Anatomy Ch 6

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True or false: Osseous connective tissue is the only tissue type found in bones.


Which best describes the differences between sensible and insensible perspirations produced by sweat glands in the skin?

Insensible is in the form of water vapor and cannot be seen while sensible contains water and salts and can be seen.

Which describes the tissue type of the epidermis?

Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium

Which tissue types are found in bones?

Osseous connective tissue Blood Nervous tissue

______ are large phagocytic cells found in bone.


Cancer is most likely to be involved in what type of fracture?


Which layer is the most superficial in the epidermis?

Stratum corneum

True or false: The epidermis exhibits variations among different body regions within a single individual, as well as differences between individuals.


All people, of all skin tones, have about the same number of melanocytes.

True - differ in amount of melanin produced

Which vitamin promotes collagen production?

Vitamin C

A(n) _____ is a deep pit or socket in the maxillae or mandible.


After the telogen phase, hair follicles enter the ______ phase.


Which is a usual treatment for first-degree burns?

applying cool compresses

Growth along the periphery of cartilage is called _____ growth.


The two types of connective tissue in the dermis are ______.

areolar and dense irregular

A thin layer of hyaline cartilage covering an epiphysis of a long bone is called ______.

articular cartilage

There are no blood vessels in the epidermis. The term for lack of blood vessels is ______.


During the development of hair follicles, hair buds invade the dermis from the overlying stratum ______ of the epidermis.


In bone, smooth muscle tissue is found in ______.

blood vessels of bone

Body temperature is influenced by two structures located in the dermis, ______ and ______.

blood vessels, sweat glands

Lines of cleavage (or tension lines) in the skin relate to the predominant orientation of ______ fiber bundles.


The main structural components of the reticular layer is primarily a network of ______ fibers that extend internally from the reticular layer of the dermis into the underlying subcutaneous layer.


Rings of bone connective tissue that surround the central canal of an osteon are called ______.

concentric lamellae

A large, smooth, rounded articulating oval structure of a bone is called a ______.


Another name for the skin is the ______ membrane.


The exposed parts of nails and hair are composed of ______, keratinized cells.


The reticular layer of the dermis is ______.

deep to the papillary layer

The reticular layer contains ______.

dense irregular connective tissue

Nerve fibers in the skin monitor sensory receptors in the ______.

dermis and epidermis

During development of the integument, the epidermis is derived from ______, while the dermis is derived from ______.

ectoderm, mesoderm

In the second step of wound healing, a blood clot temporarily patches the ______ of the wound together and acts as a barrier to prevent the entry of ______ into the body.

edges, pathogens

The skin is made up of two distinct layers, the _____ and the _____.

epidermis, dermis

There are two types of melanin, _________ and pheomelanin, together they produce various ratios of yellow, reddish, tan, brown, and black shades.


A flattened or shallow depression on a bone is called a(n) ______.


The vascular connective tissue that initially forms in a healing wound is called ______.

granulation tissue

A prominent and rounded epiphysis is called a ______.


The subcutaneous layer is also known as the ______ or superficial fascia.


The whitish semilunar area of the proximal end of the nail body is called the ______.


Late in the fetal period, the mammary gland develops an external epidermal depression called the ______.

mammary pit

The color of hair is the result of ______.

melanin production

The two types of sweat glands in the skin are ______ sweat glands and ______ sweat glands.

merocrine, apocrine

The accessory organs of the epidermis are hair, ______, ______ glands and sweat glands.

nails, sebaceous

Although keratinocytes are derived from epidermal cells, melanocytes originate from specialized ______ cells called ______, which arise from the ectoderm that also forms nervous tissue.

neural crest, melanoblasts

About one-third of bone mass is composed of ______.

organic components

Mature bone cells are called ______.


Insufficient ossification is a condition known as ______.


During the fetal period, the ______ is eventually sloughed off, and these sloughed off cells mix with ______ secreted by the sebaceous glands.

periderm, sebum

A tough fibrous layer covering the outer surface of a long bone is called the ______.


In anatomy, a single hair is also called a(n) ______.


The secretion produced by apocrine sweat glands is viscous, cloudy, and composed of ______ that are acted upon by bacteria, producing a distinct, noticeable odor.

proteins and lipids

The apocrine sweat glands become active and produce secretory product after ______.


Hemoglobin exhibits a ______ color.


When the body is cold, the blood vessels in the dermis constrict to ______ blood flow, which allows the body to conserve heat.


In the third step of wound healing, the cut blood vessels ______ and grow in the wound.


