Anatomy Final Homework Questions

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Which hormone stimulates the thirst mechanism?


Which fluids are buffered by the phosphate buffer system? (Module 25.8B)

ICF, urine

What is required as a cofactor for hemoglobin synthesis?


The paired erectile bodies in the penis are the

corpora cavernosa

The erectile tissue that surrounds the urethra is

corpus spongiosum

Contraction of which structure compresses the urinary bladder and expels its contents into the urethra?

detrusor muscle

What is the term for painful or difficult urination? (Module 24.18A)


Contractions of the bulbospongiosus muscles result in


Contraction of the dartos muscle

elevates the scrotal sac

The trophoblast has many characteristics of ________ cells


What intermediate compound formed from water and carbon dioxide directly affects the pH of the ECF? (Module 25.7B)

carbonic acid

Which buffer system is most important in the ECF?

carbonic acid-bicarbonate buffer system

The ions in highest concentration in the extracellular fluid are sodium and


The extra-embryonic membrane that forms the fetal portion of the placenta is the


How do recently released oocytes reach the uterine tube? (Module 26.11A)

ciliary fluid currents

What process involves a series of mitotic cell divisions without an increase in the size of the daughter cells?


The ______ is the inner lining of the uterus


Spermatozoa functionally mature within the


If you have to urinate, but have to "hold it" until you can find a bathroom, what structure are you "holding it" with?

external urethral sphincter

The ability to consciously control urination depends on your ability to control which muscle? (Module 24.17B)

external urethral sphincter

Menstruation is triggered by a drop in the levels of


The principle hormone secreted by the corpus lute is


The organ that surrounds the urethra and secretes an antibiotic protein is the

prostate gland

Which solid component makes up most of the body mass? (Module 25.1C)


Contraction of the cremaster muscles

pulls the testes closer to the body cavity

The external marking of the boundary between the two testes is the


Sperm production occurs in the

seminiferous tubules.

_________ arteries supply blood to the functional zone of the endometrium


The ______ ligament extends from the lateral surface of the ovary to the pelvic wall


A pre-embryo that consists of a solid ball of cells is known as what type of structure? (Module 27.3A)


The mesoderm forms


Fertilization of the ovum usually takes place in the

ovarian tube

Metabolic complications of the urinary system associated with diabetes result in:


What are the functions of the gonads? (Module 26.1A)

produce and store gametes

Where in the female reproductive system does fertilization normally occur?

uterine tube

Which structure is associated with formation of primary follicles?

zona pellucida

Interstitial cells produce


The pigmented skin that surrounds the nipple is the


The individual cells produced by cleavage are called


The onset of the first uterine cycle is called


Cervical dilation is caused by which of the following placental hormones? A) relaxin B) human placental lactogen (hPL) C) human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) D) progesterone


Describe the placenta. (Module 27.5C) A) The placenta forms the interface between the embryonic/fetal system and the maternal system. B) The placenta contains fluid that surrounds and cushions the embryo or fetus. C) The placenta forms the interface between the blastocoele and the amniotic cavity. D) The placenta forms the interface between the inner cell mass and the trophoblast. E) The placenta is a layer of cells that surround the yolk sac.


Distinguish between the vesico-uterine and recto-uterine pouches. (Module 26.9A) A) The vesico-uterine pouch is between the uterus and the posterior wall of the bladder and the recto-uterine pouch is between the uterus and the anterior surface of the colon. B) The vesico-uterine pouch is between the uterus and the left lateral wall of the pelvis and the recto-uterine pouch is between the uterus and the right lateral wall of the pelvis. C) The vesico-uterine pouch is between the uterus and the anterior surface of the colon and the recto-uterine pouch is between the uterus and the posterior wall of the bladder. D) The vesico-uterine pouch is between the uterus and the right lateral wall of the pelvis and the recto-uterine pouch is between the uterus and the left lateral wall of the pelvis. E) The vesico-uterine pouch is between the uterus and the inferior surface of the stomach and liver and the recto-uterine pouch is between the uterus and the pelvic floor.


