Anatomy Final

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Which of the following is the best way of describing respiratory compensation?

A change in the respiratory rate that helps stabilize the pH of the ECF.

Which of the following is true regarding antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and its role in regulating fluid and electrolyte balance?

ADH stimulates water conservation by the kidneys and helps to concentrate the urine

The enzymes needed to bore into the corona radiata reside in which portion of the sperm?

Acrosomal cap

Which of the following is not consistent with rising CO2 levels?

Additional Na+ ions are released.

The body of the spermatic cord is a structure that includes which of the following?

Ductus deferens, blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatics

Powerful, rhythmic contractions in the ischiocavernosus and bulbocavernosus muscles of the pelvic floor produce what result?


Water, by far, is the biggest component of our body fluids. What is the second-largest component of our body fluids?


Which of the following is not a correct way in which the reproductive system hormones interact with other body systems?

Estrogen stimulates the lengthening of long bones of females at puberty.

Which hormone causes the development of secondary follicles into tertiary follicles?


What is the term for the organs that produce gametes and hormones?


Acid is a natural byproduct of many metabolic processes. Which of the following does not contribute to an increase in H+?

H+ is increased by expiration of CO2 by the lungs.

Which of the following is NOT a response in the regulation of acute respiratory acidosis?

HCO3- ions are secreted into the urine.

Which statement about oogenesis mentions the one characteristic that is the same in spermatogenesis and oogenesis?

Meiosis in oogenesis reduces the chromosome number by half.

Which correctly describes mitosis and meiosis?

Mitosis creates genetically identical cells, whereas meiosis creates genetically unique cells.

What division of the nervous system participates in the sexual arousal of both males and females?

Parasympathetic nervous system

Which of the following accurately lists the solid components of the human body by weight from greatest to smallest?

Proteins > lipids > minerals > carbohydrates

What is the function of the ducts of the reproductive systems?

Receiving and transporting gametes

What is the function of the dartos and cremaster muscles?

Regulating the temperature of the testes

Electrolyte balance requires matching the gain of electrolytes from your diet with the loss of electrolytes. Which of the following is NOT a way your body removes electrolytes?

Respiration because electrolytes are normally obtained from the food and drink we consume

Which of the following descriptions is correct?

Respiratory acid-base disorders result from a mismatch between CO2 generation in peripheral tissues and CO2 excretion by the lungs.

Which term is correctly matched up with its definition?

Salt—an ionic compound consisting of a cation other than hydrogen and an anion other than a hydroxide ion

Which of the following are not correctly paired male-female homologous structures?

Scrotum; labia minora

What would happen if you ate a large quantity of salty potato chips without drinking anything?

Secretion of ADH would increase.

What is the kidney's response to acidosis?

Secretion of H+ into urine

The functions of the sustentacular cells (nurse cells) in the male include all of the following except?

Secretion of testosterone

Which of the following is not found in seminal fluids?


Which is the most abundant cation in the ECF?


What are the principal ions in the extracellular fluid (ECF)?

Sodium, chloride, and bicarbonate

What is produced by spermiogenesis?


For a sperm to be able to fertilize an egg, it must undergo capacitation, which does not involve what process?

Sperm mixing with secretions from the bulbourethral gland

Which cells in the seminiferous tubules regularly undergo mitosis?


Which of the following states the correct order in which are cells produced in spermatogenesis?

Spermatogonium a primary spermatocyte a secondary spermatocyte a spermatid a sperm

Which of the following is NOT a buffer system in the ECF or ICF?

Sulfate buffer system

Which of the following is a basic principle in understanding fluid and electrolyte balance?

The body's content of water or electrolytes will increase if dietary gains exceed losses to the environment.

Which of the following does not occur when the pH increases (become more basic)?

The carboxylate ion can act as a weak base and accept additional H+ ions.

Which of the following does not occur during spermiogenesis?

The mitochondria and Golgi apparatus are packaged into the head of the sperm.

What would be the effect on the osmotic concentration of blood plasma if you were in the desert without water for a day?