The telogen phase is the _______ phase and is usually the phase where the hair is ______.

resting, shed

The skin is said to be ______ because some materials are able to pass through it.

selectively permeable

Cancellous or trabecular bone is also called ____ bone.


A(n) _____ is a narrow groove on a bone.


The secretion from merocrine sweat glands are carried to the surface of the epidermis via ______. The secretions of apocrine sweat glands are carried into __________.

sweat ducts/hair follicles

Differences in hair density are due primarily to differences in its ______ and ______.

texture, pigmentation

Tactile cells are sensitive to ______.


Fracture due to impact or increased tension or torsion on bone from an outside source is a ______.

trauma fracture

A smooth, grooved, pulley-like articular process of a bone is called a(n) _____.


At puberty, terminal hair replaces ______ hair in the armpits and pubic regions of the body.


Which statements correctly describe the effects of aging on the skeletal system?

-Tensile strength of bone decreases -Production of the organic portion of bone matrix decreases

Which are functions of the subcutaneous layer? Select all that apply.

-Thermal insulation -Energy reservoir -Protection

Which statements characterize concentric lamellae of osteons?

-They are rings of bone tissue. -Their numbers vary among osteons. -They contain collagen fibers.

Which statement(s) characterize osteoclasts?

-They have ruffled borders. -They secrete hydrochloric acid. -They reabsorb bone matrix. -They are phagocytic.

Osteoprogenitor cells ______.

-produce a cell that becomes an osteoblast -are stem cells

Hair is found almost everywhere on the body except the ______.

-soles of the feet -palms of the hands -lips

Osteoprogenitor cells are located in ______.

-the periosteum -the endosteum

The epidermis of thin skin ranges in thickness from ______ millimeters to ______ millimeters thick

0.075, 0.150

The epidermis of thick skin ranges from 0.4mm to ______ mm thick.


During development, the hair buds differentiate into a hair ______, hair papillae, ______ glands, and other structures associated with hair follicles.

bulb, sebaceous

The predominant type of protein fiber found in the dermis is ______.


As an adult ages, tensile strength in bone ______.


When the body is too warm, the blood vessels in the dermis ______ increasing blood flow, which allows the heat from blood to dissipate through the skin.


The structures of the integumentary system are derived from the ______ germ layers.

ectodermal and mesodermal

Friction ridges on the tips of fingers are known as ______.


The major function of merocrine sweat glands is ______.


The combination of periderm and sebum comprise a waterproof coating called the ______.

vernix caseosa

In children, ______ is the primary human hair and is found on most of the body.


Which statements characterize the periosteum?

-It is composed of dense irregular connective tissue. -It helps to heal bone fractures. -It covers the outer surface of the diaphysis of a long bone. -It functions to anchor blood vessels to the surface of bones.

Which statements correctly describe compact bone?

-It is solid and relatively dense. -It forms the external walls of a long bone.

In a severe protein-deficient diet, which portion of the bone matrix will be reduced?

-Osteoid -The organic component

Hair follicles begin to appear between ______ weeks of development as pockets of cells called hair ______.

9-12, buds

In the second step of wound healing, a ______ forms.

blood clot

A hemangioma is a congenital anomaly that results in skin discoloration due to ______ that proliferate and form a benign tumor.

blood vessels

Calcium phosphate and calcium hydroxide interact to form ______ in the matrix of bone.

hydroxyapatite crystals

Skin is classified as either thick or thin based on two parameters. These are the number of ______ in the epidermis and the relative thickness of the epidermis, rather than the thickness of the entire integument.


Epidermal accessory organs are located in the ______ and may project through the ______ to the surface of skin.

dermis, epidermis

The integument accounts for about _____% of the body weight.


On a normal scalp, about _______% of follicles are in the anagen phase.


Which statements describe the inorganic components of the matrix of bone?

-It gives the bone its hardness. -It contains hydroxyapatite crystals.

Which statements describe an osteon?

-It is also called a Haversian system. -It contains a central canal. -It is microscopic. -It runs parallel to the diaphysis of a long bone.

Which statements describe the matrix of bone?

-It is harder than the matrix of cartilage. -It is composed of organic and inorganic substances.

Anagen is the longest part of the growth cycle and lasts from about ______ months to as much as ______ years, depending on the genetics of the person.


Healing of second degree burns takes approximately ______ weeks, and slight scarring may occur.


The catagen phase is a very short phase and lasts for about ______ weeks


Place the following layers of thin skin in order from superficial to deep. Instructions

Stratum corneum - stratum granulosum - stratum spinosum - stratum basale

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