During metabolic alkalosis, the renal tubule cells __________. A) secrete bicarbonate ions into the tubular fluid B) transport the hydrogen ions by diffusion into the ECF C) pump HCO3- into the tubular fluid in exchange for hydrogen ions D) respond by secreting hydrogen ions


How does the urethra differ between males and females? (Module 24.15C) A) The male urethra is longer and also transports semen. B) The male urethra is the same length as the female but also transports semen. C) The male urethra is shorter. D) The male urethra is shorter and also transports semen. E) The male urethra is longer.


Which ovarian structure remains in a state of suspended development until the individual reaches puberty? A) secondary oocyte B) oogonia C) polar body D) primary oocyte


In the hemoglobin buffer system: A) the hydrogen ions are buffered by hemoglobin proteins as the carbonic acid dissociates in the tissues. B) an acid, which dissociates into water and carbon dioxide, is generated. C) the bicarbonate reserve in body fluids plays a significant role. D) CO2 diffuses into the alveoli for inhalation.


Regarding fluid shifts and dehydration, when ADH secretion increases to regulate sodium balance by means of increased water retention without additional water consumption (i.e., you lost water but retained electrolytes and didn't drink water], the end result is: A) increased Na+ levels in ECF compared to the B) original condition. C) decreased sodium concentrations. D) decreased ECF volume compared to the intermediate condition. E) water shifting into the ICF


The embryonic heart starts beating as blood begins to flow through chorionic vessels at approximately _________ of development A) week 3 B) day 3 C) week 2 D) the second trimester E) day 12


The period of gestation when the rudiments of all major organ systems are established is the ________ trimester A) first B) second C) third


Which gestational period is dominated by the development of organs and organ systems? A) second trimester B) first trimester C) postnatal development D) third trimester


A secondary oocyte, not a mature ovum, is ejected from the ovary during ovulation. Oocyte activation brings about all of the following changes EXCEPT A) increase in the metabolic rate of the oocyte B) an increase in stored nutrient levels of the oocyte C) completion of meiosis II D) prevention of fertilization by more than one sperm


Describe a fluid shift. (Module 25.2B) A) a slow transfer of water from the ICF into the ECF. B) the rapid movement of water between the ECF and ICF in response to an osmotic gradient. C) a slow transfer of water from the ECF into the ICF. D) the rapid movement of water from the solid compartments into the ECF and ICF in response to an osmotic gradient. E) the rapid movement of water from the ECF and ICF into the solid components in response to an osmotic gradient.


Name the four extra-embryonic membranes (Module 27.5A) A) amnion, placenta, umbilical stalk, and chorion B) yolk sac, amnion, allantois, and the chorion C) yolk sac, amnion, blastocoele, and the trophoblast D) endoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm, gastroderm


Secretion of potassium into the urine is A) decreased by aldosterone. B) increased by aldosterone. C) increased when the exchange pump binds H+. D) associated with the secretion of sodium from the distal tubules and collecting ducts. E) None of the answers is correct.


The clitoris A) is topped by vestibular glands. B) contains erectile tissue comparable to the corpora cavernosa of the penis. C) is derived from the same embryonic structures as the scrotum in males. D) is encircled by the mons pubis. E) is protected by the vesico-uterine pouch.


The main organs of the female reproductive tract include all of the following EXCEPT the A) uterus B) urinary bladder C) ovaries D) vagina E) mammary glands


The normal pH range for extracellular fluid is A) 7.15-7.25. B) 7.35-7.45. C) 6.95-7.00. D) 7.25-7.35. E) 7.45-7.55.


What is a pyelogram? (Module 24.15B) A) An ultrasound of the kidneys to detect solid masses such as renal calculi. B) An x-ray image of the urinary system taken after a radiopaque dye was administered. C) A study of the components of urine. D) A graph of the 24 hour glomerular filtration rate. E) A laparoscopic evaluation of the inside of the bladder and ureters


Which of the following statements is most accurate in explaining the value of the large numbers of sperm ejaculated to cause fertilization? A) Hundreds of sperm contacting the oocyte membrane triggers oocyte activation. B) A single sperm does not possess enough acrosomal enzymes to penetrate the oocyte by itself. C) A male who ejaculates less than 100 million sperm is functionally sterile. D) Normally, thousands of sperm reach the site of fertilization.