The osmotic concentration of your plasma would increase because of water leaving your body.

What is required for the body to be in acid-base balance?

The production of hydrogen ions is exactly offset by their loss.

Which of the following is NOT a response during the regulation of metabolic alkalosis?

The respiratory rate is increased.

In a protein buffer system, if the pH increases, the carboxyl group (COOH) of the amino acid dissociates and releases __________.

a hydrogen ion

The rupture of the follicular wall and ovulation are caused by __________.

a sudden surge in LH (luteinizing hormone) concentration

All of the following are associated with infertility except ____________.

a surge of LH

Angiotensin II produces a coordinated elevation in the extracellular fluid volume by all of the following mechanisms except

causing the release of ADH

Angiotensin II produces a coordinated elevation in the extracellular fluid volume by all of the following mechanisms except _________

causing the release of ADH

In a 28-day cycle, estrogen levels peak at __________.

day 14

Deviations outside of the normal pH range due to increases in hydrogen ion concentrations would do all of the following except __________.

decrease the rate of respiration

Whether or not fertilization occurs, the final destination of the ovum is the __________.


When a normal pulmonary response does NOT reverse respiratory acidosis, the kidneys respond by __________.

increasing the rate of hydrogen ion secretion into the tubular fluid

The body content of water will rise if ________

intake exceeds outflow

Whenever the rate of sodium intake or output changes, there is a corresponding gain or loss of water that tends to ________

keep the sodium concentration constant

Whenever the rate of sodium intake or output changes, there is a corresponding gain or loss of water that tends to __________.

keep the sodium concentration constant

A loss of bicarbonate ions can lead to ____________________.

metabolic acidosis

Chronic diarrhea causes a severe loss of bicarbonate ions, resulting in __________.

metabolic acidosis

The p in pH refers to ______.


The primary role of the carbonic acid−bicarbonate buffer system is to __________.

prevent changes in pH caused by metabolic and fixed acids in the ECF

The principal hormone that prepares the uterus for pregnancy is __________.


Hypercapnia, or an elevation of carbon dioxide in the blood, is a sign of __________.

respiratory acidosis

Hyperventilation causes __________.

respiratory alkalosis

The external genitalia of the male include the __________.

scrotum and the penis

The seminal vesicles __________.

secrete a fructose-rich, mucoid substance

The accessory organs in the male that secrete into the ejaculatory ducts and the urethra are the __________.

seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and bulbo-urethral glands

The male gonad is the __________.


Which of the following is NOT a cause of hyperkalemia?

Decreased blood volume

What would be the response of the body to an increase in ECF volume if you were to drink a large quantity of a sports drink?

Decreased thirst Increased water and sodium loss in the urine Natriuretic peptides would be released by cardiac muscle cells

What event during sexual intercourse happens in the male but does not happen in the female?

Emission and ejaculation

Which of the following hormones is not properly matched with its source and primary effects?

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is produced by the anterior pituitary and stimulates the interstitial cells of the testes to produce testosterone.

Which of the following terms is not specifically used to describe egg and sperm?


Why is there a difference in the ICF percentages in males versus females?

Greater water content of muscle tissue versus adipose tissue

Extracellular fluids in the body consist of all of the following except


Important homeostatic adjustments occur in response to changes in _________

plasma volume or osmolarity

The hemoglobin buffer system helps prevent drastic alterations in pH when __________.

the plasma PCO2 is rising or falling

The dense layer of connective tissue that directly covers the testes is the __________.

tunica albuginea

A pH below ____ or above _____ is not sustainable for life.

6.8; 7.7

What is the normal pH of ECF?


If the partial pressure of CO2 rises in the blood, which of the following happens?

A decrease in pH

What effect does prolonged sweating have on sodium ion levels?

A loss of sodium ions from the ECF

Which of the following hormones causes the conservation of sodium in the kidneys?


Which of the following accurately describes the role of aldosterone in fluid and electrolyte balance?

Aldosterone is secreted in response to an increasing K+ or decreasing Na+ level in the blood.

