain when a person recieves an intramuscular injection into the deltoid region of the arm? a. ulnar nerve b. radial nerve c. intercostobrachial nerve d. upper lateral cutaneous nerve of the arm


Which of the following actions would be compromised if a person suffered an injury to lumbar spinal segments L3 and L4? a. a plie in ballet b. sitting cross-legged to form the lotus position c. riding a horse d. all of the above


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