during the proliferative phase of the uterine cycle, A) menses occurs B) the functional zone of the endometrium is restored C) the corpus luteum is forming D) the uterine glands enlarge E) the fertilized ovum implants


A fetus undergoes its largest absolute weight gain during which trimester? (Module 27.8C) A) first trimester B) second trimester C) third trimester


A mature follicle releases an ovum in response to a surge in A) oxytocin B) follicle-stimulating hormone C) luteinizing hormone D) progesterone E) estrogen


Functions of the accessory glands of the male reproductive system include all of the following EXCEPT A) producing buffers B) activating the spermatozoa C) producing spermatozoa D) propelling spermatozoa and fluids along the reproductive tract E) meeting the nutrient needs of spermatozoa for motility


Metabolic water is A) water consumed as liquid. B) the combination of all water consumed per day. C) water produced through catabolic processes. D) water consumed in food. E) water produced through anabolic processes.


The primary role of FSH in males is to A) stimulate the nurse cells to produce inhibit B) stimulate the interstitial cells to produce testosterone C) initiate sperm production in the testes D) influence sexual behaviors and sex drive E) develop and maintain secondary sex characteristics


The vagina is A) similar to the inner lining of the uterus B) another term for the cervix C) a muscular tube extending between the uterus and the external lgenitalia D) lined by simple columnar epithelium, rich in goblet cells E) a muscular tube extending between the uterus and the anus


When the pH of the extracellular fluid drops, the kidneys A) excrete more hydrogen ions and excrete more bicarbonate ions. B) excrete more hydrogen ions. C) excrete more hydrogen ions and reabsorb bicarbonate ions. D) reabsorb bicarbonate ions. E) excrete more bicarbonate ions.


Which fertilization even occurs immediately after the formation of the male and female pronucleus? A) release of a secondary oocyst and the first polar body B) cytokinesis begins C) spindle formation and cleavage begins D) oocyte activation begins


Which of the following statements concerning oogenesis if FALSE? A) by the time of their birth, girls have already lost about 80 percent of their oocytes B) an ovum completes meiosis after it is fertilized C) about half of the oogonia complete mitosis between birth and puberty D) oogenesis begins before birth E) Ova develop from stem cells called oogonia


All of the following are true of the vagina EXCEPT that it A) forms the lower portion of the birth canal B) receives the penis during coitus C) holds spermatozoa prior to their passage to the uterus D) loses a portion of its lining during menses E) serves as a passageway for the elimination of menstrual fluids


Compare benign prostatic hypertrophy with prostate cancer. (Module 26.17A) A) Benign prostatic hypertrophy affects young men whereas prostate cancer affects older men. B) Benign prostatic hypertrophy affects the seminal glands in addition to the prostate whereas prostate cancer just affects the prostate gland. C) Benign prostatic hypertrophy affects older men whereas prostate cancer affects young men. C) Benign prostatic hypertrophy is an enlargement of the prostate whereas prostate cancer is a malignancy. D) Benign prostatic hypertrophy is a malignancy whereas prostate cancer is a shrinkage of the prostate gland.


Define vasectomy. (Module 26.16C) A) surgical sterilization of males by the removal of the prostate gland. B) surgical sterilization of males by the removal of the testes. C) surgical sterilization of females by blocking the uterine tubes. D) surgical sterilization of males by cutting the ductus deferens. E) surgical sterilization of females by removal of the uterus


During amphimixis A) sperm become capacitated B) gametes are formed C) meiosis occurs D) the male and female pronuclei fuse E) the zygote is formed with 46 chromosomes


How many sperm will eventually be produced from each primary spermatocyte? (Module 26.3B) A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 E) 6


Increased sodium levels in the ECF result in which of the following outcomes? A) thirst inhibition B) increased water losses at the kidneys C) reduced ECF volume D) stimulation of osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus


Part complete Which of the following descriptions best fits the acid-base disorder respiratory alkalosis? A) consequence of prolonged vomiting B) consequence of reduced alveolar ventilation, for example due to COPD C) consequence of tissue hypoxia, for example in ischemic conditions D) consequence of hyperventilation, for example in fever or mental illness


Peristaltic contractions, beginning at the renal pelvis, sweep along the ureter, forcing urine toward the urinary bladder. In a normal, healthy person, how often do these contractions occur? A) once every minute B) 12-15 times a minute C) every 2 minutes D) every 30 seconds or so E) It is not known how often these contractions occur.