After a person consumes a meal, the levels of which ion rises in the blood in response to increased acid production in the stomach?


What is the term for a substance that opposes a change in pH in a solution and can either remove or replace hydrogen ions?


Acidosis is a more common problem than alkalosis because many acids are the direct byproducts of metabolic reactions. Which of the following acids is not a metabolic acid?

Carbonic acid

Which of the following is a volatile acid and is a product of the combination of carbon dioxide and water?

Carbonic acid

Which buffer is the most important buffer in the extracellular fluid?

Carbonic acid-bicarbonate buffer

What is formed from the remaining follicle cells that are not ovulated with the secondary oocyte?

Corpus luteum

Which muscle is part of the spermatic cord?

Cremaster muscle

Which of the following structures are not found in the spermatic cord?

Dartos muscle and cremaster muscle

Which of the following would not be associated with a sensation of increased thirst?

Decrease in the production of ADH

Which of the following is true regarding meiosis?

Homologous chromosomes separate during meiosis I, and sister chromatids separate during meiosis II.

What is the term for an abnormally high concentration of sodium in the ECF?


What is the term for an abnormally low concentration of potassium in the blood?


Potassium ions are found in the highest concentrations in which of the following fluid compartments?


Which of the following might be a response to respiratory acidosis?

Increased respiratory rate

Which cells in the testes are responsible for producing testosterone and other androgens?

Interstitial cells

Which of the following is NOT an ECF?

Intracellular fluid

What is an electrolyte?

Ions released through the dissociation of inorganic compounds

What happens to the chromosome number as a result of meiosis?

It is reduced by half.

What would happen if a male were unable to contract the ischiocavernosus and bulbospongiosus muscles?

No ejaculation

What does it take for an ovulated oocyte to become a mature ovum?

Penetration by a sperm

Which is the most abundant cation in the ICF?


What is the combination of a primary oocyte and a single layer of follicle cells called?

Primordial follicle

What hormone does the corpus luteum primarily produce?


Which reproductive gland encircles the urethra as it leaves the bladder and produces an acidic fluid that contributes to semen?

Prostate gland

Which component makes up the largest portion of the solid components in the body?


What is meant by the term metabolic water?

Water generated during oxidative phosphorylation

Which of the following is accurate regarding water content?

Water makes up about 60 percent of the total body weight of an adult male.

Which of the following is NOT a basic principle for understanding fluid and electrolyte balance?

Water moves into and out of cells by active transport.

Renin is released in response to all of the following except ____________.

a decrease in K+ concentration in the renal circulation

Enzymes that help the sperm penetrate the ovum, or egg, are in the ________ of the sperm cell.


The most common problems with electrolyte balance are caused by

an imbalance between sodium gains and losses

Seminiferous tubules and newly produced sperm are separated from the general circulation and the immune system by all of the following except ______________.

blood-brain barrier

The reproductive structures in the perineal region are called __________.

external genitalia

All of the homeostatic mechanisms that monitor and adjust the composition of body fluids respond to changes in the __________.

extracellular fluid

The hormone that promotes spermatogenesis along the seminiferous tubules is __________.

follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)

Severe acidosis (blood pH below 7.0) can be deadly for all of the following reasons except _______________.

hyperventilation leading to a lack of oxygen to critical tissues

The process of erection involves complex neural procedures that include __________.

increased parasympathetic outflow over the pelvic nerves

A loss of H+ or a gain in HCO3- can lead to _________.

metabolic alkalosis

Prolonged vomiting and loss of stomach acid causes __________.

metabolic alkalosis

The process of oogenesis produces three nonfunctional polar bodies that eventually disintegrate, plus __________.

one functional ovum

Fluid and electrolyte balance is maintained by receptors that directly measure _________.

overall osmotic concentration

Blood pH is normally between __________.

pH 7.35−7.45

Sodium ions enter the ECF by crossing the digestive epithelium via __________.

diffusion and active transport

The secretions of the seminal vesicles are discharged into the _________________.

ejaculatory duct

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