When does the placenta become sufficiently functional to continue the pregnancy? (Module 27.7C) A) after 1 week B) after 9 weeks C) after the second trimester D) after the first trimester E) after 1 month


Which statement is true regarding fluid balance in the digestive tract? A) As the solute concentration drops in the lumen of the digestive tract, water moves across the epithelium and out of the interstitial fluid. B) Intestinal epithelial cells continuously absorb nutrients and ions, and these activities gradually increase the solute concentration in the lumen. C) Once within the interstitial fluid, the absorbed water is slowly distributed throughout the ICF. D) All the water movement in the digestive tract involves passive water flow down osmotic gradients.


Why does a mother's blood volume increase during pregnancy? (Module 27.9B) A) A mother's blood volume increases to strengthen the immune system. B) A mother's blood volume increases to keep up with her increase in tidal volume. C) A mother's blood volume increases due to the weight of the fetus. D) A mother's blood volume increases to accommodate for flow through the placenta. E) A mother's blood volume increases to keep up with the increase in GFR


Describe the chorionic villi (Module 27.6A) A) forms the interface between embryonic/fetal system and the amniotic fluid B) forms the umbilical cord C) contain fluid that surrounds and cushions the embryo or fetus D) form the yolk sac E) are structures that extend into the maternal tissues through which maternal blood flows


During gastrulation, A) the blastomeres fuse B) the placenta penetrates the endometrium C) blastomeres form D) the neural tube closes E) three germ layers are formed


In an adult male, the body consists of about ________ percent water. A) 40 B) 80 C) 10 D) 90 E) 60


The pituitary hormone stimulates the interstitial cells to secrete testosterone is A) GH B)ADH C)ACTH D)FSH E)LH


The reproductive system does not include A) mammary glands. B) gonads and external genitalia. C) ducts that receive and transport the gametes. D) accessory glands and organs that secrete fluids. E) None of the answers is correct


What is the primary challenge to acid-base homeostasis? (Module 25.6B) A) blood pH must be maintained at exactly 7.0. B) only the lungs can increase pH. C) buffer systems only work within tissues not in the blood plasma. D) the difficulty exhaling CO2 causing accumulation of acid. E) the body generates a variety of acids during normal metabolic operations causing a decrease in pH.


What would happen to the blood PCO2 of a patient who has an airway obstruction? (Module 25.10A) A) Blood PCO2 would decrease, resulting in respiratory alkalosis. B) Blood PCO2 would increase, resulting in respiratory alkalosis. C) Blood PCO2 would decrease, resulting in respiratory acidosis. D) Blood PCO2 would increase, resulting in metabolic acidosis. E) Blood PCO2 would increase, resulting in respiratory acidosis.


Which pathogen is associated with most cases of cervical cancer? (Module 26.17B) A) Syphilis B) human immunodeficiency virus C) rhinovirus D) Chlamydia E) human papilomavirus


________ play(s) a key role in maintaining acid-base homeostasis by eliminating carbon dioxide.

The respiratory system

The ________ of a sperm contains the enzymes essential for fertilization.

acrosomal cap

The extra-embryonic membrane that forms a fluid-filled sac is the


The presence of which placental hormone (in blood or urine samples) provides a reliable indication of pregnancy?

human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)

Attachment to and penetration of the endometrium by the blastocyst is referred to as


The opening connecting the uterus to the cervical canal is the

internal os

Testosterone is secreted by the

interstitial cells

About two-thirds of the body's fluid is within cells and is termed ________ fluid.


Near the nipple, each lactiferous duct enlarges, forming an expanded structure called a

lactiferous sinus

The endoderm forms

the urinary bladder

The ______ is formed by a portion of the allantois, blood vessels, and remnants of the yolk sac

umbilical cord

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